482-4418 Wednesday, May 4, 2011 Paper Social Security checks ending Electronic benefits began last Sunday By WILLIAM F. WEST > Staff Writer The days of mailing Social Security and other STAFF PHOTO BY KIP SHAW Edenton Woman’s Club member Terri Fox waits to greet Pilgrimage Tour visitors at the James Ceffiel&House at 209 East King St., currently the home of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Sorensen. Organizers, visitors deem Pilgrimage a success Event fetches about $20,000 - By REBECCA BUNCH Staff Writer .' i , About 1,000 people took advantage of the mild weekend weather to visit Edenton during its Bi ennial Pilgrimage, organiz ers said Monday. Tour treasurer Marilyn Racine said the tour raised around $20,000 putting it on par with the Pilgrimage held in 2009. Proceeds will be used toward historical preservation efforts. “We weren’t quite sure what to expect, given the state of the economy,” Racine said. “But we were very pleased with the way things turned out.” This year’s tour attracted many first-timers to the See PILGRIMAGE, 6A Osama bin Laden is killed; locals ‘glad he’s gone’ Most worry about retaliation in US By BILL WEST Staff Writer Willie Gorham was in his 70s when terrorists hi jacked four U.S. airplanes 02009 The Chowan Herald All Rights Reserved . A--, • V .. i •. federal benefits checks are. coming to an end. In an effort to cut costs, the U.S. Treasury Depart ment is phasing out using paper as a way to pay peo ple for social insurance, Veterans Affairs benefits and other federal benefits. The Edenton Carriage Company added a touch of period class to the Pilgrimage tour weekend by providing rides around town for tour visitors. and flew three Into build ings and the fourth into the ground, killing more than 3,000 Americans in the worst-ever terrorist at tack on U.S. soil. Because of. his health problems, Gorham, now 83, didn’t think he’d live long enough to see the man ac cused of masterminding those attacks — al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden — either captured or killed. But he did. Bin Laden was killed Sunday by an elite team of 40 U.S. Navy SEALs during Starting Sunday, anyone newly applying for such federal benefits checks is going to have to select an electronic option to re ceive payments, Melody Barrett, a Treasury De partment spokeswoman, said. a covert operation in Paki stan, ending a nearly 10 year manhunt for likely the most notorious terrorist in history Gorham, who was read ing newspaper accounts of bin Laden’s death at the Elizabeth City-Pasquotank Senior Center on Monday, said he thinks someone had to know about bin Laden’s whereabouts all that time. He wonders why it took nearly a decade to find him. All the same, he’s glad that bin Laden is finally gone. ; “It’s good that he’s out,” The change to a com pletely electronic system is going to save taxpayers more than $1 billion over a decade, Barrett said. One option is direct de posit into a bank or credit union account, while the other option is a direct ex he said. Mary Armstrong, 72, was also happy that U.S. forces were finally able to find and kill bin Laden. She credits God for helping the U.S. pinpoint bin Laden’s hid ing place at a private com pound in Pakistan. “He was a thorn in our. side. And I feel like the United States is much bet ter off ..." with bin Laden gone, she said Armstrong said she’s most happy for U.S. troops — who’ve been deployed to fight in wars in both Af press pre-paid debit card. Barrett said a major reason for the change is more than 18 million baby boomers are going to reach retirement age in the next five years. “That’s about 10,000 people a day that are be coming eligible for Social Security benefits,” Barrett said. ‘‘So, with that wave of baby boomers coming, we thought we needed to get out in front of this to See CHECKS, 2A Planning Board requests UDO amendment From staff reports The Edenton Planning Board, by a majority vote, agreed Monday night to recommend to the town council that its Unified Development Ordinance be amended to allow fruit and vegetable markets. The request to amend the UDO came from the Chowan-Edenton Environmen tal Group that wants to see the Edenton Farmers Market that it operates be al lowed in the R-5 residential zoning dis trict near the Mill Village. The CEEG hopes to relocate its market to that site on an abandoned railroad property bounded by East Queen Street. That use is not currently allowed in that neigh borhood under the UDO. The UDO regulates zoning and sub division regulations, flood damage See BOARD, 7A County calls for budget public hearing By RITCHIE STARNES Editor The Chowan County Board of Com missioners has called for a May 16 pub lic hearing to address the next fiscal budget. Taxpayers will then get an opportuni ty to speak on any concerns about Chow an’s $16 million annual budget. During Monday night's scheduled board meet ing, commissioners made no changes to the county manager’s recommended budget for 2011-12 other than to approve a $120,000 loan to the Emergency Man agement Service for the purchase of a new ambulance. It also approved via the consent agen da to increase the county’s revenue froit) the state’s tax distribution from beer and wine sales. The underestimated revenue of $21,800 will be used to fund a study about the county’s employee com pensation. Funds for the ambulance purchase will See BUDGET, 4A ghanistan and Iraq in the decade ever since the Sept. 11,2001 attacks. “I’ll be even happier if we can get ‘em out of Afghani stan,” she said. At Elizabeth City State University, sophomore Kay anna Carroll, 21, of Enfield, was also pleased with the news that bin Laden was dead. "He (bin Laden) started so many issues within the United States and within other countries,” Carroll said. “And he just really needed to be taken out.” Although Carroll was just a youngster when the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks took place, her father’s distant relatives were among the victims killed in the attack on the World Trade Center in New York City. Philip Dance, 69, a for mer longtime Northrop Grumman shipyard work er, called bin Laden’s death “a blessing to the United States.” He praised the Obama administration’s handling of the military See BIN LADEN, 5A