CHOWAN HERALD 252-482-4418 Wednesday, august 28,2019 $1 ARTS New Arts Council exhibit to dis play EARTHWORKS - A8 SPORTS Football game against First Flight rescheduled; high school fall sports underway - Bl CHURCH Catholic Charities to close doors in Hertford - B3 The Chowan Herald at 85 I t was just a few days prior to my second birthday that J. Edwin Bufflap and Hector Lupton partnered to establish The Chowan Herald. Thirty years later, I assumed the awesome responsibility of Editor/Publisher; thereby FOR MORE About the newspaper’s 85th anniver sary, see A4 becoming the faceplate of Edenton and Chowan County. For the next 20 years, I worked with a cadre of coworkers to publish the best weekly news paper possible. The old joke about the preacher working only on See AMBURN, A5 Chowan Herald Makes & togtowi by fe ^ hi Congress up- became effective 4w l$, 1#X fed fo the merehaam and OMB been amrntotod to the Buffs Printing Haw TO MW at e«w# pate of the nertheaste^i ^W^ meet with Mr. X Henry Mito Law Require* Waterfowl Hunters To Purchase. $1 Stamp; Yitoattoa Subject To Fine Elisabeth 'City Wednesday, Septem ber X The ferteeaatam district U- dufes all cwMien on this side of the Chowan River. Every hunter ever id years, of age is saw rotiwated to have in ife pos- seasion a migratory-bird huntig stamp white hpntw wildfowl. This to few It pages. It to _ : >e now newspaper can I dimetor at Blate high wfeal toefew- ’ itom in a eunfmaea to fe held to ««» HE CHOWAN HERALD! ESS 41 *1.25 Fvr Year sri the opmum EXPECT BIO CROWD AT Due to WwWi fed - to Or, Fuwelite were #eato match of the ending ef ass fer- Bill COLORED MAN LOSES Al IX ALTOMOMIW WMM Bunday in his . fifth fling st' he Martin* They were office, wh DIGITALNC.ORG Thu ni^pa^r n are^ luted in ffe terfit^ w/ute AdverUw ^ fg&iu& fried UM1$^ ew Newspaper For The Albemarle Section Its First Appearance Today taue Being Wide-: ^rihuted In This 1 Section of the opinion that there is ^ need of a weekly news- Chowan cumAy and aur- torDtory, Meesars. Hector and X #dwin Wfelh Pum matter far several tot This to the tat which has token Lupton will be the $1 wto strive to make newsy aod informative te the sad that the yuto refect credit ua them- - w^l as the entire carn-j I present the paper will 1 Thursday- However, m few enough equip- just as large a pa- fommunity can support h^fefey desired, tewe tefeetog distributed in lenten apd to nil h the cmmty, aa well as sent fete smrwfeding order that peteutiai sub get up idea of the they will be afeed to The subferiptian price per year, but as fe to- ^ cants far ese year for Saltoitore will he canvass the entire sec-' hope that the Harald to coverage in Che at least If fee any desires to subscribe oatoesa few mA seen orient yank will be gage which can he weed All subscriptions By appreciated by the re are very much fe? the many congratMa wishes for success. And m they apprestetm of rted cooperation of the haute, whe have made tor the fest edUUm of as a whole. # general interest will printed and the coapera- ^der to sought to or- 1 the news of the fe- bath of the publishers mg acwtotod paramo ;rsbaw and invite them efftee # any time. r Term Of ill Not Be Held Contemporary Sends Wishes For Success Ahoskie, N. C., August 24, im Mr. X Fidwin Burlap, Edenton, N. C. Dear Buifep; You have our best wishes tor your success and our admiration for your cunhfeuee- and courage in .setting out on that wide cog of trouble that is weekly newspaper- ing. It is a great Mfo ami no ’place fur weakening. 1 knew you can, and I hope you will be given the support oC the folks of your territory to give Chowan County a real newspaper. Yours very truly, Hertford County Herald- By Mayan Barker, Albemarle League Championship Race Tied WHO PREPARE CHOWAN EARNERS FOR OPENING DATE APPEAR OPTIMISTIC County Unit Will Open ^^ S^ Session For White ^ ’, er 1 Schools Sept. 10 Cantraets Edenton Evens Count By 4-3 Victory Over Martins HUNTERS WARNED TO BUY STAMPS Preparations are going forward at present for the opening session of the Chowan County school unit, gad from all imitoattons everything will be to readiness for the opening day. Various repairs and additions to school huusea have been or will be completed by the time school open.:. County Superintendent W. X Taylor hopes to have everything lined up and expects a good attendance, It is believed that the Chowan County unit will be able to secure a few additional teachers, which de pends, however, on the average at tendance to the schools where they would teach. The white schools of the county will start on Monday, September 1C while the colored schools of the county ua# will net open until Mon day, October L Thu colored school at Green Hall, however, is new in session, having opened duly lb and will remain open until September IS. The school will then be closed during cotton picking time and feteh up the term after the crop is picked. All teachers have been elected and to date nene have resigned. Super- inteadeat Tayler believes he has an At the present time Chowan County farmers are In good spirits. Apparently the good prices being paid tor tobacco has reflected a spirit of optimism and, coupled with pros pects for good prices tor cotton fed peanuts, everything seems to be on the up-end-up. Fight thousand dollars have been received by Chowan farmers as the first payment far rente! of cotton ■ lands, and another is expected about October 1. Two thousand dollars have also been received as the first : payment on tobacco land rental. An other payment for tobacco is expect ed in October. Four hundred ami seventeen Cho wan farmers, or #.1 per cent, have signed up an the cotton contract, ■ while #4 fartnnr shave signed up | for the allotment plan. The tobacco farmers of the county ! have signed up W per cent on to-1 fecco contracts, 48 haring placed their names on the dotted line. Last j year about 144 acres were planted in tobacco, while this year approximate-1 ly W* acres have been planted. Rep. Lindsay Warren Congratulates Herald Bill Ferebee Registers Fourth Consecutive Victory Washington, proved by President ^^fll which, ^^^1 torn at teachers to the White a good price is anticipated | fur peanuts, nothing defeite ** Mr. J. W. Edenton, My Dear I have August BuBap Mr. Budlap: yeur letter LA. of 1X34. August. 21st, informing me that you are beginning the publication of a weekly at Edenton to be known as the Chowan Heiaid. I con gratulate you upon the initiation of this enterprise, and you may be assured that if I can aid and co- operate with you in any way it will be a pleasure. With best wishes, I am Sincerely, ' LINDSAY C. WARREN. EDENTON SCHOOLS Herbert Leary on Man- wasted by Judge N. A* ^ the September term of ' fiimwan (Musty would put Dims schedules to come up ram will net be Ikwember term, fee eamseHatton of the af court was said to and thejanaS IW mNVWTON g, fMw^ O, IL Boyce left Sunday tor they will repw- Fuat at the am ilf the Awarican W- They were Miss Sarah tee toPFMWt the W touted. Auxiliary ” # * beauty cen- dwtog rise togvep- ^tefely been Mharn at A Imt NOmi to MM i®« W4 HT™*** ife W. M. & of the wilt wM at at # p’cteck. the w 6 ■89076“44813 1 0 Vol. 84, No. 34 ©2019 The Chowan Herald All Rights Reserved I The Edenton Ccfemab took a 4 to p decisis.over the Williamston Mar- ; inis yesterday afternoon at 'Wiitiaw- | ton to puli up on even terms with phe Martins, who dropped the Cole- 1 riiah in the Albemarle League series 1 opener at Williamston Monday after- • noon. * After being held to a tie by the : Martins ©a Sunday in a live inning I game halted by rain and losing to ! the Martins Monday 3 to X the Co* ■ iowals came back strong in y I day’s tilt to top the Martins a ? Ferebee registered his fourth straight victory over Bill Spivey’s boy- In I turning in the win Eerabee famwa > eight and bare down with men on. 5 the bags. The. Martina gathered I total of tea hits u 1 mate but 10 W: TO OPEN SEPT. K^ ^ ^^ ~ *• " i Over W far All Teacher* Have Been Selected For i ^ w ‘' l, « Coming Seston; Advance .Added To Graded School Wit Scheels rn the Edenton graded but eight tly errors pa d the is designed to aid to tha progwm far mtorattoa of migratory waterfowl. Stamps coat fl and ean W pur chased at past unices to all county seats, in all cities having a population of WO or more and at other pointe canveutent to waterfowl centers. HunUgg without a stamp te un lawful and punishable by a fee of $M& w W wHsanmoM hr wt more than th months or both fee snd imprisonment. The stamp fees net exempt hunters of migratory fowl from complying with state laws and federal regulation. The stamp is not transferable. enmity unit and looks forward to a very suoeeasful session. The following teachers have been selected tor the white schools: Chowan High: P. L. Baumgardner, B C Woodard, Manch Fiske and Marjorie Hafton. Chowan Elementary School: Ada Comos, Edenton; Hilda Boyce, Ty- ner; Myra Bunch, Edenton Route 1; Virgtom Harrell, Wanton; Eunice Hobbs, HubfevRtel May Belle Ed wards, Whaleyville, Va.; Lois Savage, Cantor Hill: Virginia Cale, TW^ M^ Mary ^ £Mxun, Edenton Route School Heads To Meet In EL Qty Septembers knew® at presasi what the prise wiil i u^t yiH epen on Monday, U The mark^ agreement with ! W®^?'*■ A S^ ^W ^ the R a»t £ expired and 1 ^ f^ S ? sj , ^rwen^t r pohn A. Holme# is teokmg forward up to now nothing has been dene to the matter, totematmo relative . to : to a very successful term. Repairs • have been made st the school, and some action in regard to peanuts is «*y«t»d to ^x. tft^ . >c ^^ ^ There are ata 118 corn »«1 The Advanw school fas Wen contorts sgrned in Chwran. The ta^ to th, J;,;,.,,,,,,, ^.^ ^j hog contract calls for a go per cent [ ^^ f^ ^^ reductfog over the i$324|0 aver-| Fallowing are the teachers Elected age number of hogs raised for mar- ' everything will be 1» readies for The Advance school has for the vemiug year: ket Under the contract the gov-' _ emuneat pays US per head tar to *to ,?‘T ^ ““. ^ water M l * afe I defeat.. With one out in the first innsug* (Jimmy Banis slashed a double into . right center, Joe Woebb was hit by ; a pitched ball mid Brake dropped J Suttenfhdd’,4 fly to load- the sacks .: Two runs scored op an fetfeld ty by Henry House ami an error by ! Herring, and Herbert Leary lined a i single to right to drive across the ; third tally. I The Martins scored one to the, 5 fourth on two singles and'an error .by House, Edenton's only miscue of i the game, and another came In the around #8,030 to be received by the farmers Parity payments 0 cattun and to- ^W^^^K Plenum shaeca mill aha be received after the , Route 2: .to*- Jfe U*^M. ^«>- tb’n (Suite 2. 1 Dab Grove: » v » , , - behoM superintendent# and ,«««:. ^ute Gulf Filling Station Nearing Completion Weed Feris: Wfewtea. Com ner. White K. Mach, Mrs, X E. Hohman, 0* E. Demean and Henry CL House. Elementary: Charted D. Stewan, Miss Ruth Davenport, Mis* Sara Me-: Donald, Miss Kathryn Leggett, Mis> Wt Gladys Smith, Eden> Mrs. Sadie Morris, Mary Lee Copeland, UHw Turner, T^ €«fered Tearifem Dak: Harm ’ F Creecy, William Henry Creevy, Ti^ 1 fermgam I Hudson Grove: fesse Virginia Andersen ami Boas Hewett The new toting station of the Gulf Rehaw Company on the southwest corner of Brefe and Quean streets is rapidly nearing completion. F. F. Muth is the contractor for the few station, which replaces the two frame buildings which were torn down tome time ago. This latest Alling station in Efenton will greatly im- pruw the aypearafee of this comer. At present as totematum is avail able ae to who the manager of the aWfeM will be, but it te understood tfet several local applications have been matte for the poaitton. Mrs. E, J. Goodwin Succumbs In Hospital Mrs. K X Goodwin, who lives he- tween Crw Reads and Ceeater Hill, aed who was ^. week fatten to the Albemarle Hospital In Elisabeth City tor trsatmenL died to that to- sUtuUfe Tuesday night Mte. Goudwia. hetorc her marriage was Miss Vida Bryan of Woodland, X. Cl, gad to survived by her hus band, writer, two sisters and two $N&f& Fuperal services will he conducted today at the Center Hill Stoplist . chuteh ami buHal will hota place to Ute Goodwin family burying ground. FBRMRAL HRLB SUNDAY FOR Mil. X M. MM X M Beale, H years of age, died at his heme in Stocky Hack Saturday following a strafe of paralysis a week Wore. The fuwml was held Bunday afternoon, the Rev. Frank Cate opiating, tetomant was made w the * Like us on Britts. Edith dune Leaner-, SteF- sw harvested ami sold, which |,,, will net about IX000 tor eottau and." * . merell, Mary Cod All to all farmers gem. ...’i *.*- optifete and feel- that there to somewhat of a brighter future the farmer and his famife Mfey Attended Music And Singing School Creen Hall: Charles L. Feyton, Delilah HgtterReld. Canter Hill: Atethia Edwards. Warren Grave: Mrs. R. X V. Eth eridge, Cornelia Paxton. White Teachers Asked To Meet September 8 AB white school teachers of the Chowan County felt are requested to meet with Superintendeto W, J. Tayler on feturday, September B, prior to the opening of the county schools, at the Chowan High School. Professor J. IL Ruebush of Shen andoah College at Dayton, VW, ex cluded g muric and ringing school Sunday bight at the Edenton Baptist church. He and Mrn, Ruebush re turned to their home Monday. Professor Ruebush conducted an eld-time singing school which drew large crowds and proved very beue- Aciat to all who attended. Mr. Ruebush has the reputation tor teaching Samuel Wb Beasley, a North Carolinian and one of the greatest hymn writers of the world. Charles H. Gsbriel, acted hymn writer, was also one of his pupils. YWNG WOMA^R ROLE CLASS TO MEET TUESDAY AT 8 P. M. W, S. Sum- y, Miss Lena Bara Wood, Mbs Wits, Miss Emma B. Warren ss Fannie Sue Sayers. Advance: Ernest A. Swam, Miss Corinne Dari, Muss Murtha WriRam^. Coastal Coach Bus Line Changes Terminal Here The EdeMos terminal fur the ? Coastal Coach Bus .Line has been 1 transferred from the Hinton Hotel I Leoti Brogden pokeri a smgh- tor, scoring Cardner. Eeagd ed to secund with the typing run on the throw to the plate, but Brake lifted a by to Drott in left fur the final oat, Corbitt and Earp displaced a sen- to the 8. c. J® buiMfog on Mtisx 1 ^ ^ ^o^ «‘ northwest earner of Bwiet L Kw r^T f^ “ d strews. The stage tools S ? m **’' Wednesdaymorning. M s. c. Mills will U a aww of - 25*2 ’IT” ^ 2° T the new bus Station, The interior w ^ as Hrugfen, I sale and laylur the building is being remodeled to suit the needs of a station. BROWERS ROUT WOLF PACK Having fought off a park ef «coiv The meeting to scheduled to start 1(1 & m. at Sand From Waddell Shipped To Nicanor Sixteen can of safe have been dug fe Wadfell and shipped via the Norfolk Southern Railroad by R. E. Fuller to F. D, CRna at Nicanor, in Ferquimana County, to be used to road cuuntrucBon work. Several car Wada of asphalt and coal have also been shipped to the same place. The Young Wonwtos Bible class of the Baptist Sunday School will asset Tuesday night, September 4, al 8 o’clock with Mrs. Edna White at her home an West Queen street. All members are urged to be present. OLA LW CIRCLE ORTS The Ola Lee Circle of the Wo- man's Missimmry Society of the Baptist church met with Mrs. A. T. Bash Monday night Routine busi ness was transacted. Special Price Subscription Offer SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: 1 Year, 75c, « Months, 5fe. Bachsed fed I. lien fur. Name years. West fed Number—- W-^- . far the Martins. ; The teams meet here today at 4 ; p. rn, in the third ; series and with the victory for each team, baseball goer* with axes, the three brothers Typkoff 1 expect a fante royal as to} 1 have become heroes in the vicinity ^W^, local Nerik manager, will Stanimaka, Bulgaria. The three were raterafog home after a day’s wend chopping when the yelping ano... . mats tot to to V to I**. * M 'T 8 ^ * MA inning. event the series does not come to an end this week, Manm,:' Graham Byrum moot hWl« will ^.J Bill Ferebee to the mound hMe -mvt ; go to the hill to oppose $Um Gard ner In a continuation of BumlayL battle which was halted by rain with for which you may enter w sfeserip- _^^„,__months. State-. P. D. Box— Route. overtook them, pulled Gheorghi to the ground and attacked him. Vas^il and Anghel charged the wolves with axes, their only weapons, and the pack left Gheorghi to attack the other two brothers. After a terrific battle one of the brothers split the skull of the largest of the feasts. The others fled, and the three mem wounded and exhausted, dragged, themselves home. RETURN FROM WORLDS FAIR Mr. ami Mrs. L. & Byrum, Mrs. W. X Daniels and Miss Iw Felton returned Sunday night from Chicago, where they spent the past week at tending the Cautery of Progress Hx- perithm- Migs Margaret Hollowell, who ateo attended the World's Fair, did not return to Edenton Sunday. Mite Hollowell was joined in New York on Saturday by Mr. J, H. Holmes, and will spend the week purchasing fall and winter merehan; dine for the X H. Holmes Company. A disastrous fetombite wreck oc curred Wednesday night near Bal lards Bridge in Chowan County ^hen an automobile driven 'by Van Buren Holley, colored, of near HcbtemBe, , collided with a leg truck loaded with gum logs. In the cars with Holley at the time were th^ee boys a^ three girls, all of them being injured. It was necessary to amputate one of Holley’s arms. tow ghto and twu Heate print name afe address plainly to assure you of receiving your paper promptly. SPECIAL OFFER I» FO« LIMITED TIME ONLY M* dofe StepheL vm of Raleigh is expected to spend' the week-end in Edenton. What's Happening in Chowan County Facebook at /TheChowanHerald Dylan White named district LEO of the Year — B4 W.E. NIXON WELDING & HARDWARE, INC. 3036 Rocky Hock Rd., Edenton 221-4348/221-8343 Hunting accessories and much more being tied in the sews race ceptionally large crowd at Hicks feld this ate the. game. Obituaries — A3 Robert 0. Evans Sr. Edla Laverne Chappell Harrell Dorothy L. Fall Index Calendar B3 Classifieds.... B7-8 Community....64 Obituaries A3 Opinion A4 Religion B3 Sports Bl END OF THE SUMMER SALE HAPPY 85TH ANNIVERSARY TO THE CHOWN HERALD!!! ■ f

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