Hospital announces skilled nursing closure Vidant plans to expand outpatient services ; By RITCHIE E. STARNES Editor Vidant Chowan Hospital of ficials announced Wednesday it will close its 50-year-old Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) that houses 28 long-term care pa ' tients and employs 45. The hospital’s directors coun cil voted unanimously Wednes day morning to close its long term nursing facility June 11 in favor of using the space to expand outpatient services, said Jeffrey N. Sackrison, Vidant Chowan Hospital president. He said the hospital’s SNF $1 mil lion annual loss contributed to the decision. “The decision to discontinue SNF services was not taken lightly,” Sackrison said. “We evaluated many service lines and considered multiple fac tors, including community need, availability of the service in the community, the need to offer the service in-house, and finally fi nancial performance.” Chowan Hospital, then owned by the count# originally began providing long-term nursing care because the services were not available in the area, Sackri son said. Vidant Chowan Hospi tal is the last one in the Vidant system still providing a SNF. “Hospitals just aren’t doing that anymore,” Sackrison said. “They’re staying close to their core services and that’s not long term care.” Although patients were of ficially notified by letter last Wednesday, some families had already heard leaks about the impending closure. Jim Kerr, 70, expressed out rage about the planned closing. His 87-year-old wife first became a patient at the end of 2011 and at a first month costs of $10,000 from his savings. News of the preference for expanding out patient services did not sit well with him. “I don’t care what they say, it’s about the money,” Kerr said. “What they’re saying is ‘I don’t care about the skilled nursing, I care more about the outpatient services because it makes more money.’ When they talk about Vidant’s core values, they’re for getting about these people.” Rebecca C. Scarboro of Frank lin, Va. said her family consid ered themselves lucky to have found a uniquely qualified SNF when they placed her 86-year-old mother. She said the quality of care enhanced by the proximity of medical staff has been a com fort. “I traded off the convenience of having my mother close to me for the peace of mind that she would be in a better place at the See CLOSURE, 4A Town OKs 300th birthday party Event slated for November By REBECCA BUNCH Staff Writer The Town Council voted unanimously to lend its support to a proposed 300th anniversary celebration for the founding of Edenton. Afterlast month’s prelimi nary sugges tion that the town would only „ ... financially Knighton support the anniversary of Eden ton’s 1722 incorporation, the Council softened its position during its April 10 monthly meeting. The board agreed to support the efforts by the Edenton Historical Commission and the Chowan Tourism Development Authority in promoting the celebration slated for November. Council agreed to have Mayor Roland Vaughan appoint a committee and a chairman to lead a yearlong effort to commemorate the anniversary The tpwn hopes to also provide financial support for the celebration. Town Manager Anne-Ma rie Knighton recommend ed that the town utilize a $4,000 matching grant from Electricities that is avail able to help fund events promoting the community. Knighton said that funds from the EHC and the TDA could be matched with the grant to help pay for the cel ebration. Vaughan endorsed the idea. r “If we can go to a source and get X number of dollars in support of the effort, I think we can endorse them (yet-to-be named Commit tee) in carrying out their mission,” Vaughan said. With the council’s ap proval in hand, the mayor indicated he would move quickly to help get the plan ning process underway. “I’m sure they (EHC and See 300TH, 2A umi 6 *"8 9076"4 4813" 0 ©2009 The Chowan Herald All Rights Reserved Artist * Work PHOTO BY KIP SHAW Knox Mitchener, 7, and Hunter Mitchener, 13rfrom Richmond, watch Barbara Gernat of Nags Head paint in the garden of Mayor Roland and Peggy Ann Vaughan. For story and more photos see page IB. -:-T-:-•-; Suspect steals winning scratch-off ticket From staff reports Trying to cash-in lottery tickets or at least redeem them for beer turned out to be an unlucky move for an Edenton man. On April 10 at about 1 a.m., po lice discovered a breaking and en tering at the Stop Shop on North Broad Street in Edenton where as the thief made off with lottery tickets. “It turned out that 447 North Carolina state lottery tickets were stolen during the incident,” said Edenton Police Chief Jay Forten bery Fortenbery said officers received information the day after the break-in that Walter Lee Privott, 29, of Vance Lane, was attempt ing to cash-in some of the stolen lottery scratch-off tickets at the S Mart on North Broad Street and the Duck Thru on Virginia Road in See TICKET, 2A Developer wants to alter housing plans T mm ' -**■ Ui g JflggM RENDERING COURTESY OF TIM MORGAN/EVERGREEN CONSTRUCTION Evergreen Construction has applied for a new conditional use permit to build 50 units similar to these on Coke Avenue in Edenton. By REBECCA BUNCH Staff Writer If the developers of a proposed multi-housing complex want to pro ceed with their plans, they’ll likely need to stick with the original de sign or face further backlash. Evergreen Construction Com pany will have to wait until next month to find out if their efforts to get town council approval for a new conditional use permit will be successful. At issue is whether the company will be able to secure a new permit that will allow it to build 50 multi-family townhouse and garden-style units on Coke Avenue, and move the construc tion from the back of the lot to the front. A conditional use permit grant ed last year gave them the green light to construct 45 units on the rear portion of a 4-6 acre lot at the former Chowan Veneer site. That original permit remains in effect at this time, according to town at torney Hood Ellis. After a lengthy discussion, and comments from citizens, council1 ors determined they did not have enough facts to make an informed decision at their April 10 regular monthly meeting. Councilman Sambo Dixon asked the project’s developer Tim Morgan to make a copy of a market study available to the council so that that information could be included in See DEVELOPER, 4A Schools tout reserves as savior Fund balance remains at $1.7M By RITCHIE E. STARNES Editor Whenever school and county leaders talk jointly about budget needs, the conversation invariably turns to the system’s fund balance. Monday posed no excep tion as the Edenton-Chow an Board of Education met with the Board of Commis sioners and pre sented the system’s 2012-13 expense request. In order to meet the system’s top prior ity needs, school leaders asked the county to pay an ad ditional $229,100 over last year’s allocation for a total of $3.6 million. School leaders have ap propriated $500,000 and an other $250,000 contingency from the system’s fund bal ance to bring the total lo cal expense budget at $4.5 million. When asked how much would remain in the schools’ fund balance after the appropriation, Super intendent Allan Smith re ported $1.7 million. “In my mind, there is some resentment about school systems carrying a fund balance,” said Com missioner Emmett Win borne. “Where does the money need to sit, in your coffers or our coffers?” Smith renewed his de fense of the schools’ fund balance, adding that the system has been able to offset shortfalls to balance its budget. Many school systems throughout the state have depleted fund balances while facing the same economic shortfalls, he added. “Without that (fund bal ance), we’d be in a lot more of a difficult situation,” Smith said. Commissioners’ Chair man Eddy Goodwin con curred that he too had See BUDGET, 4A r ▼ RELAY FOR LIFE Jftk. 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