P8/C8******CAR-RT LOT**C 002 A0092 ... PRUDEN LIBRARY 106 W WATER ST f DENTON NC 27932-1854 _ 7 New Dollar General number one in repinn — TR 482-4418 Wednesday, February 19, 2014 50* EMS worker helps with water rescue From staff reports Harriet Dehart had an un forgettable experience last week when she was part of a challenging — and danger ously chilly — rescue near the Sound Bridge on N.C. 32. Dehart, an Edenton resi dent who works for Wash ington County’s Emergency Medical Service, was on an ambulance returning to Cre swell from Vidant Chowan Council backs Dixon recusal BY REBECCA BUNCH Staff Writer The town council voted unanimously at its Feb. 11 monthly meeting to allow Councilman Sambo Dixon to recuse himself from dis cussions or votes regards ing the selection of a new ' site for the Edenton Police De partment. "Dixon owns a house on North Oa kum Street that is con tained in Option 2' on the list of four possible sites the council is considering. While it is not his personal residence, the fact that he owns it legally precludes him from taking part in any discussions or votes on the matter as long as Option 2 remains on the table, ac cording to an opinion from the School of Government at the University of North Carolina at Chapel HilL “A town council member generally has a duty to vote. (He or she) may be excused only on matters involving their own financial interest or official conduct,” said Frayda S. Bluestein, profes sor of public law and gov ernment at UNC-CH. Bluestein noted that some types of issues affect board members as citizens in the same way that his or her fellow citizens are af fected — for example, in the case of tax rates or util ity rates. “The more directly a matter affects a particular board member, the more consideration must be made for whether it is a conflict for that particular person,” she said. Bluestein added that whilpTne voting statute that gprans actions by town ^council members does not ' specifically address wheth er a person who is excused. from voting must also re^ train from commenting on the issue. “In a quasi-judicial mat ter, such as a conditional use permit or variance, the law is clear that a person with a conflict cannot par ticipate,” she said. DIXON 0 ©2009 The Chowan Herald All Rights Reserved Hospital when her partner on the ambulance noticed spotted the immediate af termath of a single-car acci dent on a slick road during the Feb. 12 snowfall. “My partner saw the splash,” Dehart recalled last week. “We watched it hap pen. We didn’t see the car go in; we just saw the splash.” 'Hie accident occurred around 3:45 p.m. and was part of a rash of nine ac * State, local officials welcome new firm BY REGGIE PONDER • Editor The work of Edenton and Chow an County officials — including the Edenton-Chowan Partnership — in helping Standard Medical Acceptance relocate its headquar ters here is a model for economic development in rural areas state wide, Commerce Secretary Sharon Decker said Monday. “Welcome to North Carolina,” Decker told William D. “Bill” Lan zen, chief executive officer of SMA, during a ceremony welcoming the firm to Edenton, Chowan County and North Carolina. “We’re very glad that you are here.” The company, which will be re locating its operations center from Manhattan to the second floor of Edenton’s Town Hall building, is expected to create 32 high-paying jobs in the community over the next three years. SMA is described as a technol ogy leader in the valuation and col lateralization of healthcare receiv ables for leading banks. Hanzen said that when he first< visited Edenton he was struck by something different — something he couldn’t quite put his finger on — about the place and its people. “From that point forward it just moved on, and here we are six months later/ Lanzen Said. He said it was a remarkable ac complishment for the community in just a six-month period. Decker called local leaders the “unsung heroes” of economic de velopment The state sets policy, and has made important progress in areas such as tax reform and regulatory reform, Decker said. “But economic development happens at a local level,” Decker said “You are the guys who at the end of the day have to make it work.” Rep. Bob Steinburg, R-Chowan, called SMAs location in Edenton “a precursor of things to come.” “Northeastern North Caro lina has got a tremendous future,” Steinburg said “I have no doubt about that" Steinburg praised the Edenton Chowan Partnership. “This group is doing yeoman’s work,” Steinburg said. Tax reform . and regulatory reform set the right foundation, he said, “but at the end Commissioner Mitchener files for reelection BY REGGIE PONDER Editor Chowan County Com missioner John Mitchener has filed for reelection. Mitchener has represent ed District 2 in seat 2 since 2010. “I ran mainly to try to un derstand how we got in the financial mess that we’re in,” Mitchener said, refer ring to his successful bid in 2010. Mitchener filed Feb. 12. ’ Earlier last week, Com missioner Jeff Smith filed for reelection in District 1. cidents that occurred in Chowan County during an hour and a half period of snowfall Sheriff Dwayne Goodwin reported last week that a Dodge Charger ran off the road just north of the Sound Bridge on Highway 32 and became submerged in a ca nal The driver of the Dodge was transported by ambu lance to Vidant Chowan THOMAS J. TURNEY/THE DAILY ADVANCE Edenton Mayor Roland Vaughan (left) signs the lease agreement with the President of Standard Medical Acceptance, Inc. William Lanzen at the Welcome Ceremony and Reception for the Standard Medical Acceptance Corporation, Monday. of the day somebody iis going to have to sell this thing.”! That’s where local officials and local economic developers come in, he said. \ Lanzen thanked, the Edenton Chowan Partnership for its help and support He said Frank Miglorie of the Edenton Chowan Partnership had been “stalwart” throughout the company’s relocation process. “I can truly say that if it weren’t for him we probably wouldn’t be here today,” Lanzen said. Lanzfen described the. Support Center, a Raleigh-based commu nity development lender, as a big part of the reason the company is coming to Edenton. | Both Mitchener and Smith are currently serving their first terms on the board The filing period for coun ty commissioner, sheriff and clerk of court ends at noon on Feb. 28. Mitchener served on the county’s school board from 1982 to 1994. He chaired the board from 1990 to 1994. * He said that when he ran the first time he didn’t un derstand why the county wasn’t having its audit re port presented in an open meeting the way the school board did The county now has the Hospital At presstime the identity of the driver was not avail able. Dehart explained that she and the other Washington EMS worked called dispatch and reported the accident They asked the driver if she was hurt She replied she wasn’t hurt but her foot was stuck. “She just couldn’t get out,” Dehart said. “They really had faith in us earlier in our life cycle than most people would,” Lanzen said of the Support Center. Lanzen praised the joint effort of state and local officials from Com merce Secretary Sharon Decker and Gov. Pat McCrory to town and county officials and organizations such as the Golden LEAF Founda tion. “We’re glad to be here,” Lanzen said. “We’re looking forward to be ing here a long time.” Lanzen said he believes the firm’s location here is the beginning of even more jobs coming here. “What a remarkable journey this has been for us at SMA,” Lanzen public pre sentation of the au dit report, he said. “There is a lot that has changed,” Mitchener said. “We learned through the school of hard knocks about internal checks and balances that should have been in place that were not” This year, he’s running be cause the county has a lot of work to do in rebuilding its Initially, the water level was about halfway up the car door. The EMS workers tried to get the driver out of the car and onto the roof, but at first were unable to. Dehart said that fortu nately, Gates County Sher iffs Deputy Bernard Brooks — who lives in Chowan County — happened by the scene and offered his assis tance. infrastructure, he said. Mitchener said there is maintenance that has been deferred that needs to be addressed. There is a lot of work that needs to be done at the two-story Walker Building on Oakum Street, at Swain Auditorium and at other facilities around the county. A fire station for the southern part of the county also is a high priority, Mitch ener said. In Chowan County, open seats are clerk of court; sheriff; county commission er District 1, seat 2; county Brooks helped in trying to coach the driver onto the roof, Dehart said. The driver started to become some what upset because the water level was rising and water was beginning to seep inside the car, Dehart said. When the water got to the inside of the window, Dehart tried to hold onto the door while pulling on the driver . See RESCUE, 4A said. It has been remarkable, he said, from the start of the company in New York and now “the remark able journey in North Carolina” “ Decker said she is excited that SMA is here and also excited Hurt; the partnership between local offi cials, state agencies and nonprofits in bringing the firm to Edenton and .Chowan County will be a model for the rest of the state. 1 Entrepreneurial initiatives such as SMAs are really the future of job growth in rural North Carolina, Decker said. Asked whether local incentive packages — such as one recently See SMA, 2A commissioner District % seat 2; and county commis sioner District 3, seat 2. Z The filing period for thS Edenton-Chowan Board of k Education begins June 27 and ends July 25. Board of Education Seats open this year are District 2, seat 1; and District 3, seat 1. The filing period for the Soil and Water Board runs June 2-7. There are two positions available on that board. Sheriff Dwayne Goodwin and Clerk of Court Mike McArthur have both filed forreelectioa Friday, February 21, 2014 COCKTAILS 6PM DINNER BUFFET 7PM t V 9 v> UnlImIteli Print*, Decoys and More! Door Prizes, Gun Auction, CHOWAN COUNTY ummiteaBaiique American Legion Post 40 Catering provided by Topside Restaurant and Catering Tickets: $60 available at door Includes buff«t & membership. 111 .""■■■ >y'”.r "*■■■■1 -—-—yr FRIED SHRIMP & OYSTERS, TUNA BITES, ROAST PORK LOIN