482-4418 Wednesday, November 11, 2009 RELAY FOR LIFE, VETERANS DAY PLANS See page B5 Group hopeful of saving longtime movie house By Rebecca Bunch Staff Writer Last month, for the first time in all the years he has owned the Tay lor Theater, Bob Krochmal could not pay his rent. Business has been that bad. But with the help of some sup porters who don’t want to see Eden ton lose its only movie theater, Kro chmal is hopeftil it may survive. Supporters like Mayor Roland Vaughan, Larry Sellers and Sambo Dixon have been working to try and help the business get back on a sol id financial footing. “They have been tremendous, getting people to come,” Krochmal said. Sellers said he was very con cerned about the future of the the ater, one of the few places in town for young people to go, and wanted to do what he could to keep it open. Another good friend has been Frank Jones, co-owner of the Soda Shoppe. Jones has known Kroch mal since he (Jones) managed the McDonald’s franchise here and the two have participated in joint ven tures before. Wanting to help his old friend, Jones developed a plan to donate 20 percent of the proceeds from all meals eaten at the Soda Shoppe during specially designated hours on Fridays from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. and on Sundays from noon until 2 p.m. “My brother Steve and I know Bob is struggling, as many of us downtown are in this tough econo my, and we wanted to do whatever we could to help him,” Jones said. One idea that has been a big help is the use of what Krochmal calls “punch tickets”. These are tickets that look similar to a coupon. Those who purchase them for $60 can see seven movies, saving a dollar off the regular price for each movie they view. The idea has been pretty success ful, Krochmal said, enabling him to keep the doors open. He also has booked a number of big new movies for the holiday sea son in hopes of luring more people to the theater. Playing right now is Jim Carrey’s new movie, “A Christ-, mas Carol”. It will be followed .by the premiere of 2012. And “New Moon,” the newest movie in the Twilight series, opens at the Taylor Theater on Nov. 20. “Old Dogs,” starring John Tra volta and Robin Williams hits the screen on Nov. 25, followed by Disney’s “Princess and the Frog” which will feature hand-drawn ani mation. “Disney is about the only stu dio that does this anymore,” said See TAYLOR on Page 3A Quinn npbeat about future Upset winner talks jobs, taxes, crime By Rebecca Bunch Staff Writer Being a winner can take some getting used to. Just ask Bob Quinn. Quinn pulled off an upset victory on Election Day last Tuesday to capture the at-large seat on the Edenton Town Council. That seat had been held for close to two decades by incumbent Jerry Parks, director of Albemarle Re gional Health Services. Contacted that evening, Quinn said he was “still ad justing” to.the news. In the days since then, he has been talking with well wishers and reflecting on how he can best serve the people of the town. One way, he said, is to listen and to be open and accessible to all the citizens of the town. As at-large councilman, he can go into any ward and meet , with citizens to hear their con cerns. And, he said, he would be glad to do that. Based on conversations he had with voters while cam paigning, and concerns voiced during a candidates’ forum hosted by the Edenton-Chow an Civic League, Quinn has already identified some pri orities. Those include: • Crime Prevention — (In speaking to the Civic League) “I heard loudly that crime, and violence, unemployment and economic growth are huge problems we must face head-on. We must protect our See QUINN on Page 3A Girl’s shelter cash jar stolen ‘Lucy Life’ author, 10, is forgiving By Rebecca Bunch Staff Writer “We’regood buddies,” is how 10-year-old Emma Brentjens describes her relationship' with her cat, Lucy. Their friendship has in spired Emma to create a news letter, “Lucy Life,” that she is distributing free of charge to local stores. Beside each stack of newsletters is a glass jar In which those who pick up a newsletter can drop in a dona tion for the Tri-County Ani mal Shelter in Edenton. ' So far, Emma’s entertaining tales of life with Lucy have convinced people to donate more than $100 to the effort. Not so happily, a few days 02009 The Chowan Herald • All Rights Reserved N. PHOTO COURTESY UZ BRENTJENS Emma Brentjens poses with her cat Lucy, recently. Emma, 10, is active in supporting the local animal shelter, but a few days ago someone stole one of the shelter donation jars she oversees. The jar had about $40 in it. ago, someone walked away from the Soda Shoppe In down town Edenton with one of the jars that contained about $40. Has the theft changed Em ma’s feelings about people? Not in the least. By the time the paper comes out Wednesday, she said, she hopes to have a new glass jar out at the Soda Shoppe so that people who want to help still See JAR on Page 3A 'Stake it' r 1 STAFF PHOTO BY BRETT A. CLARK Pledge cards sit on the front lawn of Chowan Hospital during the hospital’s “Stake It” event in which children pledged to be free of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, Monday. Z.T. EVANS FAMILY Tuesday, November 17, 2009eat-in or Leon Nixon Catering, Donation: RELAY FOR LIFE TEAM 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm » TAKE-OUT 749 Virginia road, edenton $10.00 r FRIED CHICKEN, BBQ & FISH DINNER (Catered by Leon Nixon Catering) AUCTION Entertainment will be provided $ iiJfitftet - -V ■ ■ . * • ■ & i . ' I