IF IT ISN'T IN THE SCOUT IT S BECAUSE WE DIDN'T j KNOW IT THE OFFICIAL ( VOLUME XXXIV. No. US. Disabled in This Section Being Given Opportunity To Learn a 1 rade P. J. Ranson of Raleigh Helps Place more Men Several already taking I raining. \ 11 ana o.r.riw ? urai'K"! boys and men of Cherokee and ad- | joining counties arc taking advantage'of the industrial rehabilitation training being offered jointly by the State Board Cf I'duration and the Federal Government. Three are now taking training in Murphv. two were recently placed in Andrews and several other are seeking aid. according to Paul J. Ran son, resistant dire, tor of the d:vision of Vocational Education, who was here Saturday supervising the training being received by those already placed in local shop.; and seeking to find suitable occupations for other applicants. Fred G. Baity is now makir. r fine progress in watch r airing ar.d engraving in Moore" Jev.-lry hor 1 here and Jacob Blaekwell is fast acquiring skill ia hoe "repairing in the Ake Shoe Shops according to Mr. Rnnsor.. Janus G. Iluuy hn; just completed twenty weeks ..of training in the Ti; -n Shoe Shop ar.d is now ready to tak-.- eniyVytn t A few wc i ago tin ?e b vs. all three of which have a io-..r limb missing1 were unable to ? nrn anything hnd were consequently a burden !. > t h? y are happy ar.d fasl on the r ul to the n* tor- j intr of a trade :n which they can ea n their own livelihood. The state aided them in bryimr art 1 limbs and secured place- in the 1 r il shops whert? th?\ are traininer. During Mr. !:.;nsoiini*? '.t to the county two . n train*np in .\ ;n\ C, H inp in the Amos Shoe Shop and Ran 0111 Huciia^n ? d the Roland .1^ . :iv -ho:>. Mr. l" rod is a nati-.V of Patrick, this county, and Mr. Buchanan is a .1 nk-on 1 county h?. y. PflMossrs. Sam .1 I.u: f rd of ?! ble ar.d Yerlin Sales of I?ra?>t "\vr. i were before the lecal committee while Mr. U..r. on was here and applied for training and their cn ? > are now under advisement. The State representative express-|1 ed himself p.- beir.p well pleased with the ] >prcs being made by those in train;np in the local shops and exprc-fed his appreciation for : the fiwtvilSiK' ( n.Ant>r?tt'n~ Kointe , L shown by the local committee and ^ the shops in which training is being received. The local ccmntit-oo coj operating with the division of vocational training is composed of Dr. ; BE H. X. Wells, Chajrman, Superintoi - j dent A. L. Martin, Secretary, and i H *"* Ml, Mrs. C?ll'c Tiw-on anrij !B. W. Sipe. I h/v n ii i> _ mrs. oa;i Recovering From Op era t? or Mrs. Margare A. Bell, one of the teachers in the Murphy graded school I was taker, to the Murphy Hospital Saturday night for an abdominal operation, Dr. Lynn, surgeon of Knoxville, Tenn.. being summoned to do the surgical work. Mrs. Bell stood the operation fine. During her ill- 1 r.ess. Miss Carrie Payne of Murphy will have chaTpe of her grade s school. Presbyterian%Church Hjft There v.-il services at the PresBL byterian church Sunday morning at ^^ 11:00, the pastor. Rev. M. C. Liddell, IBirenounced today. There v.* >>e ru Mhi-rviccs in the evening as the eongre-' faBBgation will go to the Baptist church Bo "hear K . Cook ^KVell sermon. 1fy)t 3RGAN OF MURPHY AND CHER HI' I *- -i- yagMfttrnvaKiri iW ' > 1?View of M'-iiic'l. neutral itv s of the ciii.-s of Ihe Itnlir basin reported to have >rj>a:atO'l in ihe lii\i Have A'tercat:on Over T. -. :rsrj Tors Scil Fcr Road A? i rdlng to ward brought iv ro U ! rt RnjinfiT Wellvr of To; t n vt' X.'.vton Shorrili. :i property own r : -tit half way between T ?n i'i?! It bbinsv lie. hud an alt*'! a-'or. ver the taking of top soil off of the otter's land a few days to t.j U' ed for surfa< :r.g the state highway .ad -'.r to Kohhinsvil!-. .Vcord'.r.g the '*" 1.1. '.ion available, Slurrii! HjBjroachrd Wrller *>n the highway and .-truck him in the face without' ? .III < 111 W?'l,i I?ri-i-T-f l t.i hav; knacked Sherrill to tinunci. Sin rrill ir reported to have made a i . ::d att.ek v h ntiiar ivsuitsj he tiecid ! to - ve up th en-' Shertlil, it is reported, j *...: : <1 under " P* nee bond 1 ; a j i t:*e of the p*. ice of Graham county. Engineer Well. r. it is raid, was J who! . vith n his rights in y.dng upon the nroperty * .* She rrill along the jj ; i.\ iy !<> t.:ke grave! to * ?- ?.l tre i .: i. Sherrlll probably did not tin- ! ' -' . - ...i, . v. .i;c i;..-. ,yn a ?m ?u i alty aroze. EIIvCH NEWS ITEMS Mr. auu rMta. xnos rayne visited j th > - n. W. K. Pavne Sum: v. The H-? ( h ("reek . ? ?1 has op ne?l again after a two weeks >top j account of the flu. W. E. St 1.- was cbZf d t ? Duckr ..wn, Tenn., last week on account of the illr.es of his granddaughter. [ 1 ! Mrs. W. A. Given is ivei?vo vig f~~ "" Mr. and Mrs. L. Ik R.h.-.rds of J Buchanan, C..... hvve been vi-'.ting *h?? hittc's f r the month. Mr. and Mrs. Ct :. formerly f -hy, are nvthirg their home in Uir h for awhile. Mr. ar.d Mrs. .J. If. Hall of Murphy v:sited the:r daughter. Mrs. 0. C. Payne Sunday. Mr. J. J. Calloway is attending ..art this week. Mr. Lum Green i> very low with the flu at this writing. Mr. -T. II. Gib n of this place, who is spending the wir.i. r in Florida, repor4. having a nice time. Mr. J. I. G ecn is in from Etowah, with flu but is \ etter at this writ- j Mr. Harvey Ix>e Davidson of Ranr was in our midst last week. j Mr. O. C-. Payne is quite bu?y these days manufacturing cross tie.-, j L * v Cfjen ORE E COUNTY, AND THE Li MUJU'HY, NORTH CAROL : -1 '' ' "* ^ Lit i i; 11. . ji? ;:-ailts. _' un^ M":ute man. by T 1 A Lieutenant Under Washington, I Totr.ilsbn. 1 bt'nr *n I'li'mn V? ?..* - !?v St mi. Thr This,. Hinson by Harbour ! j.v*< by Barbour. Our Young Aeroplane Sc uts. by Porter. The Children's Owr Story Bo of T.vr.an. by Burrough^. T-r^r. cf the ^we? of upar, i Burroughs. Tar:. the Vrtaru-d. by Rurromrh Tar- >f the .\: . by Bur'ongh? - et City, by Walpole. re s. I'1 :' ! ? . of tbe Whirlwind, by S .* Bob Kni? h;' Diary with the Circu by Smith. The Boy Scouts on Cru-ade. 1 Q.:i ? S :arhav? n Keep, by F It tcher. Svcu Ttlcn's Money, by F'eteher. The Chesterr.mrke, by Fletcher. The It era path Property, by Fletcl er. The Riflemen of Ohio, by Altshele T...? \T.. . . . .. . 1 1.1 r>.. ... .. V * 4.W ,?J ------ i t 1 I l.i U II, ? Warren. Catty Atki: . by Holland. Paul the -Peddler, by Alger. Tommy Sir h at the Zoo. by Scl ei Tommy Smith attain at the Zoo, I Selons. Kru'.an. l y Curwood. Jerry of he I-land'-. by London. Harriet nr.d the Piper, by Norr . The Football Boys of Lakeport, 1 Stratemeyer. The M k t !' y <>n the Dolawnr by V.rcn. Ir. r>efen?e of 1 d'cytv, by Chioinai Flying U-Par.ch, ly Bower. Billy Wl.i.-kers in France, by Mon jremeiy. Billy *.Vh -kt ! > in an Aeroplane, b Montgomery. :i i A: il" r.y's Young Scout, by The Story Hour, by Wiggin. A Soldier of the Wilo rness, by Tomlinson. Billy Whiskers at the CivcU ', by Wheeler. okee ? E...01NG NEWSPAPER IN T HIS SIENA. FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 1322 ' q I' 1 :?"ft-'"- ? fa i'ltj" ' ? ssl HI 'I in? 1 l ist furnaee> n i u-ix-iikircliei;, onu Gould, Jr., und .Mrs. Gould, who are ! W. N. C. Ministers' Conference at Waynes- i s ville We"! Attended "ry 3Qji City, .la-'.. 10- The first Sri tilt; of the \V? -tern North CarBapti?t Mir.i.-tm* Conferenco j the now year was held with the W:.\ ville church, January 11>-1T. i i T! veil- nintcen ministers ores- i i1! the way from Murphy to, .V .--nton. With two exceptions! 1 h ? e on the ore am was present iil Them was hilt en.- vencrul subject? "s The New Te.-tamvM <'! torch. Points! o?, einpha.,.. were: Its Origin, oj^. ^ /-.n ? on. Ordinar* -s. and Mis-ion.! - at interest ar.d enthusiasm pre-? ^ \ :t'!ed throughout the program. The | fer. : r was v ? encfiteit . 1 in-aired hv the lecture- of Dr. ! .J. T. Henderson on the financing r~ i I ' . . * . , , n-u'iita r? ' '"'i, u. vi- tw? very I- forming and ipiifting itTiuri -?n conditions i;, China and the re'it* of ?v>.marie on th0 forehin field and y 'he jr. ? - nt 1: >iiu'. We w re made ' f? ? ! -.hat \v. \v.*re all v. for i c niip.on rause. The programs are r.T":.ys good, >y hut the greatest good comes from J'he fellow.-hip pas', and workers hr.ve on these occnshi:.-. The ,onf r :s de tined t grow aml hewer far ir i in Western !i Carolina. The next meeting - v-".' ' : * with the \Vh.:.*e> church . \prfl 7 il?. V'w CREEK |S' Mr. William lh w h. hecn on the .-ick list for i* v. days. y M - Hthc! IN. has been sick \ t m vwan months with t i hereu 1 >and is now h s h ]y insane. h- _ Mr. (J. T. Hancock v.ho Ind the r i'Iu \! .! wrecks a o has '-ad a rce a: d has been wry ck lor several davs. The Rev. I. P. * v.. who lias g ' \x vi- ;'.n X.nstiviiie, Tean.. whe^e he .noes as a deli. '.-orite to an educational institute.; [ He held one service in the Rural t- ! Sch ! which wi greatly enjoyed j \ all who heard him. y The 1 '.^rcnt-Teacl^rs Association > . f the Wolf Creek Rural school held an inter ting season 3?forday : right. They report a *1 vcly asso. ticn and much good coming as a | re-nit of parol ts and teachers com|i?gr together occasionally to talk over \ inuti: lly the problems of child trainj in*. wM&a kout! * CTION OF WESTERN NORTH CAI J Parts of Business l District cr Hayesville Destroyed by Fire Blaze V. ip- (1 Out Post- ( office aid Several Stereo Monday Night. About tr.H'. rtj, , (*a:oli;;u as the leading fraternal organization. Its present mcmbe'ship c.s n former years, continues to num- , 1-cr many of the best m. n m all waik- , of social and^rtdu. : rial life. I.ike the hu: ) and illan.d ail other worthy J t o; ganiz.itions there are found , . -f-i bttkck sheCn and cn.".r:.rTe*-> unworthy to be numbered among the member- j . ship of honorable and benovlent and , ? haritable orders, and critics are j quick to point them -ut sunt t ines. It is inevitable that these things octhe f for ih? year from the Grand Secretary's report to the Grand Lodge v.- that efforts ; e to reclaim nr.r.e of the erring and when they j fail the unworthy are epelled abso- ! j 'utely. A total of v..11 In , f-ort' ?! ? the Gnu! !. 1 - -.. f -r tho . ' t yarft accord;: ? i (land j rotary \V Is. n. Dur . tho past your ! 2,275 have boon initiated in Masonic I lidges in the state; "2.211 have been! ! 1. and 2. . ?. V total ,.!* 1 ! on# have boen ad: tit! re'.nstat-B ed, nv.kfn- tad for the j year number .'1.136. Last! year's to- ! | tal was 36,620. which makes the pres. | I ent total 30.S26. ! . during the ' 227 "s .".d.ed, 720 withdrawn, and: 431 deaths, totaled 1,728, and the] s ;-r.t ."trength of tho order in the late 2S,3>-I. This nur.tl . r i.Jud. i ! i Clay County Negro Shot From Ambush y IVr?... r 1. .. * : r: the ?cal Jio-ni ; o'tn. otcd to livi- .!? re alt f abdonv'nal wounds r? . lv ; <1 late Saturday afternoon in Clay* < ' u: y when 7.e was shot front ambush by unknown parties. Tho v iunu fcxro w. bought to the hospital; S ??r: 1 y :r_! t str.d a?i -a: I >n 1 d that the the ball front the unknown assailant's pun had entered 1 the risht side, pierc rcj the body, and 1 iodgir.tr in t'.. left hip. The intes-l t'nes v. re punctured -.i five places.*! Tho patient is a: \ - today but doctor? - ay that his chance of recovery :s slight. Peny and a companion, it is rc- I port .!, were hunting in Clay County ; Saturday afternoon when the hoot- . ire occurred. So " ;r as i known, j there was no ec i ion for the sh >ot-' < ing. The negro i unable to give any j < Some of the local sweet potato , growers associations in the Slate | have formed a Strt? Federat:on with j a1 ut 70,000 bushels of sweets for .de this year. ijg L ; j ADVERTISE IN S THE SC OUT "IT WILL MAKE f Y O U R I C H ' ' 1 I1.5H A YEAR IN ADVANCE I --?9 ES$ \nother Chapter Written in County Water Power Fight arolina-1 enn. Power ( n TV I..J_ VJ1VC1L J UUg" merit Agai'ist Hiawassse Power Co.?Will go to Supreme Court. Another el aplcr was written in the story of the water j?owtr fight in e , ?ujit y : ast Saturday when u .;j". P. A. McFIroy, -itting in the ap ity a judge and jury in the land > : mat ; proceedings of the ar ol r.a-Ti rov -u 1'ower Company gainst tli I;: wass.-c River Power i in favor of the laintiff in all questions of fact and aw an>l i turned a judgment of ' I..'J7d far the > 7 acres of land eld hy th?- i : dant company and ariou.- ira! vidua!s in what is known s the Coleman dam a*te basin sevral miles below Murphy on the Hiaa ee River. Defendants immediai-ly gave notice of exceptions to the / indings of the court botjj as to mo- I ions and valu.it c allowed on lands I and the matter will be reviewed be- V or. the Supreme Court in May. \ T. S. R.oiir.s of A-heville closed \l he . rgumee.t f??r the C-irolina-Tenn . Power Company five minutes efore t<-u o'clock Saturday morning .nd the Judge, immediately followng. announced that the motions of h fondants would he over-ruled and set eleven-thirty as the hour for anthe awards mado for the iir.\ lved. The. taking of evii.-tM-r was c r.ipli ted late Thursday liiU-tMoou .aud -arguments in the onsw * ri Friday nu ning and contiued : 1 ten oci' ik Saturday morning, i hour..- thus being occupied. At t ef the taking iho ..tiifiiy Thursday night at.foir i l"' r dismissal of tho ' Tht ' t st w:. !--i;i:? - the M >' t ?-n th< ground that Mar;in was d< atl, 1 :t as the Hiawassee Uiv;" ;'11 r I'.unrary had been bade i and owned the land, *h ' -v <1 he motion. The ecunti motion asked for rht. dismisc. es on aii : d ground of I - t ! iv.ii'u! deity and neglect), the Judge overruled the motion, the | motion offered by the deIs.rts a i f.o- the d> missal of f:. lure to *ro.-ecute. This motion was a'-o overruled. Th< \vere eleven different suits, a-1 h i: ;- heard at the same time inv " i . t v-1 \v n in wha: is known as the Coleman Da in Sit Ba in thai is the basin near: .Mm ; i;\ . The CarolirfaTcnncs-. i'ower C. mpany was plaintiff in every suit and the Hia:: ver i er Company was cltljvri defendant ?r co-defendant in em-h action. The various parcels f ktv.d v.. t. valued as follows by the court: Hur.suckcr lands, $1,0r?8; .J h I! Ulvcr Power nv et al m>4; Whitner et jal, $2,528; Mashbtirn, et al, $2,425; Fair, cl al. $1,H vassee Kiver Pow r Company, ts, $22,738; \V li. - aid wi . $2,337; J. M. Martin, et al, $1,345. Th? mi fixe by the judge for Lhe ca-e in qu- '.i"n was paid over to the court Tuesday morning. The case extended over a period two weeks. The special term of the Superior C.w-t opened January Sth and ;he first day was spent in arguing whether certain cases should be remanded to the clerk and whether they shuld be heard before a jury. Aftoi the court hid stated that it would remand the last three . the clerk unless an argument f<,a-d be reached W whicjj a tela*T could be had at this trim of court, counsel for the two companies agreed on ti e following order: "It is, by consent, ordered that laid eleven causes or prwa ?di nga be (Continued on page 8) . ah J - -i