ms end ' season winners.... 2-B Perry speaks * at #1 Club banquet ___..... 5-C fe: • ■ --V', . v;.:- ■■ ■ aV;-’ v % | Students rally for test taking success session 9-A Family [ Fun Day j a success ! BY ROBBIE LAUGHTON I Contributing Writer ■ When Gwen Brown, Karen I Ames and Rose Hawkins get [ together and plan an event you | can usually count on three I things. There will be fun, there I will be food, and there will be I a great time had by everyone. 1 On Saturday, May 10, the | three coordinators of after- I school programs in Chowan 1 County brought together the j participants, parents and vol- I unteers to sponsor their an- | nual “Family Fun Day”. This Kids check out a fire truck from the Edenton Fire Department ^ ... A roulette wheel-style exhibit at this table drew the in terest of youngsters at Family Fun Day. event marks the end of the year for the After-School Plus, SOS, and Intensive Supervi sion Programs sponsored by the Edenton-Chowan Schools, NC Department of Juvenile Justice, and the Edenton Chowan Recreation Depart ment. Overall there are 115 stu dents enrolled in these pro grams offering tutoring, reme diation, character building, community service, and recre ation. Over 200 people attended the family day on the campus of Chowan Middle School and several activities were plan ned. There were the softball games, tug-of-war, and three legged races for the physically active. There were educational Photos courtesy of Gwen Brown exhibits by the Edenton Fire Department, Food and Nutri tion by the Edenton-Chowan Schools, and Smoke-Free Schojpls by Jean Bunch. There was face painting, kid identi fication, the Optimist Club Train, and members of the John A. Holmes Step Team. And of course there was food, drinks and snowballs. Also on hand were members of the Chowan County SAFE KIDS Coalition and the Eden ton Police Department to put on a Bike Safety Rodeo. Free bike helmets were awarded to . all kids that successfully par ticipated in the bike rodeo events. Kids learned how to properly and safely make hand signals, how to keep properly balanced while riding, and what to do at intersections and when riding with traffic. After-School Plus Coordina tor; Gwen Brown, had this to Steamers planning skills training camps for kids BY REBECCA BUNCH Managing Editor The Edenton Steamers cor dially invite local youngsters nine to 18 years of .age to come out and play ball with them this summer. “Our first and second an nual Baseball Camps were such a big hit that we will again host two camps in 2003,” explained Steamers General Manager Todd Hunter. Camps take place at Historic Hicks Field, the “Home of the Eden ton Steamers”. Hunter said that at the be ginning of each camp, “the kids are divided into groups and coached by Steamers play ers and coaches in pitching, WBggaESir- ■■■ . ~ fielding and hitting.” The first camp will take place Thursday, June 26 through Saturday, June 28; The second will be held Thursday, July 10 through Saturday, July 12. Hours will be 9 a.m. until noon. Registration fee is $35. Sign-up is limited to 40 youth for each camp. Register by call ing 482-4080. TT 1 Members of the Community Music and Water Festival Committee make plans for the free waterfront event on Saturday, June 14th from noon until 8 pm. Some planned events include: canoe and kayak paddling, games, sailing, eco-exhibits, great food and live music. They are: Robbie Laughton; Nancy Nicholls; Kermit Layton; and Sue Clark. - say about the event. I am very thankful to the many volun teers that came out and helped with our family fun day The kids had a great time and we had a lot of fantastic commu nity service agencies providing information. Not only did the kids have fun, but also they learned something along the way. Thanks again to everyone for making it such a great day”. Special thanks goes to the fol lowing people and agencies for their help: Chowan Middle School; Officer Lamell Valen tine; Alfred Cooper; Laura Rankins; Vernon Privott; Ken ny Rankins; Joe Fain; Marcus Hawkins; Mary Williams; Alice Bunch; Carolyn Leary; Mark Noneman and the Cho-wan Edenton Optimist Club; Every wear T-Shirts; Sharon Bunch; Wanda Brooks; Myra Fain; Linda Leary; Reta Blair and the SAFE KIDS Coalition; Robbie Laughton and the Edenton Chowan Recreation Depart ment; the Edenton Police De partment and Officers Stulick and Copeland; Karen Ames, Rose Hawkins and especially Gwen Brown. Town Council okays hazard mitigation plan BY REBECCA BUNCH Managing Editor The Edenton Town Council last Tuesday evening adopted a hazard mitigation plan that shouldbetter enable the com munity to quickly obtain state and federal assistance for ar eas sustaining damage. The plan would kick into effect in the event of natural disasters ranging from hurricanes to. blizzards. Those wo rked to develop the plan, including outgoing Plan ner Chad Sary and Emergency Medical Services Director Doug Belch, noted that the deadline for having such a plan in place was November, 2004. “We are ahead of the game, and we are very proud of that,” said Belch in his remarks to Council. Belch said that the plan was developed in accordance with FEMA'guidelines and takes into account that Edenton could sustain significant infra structure damage under the right circumstances and must be prepared for that possibility He noted that there is a five year implemetation deadline in place, adding that federal officials were looking for a “good faith effort” being made to move forward on the part of local officials. r i Belch added that over the past year funding had been obtained to allow a survey crew from Washington, DC to examine Holmes High School, which would serve as the local shelter for Edenton residents in the event of a disaster. Memorial Day service planned BY REBECCA BUNCH Managing Editor Chowan County’s 12th an nual Memorial Day Service will take place Monday morn ing, May 26, at 8 a.m. at the Chowan County Veterans Me morial in Edenton. Everyone is welcome. • Master of ceremonies will be George Stokes of Edward G. Bond Post 40 American Legion in Edenton. Keynote speaker will be the Rev. Thomas Biggs, pastor of the Cape Colony Church of Christ. ' Also participating in the pro gram will be Lynn Bundy, drama teacher at John A. Holmes High School, who will sing “The Star-Spangled Ban ner” and “God Bless America”. “Taps” will be performed by Larry Privott and the Edward G. Bond Post 40 will provide the Color Guard which will lay service wreaths and memorial wreaths during the ceremony “We ask everyone to come and honor those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for their country,” said Stokes. Rosa Bunch (at left holding torch) helps the Edenton delegation prepare for their leg of the Torch Run Monday morning. Bunch coordinated the effort locally. Torch Run passes through By TAMIKA SPRUILL Staff Writer Law enforcement officers across North Carolina began relaying the Special Olympics Flame of Hope across the state in Asheville May 8 in prepara tion for the 2003 Special Olym pics North Carolina Summer Games Opening ceremony to be held May 30 in Raleigh. The Edenton Police Depart-' ment proudly participated in their leg of the relay on Mon day morning. The torch relay started in Elizabeth City and ran through Hertford to Edenton where Pasquotank County law enforcement offic ers Shannon Ashley (Pasquo tank Correctional Institution), Anton Thomas (ECSU Police Dept.), and Officer T.R. Poole (Elizabeth City Police Dept.) relayed the torch to Edenton Police Department members. Sgt. Brenda Toppin, Officer Stephen White, Bike Patrol Officer Dennis Smith, Rosa Bunch and Brenda Parks along with high school students Jack Pierce and Artrice Heckstall walked the torch from Diary Queen on North Broad Street to the Police Department at the end of South Broad Street. The group was led by highway pa trol and followed by Edenton Police. The 2003 Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olym pics North Carolina is a 2,000 mile, 14-leg torch relay that in volves more than 4,000 law en forcement officers and person See TORCH On Page 3-A IN MEMORY OF THOSE WHO ARE GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN.. . AND... liHONOR OF OUR CHOWAN COUNTY HEROES WHO ARE PROTECTING OUR FREEDOM - i.; . ... PROMOTE PATRIOTISM — DISPLAY THIS WEEK’S D-SECTION PROUDLY IN YOUR WINDOW!, —Safe *8 WKwMttifci yp ji-uHuh* ifeii