', 4 " 1 ' ' I f ' i l, . . ...... v, U J " v hbs atwii M , ' s ' No r-.r.'. r v.h.it the dfath certificate says, the fundamental cause f t one-half the deaths recorded is constipation. It robs the com plexion of its clearness, the eye of its brightness. It's a slow but sure form of suicide. Cure yourself of the habit, not by drugs but by eating daily of foods Ills 2 ' r - r . . r -s r made, from the whole grain of the wheat, which, if eaten'daily, will help to overcome habitual constipation, i . - . t Vv' -' M r mm u Muni t.;:;.:.::5-Ti!:;;i:j-::y tf K'tsKn t;i r.:sij I) Eit , Dr. Price, the famous food expert, the creator of Dr. Price' Cream Bikini Powder and - ' Delicious Flavoring Extracts. 10 CENTS A PACKAGE wzn hpctishvwj m thee ibwes nr brfaii - . Terrible Threat, With a desperate thrust of hla long fingers through, his Bard .of Avon locks the young man confronted the beautiful girl. ' 4 ; " ' "Refuse nre,? he hissed, "and I shall, do something that the whole world will regret: ' -.,. The beautiful girl shuddered. V ,'. "Oh, Archibald,", she pleaded, "you you are not going to write love , poetry, for the magazines! -v "Worse still. I shall start writing dialect poetry!'". ' v : Thinking of the terrible calamity that could be thwarted by a woman's "yes,'' she accepted him on the spct i Chicago News. . VICES. "I suppose you prefer a cashier who Won't drink, or gamble?". . "Yes; and It possible we also like to get one who won't steal." ' - - HOSPITALS CnOWDED KAJ2SITY CF PATIENTS VCKEI Mrs.: Plnfcaarn'e Advloo Baves Many tFroio tola Bad and Costly Experience, It Is a sad but certain fact that every year brintrs an In crease in the numberof opera tions performed upon women in our hospitals. More than three fourths of the patients lying on those mow- White beds are women and girls who are awaiting1 or recovering from opera. Hons made necessary by neglect, Every ono ' of these batients had ' plenty of warning In that bearing down feeling, pain at the left or right of the abdmuen, nervous exhaustion, pain in the small of the back, pelvic catarrh, , dizsineas, flatulency, displacements or Irregularities. All of these symptoms , e judications of an, unhealthy con dition of the female wgans, and if not heeded the trouble may make headway until the penalty has to be paid by a dajigerous operation, and a lifetime of Impaired usefulness at best, while In In any cases the results are fatal. ' las Luella Adams, of Seattle, Wash., Writes: ... r ' Dear Mrs. Plnkhatn t . ' . " . ' "Abont two years ago I was a great suf ferer from a aevore female trouble, pains and headache. The doctor prescribed for me and finally told me that I hrul a tumor and must . endereo an operation if panted to got welL I felt that thia wos my death warrant, but I pent hundreds of dollars for medical help, but the tumor kept growing. ' Fortunately I eorrespondedwith au aunt mtheNowKugland Btatae, and she advised me to take I.ydia K, PinkhaoYs Vegetable Compound, as it was wild to cure tumors. I did so and immediately beRanto Improve in heallu.and I was entirely cured, the tumor disappearing entirely, with out an operation, I wiuh every suffering woman would try this great preparation." Just aa surely as Miss Adams was cured of the troubles enumerated in her letter, just so surely will Lydia E. Pfokham's Vegetable Compound cure other women who suffer from fe male troubles, inflammation, kidney troubles, nervous excitability or ner vous prostration. - . Mrs. Pinkliara invites all young Women who are ill to write her for free advice, fine is daughter-in-law of Xydia 13. Pinknam. and for twenty-flvo years has been advising sick women free of charge. Address, Lynn, Mass. SALESMEN and AGENTS WsntM to lntrrxlar to smomonlfo nnrn and OMl.M'-hlyniircllyourDewinui-k-enonitliiitM.ti. . I 'rmanpnt, hiKh-wtlu-ied Biwitiuna tome provi.m,!,' thoir ability. r$ "!?,'','' I'"1'"'"" lo AMKBICAN OENEnATOU vO 1 l'ark Avenue. Xork City MALSBV & CO. 41 Svutii FCtSjtii Stif AtiuPitSi C3i j i' l'ortable and btAiiunary Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills o all k::::3 cf i.,.,:::;::ebk Ccmpktt hm C'niriiif in tkek or 1M MSI UTS DELIYXRT. " I"'t'' ' I' I- ; fetid BtH Terms , il s ls lr cetalog;ue, prices, 7 r " . ' i 1 ffi?, A3 More than 40,000,000 calendars are 'given away In this country every Jan uary. Taylor's Cherokee Bemedy of Sweet flum and Mullen Is Nature's great remedy Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup and Consumption, and all throat and lung troubles. At drug gists, 36c., 60a. and $1.00 per bottle. Abraham Lincoln was nine years old when his mother died. ' - Deafaeaa Cannot Be Cared by local applications as they cannot reach the diseaaedportlonottheear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that teby eonsti tutlonal remedies. Deatness is sausedby an Inflamed eonditlon ot the muooas lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is In flamed you have a rumbling sound or imper fect hearing, and when It is entirely elosed Deafness Is the result, and unless the inflam mation can be taken out and this tube re stored to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Mine eases out o( ten are caused by oatarrh,whiohls nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaoes. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deaf nesYcaused by catarrh) that oan not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bend for circulars free. P.J.CaiNir & Co, Toledo, O. Bold by DnigRlsts, 75c. - ' Take Hall's Family Puis fononatlpatlon. The coldeit city in the world is Yakattk, Kaitern Siberia. I" U sr. I kix.l t,t M. t ; , ' Buy L. M If. Paint and get a full gallon. Wears 10 to 16 years, because i, ft M. Zinc hardens L. ft M, White Lead, and makes 1.4M. Paint wear like iron. , ' i gallons of h. A M. mixed with 8 gallons til will paint a moderate sized house. 0. S. Andrews, Ex-Mayor, Danbury.Conn., writes : "Painted my house 19 years ago with L. A M, Looks well to-day." TAINT VOUB HOUSE. 16 per oent. commission allowed to any resident where we have no agent, on sale of L. ft M. -to property-owners, at our retail j'rioe. 1 Apply to LONGMAN ft MABTINEJ?. i Psint Makers, New York. - The Japanese Emperor likes beans. Ban zui, Boston) ; , 8ultan' Expensive Dinner. ' rWThe Sultan of Turkey" dinner costs him t5,000 a day. , r , " ' The table is of sliver, and it la said to be the most exquisite specimen of the silversmith's art that the , world contains. V - ' .The dlBhes are brought in upon the heads of Jublakiars, r cooks' assists ants, and each dish is covered and sealed with the royal seal. There are always fifty or more dishes, and all are set before the Sultan at the same time. He eats, usually, from about six. - . : ' ; -.. ;; - Though the Sultan is himself a total abstainer, fthe finest vintage wrnea are always offered to such gueeta as' dine at the palace. ,.' - - .- , Every dish the ruler partakes or is first tasted in the kitchen by the Grand Vizier, lest it be poisoned, and it la Immediately thereafter that its' sealing takes places. Always, before he can fall to on a dish, the Sultan ' must break its seal. ' ' It Is not because he eats $5,000 worth of food himself that the Sul tan's dinner bill is. so expensive. He eats, as a matter of fact, no morej than half a dollar's worth. But the guests and retainers who dine at his expense number daily several thou and.- New York Press. ' - , INCIDENTAL. V f ''The new congressman seems to Be a goodv amiable sort of fellow, but I wlnh he wouldn't put .01 that forced, itiechanlcal smile when he shakes hands with his constituents." v "You mustn't mind that. It's mere ly one of the cortortions Incident to the struggle he thinks he has to make to hold his Job." Chicago Tribune. CRANO TO LIVE i' And the Last Laugh Is Always the Best- ""Six montns ago . 'would have laughed at the idea that there could be anything better for a table beverage than coffee," writes an Ohio worfian--"now I laugh to know there is. "Siuce childhood J 4rank' coffee-as freely as any other: member of the family. The result was a puny, stc-kly girl, and as I grew into .womanhood I did not gain in health, but was afflicted with heart trouble, a weak and disor dered stomach, wrecked nerves and a goneral breaking down, till last winter at the age of 88 I seemed to be on the verge uf consumption. My friends Kreeted me with 'How bad you lookl 'Whet a terrible color!' and this was not very comforting. "The doctors and pa'.etit medicines did nie absolutely no good. I was thoroughly discouraged. "Then I trnve up m e arid com " At r -t a few trial i .xo.":r. It .,, , t . i t.it iu ' I S I 110- I became i fi'ibi't liko it, but after ;wnl iv.,.i'A!$ tL dirocU was grand. It was refret 1-. in a couple of ,'i 1 a net (l.ur, 1 uhi'; n y biiiln grtw c'ii'.'ipt, I was m.t foublod with forgdfulncsa as in i)!!Vt (iuiea, uiy powtr of enduranco whs iiinrH than rl .ni.:- I. lb heart Irmil.Io and in- - v AJsappt-sred i. I my i'fru-s bwanift itcudy snd "I b. " 1 I to t!i t ',4 t 1 V, . ' ...... .' . Beer Cattle. In our beef cattle the breeders have developed the most available and choic est portions of meat where It is most desired. The hind Quarters and loins are heavily developed, the head la smaller, the bones finer, and the qual ity of the flesh Increased. ; In thus producing large ' carcasses at small cost the value of the animals is en hanced by being bred to that, degree ot perfection which enables the farmer or breeder- to realize the best prises obtainable , ' . -. When Vegetable ftrta Gave tin plates and lard pall covert of various sizes, the rims of which are perforated to let the water pass through. Fut them upside down in the bottom et all kettles when cooking. It the water bolls out, warning is given In time to save the food. Save basins that have the tin worn off to use for the bottom part of a double boiler, putting a perforated tlu as above to hold the basin, in which a cereal Is cooked, or milk boiled.' Real double boilers seldom get used, as these take bp much less room on tha stove. , Feeding Plgf. 1 I have forty fall pigs from thorough' bred Poland-China sows, crossed with a thoroughbred Berkshire boar, weigh ing 100 pounds at three months old. This makes the best cross t ever saw. I let these pigs run with sows until eight weeks, old, then separated them and began feeding to themselves. I give them slop made of ground corn and oats of morning and whole corn nt nights. I get the pigs tip In a pen regular once a week and sprinkle them with some good "disinfectant mixed with warm water. If it is real cold t sprinkle them at noon In a close pen and leave It there until they rub it in and dry off, cs the heat from them will soon do so. This keeps the lice off, always keeping them in a healthy growing condition, I have built good hog houses for them to sleep In, built five by six with a shingle roof, with swinging doors, so whenever a pig goes In or out he always shuts the door after him, therefore keeping the draft and Ltorm out. A pig two weeks old will work these doors. They are some thing every hog raiser should have. The hog beds must be kept dry nnd clean."' I always make It a rule to clean out and sprinkle air slacked lime around and fresh bright wheat straw ,once a week. Keep slacked soft coal salt and ashes In a trough where they can get It whenever they want It. B W. D., in Indiana Farmer. T " Kon-Settlng Hens.' The Minorca has been dubbed the "middleweight egg machine," and there is good reason why the name la ap propriate. . While they will not lay as many eggs as some of the smaller breeds,, yet In point of weight they easily outclass all others. . w It Is not unusual to And a dozen Mouorca -- eggs ? weighing - thirty-two ounces, all being uniform in shape and color. . .',.' '.; 1 - Minorca's are strictly non-setting liens, though like all others of this class, : one will occasionally become broody. They are large enough for good table fowls, the, males weighing nine or ten pounds, and females weighing from six to sevei They have beautiful metallic, black plumage, with large single combs, and clean slate-colored shanks. They are good foragers, and like to roam over- the fields, but they stand confinement well and are very gentle When kept in small yards. One of the greatest objections to them, and yet one of their most attrac tive features, is the large comb, which gives so much trouble In cold climates. They require houses where the temper ature will not go below freezing, and they must be closely watched during days when there are sudden changes. Frosted combs are not pnly unsight ly, but hens will not lay for several weeks after swelling has disappeared. Taking them altogether, the Minor ca are excellent and useful fowls, and exceptionally well suited for those climates-wbch are only moderately se vere. Home and Farm. - Bow Some Seed Oora Pays. The farmers of Clifton township, Bartholomew County, estimate that there la a loss In that township of $10,- 000 every year, on account ot Imper fect seed corn. That is to say the crop would be worth that amonnt more than now If perfect seed corn were planted by all the farmers. This looks like a wild statement,- but It may not be even less than the truth. The seed corn experts show pretty clearly that an average loss of thirty per cent, is sustained by plnnt'i-g coin that Is not carefully 1 and s'r.!. Each iht tU'a tint u - t to yli'Iil sixty bushels with perfect seed loses eighteen bushels when common seed Is used; at thirty-three cents a bushel this Is $0, and it takes only 10U6 acres at $8 loss per acre to make a total loss of f 10,000. There are certainly more than that number of acres planted In corn iu that corn growing township and there are hundreds more of our townships to whlrh 1 tie wine 'estimate would apply cnnallv m1!!. I-;vry fruier who plants linormr S'vl ! from lo to $7 on 1 Mb i i l' i ' 1 of corn. If ho J i tn i ',, i i n s in tun (iop hp ! s (,w r J ; .f f v at rcj, K) n '. i i 'i r. f r 1 1 il loi,' s h i ' ". ! i s i c uii t f ii la t..v n.0u 1 THE WiT Of If. ' ' ' FIdo Does your mistress keep an pets? - v MIgnon Yea; a husband and baby. New York t:un.if. FITS permanent IV cu rl. No fits or nervous ness after first dav'fJ " of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer, j trjuiimitleandtreatlaefree Dr. . H. Km, Ltd..Wl Areh8t,,Fhlla.,Pa Economy is the ronri tf wealth r.d it's S hard road to avei, - Cures Cancwr, Blood JPsIsod and Kh- ... .......Is If you have blood c Sson pfoduolng erup tions, f Implex, uir i-s,' swollen glands, bumps auti rising burning, itching skin, oopper-oolored si "-sU OS the skid, muoons patches i ur throat, falling hair, bone palni,' ;etmatism or foul catarrh, take BoU "od Balm (B. B. B.) It kills the poison' iKblood: soon, all lores, e.Uptiong be. , nitratrelllngs Sub side, aches and pains stop and a fcsftsct Sure Is made of the west eases of Blood fcolsott. ".-., For cancer, tUmora, swellings, eating sores, ugly ulcers, persistent pimples of all kinds, take B. B: B. It destroys th eanoet poison in the- blood) heals oancer of all kinds, cures the wont humors or suppur ating swellings. Thousands eured by B. B. B. after all else fails.: B. B. B. composed of pure botanto Ingredients. Improves the digestion, makes, the blood pure and rioh. stoDS the awful itching and all sharp. Shooting pains. Thoroughly tested tot thirty years- Druggists, f 1 per large bot tle, with Complete directions for home cure. Sample free and prepaid by. Writing Blood Balm t)o., Atlanta, Oa. DeSorlbS trounie and tree medical advise also sent In sealed letter. ' ; ' - - - - . : There sre no newsboys in Spain. Women sen newspapers on tn street. . WORST FORM OF ECZEMA Black Splotches All Over face-Affected Parts Mow Clear as Brer Cared by the Cntlcura Remedies, , "About four years1 ago I Was afflicted with black splotches all over my face and a few covering my body, which produced a severe itching irritation, and -which caused ma a great deal of annoyance and sunering, to sucn as extent that l was forced to call in twos of the leading phy sicians oi my town, latter .-. thorough ex amination of the dreaded complaint they announced it to be skin eczema in it wont form. They treated me for the same for the length f on year, but the treatment did m ne, good.. Finally my husban.i purchased aset of the Cuticur Remedies, and after Jim the contents of, the first bottle of Cbticura Resolvent in connection with the! Cntlcura Coap and Ointment, tb breaking out entirely topped. 1 continued; the use of .he Cuti cure Remedies for six mor.tbs, and after that every splotch vti entirely gone and the affected part were left as clear a ever. The Cu ticura Remedies not only cured me of that dreadful dise.-se, eczema, but other complicate,! troubles ss well. Lizzie K. Sledge, 640 Jones Ave., Helms, Al. Oct. 28, 190?." ! ' i i , .i ; Korea has a population cf 6,000,000, Seoul, the capital, has 22,000. STOPS BELCHIKiO. Cures Bad Breath-Positive and Instant Care Free No. Drags Cures ' . . hy Absorption, A sweet Wth is priceless. , Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers will cure had breath and bad taete instantly. Belching and bad taste Indicate offensive breath, which is due to stomach trouble. 1 Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers purify the stomach snd top belching, by absorbing foul gases that arise from undigested food, and by supplying the digestive organ with natural solvents for food. They relieve sea or car sickness and nau sea of any kind, j ) ' i . They quickly cnJssVail'che.eorrfct the ill effect of excessive' eating or drinking. They will destroy a -tobacco, whisky or onlort breath instantly. They stop fermentation. In the stomach, acute indigestion, Cramps, folic, gas in the stomach and intestines, distended abdo men, heartburn, bad complexion, dizzy spells or any other affliction arising from a diseased stomach. -, We knew Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers will do this, snd we want yon to know it. This offer may not appear again. . 3248 . GOOD TOR 25c. 143 . Send this coupon with your name and address and your druggist's name and 10c. in stampi or silver, and we will supply you a sample free if you have never used Mull' Anti-Belch Wafers, and will also send you a cer tificate good for 25c." toward the pur chase of more Belch Wafers. You will find them inva'iable "for stomach trou ble; curee by absbrntion. Address Mull 'a Gbapr Tonic Co.. 328 3d Ave., Bock Island, III, Qim FuU Addrett and Writ Plainly. All dirggista, 60c. per box, or by mail upon receipt of price. Stamp accepted. Do YonBelo if ; At 8trohbeck, Prnseiaa Saxony, chess Is a part of the school (Curriculum. W have clients who wish to purchase, for investment, timber, coal, mineral, phosphate and farm lands and property in growing towns. Bend full description, loeation.prloe. English-American Loan ft Trust Co., Beal Estate Dept., Atlanta, Oa. , -' Truly Rural. , The seventeen-year-old daughter ot a certain Wall street man recently , Visited for the first Xlme the tine farm lis Dutchess County tor the past year owned by her father. The girl immediately became greatly Interest ed in. the prize cattle that are the especial pride ot her parent, and ahe -asked many questions . relative to their breeding, etc One evening, lust at dusk, aa the girl was standing on the veranda of the farmhouse, talking to the manager,-there came the low, mournful note of a cow. "Just listen to that poor cow," aald the girl to the manager, "mewing tor her colt" Harpef'e Weekly. A STOCK EXPRESSION. "We have nothing In common," said the steel magnate to his wife. But she was not distressed. ' She thought it Wiser to have It all Invested In preferred. ROBBED OF A TREAT. 1 ) "Goln to the hangin1, 8111 1' . , "Batcher life I am!" . "!'! -W life yer ala't The Gut' ner 1M jMii i . ' ed the cuss." r PC? 1 F I V J - - m Or .r. 'jt' m-i tii.' - - sis R 8elflahness of Genius. Some tunny stories get mixed In with the pathetlo ones in the an nals of the charity workers of the city. ' Dr. H. S. Oppenheimer, chair man of the Gramercy District Com mittee of the Charity Organization, tells one of a family which applied for relief in his district. It was an Armenian family, with a father 60 years old, broken in health, unable to find work, or to do much If he got it The mother was also incapable of earning much. Two boys under work ing age had been practically support ing the family, but the truant officer had sent them back to school. An Ar menian boarder was giving up his entire wages to keep the family from starvation when they applied for re lief.. , ' ' "' ' But In Its Investigation the com mittee unexpectedly rcame across an older son, a good, steady boy, earn ing $10 a week. His wages, with the boarder's, would have supported the family, but he had a fixed pas sion to become a musician, and was boarding with another family be cause they had a piano and would let him practice on it He was perfect ly tractable on all other points, but give up his musio he would not' What! resign bis ambition and rum his life? No. The committee cast about and secured from an interest ed person the use of a piano. The boy was told that he could have this In his home free of charge, provided he would turn his wages into the fam ily exchequer. He consented. "And now," says Dr. Oppenhelmer, 'there Is nothing the matter with the family except that they don't get enough Bleep, as the boy prac tices at the most unseemly hour." New York Press. CAUTIOUS. 'Tea,' maid Miss Passay, "Mr. Shrude has called upon me several times lately, hut he always brings some other young man with him." "My dear," replied Miss Pert, "I Know all about him. He's terribly cautious and Just hates to be proposed to." Philadelphia Press. . V 1 I A Sloe fkich is fae STYLISH WOMAN'S Fmrito. It Mutt 8 Worn to 8 ApproclaUd. INSIST UPON HAVING IT. IT' A MONEY BAVK. IV AM "ALWAYB JUT oommtoT" cLOvmm mmAMo moc Ukaetarr sin smo txevuaivSTa arr. louis. u. a. w "Mer Sufferinrt for Three Years" writes Mary E. Shelton. of Poplar Bluff. Mo., ' and trying two doctors for female trouble In vain. I a finally laid up In bed for about five weeks and aa near to death, when I began to take Wine of Cardul. In week I was up, and have mended ever since. I have only taken three bottles and now 1 am In good health and can do my housevork without ' pain. My custom Is now regular. I can truly say that I Cardul cured me and I cannot recom- , , mend It highly enough." "For head ache, backache, falling feeling.-;, diz ziness, cramps, fitful functions and periodical pains take . Tiiatr:j::::T3i:iac3 esttles c 1 : ,1.,, " To sweeten, To refresh, To clcsnso the system, Effectually end Gently; There b only ono Genuine Syrup of Figs; to get its bene ficial effects Always buy the ctnuine Mflnufactia4 by tfca The genuine Syrtm dt Figs fa for tale by drtrggists. , The fufl name of tfae cony Fig Syrup Co. Is always printed oi every package. Price Fifty Cents GOLDEN EAGLE BUGGY CO., SSiiiflQTI-ORIPly Ii ,r!2 SftJSI. K !9 OVAHAHTIID TO TORS... m GRIP, BAD The most elevated river in the world is the Desaguadero in Bolivia. The average elevation above the level ot the sea Is about 13,000 feet 'COUL6 fiOT KEEP UP. Broken Down, Like Many Another Worn an, With Exhausting Kidney Troubles. Mrs. A. Taylor, of Wharton, N. J., says: "I had kidney trouble In Its most painful and severe form, and the torture I went through now seems to have been almost unbear able. I had back ache, pains In the side and loins, dizzy spells and hot, feverish headaches. There were bearing-down pains, and the kidney secretions passed too frequently and with a burning sensa tion. They sbowe sediment t be came dlsci'iingcd, weak, languid nnd depressed, so sick and sore that 1 pould not keep up. As doctors dW not cure me I decided to try Doan's Kid ney Pills, and with such success that my troubles were all gone after using eight boxe..', and my strength, ambi . on and general health Is fine." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-MUburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. The natives ot the Malay peninsula have In use-the smallest current coin In the world. (Atl2-'06) .50 dm MUM Dispels colds end headaches vhca bilious or con stipated; For men, women and children; Acts best on the kidneys and liver, stomach end bowels; all first-cks CI!orni on the front per bottk. For Festal Card, and make S.oeiaOASV,tovnltJa sen Os. aJagve Ma. 15. A 86S.00 beat pis TOP fcUOOY fa $49.00 GUARANTEED. Manufactured by the-only Buggy faetory Is the aaath wka Will sol direst to eonsumer at first price. Atlanta, G. COLD, HEADACHE AU KEURALCii 1 won' sell A.tl Orl.lM te a Mlf wje; m-lvsMnaM n run fi. rcur aoslv back IF IT BOKSI'T CCaVaL, JT. W.Dirmer, M.D., iUaafaetnur, 6rmmMUit Jafo finn BANK DEPOSIT p?VsVsVS SCO TOM OOOBSXS ajsjsjsjsBB0SJR9 Not taken. Limited edaaa Uon bo hindrance: Board it Cost. Write today. GA.-ALA. BUSINESS COLLEGE, B W. L. Douglas4 ,3il&93SHOES8,tV W. L. Douglas $4.00 Cllt Edge Line) cannot be equaiieo at t any price). W. L. OOUOLAS MM KKt MEM'S fX. BO SHOCK THA MAMUFAOTUfttR IM TMt tm nnn mm ,M M W WWww anprew Sitsrava this statsmsst II I could take yon Into my tkrea large tactorM at Brockton, Mass., and show you taw killfrita ears with which every pair el shoe Is made, yen i which every pair et snoee is rnaoe, yam nliie why W. U Oeuglaa S3.S0 shoe to make, whythy EoM their shape, ir, wear longer, and are ol greater woum reams i cost more I lit hettar. W. L. OoufHm Stronm Mmd fhmmm te Mmn. fX.BO, $3,011. I'cioW CAUTION. -Imllt upon baring WX.Doug. las shoes. Tke no substitute. Kone genuine without his name and pries stamped on Bottom. fut Odor fw'ert until thtt mill set amr tmy. Write for Illustrated Catalog. W. I. DOUQtVAa.Broektan, MnaaV That Delightful Aid to HealtU Baxttne Toilet Antiseptic ; Whitens the teeth purifies mouth and breath cures aasal catarrh, sore throat, aore eys and by direct application cure) all inflamed, ulcerated and catarrhal conditions caused by feminine ills. 'aft Paztine possesses extraordinary cleansing, healing and germi- , cidal qualities unlike anything else. At all druggists. 50 cent LARGI TRIAL PACKAOI MB The R. Paxton Co., Boston, Mass. f j, for toe worts of SMdlftg lis noTsltkw tnOtMea . t OardKi SMda. H worts ol tlulriiaurre. Vuiiufi lupoul Jrm wall tvyf iti n nn II rw CrrAt' iWllllKW nn f n 3 4 J , i. . - LJ ed Text ' La- ) I"

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