482-4418 .V, ____ Wednesday, December 22, 201Q _. , .7. ___»_ Kids share their letters to Santa, Page IB By RITCHIE E. STARNES Editor Fire ripped through the Center Hill United Methodist Church parsonage last Tues day night. Center Hill Cross Roads vol unteer fire fighters battled the 5:31 p.m. blaze that charred the bottom floor while caus ing smoke and water dam age to the second floor of the wood-frame house, according to Capt. L.W. Nixop. “The point of origin is the left front corner,” Nixon said. That bottom-floor room is said to be the house’s living room with a stairway located in the center of the home. A Toy Story aMMHM —acr i PHOTOS BY RITCHIE E STARNES Martha and Don Jernigan stand among their collection of vintage toys amassed over a 25-year pursuit. Don, 59, has been consumed with collecting toys after his childhood was cut short with the death of his mother. Vintage toys fill lost childhood Model cars still pack aged line a garage wall as part of Don's Antique Toys. ■ Soup Kitchen serves 50 weekly Organizers seek expanded site By REBECCA BUNCH Staff Writer A warm, filling bowl of homemade soup and fel lowship can thaw the emo ©2009 The Chowan Herald All Rights Reserved **"*?;** St. Paul's Episcopal Church 4. w Our Lord s Birth” %. 1 : * # r;-. * . ■£ . . ■ v $T. PAUL’S, lpl W. CHURCH ST. % Father Thomas M. Rickenbaker, Rector invites you to their CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICES 5:30 PM CHILDREN’S SERVICE 10:30 PM SPECIAL CHRISTMAS MUSIC 11:00 PM CANDLELIGHT COMMUNION That part of the house was clearly the most vis ibly burned. Firefighters re mained on the scene until 8:20 p.m., extinguishing hot spots. Heat also caused the exterior siding to melt. As for a cause, Nixon said it’s too soon for a determina tion. “I don’t have a cause of fire as we speak. It’s all still unde termined,” he added. Howard Henninger, church trustee, said the Rev. Sadat Mendez, minister and parson age resident, told him that he had left an electric heater run ning in the living room. : See BLAZE, 7A tional cold of the economi cally challenged. , That’s the theory be hind Open Door Baptist Church’s desire to con tinue operating the Soup Kitchen it began between the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Church member Sheryl Daughety, who started the effort, said as many as 25 people have shown up at the Soup Kitchen, happy to find a hot meal and a warm ' See KITCHEN, 3A By RITCHIE E. STARNES Editor ; How does one recapture lost Christ mases? A Ryland man has been try ing to fill a lifelong void by collecting children’s toys that eluded his youth. Walking into any one of three build ings at his home is akin to a time capsule that depicts a world of play. Vintage toys consume 59-year-old Don Jernigan’s past time. Although the toys date between the 50s and the 70s, most are like new, still See TOYS, 9A‘ SUBMITTED PHOTO Shirley Waff slices bread for those coming to eat at the Soup Kitchen on Soundside Road in Edenton. PHOTO BY RITCHIE STARNES Firefighters work to extinguish hot spots after last Tuesday evening’s fire gutted the parsonage of the Center Hill United Methodist Church in Tyner. The blaze appeared to have started in the left front, or living room, of the two-stoiy house. According to Howard Henninger, church trustee, the Rev. Sadat Mendez had departed the residence prior to the 5:31 p.m. fire to pick up his visiting mother at the ^Raleigh Durham International Airport. Split vote OKs alcohol in town’s council chambers By REBECCA BUNCH Staff Writer Those attending future Chowan Arts Council openings or fundraisers will be able to enjoy a glass of beer, wine or a mixed drink. In a split decision, the Edenton Town Council voted 3-2 at its monthly meeting on Dec. 14 to allow those attending Chowan Arts Council events to consume alco holic beverages within the CAC’s leased space Town planner to be part-time By REBECCA BUNCH Staff Writer The Town of Edenton may soon have a new plan ner in place. The Town Council voted at its Dec. 14 meeting to approve the position as a part-time, 24-30 hour a week job with no benefits. It budgeted $33,680 to pay the planner’s salary. Mayor pro tern Steve Biggs, who heads the ad ministrative committee, expressed disappointment that the town could not af ford to fund the position at a full-time level. “I don’t mind telling ya’ll I still hate the idea that we Pantry's Christmas Baskets PHOTO BY RITCHIE E. STARNES More than 300 people braved frigid temperatures Fri day morning and stood in line to collect Christmas bas kets from the Edenton-Chowan Food Pantry. Some 40 volunteers helped with the two-hour long distribution that included a holiday meal with all the trimmings. as well as in an area that includes the Council’s chambers. That space is adjacent to the area of the former municipal building re cently leased by the town to the CAC. The Town Council had previously agreed to allow the use of its chambers to han dle any overflow of visi tors to the gallery dur ing receptions and other events. -1 Voting in favor of the See CAC,4A don’t have the money to fund it fulltime,” Biggs said. Biggs added that he 'wanted to keep that idea on the table for when fu ture funds were available. Councilman Sambo Dix on agreed. While the Council dis cussed the idea of offering benefits for the new posi tion, the board decided it would not be appropriate since other part-time em ployees with the town do not receive benefits. “It wouldn’t work out,” Councilman Willis Privott said, noting that the town See PLANNER, 7A