P?l? 6 9 w ^jtiiiini11ii11;?!im111niH111?M11n11imfg II SCRIBES AND il | PHARISEES :| ??a, ?? = |; WILLIAM ALLEN WHITE ! = Eai i~i*i ?*i n i'i ;*i n ft ftfiiYfifii i; ? ii iThiT .1I iTi iir. Co^riithl, lO?i. b> u?e U.tomii>*u I'v I I'S > a little towu lu thrt part H 1 of tin* country ca. .til tl?e \Y>-?t by tho.M? who live east f t e All--'amies. and r? i r red to h v. sis : .leu East" by loose w!jo dwell vest of the Rookies. It is u country town where. u> :'.e song gin's, ""j- n knew everybody at ! tiny ?i kn ?w you' nut! the country uewsp ; t-r lee Is the s<u ,ai clearing house In our little now jper otilre we ure III: r.-porters, and ... know : :.y i: ' iiu <- thi:-;-< tibou: people that we ' iw; I "int. As the merest incident of t' d. y ?rlnd. it unit- to the t f * la. -a- tor v. h . a a announced w-lth f it viu i . of rejtret. 20 years of faith.:.! ??t\; md that his wife sold the heiaesti ud t > ffiuke his shortage go* d. Though our loathed but e>t?*euie.j oat temporary. tin s ?. - i - .a <>T our town as ,iU. >. mid cul.s the marshal hleT .. polio ." we ur*? none tie- leas a autry U . t: Li.* hundreds of tt? k:ud. our little ila.'y newspaper is equipped with tyiu-N-t- ' tiiii f - h'v -? and . |>r L'ol 1: j u Vf?b per - r>JC press, j,t It ) * > a country new -.paper, ? ' k-an\ we refuse to put on airs. ' ?f curse. we print t- < ui"'.--ruo. : Ass ii ted Press report "U Ur-: j a,-e. under fitrtna! head* nad v.. ... ^uio pretense >f d!gn:->. but ..at : - pa., Is tl?e parlor "f tf r pnj <-r, u .1 .? a* inos- .*? -r# eou?fi:.!'or. > *. : .1 ' other page* t hey ; -u., J la <ttir shirt slaves. t: ... by ihelr first nnaie*. ? ?.:?* Us* ; * .1 a 1 g'rl* c . ; :b?* pompous rueu-.t>?ro -j: Ui?* >. :j4i- > UU straws fr r? tiuie to ti;--. ad ?Ut Tie family ** < :> ;s .,f tb rot- -U olt.v without iau'i. rr-r: 3 for tie fcv.iii^s of the w;*r i us Nine or ten tiijuaaud peep*-* !n ::r town c<> t'> be.J . :. 31 k'.ad :' mental pnbuluin. st? 1* . try >wu cl?? :> Hi! ? er The I":. Stat-* a ad alt! .l^ii < do Tl> . ::: '-at it i * lo ful, we li ?-r 1 that It cl<#fs i. t hurt t' e:n. . > by pokii'tf in. ! f?iu at tl. *! ?. ? 1 a p ? ?we make It 1:. " d: ' -ult 10 m.i.u tilhi !;? *;? . . : e tondi-rs w ,.?1 . > . . >!j. r iy v prlu'itt^ th uovts of t' at hap|H'ii!i, supprev* ; ihi: - "CHnlaccount of tin- re-.; dty <f the i . Lth-s ? ..!!.'or:. . may pri \. t ?. ... ev'.l d l*r - ' . "i t. r plna?, 1 ur tiif.** is inert i:j.-.? uro, tin: we do n.-t set it l"VMi t our credit What we ma 1. s ii.:t :u prim : - rowr little country d?i ? '. scribes, t'ro::: -?* end ?' 'be Wor.-J to tLi > r, get " tt. .?ur s! are ? f f'ljj i' '" .1 Y? I' _* ti!*"?1 " IIO pass f s : 1 : *h ef i: "i' '< > our i:o.h r* as we . m spare. w 1.' re i only -> or !!..? baker's w: 11, att-t where L ;."si S In tile the , a: ' r-" ' !* ll creels, .* u rea- 1 -'?" > '> (Iwc l'-rs slioirid assume ' :it w?\ u"' natives. We have !!< l w?.rth r. 'V.l'.i i tsvi- that > 'iui- > { us est era s burr r "r's" a . ? r dr.-jan asloiml tlnitl ' 1- yu wil find t' t all the ?h'u.s a h- rTlstMl .n the hacks >f the Uii.iZines are n our houses and that the young men In ur ! - .1: in'.ifhr v .tii their Its ' a the aan.e p- r u.rs tha* hoys are wh> c u. N'1 . I'* i"tland San Fran-.-' r New or:.:u.< that saine evening, uur g'.rls are tin >r jc? i r.-ua ' > u; rrsdOs from ' r 1 > ho&ch to loir, zjtfrd's hay In Th- fall r.r-1 winter, these K fhl of the I*:st Ulili the state universities of the West. \W take all the beautiful gardeo ruu-az'nes. and our terra-ootta works v.? h we pronounce "vahze-" you may y ).? sure?fur f.rtaal gardens. An* thousrh we men for the miwst n?r? r"n ------------ our own lawntu vers. and personally lvx?k after (he werk of the college boy wb" takes care of (lie horse and the cow for his room, st:!! there are a few of us proud and 1 aughty creuturea who have automobiles. At the tlowei ptfrade In our own little town last, October there were ten automobiles, in line decked w -h paper fl-overs and laden with pr.*:ry airis in lawns and dimities and linens?i no ugh as a mat-j ter of fact most of the linens were only "Indian head." And our particular little country paper printed an item to the effect 1 at the real * . ai lir.e of cleavage in the town lies not between Hie cut :1 s"f and the dev "N otees of hnnd-pahited china, hut be 1 tweeo the real i> 1 iiity who wear pen tiine line- and the base Imitations who j wear Indian head. In some towns an hem like that: would tnnke poor e man. but we have JBur people trained to stand a g?x?d j Seal. Tl:.*y know that ;* cos" th five cents a line for car < of thank, and resolutions of respect, so the\ never bring tbem in. T! - > know that our paper never permits "one who was there" to report social functions, so that dear old correspondent ha--. resigned . and because we have insisted for years ou raaldng nn item auou. the first tomatoes that arc served In sp.Ing at any dinner or reception, together With rho cost per pound of the toma . ?>Jjc U ? kJ LcwO?? UkU. to OU4 | . Q I ? - = attitude and does not buz* with Indignation wheu we poke a risible finger at the home-made coouuuea of the Plymouth Daughters when they present "The Mikado** to pay for the new pipe organ. Indeed, so used la the town to our wajs that when there was great talk last winter ubout Mrs. Frelingheyson for serving fresh strawberries over the ice ?. roam at her luncheon in February. ! st after her htisbat!) had gone through, bankruptcy, she culled up Miss Lariahee. our society editor, on the telephone and n*ked her to make a little Item saying that t! ^iruwberrn-s served 1?n Mrs. F~e! g' ... -on at her t chr. ii n era t. t fr? . hut merely sum dried This we gladly and ; r rd-sJ her recipe. So. : tally, v st our it-va ! ii,j to es*. - \ v \o: .1. . ut- has grown !ri the \ , : whieti 0*tr p?*?> p'.e un i . - hut ohi* l? iike all other family vernacu I a ra?Is Creek ?<? j v. < ti e : lh ? ne -qr: "Mrs Merr - getting ready to ]C -I a to t' o N us. Ji;::r l.r> *" T . t ' : t mecn anvil tig. utiles* y ' !' :t Mrs Merrtt -j Bo*; fern 'n : ! '\v Ik pnpr'y ' ' ' ;;f : , dd-ng with Ut ' 'v the M:a? Item w.'-jld 8pt?';tr thus: i g the wed. N?: t. .;i a ; ! Mr. < ! '!n* ' v i>f the [bride's parents. Mr. and Mr*. T. J. 1 N . ? li - ?:r- J IS" A t 'v e.l to : . . - . of Mur?f j -:>.** ' f drii or - - - ' In w? feel < - t ? *..> if t; r ?*\r: ^ Uorn?l'?n 'fiat tl > the . af;er r- " - . ; \ h? ' " i f : . nage w '.r'l in uhtt wo cul i. r ;In? in ??t imfHT > . 1 j J" > >VH1 W ' _ .. 1 'I. n I ; - W n t i w ..co- two n Clrt# ;i T-, ; ja> :iw ?J : S a *? ? ? .C* ? prevailing price ;* three In t;'-pj l! circles the most, n i :< / a j'h ADS i| jwwrjpn l pilMLMI fEZISraOSSs Suppressing Nothing "On Account I Ccnc? lmporterr person:- '< .T ?!. rkley, I political -*tlv>si? the in-*t . wr:u- t personage is Charlie II*-Jr. k, who knows the railroad attorneys at the capita, aud always .-an g?*t passes f -r the county delega'Un to the state conIventionj-ln the railroad yard the m.sf Important personage ?? ?hc division superintendent. win. smokes ten-sent cigars and has the '> "room with a hath" at the Hotel M.tropole. Hut vrltlT us. In The publication of our newspaper, the most Important personage In town Is Marshal Furgcson. If you ever looked out of the cnrwlndow as IJ^S pushed tlir r.-h town, you undoubtedly saw him at the depo'. walking nervously up and down the platform. peering into the fares of strangers. He is ever on the outlook f r crooks, though i thing more violent has happened In our county for v->rs than an as- .it and battery. I>al .MArsnai Furgeson never re:.r??iu.>!?? > his w a ten. In winter, clad li. '.is h. a uniform and campa.m hat, he Is a fa* miliar figure on our streets; and In summer, without coat or vest, with his blir silver star on which is stamped "Chief of Police." pinned t-- his suspender. ho may he seen at any p where trouble Is least likely tfigS k Out. He Is the only man on (he town site whom we are afraid to tease. Idealise he Is our chief source of news When we particularly des're to pl?nse him we refer to him as "th-* authorities." If the Pa'.ace grocery hn? been Invaded through the back window ana * tx?x or ping t I acco stolen. Mar shal F*ni%;efon la delighted to rend in the pnjHT that "tic iifltcrltl a w an Important c'e and the arrest rr?v be expected ar y ;no." If,? "tl-V authorities." If "Uje authority hui. their eyes no n certain harder shop ? Sooth Main v;rv t, which is sup i .>> < . V A THE CHEROKEE SCOUT posed to be <3olns a back-door bee* business," be again la "the author! ties." and ccnteuda tbat the word strikes more terror late the beans ol evil-doers than tbe mere name. Marshal Furgeson. Next lu rank to "the authorities/ In tbe diploiuutlc corps of the ollice come our advertisers: Tbe proprietors of the White Front Dry Goods store the GoUlen Eagle Clothing store, au>! the Bee Hive. Those men csa couu nearer tv dictating the pajH-rs policy than the bunkers and politicians. wbt ure supjH?*od to control country news papers. Though we are charged witl being the "organ" of any of half a dozen politicians whom we happen t< apeak of kindly at various times, \vt have little real use for tiollilrLius In our ofhee. and a business man win brings in CO sr TO dollars' worth ol advertising every utouth has more lu fim are with us than all the politician! In the couiity. 'Hi.* Is the sltuat' >>z In most newspaper offices that sue ccc-i. and when any other situation I rev alls, when |K?lltlciuns coutrol edl t.?rs. the new p:.,.v.*s don't pay well in. ' sooner "f later tbe Ittlciaus nr? 1 ankrupt. Tl:? <'Tiiy person 1n town whotu all the : t?-r :>nnts (! -' ( its to poke fun at !- V ? Vrlvti Mall Order IVtrU I* i scri\ ?i<* e<M|ger who buys every ant ? >-*?? 'he* he cwi hrtv * ; uln ? :.eap?-r ; bau the uier .iut sells It. He Is u hard-worktng iciiu. to f.tr :is th; t goes. r.n*| so stingy t hut he ims been incased of gv !J| ! '. r.r. t> .. - ?... slioi ? Wlicn lie Is nick he aends oul of town for patent m<v!loin??. and '?? t<-ii y? s !.. nr.rk.-1 Iti hi* tnjrk c<-.r<J. u AM' and droughts. bus* m. ! t ... t" ayvt* somothlr.c ilkr * 5. dollar*. whi.h ho put la p iuit'1 order bunk !n St. I^wlv When !f f. ..-1 I:.- mnnM T the fellow? uh.i tultt*-J Mm ?f lil? Jo**, and *aM. com* oav P*> eu^y !" A few \. :.rs ?-o ho aahserlb*^ t<# a matrix -ir.al p:ip"j iu(l on? day he api^-ared at the office of the p-obale Judfe v.trli k null or?Vr wife, who, when th? hi-d b-r-n married a few \e*rh. * -it ! ?u ?*phan a*?lut? and *.1'. y iI order baby. ^r hue Lad . -i.< V r ' rj? rt w ith Mall Order l'e:rl?? i ml b*- has become s? weed tc it tb;t In- ltke< It. ud this is the material with whlcbj we do our dsj'a wortr?Mail Order Petrle. Marshal rarjreaen. the pretty I T~ " 2f the Rerpectab-iity of the Parties t-nod ** 4* :-; > in f. ? fl.iw. r p:.r.nh\ the wlsi ' ,ClUO wotaeu," tee nnw?ij?a aiCl^d crowd, the proud owner of the autoj mobile. the "respfe*.r?bte parties con corned,"' proprietor of the tSoliieti Eugle. The clerks in the >?e- Hive, tin country crook who aspires t? be a pro frssloiiii! er.minal pome day. "the lead f much of hi? time seeing the mgntsj of his country! the college 1 ys who wear fnanj clothe* arid ribbons on their hats, ant the politicians, greedy for free adver tltUug. Our business ?*-e:as to outsiders tt be u cruel ? t.. . because we have t< deal ns nine business with such sacret! thing-* as death and birth the meetiB] and partlnc of friends, and with trage dies us well as with come<Les. Time and a en in we have been stir prised at the hurity of our people They are always willing to forgive aud be it tuan or wotnun who takes t rutaetep In our town?which ia th< counterpart of hundreds of Amerlcai towns?If the offender shows that hi wishes to walk straight, u tLoucwnt hands are stretched out to help hin i and guide him. It la not true tha n man or woman who makes a xuia tR':e Is eternally damned by his lei W -.vs.. If one persUtfa in wrong ufte: the first misdeed it Is not becausi sheltering love and kindness were no thrown arc and the wrongdoer. W< oeve in our town women who luir< lone wrong an?l have tlrel down theii ?rrors Just as then do. and have bee: rglren. A hundred times in our ??f tioe we have talked fhe-c things ovei am) have been proud of oar people ant of their humanity. V.> are all neigh ors and frier-.- Kl when sorroe comes, n.'i one . me. The town': greatest t-ag?*d.e- have proved th? town's sympathy, and have been wortl ?^lz Cv-U . , . , ^ i :i naMtittk MURPHY. NORTH CAROLINA ; DIXIE GROWERS ! ASSOC I AT By DR. FRED CC Tobacco seeds art- arriving .it the. headquarters of the Dixie Growers and Shipper- X * < ..t on. Many people will wait until too at t pet their seeds and plan a =ucves ful crop. Th; is the falure of tin * pani;. i farmers. To .hose desiring t0 grow a tobacco crop this year need to know how t?< r -.v tobacco? We give them full instructions, . nl anybody who can I gro'v a e> *n cro; . a potato crop. etc.. can trow successful tobacco crop since troublesome burnring is eliminat d. ________ 1 1 Hoy.- and car. grow their to , ... I* x" " their school work. hecauSL* 'hi- crop i can be sold as it ?tanda in the field, by t .*? plan r. worthy jmnv,* p'.c earn their full college course. I This i> the history in Kei tuck) and . . t? rn m ctior.s of North Carolina. Why are the tobacco farmers the , :: host farmer.- per amount of acres i ' A nod and tilled? Th t*. S. Ucvvrn-! 1 i: <: : .-tntist.es or agriculture will how this to be n fact. We repeat a < rr> . ; ion in the pric f the tested ; ed-. They ' come in packages of one acre capa :ty for bed sowing. They eost us $l.U(i plus po.-tage. We make noth.ng ?>n them. If anyone can give us i I ! . :?r quotations, w want to hear en: them. S? me ; rub : a?. o seeds can be uyht cheaper, but they are useless *. the 1 igh grade market.-, and will ...... be recognized by this Association. Wt now seeds for all ? care o got th ;r eiders and grow : : r er. p u-der our careful guid... ... front b?-d owing, setting out. " :t i.ring. t iiing, curing, and direct marketing. W i y it that i.-.ary >yl. will make up the r tun. !> to late to * J.tir t i-aeeo seeds and other reeds nnd p'an th- -r cro ? Th,. an-wer a lack of initiat e, and fft 'h in a ..ew plan of marketing and growing .i ? . myed crop. It i.> our t arne.-i. ij. .> to stav away from any th u : . ! over-, -limating the dos ?I pr.e. that common grade.- of i uv ,s are brirgng on the markets and. as th.. market- for hist ye..r and " Wh.to i:...hv this vlalomcnt. on facts, and not on >t aliments, to gel the people interted in a tobacco crop. Takc a;) ex r f -r comparison: One acre of a reasonable grade of tobacco will ] r:j.g more than 30 jicrt-.; of corn in this section One acre of tobacco will bring ! : than fifty acres of wheat, and the" left " V'eT. rjoHiirtini)' ..11 cxpen e>; for expenses are light in comparison to income. When any thinking farmer sits down and thinks over these t.?ld facts j sweat, time, hired labor, horse feed, machinery upkeep and buying that are at inched to corn, w heat and other crops that now have little return in home markets, that farmer will im mediately get busy and plan h:s *?I : CASTORIA For Infants and Children - In Use For Over 30 Yeacs Always bear, i ~ , )M.' i.'.Ul 'J.M i f Thedford's ! 1 ?'?. .a... "1 1 I IbLAliK-ll I 110BAU8HTI 'B | Liver | I | MedidoeJI 1 || (Vegeiabie) r? } I-? ? 1 AND SHIPPERS' ION NOTES ICIIRAN. Prr.,dent too crop for next year. I am an enthusiast on fine orchards, splendid breeds ?.f livestock. etc., the improvement3 of small grain yields, acsentific crop rotations, etc., and am n.?r promoting more u - f tobacco. Hut , getting back to the fact side of our I Ian? for an extensive tobacco crop for next yen*-, ** hav, no other crop thc.t brings such return'; and our section is favi rably adapt* \ *< grow, ing heavy quantities and fine qualiOf tolui.co,. We tnk,. direct testimony front a r ear by Tennessee farmer of M ur.-e , t* y. H says that he averaged j k - than "iu* hour per day r.\ his to- [ baceo crop of one acrt. yet ho realized more off of it than he dd off j his other crops and his | bined. No n> 'te experience i no- try in prowing a tobacco crop under our direct instructions than any *h j or crop requiring scientific care. . are. Some of the highest pr 1 | 'ohacce.. soid on thc Knoxv:lle nvtrk?J 1 IS Start, die la ! v S f " : .l .. '; ] n I * .?llixl hci " > ! ... I -i in ci:jv. .c -j organs rut of . **. *. - :;r! I ; du.a.anI organs v h tiu oh! Dr. Hess PAN-A ;;M Tt puts the c,tit or,Tar. to woi j i It starts the i. - (1 . * v.-.; ' It ;;4\ e - led >:y. - at: t d *.V; j?IJ I- brings b'k the .. n<* . r.l < ! k* tr.-:;-cc-a , i a p<.. : That-, when , RICHARD S. F Druggist ( j Ir'tf ituvc a ri^ht'sise p: | Wa I Boys ai The Athens Busint-s hoy. and jrirls to un lor^i. and steno?rapherp. The < sonuiiui ci"I M:i.<*ois for the shortage anion? lb* iouiui? ical help. This makes it : and women to enter our i position. I It costs SloO.UU to course in the Athens ttusi other schools offering simi! % takefs three to six months 1 ing. You will tret the adva 1 best, easiest and simplest s g of the most practical court 1 Why work for $25.Of j you can earn $75.00 to ?! S motion to even a bijruer sal jk Bookkeepers must be m weevil or short crops?lht g Enter the Athens Bus E the school place you in a ^ months. U Write or call for informs S ATHENS BUS1 1 Corner o f Ha ncock ^ PHONE 9165 j FORi t House and farm of t B of ;; mile I cm Unaka I sured for $500, well al I asked, which is only $1 I if desired. For furthei W. D. B 1 OAK CREEK, Friday. February 2. | eU in the Ust few weeks were prows "A by new. inexperienced growers. j We know what it mean* t<> prow I up in this remote, mountainous set- I tion and to fipht for an cducat.on so A as to compete with the world -tbout us. From this Experience wo Hre Hi f.-peeially urpnC many ambitiouiHI young men and women planning t0 1 take ? bitfh school, business, collegt J >r university course to take advan- ,S tape of this opportunity and p in ? 1 tobaeco crop this year, and sell it right i:i the field, if it in neces-ary to go right on and enter in the fall when -' hool* open. This ran be done to a great advantage. Most of I the-e young people get their member. ^ ' ships at reduced prices, those uadi r ?') years of age. Facts shox that tobacco farnu'r? are the richest, most independent in : n.iM ial circumstances, control in..re banks ai.a i^tvc n;> e clecTh-aijy * h- r: . and drive more autos. which every hardy farmer has a right to give his family the 1 c? : .fort f. than any other rural poo- R pie ij- all the world. I \Y, call attention to all tht. rend- 1 ? ! - to r. mind your nearest merchant ,S . make his tobacco seed order, or a <i y. -:i self at r- 3 r 1 V l f k^:- \ I I r^c cr TO ' ^ nted * -i 1 id oiris C ego >n need of more J th. tra ning for ? >okkcep;.ng $| w?iy light atti-ndat.ee in the I past two years has craated a 1 tr?ial buawaaa firm* lor chmw 1 in ideal t me for young men 9 ichool preparatory to a good I 9200.00 teas to complete * ness College than it does in i lar courses of instruction. It ess time to complete the trainntage of learning one oi the j horthnnd, and one r ? ? to $.*?0.00 per month when "0.00 per month and get proary from year to year? 4 had regard lest; of the boll y are essential. :nc.*s College at once and let ! good position within a few lion. NESS COLLEGE and Lumpkin Streets ATHENS, CA. SALE sixty-five acres quarter J postoffice. Heure in- ^ lone worth the price 1,000. Terms on'half particulars address? RYSON COLORADO . J

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