s SOUTHERN RAILWAY. PJEPXIOJfT 4.1 K LINK.) 1 - ,....WAS POSTPONED ITIL TIIJJRSDAV, BUT iTHE BARGAIN SALE IKAUGU i TKD AT THE la effect June ISth, 1)S. -Tins Court eued cltedute i published as infoimation and is subject to ebpg without notiep ta the pubjie, (Central Tji "Standard.) ' SrM'&Jfo?!kiJ&&lJ skh sy. VKtSk- vx.xni. . -ft, fa A jM.. v V V Til Officr.tl organ ftcial o;-gan o jQflicial organ of CIS Official rgaii f ne TUESDAY, JUNE 2 AT HOME. The luscious Georgia wai i s on the market. We haye ha some real .cool sveather for June. Le ijs .liavjo your neighborhood paws every week. A)l hands went to yr.ork on the court house yesterday. Are ypu going on the 4th nf July pxeurgion to In,Qxyjle? The blackberry crop 'iU bp sim ply immena this yar. Mrs. Caroline Suiflcvlh ?s now thought to he ojut j.f danger. Mark Drittain's ice crrarn is de licious. Iiavp you tried it ? Swain court being over, all pur lawyers haye returned home. A. J. Martin spent Sunday and yesterday in town business (?). Ne' subscribers ar.e still coming jn with cash accompanying the order. If vou haven't cleaned your prem ises, the board of health will he af ter yon. A gjecial meeting of the county poiprnissfoijprs nlf ' bp fjeJ4 Mo nd a y. J. II. Stewart, pur big tobacco drummer, s yisiljng Ijomefolks Andrews. . v Mr. Isham Garertilp and son Jim risked hompfolks at Qxfonl, N. C., JasJ; week. Mrs. John Tieid, of. Andrews, Is visiting hprangl)ter, Jkjrs- W- payidson. Yestprday was the-longest day in the ye3r. From now on the days grow shorter. TL L. Patterson, of Scott's Greek, paid " visit to" relatives here Satur day and Sunday. j. W: Aley moved nito his cot tage qn thfi hi er f nq of Tennessee ftrf pt yeptprday. J. M. Yauhu, after, an absence fif wp week? ip Aslievjlje on business, returnpq Saturday. XV. A. Dryson and family, of (Joal ville, spent Saturday ajd Suntjay jn toyn witn rpiativps. Quite a nn?iiler of young pepple vere fnt buggy riding MP YT4MeJ river Sunday afternoon The street .fprcp has Wen dying pomp needed work thp past 'Wpt'k.' Let the good, wprfc continue. Sp maf,y mineral and timber rupn pome and gq that it is an utter im possibility tQ keep u.i with then. A number pf onr people went to otja last Sunday to hear the funeral pf the lac J. M. LMckey prpached. Mr-J. V. Fletcher has made one pf the prettiest plaqps in o out of he Copper hor.se on Depot street. Col Ilaralspn, of lilalrsville, was to'wn the first of last week visit or his daughter. Mrs. L. V. MumoT- eriff Davidsm . tells us tha I5rowu, the ranist. ban nV, Hii'v Kl:idi'!n ai veek you ,co tjie bacjk The M. trip tickets for $3.'25, on bration. To and pn.e -third' rat R. M. Fain, Q was here the firs search fpr some pa paint the residence Fain, Blue Ridge Vj We regr.ejt to learn dition of Mrs. Jobt. Hot Ilouse Township, saulted by Aigu 13 weeks ago, is still prce Mrs- Jo)n) F'Pattpn VVahhigton, P.. C., Wednesday for a two John Pattpn may pojnd he pan get lpayp pf absd business, Rpv. J. II. Brendlp abje sermon at tl)e Met Sunday morning on t tree, ' commenting pn church members, whi awful truth. T. B. Tfegiigu? and prly pf Wisconsip. h:v visit tp Mpntana, after s mpnths in this poijnty. he will retnrn and pe H had The Soon'tQ 31 rs. 3. W. Japkspn last wepk front Rom U;)je has been under 4 ment. She is improyi lealh and wil spoil bp hpr hnshapd in h,is npi It is predipted hfy lota crpp of Chrokep short this ypar. The and fine, but thppe ar The dry spell in May prpbable pause. Wp, pomplaint amppg th Wiley arifj Jesse pred ipen and broil had a bloody figh.t tjng each pthpr Ins bpwpls cut ot. stab in thp shoul Wiley's wpunds ,i Summer visU pome ) daily. pold weather J to its utmost date the stra her gates, a copl clim yisitors,. Whp draws H me publ. tis Ik-- ,tT ,,ul'vn fcv" r--S" III I I IlTJO i jt n 1 ft aftQ in I rTfT Train good or tjntrained hacks. j'OimU- td' any part ot town examine-our stock east nDUgseq, pni get your teamis ifm feel good. T , iBT TO KKWTJ A. I jn kil I T fQn , of 1 as I'tral I last Ivisit. pn if n )is ed..An hurch eir fig )arren s an form? ; on a ; th-pp thinks r life, dm. 1 .here wherp trpatr itly ii) P. join I wojk, fish po I will be. Ire large fcotatoes. eq as the I of mich two CQlr jbujberson, I night, cut- I Jpsse got 1 rpceiypd a le niay serious. jginning p UPW ipitih bp taxpd a accommo ill bp within r and water, e to attrc rqan wUh. local paper, r wants the pur adver mep whose ad wq will get the bst rphy. I farmer has :e that Ler- 9 Cliarley Hickman was arrested in : 8hal Creek Township for assault with deadly weapons and other charges' Saturday. He was brought to town and put in jail Sunday by deputies Hugh Sneed and Quince Davidson. Brj'son & Co., of Andrew's, who are running a hotel and livery busi ness, have an attractive advertise ment on th! first page. They keep a. first-plass honse and the very best turn outs to be liad7afl At roGkljpt tpm prices. Whooping rough is prevalent in Murphy and Cherokee county. Tbe infant of Ilulda Johnson 'was burled here last week, its death caused by this disease.. It seer.is to be raging more in the county than in town. It is to be hoped that no morp deaths will follow as the result of the rav ages of this terrible enemy of ehih dren. Here is a preventitive against whooping cough, simple but said to he efficacious: Take a small piece of asafonida, about the size of the end of your thumb, a pinch of sul phur and sew them up in a bag, which thoroughly satu i ate with tur pentine. Tie it around the child's neck. Rene wv the turpentine every few days. This remedy is at least worth a trial. Mr, Henry Coatney, who is work ing on tha covrt house, of- Atlanta, received. a telegram last Wednesday from his wife, who was ,visitig.at Knox ville, that their littieThTld Tras dead. It was a crushing blow to the fond father, for he did "not know that his baby was even sick. Its death -was snddon, but we did not learn the cause. Mr. Ceatney left the same morning for Knox ville. A. B. Garnett, who is here with Mrs. Hitchcock and her daughter, Mrs. Coit, from California, doesn't want professor stuck to his name, and still . ho has made some valuable discoveries in mineral on this estate. Mrs, Hitchpock has concluded to put this large and valuable property on the market, and we can say from our pwn personal knowledge that here is a chanpe for money to double itself by investment. Already Engaged. Rev, T. Bright, pastor of the Bap tispt church, is in receipt of the fol lowing letter, which explains itself: .Cautehsvilik, Ga., June 16 In reply to yours of June 1, which has been among a lot of unanswered majl durjng my absence from home, my time is all engaged for months ahead. I wish I could help you at Murphy. It is not a question of money that keeps me away from there. With best wishes and kind est regards," Fatpv Fraternally yours, Sam P. Joxe's. About That Jail Delivery. On last Tuesday morning, when Sheriff Davidson went to teed his prisoners, three of them were miss ing, and an investigation i revealed the fact that they had escaped by putting through a window. The prisoners were C- C. Mull, whose time wuld have been out in a week, Charles Nichols and a little b, y namd Richard Pioklesimer, all United States prisoners, and charged wth handling whiskey. These pris Qn,er$, together with Japk Smith and Tpb? WavU who made no attempt to escape were left over night in the corridor that rqna around the fcteel pages, Niehola, who was. sick, was ordered, the run of the porridor by Dr. j. F. Ahernthy, the county phy sician, -ancL the others were turned aut into he corrida to get fresh air and. .take aome exercise, simply be cause our efficient sheriff , is a hu mane officer and. because the prison ers were sevvinq short sentences and their primes but minor ones.. . C- Jt is true we have a $9,000 Jail, nd a good ow it is, too, for when ut a man up in one of those is likely to remain for. No mistake yid.son. art- era vJe Died of His Injuries, The H-mainsTif J. II. Bass passed down yesterday enronte to Marietta, pass was a brakeman of the Mariet ta and "North Georgia road, and ivhile switching cars at Alleghany was run over and Injured to such an extent that he died at 1 o'clock Fri day morning. Blue Ridge Record. - It will be remembered that Mr. Bass visited Murphy a short time ago and spent several days "as the guest of his friend, Mr. R. L. King. He made many friends who will re gret to hear of his tragic dealt). . Special Train. A special train will leave Murphy at 3 o'clock on'thc morning of the 4th of July to make cPiuicctipn with the excursion train, M'hich leaves here at 5 o'clock, provided as many as twentj'-five tickets' are sold. Wo learn that money fort part of the pickets haHtbTeady been put up. Blue Ridge IWdoriTV : - ; Mr. E. C, Barnes, of Knoxville, who is workjnjg up the excursion, was here agairt last week, and as sured us that Knoxville was making preparations for a big time and that those who attended would never regret it. Faro for round trip only $3,00, This is good opportunity for merchants tp visit Knpxvillo. ' - i HAS NOT BEEN PUT CFF, BUT IS STILL CATERING TO HOSTS OF SATISFIED CUS TO ME IiS, , , , , Those Percale Shirts, collar and cuffs attached, at 37 l'2C cannot be matched in town;1 and the ones at 75c, are con sidered by others good value for $1.25. A line of White Shirts just in. Same price, same good value. See them. Linen Cuffs, Vood as the E, & W., at 20 cents; and the kind, other people sell at 25 cents for f2 1-1 cents. Nothing wrong but the price--it is cut in two. Linen Collars, the 10c. kind at 5c., and the 15 cent kind at o 1 . . - Ginghams, 75 pieces, all colorand patterns, the -oc, g your choice for 5 cents per yard. Indigo Blue Prints at 5 .cents per yard. All other brands same price, 5 cents. Ladies' Undervests, the 15c. kind are going at 5c each. A line of Box Paper and! Envelopes, 24 sheets paper and 24 envelopes, good stock, worth double, will go at 5c. per box. Leave Arrive A 1 rive Anivo Arrive Leave Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive ABli-vjUe -Wayncsville. lirvs-on City 'Andrews Toi?))tla MurDljy Murphy Andrews IJjyu City VVayneKvjlle ABheville 700a m 9 20n 4 55 p ta 5 35 p to OW p in 1 oo' m 7 20 am 7 lll5an a 45 p m fi .13 p at Here s to You, Major. Judge " A. A- Wadswortli and wife, of Maysville, Ky., have been hero a weok or more. Mrs. Wads worth is a' daughter of Major T. M. Cor, who has V.een ' exploring and prospeetins.-in Uiis mountain regiqn for mineral for ahout twenty year. It seems that Major Cox was in independent circumstances and stood high as a lawyer and in business cir cles had a tint? repuration, byt bav ins conceived the idea that an im mense fortunevraited' hini "in-this rich mineral belt, which embraces a portion of three States Georgia, Tennessee and Western North. Caro lina and with this pet Idea and plenty of pluck to back it, he 'has plodded over ifHl and valley for a decade, and wehope, as he has come "into possession) of quite a fortune frorn, relations, together with the enhancement ot his own real estate in Kentucky, that he is now in a fajr way to realize ns fondest hopes. -1 ' m m Mothers will And Chamberlain's Cough Remedy -especially valuable for croup and. 'whooping cough. "It will give prompt relief and is safe and pleasant. We have sold it for several years ami it has never failed to give the most perfect satisfaction, G. W. Richards, Duqaesne, Pa. Sold by M. C. King & Son, Druggists. 11 I I -urn H RPI oininpi wm 10 W. A. TUPK. Qw. rajjjj. Agt J. L. Smatjiejis Local A&t. M. & N. GA. R. R. J B. GlrOVja. Eeceiver. SOBTUBOUJfO. Leave Murphy Arrive Kiioxvillo " Cincinnati ' St. Lpui ' Chicago - . 10:20 a m 6:13 p m 7:20 a m 6:25 j) in 0:20 p m SoimiiiouKp, Leave ifmpliy 10:20 a n Arrive Marietta 0:30 in AtlftiUa 7:30 p ra JUcmiViis 3:(J0pm JacksoVUle 0:0. p m Through ticket at reasonable rates to all Texas. Missouri, Kihw,JiHliati Tev ritory and other western 1 VKlt, Jumna trip ticket to ait r 101 nua riavaufi. C'uba aHfl Jamaica. f Jonneetion irt;wle at Marietta with W. VV& A.'s tlirurh trains to Memphis ancj all points west. '. Write us for full information befora buying tickets. 1 ' W. N, Dovsey, agent, nr phy, N. C VV B. Biiadlky, . J. A. Pbide, (ien'l rags, Agt. Trav. Pass, Agt. '- "Knoxville, Tenn. ' i THE GREAT 0L0 IIJ EAGLE GLOTH1NG ; & SHOE COMPANY H NEW MILLIMERY 3 STOE, I will offe to the public for he nc?ct ten daw$ my large As I have decided to leave Murphy. I will offer for the next 10 days my entire stock of . CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS AND FURNISHING G OODS Regardless of cost. This is no fake, as I mean business. This will be a good chance for merchants. Remember, this will pay every one to ride miles, as you will see prices that will astonish an wholesale merchant, much less the retailers; furthetmore, t pay you to stop work to come to this GREAT CLOSING As I will pay every one their daySwork if not satisfied after attending this great sale; . I : mean strictly business; this is no humbug; furthermore price; is no object, as I don't want to - . . . . - - , . . pay freight on thesQ goods. emember this will be your last Hiance, as. I am going to Notice. By virtue of a decree of foreclosure, marie and entered at fail term, ir95, of tbe superior oonrt for Gheroicee county, N. C made in pursuance to certificate from the Supreme court of North Caro lina, affirminjr the judgment rendered t fall term, I8!)!l, of the superior court of said county in the case entitled J. S. Meroney, jr., vs The Atlanta National Building and Loan Association. I will otfer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door iu Murphy ou Monday, the 6th day of July, 1800, at public outcry, the following real estate, to-wit: The house and lot where said J. S. Meroney, jr., now lives, being park of tract No 2 in district No 1 of Chero kee county, adjoining the old town com-. -mons line, now situated within the cor- porate limits of the town, adjoining the property of W. A. Owen by and G. M. Blumenthal. described as follows: Be 1 . ginning at a stave 111 jijuiiienuiiu aveuuo and W, A. Owcnjjy'8 corner and running with said Owenby's line south 1 deg, . . . 1 r . 1. . I. 01 '1 west 00 feet with an alley; thence vritU Blum ntltal's line north 1 deg. 80 niu, i-10 ieet to a stake in Bhimenthal avenue thence with said avenue south 82 deg, cast of' feet to the beginning. Sid sale will be TOide to satisfy a judgment for "7" ,(S, with interest at 8 per cent. fron March 1, 1801, together with costs of salai mid to foreclose a dedof Uuat executed by said J. S. Meroney, jr., and wife, Delia Meroney, to said Atlanta National Building and Loan Association. datec SeptenitHr.il, Ist'K), and recp.rded in tha ollice of the register ojf deed for (ihev kee county in boo V of deeds 00 pagesi 521 &c, This Juue 1, im, ' BUN POSEY, jnl(:0 Commissioner. AKIN IS THE GUS- ToBan of not only tb very best goods in town, but ha has a splendid variety . and they can he had at the low eit poAuible prloeg. r' YOU ARE THE cus- Tomer he's after, and If you will only give him a calf he' a snro to niajte ,a.-fLermanent BIG LOT NEW GOODS Jst in and opened for the inspeetion of my friends and; customers. Come and see R. A. A KIN S. Dr. T.-O. SMITH. DRUGGIST, ASFIEVIIiLE, N. C. Pays cash for Ginseng aB& Beesr wax at market price, ' siOyi LOW - II ates WgsI TO IKDIAN TERRIT0ET, TBXAS, COLORADO, ' : '. OK AKY; POUIT FRFD. D. BUSH, District Passenger Agentv Louisville & Nashville U. l. ' ' ATLANTA OAs -THE-MUTUAL . Life Insurance Co - v :r OF ilEVlT Y02.K hy on the '25th. . 1 ""ilium

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