CHEROKEE SCOUT Murpby, N. C, August 17, 1917 LOCAL AND PERSONAL Call phone 67 for ice. J. M. Corn well. For Sale Freeh young milk cow. L. E. Mauney. Miss Nellie Smith of Texas, is the guest of Mrs. K. H. Hyatt. Miss Bess Ogbarn has returned from a visit to Richmond, Va. J. G. Deshler of Asheville, was a business visitor here this week. Mrs. N. A. Sinclaire of Fayetteville, is a guest of the Dickey House. Attorney J. H. Harwood of Bryson City, attended court here this week. . Miss Maude Gibbons of Croom, Md., is the guest of Miss Bess Ogburn. Miss Margaret Bell of Mocksville, is the guest of her brother, M. W. Bell, Esq. For Sale A few bn. of Abrnzzi rye seed ai $3 a bu. W. A. Greeu, Letitia, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Marshal of Durham, are spending awhile at the Dickey House. Don Conley of Peachtree, left Monday for Richmond, Calif., where he has a position. Mrs. G. W. Lovingood returned Sunday from a visit to her daughter at Greenvillej S. C. Miss Kate Fauver returned Satur day trom an extended visit with relatives at Vesuvius, Va. Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Brown and children of Charlotte, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. VV. VV. Hyde are the proud owners of a fine Airdale dog, which they received last week. Miss Julia Peebles of Seneca, S. C, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Noah Lovingood and other relatives. Lott Turquoise leaf of blue stones with pearls in center. 50c reward if returned. to .the Dickey House. , f j Col. and Mrs. O..L. Anderson of Havesville, were the guests of Col. and Mrs. L. E. Bay less this week. There will be a working at the Peachtree Cemetery, Saturday, 18th. Everybody come and bring dinner. Mrs. J. H. Woods left Tuesday for WV- 1 1 M. . CI ivnozviiie tor meaicai treatment, one was accompanied by Mrs. Belle Hale. Wanted Wild Genseng. Parties having any will do well to write me. A. N. Lovingood, Murpby, N. C, R 3. W. W. Davidson of Gibsonville, aud Mrs. Harris of Henderson, are visiting at the home of Rev. T. J. Ogburn. Miss Mary Norvell returned Tues day ot last week from a pleasant visit with relatives at Charlotte Court House, Va. . Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Williams who have been visiting relatives here, returned to their home in . Asheville Wednesday. C. W. and W. A. Savage are in Asheville attending Federal Court. They are interested in a suit' which involves a large tract ot land. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Smathers and C.' E. Wood of Ashevilleand C. M. Hickerson of High Point, have been the guests of the Regal Hotel this week. Miss Claudia smathers, who is visitine at Andrews, spent a short G7 while . here Tuesday. Her many friends .will be pleased to know that she will visit here in the near future ... . r- : Mrs. Nettie Dickey has bad apart of the vard at the Dickev Hoose concreted, which is a great improve ment and the summer visitors are making good use of it with informal dances., , ' Mrs. C. E. Thigpin, Mrs. F. A. Wall. Mrs. 8. J. Cone.' and Miss Renah St. John of . Pal at k a, Florida, have rented the Imp's Nest, where they are pleasantly located for the remainder of the summer. For Sale Good span young mules well broke single and double, sound in every way, 3 in spring:, good size, have to sell or would ask $350.00, will make 1500 pair. Price 250.00. G. VV. Hall, Ogreeta, N. C. GOOD NEWS FOR EVERYBODY Our Big Sale Will Continue Until August i6th. t This Sale is Drawing Crowds of Thrifty men and women who are taking advantage of our Wonderful Bargains. War Prices have no place in this store. Come and buy your staple Dry Goods before the great advance in prices, sure to come, is made. We mention only a few of the Hundreds of Bar gains we are offering. 1 000 yards Colored Dress Lawns, 36 inches wide, v regular price 12 1-2, now per yard 7c 1 Lot of Ladies $3.50 to $5.00 Dresses, the biggeA value we ever offered $1 .49 1 Lot of Ladies Gingham and Lawn Dresses from $1 .25 to $1.50 . 98c 1 Lot of Ladies Wash Skirts $1.50 to $2.00 l98c Men's Overalls, best, grade . L 98c Candler Department Store Company For Sale or :. . o " Exchange I have a beautiful tract with 4 nice residences for sale or exchange for part cash and part in farming land. V ' The property I offer is located across the river from Hawkinstown and is the only level land fronting etreets that i available. - y )' There are 27 vacant lots high and dry and 4 new houses.,- . Located m. McOaysville, , Ga., about, half mile, from Copperhill Post Office. '' . , IV W." Walker Copperhill, Tenn. The Cherokee Scoot $1 a year.. Call phone 51 when you have any "IS CUTTLE AND i WANTED 4. We Will Be at the Following Places on Dates Named: Franklin, Mon. Aug. 20. Bryson City, Tues. 4 21. Robbinsville, Wed-Thurs. Aug;. 2223.- Andrews, Fri. Aug. 24. Murphy, Sat. 4 25. To Buy Cattle of All Kinds Young and Old, Fat and Poor. - Will Also Buy Holes 15 m to, n6 Hands High, 5 to 10 Years Old. " Would Also Like to BuyA.Car Load of Sheep. , . . If You Want to Sell Your Stock Bring them in. Will Be there Rain or Shine. Remember. Dates and Places. ; C -v ' t -. '- Taylor and Axley Madisonville, Terin. Chronic Catarrh is Curable KotMng to tarn glitrring to the wltwt andhi.fri.ada. Chronic It may manitortltaell in a local ulceration. - m Only a constitutional treatment will onmni mwmtmmX MtenlL ' Local treatmeata iOMtuMt help the acute minifTtititHHL but thmV cannot OTaroom. the ayetemie diadorar. PERUNA Has Helped Thousands Itta a foe to eatarrh. The voluntary twtlaMmy ! thoaand. t tabhea that. Peruna benefit in a namber ol ways. Pamua builds ( A m ZMmW 111 J-TtucyumMimaa m local news. , ; Mrs. G- 1, Jones of Franklin, spending a'few days here. Lowry Ax ley wax commissioned a 2nd lieut., at the ofiScers' training camp. . .Mis O. (i. Nicholo of Athens, G , is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. ii. McCall. " Mrs. Lee Murphey of Asheville, is the guest' of Mr. and Mrs. (has. A. Brown. Miss Edytb Clarke of Asheville, is visiting her grandmother, ' Mrs Nettie Dickey. , Mr. and Mrs. Jno. L. Miller of Newnan, Ga., are spending a few days in the city. For Lease or Sale Star Theatre. Would prefer to lease. . Apply to Mrs. S. H. Hale, owner. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Hunt of Col umbus, Ohio, are guests of the Dickey House. Mr. Hunt is an official of the Regal Marble Co. Mrs. A. F. Cunningham of Bel lew, returned Saturday from a visit to Elmore, W. Va., and Norfolk and Roanoke, Va. The W. N. C. Baptist Association will convene with the Hangingdog Baptist Church next Thursday, 23. Introductory sermon by Rev. C. F. S. D. Chambers, Morphy, N.'C., dealer in real "estate. If you want to sell your land see me. If you want to buy see me. I have some beautiful homes to sell. The W oman's Club members were "all gratified that Judge Shaw paid them the. honor ot adjourning court and attending the exercises in con nection with the unveiling of the fountain on Saturday. - For Sale Moving picture show, every thing complete for traveling. Good condition. Will set up and show you. Don't need it. Cheap. VV. G. Davis, Candler, N. C. i Mrs. Oliver Kinsey ' who has been the gu8t of Mrs.-VV. A. Bryson and other friends for a -month or more, left Monday for Madison, Ind., where she wilf spend a week or so before returning to ber home in Cincinnati, In presenting special thanks at the unveiling ceremonies, I overlooked this note on the list "To Mr. Tate Powell, Editor of The Scout for continued and anfailing favors and courtesies." The Woman's Club is under great obligation to Mr. Powell and I feel that it is due the Club to make known mv oversight. . Mrs. Oliv'ervKinsey. ... WANTED 500 MEN Riveters and helpers molding machine oper ators, bandy : men and laborers. Steady work aiid good pay with promotion. Experience uot necess ary. . Good opportunity for job in good town where cost of living is cheap, j schools good and location healthy.' Come ready for work to Lenoir Car Works, " Lenoir City Tennessee.' Take your borne' paper Savage Bros. Bargain House SPECAL We have a . splendid line of Clothing for every member of the family. We carry a large itock of the best Groceries We carry a large slock of General Merchandise. We Are Doing Our Best to Keep Prices Down in Every Line. ' It Will Pay You to Trade at SAVAGE BROS. BARGAIN HOUSE y 3VX UJHJ oxr. o. ESS Our Best Advert'sement . ... . ' i ' , 3713lo Bargal A reputation for satis fying our customers is the best advertisement we can have, and we believe any of our customers will tell you we have that name. We realize that even one customer who is not sat isfied may cause us -no end of annoyance and, knock the legitimate pro fit from many sales. TJiis, aside from any question of right, is one. reason why, we guarantee . every sale, v - Store. FURNITURE, COFFINS, CASKETS - . .- . We Have Anything and Every thing You Need. -' We Are Crowded to Death, v' Oome Now and Get Your Wants Filled we are anxious to trade. C. B. H I L L . ' Ewbalmer and Funeral Director. npth.diffwtiaa.iwtorMUMstrwKth.ud hmlga put tbm jstamla eooditioo. . Pwun Iiaa tpt& nh In catarrh It pre vitauty to Us. tjtttm. tmte to ui. membrane and enablM tfie form their function, la maay benefit, begin at one and it rarely ail ' 8 . ha treatment 1. contlnuad properly. I Thm rerun Medical tapartmntwiUB , to f lit yon touer comatni. tuaeaaa. doctor', advio. U trea. Don't dalay I traatmant. I THE PERURA CO, Cehmifw.0. . Davi Chosen Governor. Westmoreland . DavUy of London county, former, president of the State Farmers' union, was nominated f oi governor of Virginia In the Democratic state primary by a plurality estimated to be from 6,000 to 8,000. s San Spots Recorded. y 1 Appearance of spots around the rin of the snn was announced by the naval observatory. They were observed first August. 3, and are large enough to b ho naked eye through cor ored glasses. : , Mea & Feeds We now have in operation a first-class Com and Feed Mill, equipped with Crusher, Sheller and Cleaner. If you want good clean Meal and the best Feeds, call on us. . We buy Corn and pay cash. Drop in and see us. Cherokee Corn & Feed Mill Co. Smathers Bldg., near L. & N. Depot HALE BROTHERS, Proprietors.