r It V IF IT ISN'T IN THE SCOUT li IT'S BECAUSE WE DIDN'T I ? KNOW IT | I THE OFFICIAL I JBu-n. N"KCuu -> Teachers' I Association Meets : 5 In Murphy Jan. 13 I ; U in,r. I I i?: .. -v.'I ... I Row to I y> ir k 1 r /* r ' N. M..:. .f <*; , .. , " 'in be he'.j en i f Kry. C,.e-Crop System Means Failure ? r ^ ^>v i ' Holdca, Fi cultural Extpn?i?n Dcjiartnicnt, i ntionnl Hr?. v i.-r C" 'vi.iny. "\\; Ik r the ? tup ; < " m ' w*m ' /' ' oor ? L ^ t y f i > -i t ; ability of r!:i ; th ..i -. l ho farmer w! ?? won! : ro: ! 11:: t have tomethi? i' ]l every ? ... the yea;* ><> that 1. cotton f or his wheat, or wh? I ?i may be h ca h crop. J The mar. who fa? ! ? : ;.? ;? in is wagering h. i a .-on'a ial- r that nature w 11 bo ? ally Kind to him. He is betting that conditions for the gr. wth ?>!' lhat particular crop, conditio:.- \vh.< h 1< .1 not possibly regulate, will be satisfactory. If his one crop is wheat, he !3 'gambling that he will c>c:qv smut, and rust, drouth, w.ad d ha . chinch hup. He?ian fly. arid other crop enen;i? If his one crop !s cotton he i the worl^^^Ehti%]^^?rev\ 1. He may escape smut and rust, the chinch bug, and the boll weevil, hut he is robbing his soil and he can not possibly escape the loss of soil fertility. The rai-ng of other crops and; the growing i f livestock, e : dairy cattle, will give the farmer something to sell when the rust takes hi* wheat or the boll weevil takes hi* cotton. .KKSlSilJBMBKi Tee man who is hardest hit by a Affi'op shortage or by bad market conditions is the one-crop grain or cot- ( ton grower The dairyman, the man who follows diversified farming, the, > cf homes where poultry ^ the table an .1 clothes the ?tb??3e enjoy continued prosperity every day in the yea . * taken two things to make a great SUte:. First, the soil, second, t^e people. A stale in?y have fertile roil. W if there are a shiftless inefficient people living on it. they are not go-( ing to make much out oi* it. A state | S#*y have efficient people, but w:;hproduction we can not have a great country. A one-crop system takes the life out of the soil and impoverishes the people. It is only through diversified farming and thc using of our energies every day in the year that we can make a rich Country and a ^strong, vigorous people. f Diversified farming means live stock, dairying, crop rotation, more pastures, less washing of the soil, more productive land, greater profits. Wherever you ?n raise corn and clovers you can grow dairy cattle and wherever you find d: iry cattle you will find h:vjj priced land and prosperous, growing communities. * 3RGAN OF MURPHY AND CHER( -I ?!?w ! ! ?n?? urn iBI ii win-vrmrra 1! fM if-* r ^ii..._. I *r"" nil ?*. j _.' I r. .*? ? > * ?* 1 . I ^ ????? . ... . .. 8') I" c ' l i. Murphy Brink Directors Meet On F.fiee-L. Rt:.ular annual divid^nl u '..retl W. V-' : lytic named A ?i ts.nt Cashier. Tho tor: of ttie bank of " i ' i .hvi- annua! nu?et::i.: the xt.-T year. ^ 11 l it* plans ft:r the ;ir. Trie r. rear annual' iw il i ten per cent was de- 1 ?! . . Mr. W. \V. Hy.le i !.:rt 1 w'lii the ^ fa:- . I e-ral year.-. v.;is named \ *. il. Siicr, and made a diTi'? <.!'fa?rs and directors 5 key. !' -ident; T.. K. i . r \V. \V. IIyd? . \ tuv.l i i", and W. \V. llvde, I No tor Y n, \V. M. Axley, A. McP. ! Mar aw, .1. M. Yaujrhn, M. \V. I.. K. Kiyiess, .John A. Corn, ? i . : u. viiiiii anu *1. !?rownf Directors. Coltl Storage Temperature V effect of cold storage temperituros u. . n the life . y+k4., - ' ?. .. \VtVv* ' *?% ? * '' . ' ; N. J B??\ ' ......... f x 0; VR?,-*ik- JS25rS*U.. vVcmar's C'v.b i > M 0- - " Tt ;v pf of ti . Worn" \,i. * : :. . r - aft ?M \V . T- U. T'r: !y ||*" :i;;n ' y ih- ]' " I .! i. Mr*. W. H. T: av 5 .. i Mr . !' ; ?! '.ybrc >k. L'arrr , ; Or, io Eradicate Coiton Bo-1 Wee i! llany farmers for pencestrations Pl?.n to sn< d two *nd r. r??iu... r>? r : ? x.a?n|?ai5?. | ! Aiiunla, (In.. Jan. s. An inline- J i; ?t response ??f the Southern cotton ,r rowers in Jpoclging their fullest co- j iperntion in the national campaign .1 * r.i?i rale t'n.- we? vil, foil c.v ij the Ian itching ( f tin campaign on Tanunry "rd by the American Cotton Association. The announcement . as made t 1 ty l y Col. Harvte Jordan. ee reta r y 01 the An article in theH*Cotton News" nitlin ng on.e of the plans of the ::m a\v t". .Iu TiTtir demons:ra1 .on ft:for boll weevil control in \.ir: ?us counties of the cotton belt, and calling for volunteers who ,\cuhl furnish demonstration plots of from, ton to twenty aces each and I---'- d.i. HI I nvi IV UICIK UUUU kite ?. x... experts, resulted in a deluge of letter from every cotton state highly ! . - the t l.in and promising ev ty possible co-operation. Leading f irmer in half of the counties rn ? Gcutgla ua*?; ,.T;\.ady fi'.-.-ii these applications for demonstration farms. Farmers in neariy very countw in South Carolin have done so. and growers in a large proportion the remaining 840 cotton producing counties throughout BMMfiyttjjggjlelt have made their applications. This wide-spread and enthusiastic response, according to the campaign officials, will greatly assist in the success of the nation-wide movement to control the boll weevil, provided sufficient funds are raised' ir.ii kly from those interested in the preservation of the cotton industry to put the plan in practical opera-1 lion. The national wnr on the boll weevil that hes been launched will call for an eexpenditure of $2,500,000. Dne half of which will be used co carry on an immediate fight against thi boil weevil by bringing the best snd latest practical methods of weevil control to the cotton grower* in every one rf the 840 counties of cotton i-taU's. The other half will be spent in establishing and maintaining a Scientific Research Commission for Roll Weevil Control, ikft ? i OING NEWSPAPER IN T HIS Sfc' , FRll'W JANUARY, ID. 1!?22 V ' ; ill f -s- >'* . >| * !, "" * #-J* 5 I :i J-\ ;a?. f r?W| STii^ L> Z. " * -- . ' M'. " * -h i , ;V' ' U of .\ijhit jj;. . , tailed thtfi u r and Is.- ?i ol the fi'.itd: tfvht , r . r Y> . ' _1 ~a*e* ?rr - b 5 i K'-OV/n SW eJ? i ' : < IV .or < ;.t a*4-iin:n .. Hiawa iFv : wcr Com-' ; . ;.r M . \ ui the t ' the i.-r he ht trun the latter pan of j the week. < .11 1 ? ;pi d the opinion today that ti ? e ? uld ' My 1 * fir: hod t < . k. . Vnurh the pje.-:dinir judp,. may not make a ?1?-* for v. rni day \ | WOLF CREEK i S? \ :.i! of * * :> pic we: in le r? sted iv. the I'cultaiion of \ o it- Saturday uue nut;. One of our amct. ur :. tri .? rs had pn i <-U'd iv. "- \v ?"M v niTu r ev11 seeing this happen before. It was a beautiful sight when Venus j emerged from behind the rnonn. j Mrs. Rachel Kicks celebrated her S7th birthday n the 11th. She one i?f th<- old-time women that ? <1 through the civil war end I* Vie to > late many 4*hair raisin' " tori# of thos,. times. Tn at least *i\*e generations where the whole "ive are living, it is said that this upper. t > . \y one family In a , housand. I Ther0 are hut few cases of flu j ?i ?..-? :"crt!on vow. hut most every ; ody had it. Mr. .T.u 1I? "sor *s Tn a very ei iou s condition a nd the do t rs Veo k for several weeks. He is more than 70 years old. There were more forest fires Tn oirr section la * week than of all the TO't of the season put t g th' r. Wi-h Wf> mid have a fire warden in each school district. Mr. .lake C'.oer of Bla:r>viile, Ga. has moved to J. (\ Cooks place. ? Mr. Elbert, iMinonds has mojed t;? Lower Bclltfwn. On Tvi <1 :y of V . wok Mr. P.iM Curtis < f Lower Relit <>wn was killed in London Mine. He was crush I by falling1 nc TTe wa well favorably n , ; E i \ kout j U 1 lun or nc.OIC.nii iivrmii Cn ? Cherokee Bank Closes a Very Successful Year J .n til y ar in 11122. accord nnd and " , , ; v t .>: pa: t your. :.: K . ' ' " pi:::sim *:on creek Mr..' . H. t'ri y Ins been very 1--. a ; r ut.o.*. \ L. A. Beaver filled his retraj ; " intingj l at lltarpaw San CI SE HI h_ "i s been ? i it ted as I . ",v ;y romm !| ..nor el* th- township. He is now j I employed surveying roads. Mis Sallie lli t- e h;is l)( or. dec- ; I t d a--: taut of: r.i t at Bearpaw. J Misses Vernie a' K'y Payne en-1 tertaihed with a sit ?.r rwj at Mr. J.; I H. I'uvne's last Saturday night* I In i>s Saiiiu Kate Mir.^ua visited J I home folks Saturday nieht aiul Sun- j day. Mr. Orvo! K hart visited Cr.-.-nr. v'risp last week. Chancellor of British Exchequer Here W' IkJlfc n | W' :..fe ..Jm** .T' ' ' j STANLEY BALDWIN, who is at the head of the British Debt Fin.d-1 inir Mission, which arrived her? recently aboard the Ma.'estic, on their; way to Washington t < ask this jrov- j crnmeat for an ext'-r^ion of time for. payment of the British War Debt. 1 j i ! ADVERTISE IN ; THE SC O U T "IT WILL MAKE YOU RICH" tl.oU A YEAR IN ADVANCE Former Resident Dies In Oklahoma at Ripe Old Age W 1 1 r. v.-i r?'!v '! herts tl < I : ?k Adams 1 citizen 1 1 1 irlina. 11.- v. u . y . .-..s ( Jie time 1 h: dent" tiic- i " He lit !' U: eve Ok : *< .. t; -three 1 y< :?! y. : l.'j. w- i.r.lii tWO ' ihr. yai:v \vhin he moved an v fcran ;i iif mbt tli Baptist church B ,. .. . ? j : y aifu r?" rom ( ' 1h.it he *y ' > go j when the < all came. . FranR i . a, and five p: :..k| : Ki'i l and V. bin'1 ( "Martha Mo., Car| N > .e, Ohla.. and : '1' : ' F Y AIDS ILL M IN AT I G ENGINEERS 3 _r~ raSdcasuremcms ofit'' < :i>!cy <>f . ? sxy; . the W .flur Bureau i * of "i.taln'a "lance to .. t s have tii-n on HBxticiil .-urfMee-. a eh a? ii 1 vG: . l " ing from If harts have ; . i; \v . ! wall facing the i*: hi , ?. ..1 i aait. the compass h throughout ihe '' I; 12 degrees ; i: . .y . t fill clouds . : " iy e -vered With B'uus1 > with the K e at ".rely free >. tl ! : -nun s and the revai v by us v-h a- " |ht eoi.t ' n the mean value M ; rt-.a'tiM '-'V the c hurts. This . . it in '| ally t ' ;.e presence of h:.:: ? 1 dust in the atmosphere to e. a h - e . e. A clear bule sky s dark compared with 1 white i'T/.y sky. Thin clouds increase the leiiv.i -s of tin sky markedly, and t j ' .aily in the \ einity ef the zenith. The results are of value to illuminating and others having W !i^ of i atural light:ug ? . . ally as applied to schools K rooms, office holdings and Indus- ^ trial plains. During the coming y. ar it is Bm.od that two other lightit! g problems will be solved. The eff, v-t m interior illumination of lit..: .ig for skylight the daylight !od - frnw the walla of ing i-uildings, and also the Interior illumination from skylight when the saw-tooth roof construction is er.iploved. . UFi-ER PEACHTREE Most all the Influenza cases in ihi.-- neighborhood ?re reported better. r& Mr. James Griffith, who has been afflicted with a severe cough for the past two days, is much bett r* the past week. jiBi \cB W. M. and Grady I.unsf< rd n a hnshu < trip t o Marble the pjast week. St? tt Garri?i| of Long Branch has rented the Thomas son prist mill and m?>ved to it. He says he will accomodate his customer- to a pood turn of meal any day in the week except Sunday. Mr. T. J. Thomas^on has bought the Will Green farm and plans t# use it principally for pasture. Mr. Sam Hunnicutt oe Bryson City is here looking after his wife's interest in the Truett Real Estate. 1 ? i |J?j k