SHEPHERD PRUDEN LIBRARY 106 W WATER ST EDENTONNC 27932-1654 _ Conference urges women to take care of themselves — 6B 482-4418 1 Wednesday, November 5; 2014 One-stop voting total surpasses 2010 figure From staff reports More people voted dur ing the early voting pe riod in this year’s General Election than voted early in the 2010 mid-term elec tion - even though fewer days of early voting were held. The number of hours was compara ble to 2010, howev er, since there were Election results were not available by presstime for the Chowan Her several 12-hour days of early voting this time around. Voters also went to the polls in their precincts on Tuesday, to cast ballots. aid. You can read the elec tion results in today’s Daily Advance and on the Daily Advance website. Democrats accounted for half of Chowan’s one stop voting total with 1,265 votes, just 10 votes fewer than the 683 Repub lican and 592 unaffiliated votes combined, which totaled 1,275. Chowan Elections Di rector Rebecca Lowe said the 2,541 total early votes was an increase of 159 votes cast compared to the last mid-term election in 2010 when there were 2,382 one-stop votes cast. Early voters in Chowan expressed particular in terest in the race for dis trict attorney, N.C. House and U.S. Senate, and in the proposed constitu tional amendment that if approved, would allow defendants in non-capital cases in Superior Court to waive their right to a jury trial. At the top of the ballot See ONE-STOP TOTAL, 4A Reunion Honors McGee STAFF PHOTO BY REGGIE PONDER Coach Jerry McGee speaks with 1960s era John A. Holmes High School alumni (l-r) Jim Elliott, Tom Phillips and Walter Holton at a recent event to honor McGee. See page 6A for story and more photos. Appraiser hired for Commission building BY REBECCA BUNCH Staff Writer Edenton town officials have hired a Greenville-based firm for the appraisal of the Waterfront building that formerly housed the Northeast Commission. The town council hired Moore and Pin er after the firm submitted the low bid in the town’s search for an appraiser for the building, which is located at 119 W. Water Street. The action came after a special meeting that preceded the regular monthly town council work session on Oct 27. The commission, now known as the Northeast Alliance, recently relocated its offices to Williamston. The other two firms that submitted bids to the town for performing the appraisal were Shackelford & Associates, also of Greenville at $2,500 (income-based), and Josh Tunnel Appraisal Service of Eliza beth City, at $4,500 (income and cost) or $3,750 (income only). Mayor Roland Vaughan said at the council’s special meeting that a thorough appraisal would provide the means for the council to decide the future use of the building. Previously the town had been leasing the building to the Northeast See BUILDING, 4A STAFF PHOTO BY REGGIE PONDER Dee Spruce, director of Albemarle Pregnancy Resource Center, welcomes people to the Albemarle Area Agency Mixer, which was held Oct 27 at Leon Nixon Catering. Agencies mix, mingle, learn about each other’s roles From staff reports The Albemarle Area Agency Mixer on Oct 27 gave represen tatives of different agencies that work with children the opportu nity to get to know each other and leant more about what the other agencies do. There were 74 people who attended, representing 45 agen cies. The event, held at Leon Nixon Catering on Virginia Road in Edenton. was sponsored by 89076' ©2009 The Chowan Herald, All Rights Reserved the Transformation Zone grant and the East Carolina Behav ioral Health Chowan County Collaborative Committee. “When I was inviting someone to the event, I described some of the goals and tried to get them to visualize what it would be like to know where to send a family for help, and instead of handing out a brochure, being able to have a personal contact that could be called and appointments set up so that the family walking out of an office had hope that there was actual help for them,” said Sarah Williams, implementa tion coach for Chowan County’s Transformation Zone grant The See MIXER, 4A In homestretch, Hagan stumps Edenton BY REGGIE PONDER Editor Sea Kay Hagan visited Edenton last week during the homestretch of early voting before Tuesday’s General Election. Hagan, a Democrat, was in a tight race with Rep. Thom 111118, the Republican speaker of the N.C. House of Representatives. The election was held Tuesday and the Chowan Herald went to press before election results were avail able. In an event intended to promote early voting, Hagan urged a crowd of more than 100 supporters here Thursday to show the rest of the nation “North Carolina is not for sale.” Hagan told the audience at Noth in’ Fancy Cafe and Market that the Koch Brothers want to “buy this Senate seat” so Thom Tlllis can do their bidding in the U.S. Senate. Hagan, who entered the build ing to the strains of Katy Perry’s “Roar,” had the crowd repeat the slogan: “North Carolina is not for PHOTO BY JOHN COLLINS Sen. Kay Hagan D-NC, laughs while speaking with Cora Parsons of Edenton during a campaign meet-and-greet at the Nothin’ Fancy Cafe & Market, Thursday. About 100 people attended the gathering hosted by the Chowan County Democratic Party. sale.” Hagan said she has sponsored a bill in the Senate called the “Dis close Act” that would require pub lic disclosure of all contributions to Political Action Committees, in cluding the so-called super PACs. Tillis has said he opposes such measures, Hagan said. Edenton was Hagan’s first cam paign stop on Thursday. After her visit here she headed south to See HAGAN, 4A Commissioners table board appointments BY REGGIE PONDER Editor The Chowan County Board of Commissioners this week renewed its call for citizens to apply for vacan cies on appointed boards and commissions such as the Planning Board and Northeastern Workforce De velopment Board. The county commissioners were scheduled to make appointments to the Chowan Planning Board and Northeastern Workforce Development Board during the commissioners’ meeting Monday night But on a motion by Commissioner Jeff Smith, the board voted unanimously to table the appoints ments. Only one application had been received for each of the vacant positions. Smith said he would like to get more than one application before making the ap* pointments to the boards. Commissioner Alex Kehayes asked how the coun ty could get more applications for vacancies on the appointed boards. See APPOINTMENTS, 4A FRIDAY, DECEMBER S™, 7:0Qp»t Tickets -Jf ^ $10.00 E.A. SWAIN AUDITORIUM rSATURDAY, DECEMBER 6™, 7:00pm HINTON, NC Tickets Available at various locations or call 252-221-4875 or 252-340-3438. Email rockyhock ... T