482-4418 _ r oT* *C 002 R0109 dB/C8******CRR"R » 1 ggrssK®" ffiSSS INSIDE TODAY! Keep It Local holiday shopping special ; j Council vote on car dunging station Dec. 9 BY REBECCA BUNCH Staff Writer Town council at its work session Monday night for warded to the full council a proposal to establish an electric car charging station in Edenton. Elected officials eye public OPINION, DATA ON WIND ENERGY BY REGGIE PONDER Editor County commission ers from Chowan and Perquimans counties who attended a session on wind energy in Edenton Saturday said they would consider both their own research and public opin ion when making decisions about the proposed Timber mill wind energy facility on the Chowan-Perquimans county line. Although Saturday’s event at First Presbyterian Church was billed as an objective presentation on wind energy, principal lo cal organizers were self avowed opponents of wind energy. In addition, the main presenter, John Droz Jr. of Morehead City, is a wind en ergy skeptic who also is well known for his skepticism toward - and opposition to - the state’s renewable en ergy portfolio standards. Dennis Robison, a mem ber of the host church and one of the leaders of the Chowan Edenton Environ mental Group, explained as he welcomed people to the session Saturday that the church previously had host ed a wind energy presenta tion by representatives of the company working on the proposed Timbermill proj ect, so when Peter Lolkema asked about having a ses sion featuring information See WIND ENERGY, 4A Local officials mull wind energy rules BY REGGIE PONDER Editor Perquimans County Commis sioner Matt Peeler and Chowan County Commissioner Alex Ke hayes both indicated Saturday they plan to take a close look at the wind energy ordinance adopt ed by Carteret County. John Droz Jr. of Morehead City, Leadership change at hospital continues focus on community health BY REGGIE PONDER Editor The leadership transition at Vidant Chowan Hospital is part of a reorganization with in the Vidant system aimed at continuing the recent empha sis on outpatient services and community health, according to local hospital officials. As part of the reorganiza ©2009 The Chowan Herald All Rights Reserved A vote on the plan could come as soon as the coun cil’s Dec. 9 meeting. The proposal, funded by a grant to six communities for a pilot program through the N.C. Solar Center Clean Fuel Advanced Technology Proj ect, would require the town ■ STAFF PHOTO BY REGGIE PONDER Perquimans County Commissioner Matt Peeler answers a question during a wind energy discussion Saturday at First Presbyterian Church in Edenton. who was instrumental in the de velopment of the Carteret County wind energy ordinance, was the principal presenter at a wind en ergy event held Saturday morning at First Presbyterian Church in Edenton.' Droz is a vocal wind energy skeptic and also a leading skep tic - and opponent - of the state’s renewable energy portfolio stan tion, Vidant Chowan Hospital President Jeffrey Sackrison has been named president of Vidant’s Northern Division and Southern Division, while Vidant Chowan Vice Presi dent of Operations Jeff Dial has been named president of Vidant Chowan and Vidant Bertie hospitals. March 1 is the official date of the transitioa But Sack rison said Dial already is involved in a lot of decision making, and in January Sack rison will begin “in earnest” to turn administration of Vidant Chowan Hospital and Vidant Bertie Hospital over to Dial. “A lot of things he already to provide space downtown for electric cars to recharge at no cost to them. Electricities was awarded $59,892 to defray the cost of the stations. The charging station costs $3,250. The grant pays 80 percent - $2,600 - and the dards. While the Carteret ordinance does not ban wind energy facili ties, it apparently had the practical effect of preventing a proposed large-scale wind energy facility from being constructed after the company determined it was not feasible to comply with the re quirements of the ordinance. “This is not an anti-wind law,” has been involved in,” Sackri son said. Sackrison explained that while he will be maintain ing an office in Greenville, his main base of operations will be at Vidant Chowan Hospi tal The Northern Division en compasses Vidant Chowan, Vidant Bertie Hospital, Vidant Roanoke-Chowan Hospital and the Outer Banks Hospi tal The Southern Division consists of Vidant Duplin Hospital. Vidant also has a Central Division, consisting of Vidant Medical Center in Greenville, See LEADERSHIP, 2A town is responsible for the remaining $650. Town Manager Anne-Ma rie Knighton recommended to the council that the town keep track of use by the elec tric ears over a six-month period and report back to the council how much the service was costing during the pilot program. She estimated the cost at $35 per month. Town Utili ties Director Glenn Andersen said he believed on average an electric car owner would only use the station for two to three hours. Only a car Droz said of the Carteret ordi nance during Saturday’s session. “This is a pro-protection law.” Droz said an adequate wind energy ordinance should protect citizens, local businesses and the environment. Such an ordinance should in clude, he said, a property value See ENERGY RULES, 4A that had almost entirely lost its charge would need the maximum of eight hours, he said. The estimated cost for that length of time would be $3.41, he said. Council members Bob See ELECTRIC CARS, 2A Goodman named Advance publisher ' ■ Eure new managing editor, Montgomery is news editor From staff reports Mike Goodman has assumed the position of publisher and executive editor of The Daily Advance, Chowan Herald and The Perquimans Weekly, John K. Cooke Jr., president of Cooke Communications ^orth Carolina LLC, announced Fri day. “Mike has excelled as in terim publish er since Ann Hoffman re tired last fall,” Cooke said in making the an nouncement. Goodman has served in the interim publisher’s role since October 2013, when Hoffman left the newspaper. He’s been with The Daily Advance for 36 years, starting as a copy edi tor and reporter in 1978, then working as news editor in 1979 before taking the manag ing editor’s seat in 1981. Before joining The Daily . Advance, Goodman worked in news, sports and photography tor newspapers in Mount Airy and Franklin, Va. He is a native of Franklin and a graduate of the Univer sity of North Carolina at Cha pel Hill. “I’ve er\joyed and look for ward to continuing the strong relationship I have with the outstanding managers and employees at The Daily Ad vance who are dedicated to producing newspapers that serve area residents and busi nesses,” Goodman said. “I credit my long tenure at The Advance to my connec tion to the area’s residents, many of whom have become my neighbors, friends, advis ers and, on occasion, car ing critics. I rely on all of these relationships and our See PUBLISHER, 2A STAFF PHOTO BY REGGIE PONDER Vidant Chowan Hospital President Jeffrey Sackrison (left) and Vice President of Operations Jeff Dial already work closely together In the administration of Vidant Chowan and Vidant Bertie hospitals. Effective March 1,, Sackrison will be president of Vidant’s Northern Division and Southern Division, and Dial will become president of Vidant Chowan Hospital and > Vidant Bertie Hospital. ROCKa HOCK ^^VVB99 Sponsored by the Boe^y Hock 44 |lsar FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5th, 7:OOpm_; J • Ticket* *4A AA swain AUDITORIUM fSATURDAV, DECEMBER 6,a. 7:00pm l»CNT0N, NO Tickets Available at various locations or call 252-221-4875 or 252-340-3438. Email rockyhock opry@live.com 't i I