482-4418 Wednesday, August 1, 2012 Aces hit the gridiron - 7A 50* Gov. Hopeful Tours STAFF PHOTO BY THOMAS J. TURNEY Edenton Mayor Roland Vaughan (left) and GOP candidate for governor Pat McCroiy stand in front of the Edenton Bay during McCrary’s visit to Chowan County, Friday. • McCrary: Private sector will save NC GOP candidate wants to rid politics from spending By RITCHIE E. STARNES Editor Republican gubernatorial candi date Pat McCrory says North Car olina’s government has lost hold of its core objectives and replaced them with politics. Between campaign stumps New terms set for online gaming Planning board calls for moratorium By RITCHIE E. STARNES Editor The Edenton Town Council will next have to decide whether to follow the Planning Board’s pre ferred recommendation to issue a moratorium on a text amendment allowing electronic gaming, pend ing a N.C. Supreme Court Oiling. 'C At its July 9 meeting, Hie town’s planning board jiiade its recommendation fb implement amoratorium