482-4418 Aces serve up I NCC title SPORTS, B1 Local gymnasium named in honor of late Commissioner Wayne Goodwin INSIDE,A2 CELEBRITY SPOTTING Hollywood's premier poster artist visits Edenton INSIDE, A8 Jean Kane's swamp nationally recognized as safe haven COMMUNITY, C1 * MOTHER’S DAY ; A mother’s love passed down Single working mother finds same values as her mom BY EARLINE WHITE Staff Writer In kindergarten Jennifer Harris made her mother, Ruby, tissue paper flowers for Mother’s Day. On the way home it began to rain. She cried as she handed the wilted flowers to her mother. Years later, after her mother had passed from a tragic car accident, Jennifer found the flowers stashed alongside nearly ev erything she had ever given her. “I had no idea she kept it — I don’t ■ even remem ber what it was... My mother was the matri arch of our family. She was a rock. She had a lot to do with the mother I am today,” Harris said. Harris, a single, mother of two, has See MOM, Page A2 > From top/ Jennifer Harris and her children Jasmyn and Christopher Earline White/The Chowan Herald Daniel Eaves of Perquimans County High School, winder of the new car, is congratulated by Stewart Deacon with Edenton Motors and Perquimans County High School Principal James Bunch. Holmes student Cherelle Brown hopes and prays for luck, before the drawing. Student rides in style BY EARLINE WHITE Staff Writer Two hundred high school stu dents stood in the rain Friday morning hoping that it would be a day they’d never forget. They were waiting to hear the name of the junior or senior who would receive a 2007 Chevrolet Aveo, donated by Edenton Motors, for getting good grades this past year Project KEYS, a collaboration between Communities in Schools and Edenton Motors, was the first ever of its kind and was respon sible for the largest donation made by a business in recent years. As groups were eliminated by last names, school and finally by sex, the remaining students cheered, hugged and screamed. When Daniel Eaves’ name was called he seemed dumbstruck. He walked slowly up to the front of the line and with a Cheshire grin slowly emerging, took the keys in hand. Eaves, a senior at Perquimans County High, is planning to at tend ECSU in the fall. He admitted that when he woke up that morning he hadn’t put any thought into actually win ning the car. “1 have to call my mom,” he said. Eaves will be given the car offi cially at the Perquimans Senior awards day ceremony on May 16. OLF PROPOSAL Navy may examine other sites BY SEAN JACKSON Staff Writer. The Navy’s top official says he might consider alternate locations to - the three proposed jet airfield sites in northeast North Carolina. But a local offi cial says it’s a sign that the preferred site in nearby Washington County may have lost some of its lus ter. “I see this as fur ther information that the Navy’s quest for Wash ington County is in trouble,” Edenton Town Manager Anne Marie Knighton said. Navy Secre tary Donald Win ter announced recently that informa tion about other potential sites — as is three are in this area, including the top choice in Washington County — would be accepted. Navy spokesman Ted Brown said that move could open the door for the outlying landing field [OLF] to be built somewhere other than northeast North Carolina. “The Navy will consider input about sites that would meet our sit ing requirement,” Brown said. Brown cautioned that a final deci sion is still pending. “It’s important to consider where we are in the process,” he said. “There has been no decision yet.” A final decision by Navy Secretary Knighton Copeland See OLF, Page A2 > Local named N.C.’s teacher of the year James Bell, CMS English teacher hailed as top state educator BY SEAN JACKSON Staff Writer James Bell’s homeroom stu dents at Chowan Middle School say they aren’t sur prised he won the state’s top teacher award last week. Huddled around the eighth grade English teacher yester day morning, the students ©2006 The Chowan Herald All Rights Reserved were chatting with Bell about assignments, schedules, mov ies and, yes, even the late Tupac Shakur. All the while, a pair of fe male CMS students aired the day’s announcements from a TV screen in the front of the room. “Are you guys listening to the news? Bell asked as stu dents grabbed their seats to tppf.TStS.... r-fcV.V.v INDEX B A Local • Opinion...A6 , land Transfers.A5 start the morning. “No!” the students chuckled in unison. Within seconds, Bell had moved on to questioning Arenia Roulac as to whether or not she plans to finish the book she was reading. Precious ac celerated reader points are at stake, Bell pointed out. “I am,” Roulac said. “I want to meet my AR goal.” Bell was named the state’s Teacher of the Year for 2007/ 08 in Cary last Tuesday. He had already been named the district and region’s top teacher. He received cash, a high-tech interactive Smart Board for his classroom, and a brand-new Pontiac G6. Bell traded in his own See BELL, Page A2 >■ Sports/School C Recreation News...... B1 NASCAR...B2 School ...B4,5 Recreation News...... B1 NASCAR...B2 School..Mi...,....B4,5 Sean Jackson/The Chowan Herald Bell talks with his homeroom class about visitors coming to the school today. Community News Upcoming Events ....,C2 Society.. C4 Obituaries C6 Church... C7,8 D Classifieds Buy/Sell/Trade...... D1,6 Service Directory.D2 Employment.D3 Girl bags turkey on first try .SPORTS, B1 Edenton-Chowan Kiwanis Club’s 20th Annual edehton scout hut Saturday, lay 12,2007 • 11:00 am - 5:30 pm llr & ■ or Frank Jones 483Hi)305Ail-'