IF IT ISN'T IN THE SCOUT ITS BECAUSE WE DIDN'T KNOW IT The Official Orj VOLUME XXXIf. So. 30. RESIGNATION OF PASTOR ACCEPT" C WITH RELUCTANCI Rev. Liddell To Go T< Corbin, Ky. ? Sunday Night May Be Last Ser vice Here. Ai a meeting of the session of th Presbyterian Church, following 'h Sunday morning, the resig It n of the pastor. Rev. M. C. T.id ?i . was reluctantly accepted, lit I iMell has accepted a call to thi ? r.-t Presbyterian Church in Corhi-i a;. 3 city of about tcventeei th and people, and hopes to he cS ti? assume his work th-re thin! - part of March. He offeree *-. ?rnati?n Sunday right. Feb hut the church did not act ot :il lust Sunday. Mr. I.iddell has befcn here nhou fif n months and has had a won derfu; success in his work. Thi 1*1 * m! i rship of thrt chure^ hat beer n*.<?re than doubled in that time ant r., *. only his church, but the entiri cor .aunity rcjrrets to see him leave Ht and Mr?. Liddcll hav. done a fini v. :n this community and the) v be greatly missed. Their manj fri : ds. however, wirj, them an ev greater success in their new v rk. Mr. Liddel! announces that mxl Si:: lv. may \ v his last services here lit- ha. announced th- il.vi* .- ib for tls .o sciVifi-s. Sunday n-.ominjj at eleven oVU? * th j : will be "Partakers with Christ." ! , ubject f>the hour Sun ivenins "Go ? t Mi"." : + * * * * ******* + * + 4" ^ + ! Boilir^ Springs $ + +? * * * Y* V- -V V- * -b i-r + ! Mr. Ed Gentry, of Grandvi \v. L-<<d throunh our ?-etion Saturday his way to Snow Birth Mr. Marshall A.Ion wa in ou dst Saturilav on business. Mr?. Walter Da\ i nr-.d f imi:> r.t the week-end with her sister, Henry Dockrry. We had a few days j;o<?d mect.nj; i? ri last week. Mr. ard Mrs. Luther Dockerv vls d friends nt Snow Bird Sunday. Mr. Henry Abemathy ha? quit his >h at Snow Bird. Mr. Joe Abernathy has quit lojfnK for C. C. Mills. Vlr. and Mrs. Homer Lovingood tve moved in the house with her ircnta, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Davis. Mr. C. C. Mills saw mill has stop* ior a few day- on account ?f T some work done on his saw. i. Vinna Gaddis visited hor ter, Mrs. Floyd Arms, last and Mrs. M. B. Dockery went rphy on business Friday. are glad to hear that Owl has woke up. 4 and Mrs. Andy McDonald vislere parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. ernathy Sunday. I Bra. Emmie Fair left for her home K)hio Friday after spending a few j Bb with her "arents, Mr. Mrs. V. Darts. Hr. Robert Abcrnathy and fan*Bent to Murphy Friday. J. N. Woody t r Marble, is Hnf a few days here thi* week. ^Lars. Robert and D. McDonald j^^visitors at Mr. M. B. Dockery'sj jan of Murphy and Chei I DEATH CLAIMS ) SCHOOL HEAD | :J AT HAYESVILLE J R. Victor Bailey Hies aft-' r Attack of Influenza; ' 11 Has Temporary Charge of Schools. p j R. Victor Bailey, ruperintondenl ? >f the Hay. -v.lie PuMic Schools, o .lied Sunday afternoon about one , | o'clock. His death was due to com-J , | : lications following influenza. Mr. B . Bailey had apparently recovered i from the flu and had re.-umod his ^ | lutie- in school. Friday morning. | after he had bn-n back at scho' ! , i for four day-, hi .va found uncon , j scions in hi. room. His relatives at ( I Net: Wake County, were notified. ^ and his brother. H. T. Bailey, rcachi.-d her Saturday. Howt4er. the :ck man did not rally enough to recIognize his brother. The end came shortly after one o'clock Sunday af; t rrr.oon. The bodv was brought to I Murphy late Sunday ind prepared. t I for burial ar.d sent to Neuse early | Monday morning. s' Mr. Bailey was tl'ity-three years . oi aire. lit irradiiat'<i from the j Stiit University in 1916, following _ j v hioh, he laugh r-'. e f t a yeaH then entered the j.rmy and serv! . "Ver>eas for iv.. th: : a y at ; ti ? ? ' . :ed ;? wound ' head on the 21st of Oetoht- the z'frv. ( t thi :rnti>t 1 Itn ot I Novfub^r, i n>.t months ; it;;! Aft r h - return to : be St./ he again nssumed I* die in th \ vers.ty ar.d had th? of Ma t r of Arts coi.f<.rrr*| h.iu r.L fi.miv.c'U'i'mpiit t** L, ,j lone 1922. He came to Hayesville las*. fall a;.d assumed charge of th.* a y>tt?n there. H,. was maki'n a f ; e success of the schools and wa- well liked by the entire community. lie IS survived bv his parents and Ifour sisters and f.ve brothers. Mr. Allen .1. Hell. County SuperJ ir nden.t of public instruction in Clay C ..nty is in ten.porary charge | the school, <1??it:the adminslrait.\< work and part of the teaching | that Mr. Bailey did. Mrs. B. Neil I Haigier is also doing part of th caching. It iv understood that arrangements are trying to be made to allow Mr. Bell to continue to suprv.se the schools for the remainder i >f this year. CENTRAL SCHOOL AT PEACHTREE TO CLOSE FRIDAY | j?joo Roon ^nrrpcofnl ' Year?Attendance Has Been Good. Peachtree, Feb. 27.?The Centrali~cd St'hc-li; here >v'!j Fndav afternoon, llarcu 2. after one of th? most successful years in the history of thc school. We have had a spien (i d corps of teachers and fine work has been done throughout the year. The teachers are: B. R. Carroll, W. K. Johnson. Jefferson L. Martin, Elizabeth Lovingeod, Clara Me Combs, Wm. C. Pipes, Laura Puett, j and R. M. Moore. The attendance this year has also been unusually good. The enroll- ^ ment was 294, while the average attendance has been 233. The enrollment in previous years perhaps has ^ been as good ag this year, but never e before has the daily average attendance been so high, | Every effort has been made by t tha teachen to keep up interest in the school and the pupils, for the most par:, have worked hard. Three children, two girls and one boy, who were promoted to the seventh gradelast year by Prof. Hendrix. and have j " studied seventh grade under Prof. ! Carroll, were promoted to the eighth j , | k (Continued Ob page 4) T Cfjcro rokee County, and the Li MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA, NEWS OF ' I?lil. Uev. Arlii.ii M.-ill ton, b!sn >] warked for yeori. -?Antl-Seniltic ?j<-i of the zone of French occupation In tl>< DEPUTIES CAPTURE I BLOCKADE STILL Deputy Sheriff .1. C Marcus, with the a ii of J. \V. .. Hue brought la a (I - illery, a gallon of whiskey and a man early \Vedn< i:y morning. Thc : till \va- about I.* ??ailons capacity ami was found oj. the head of Davis Creek, about fifteen nvles flint here. About -cventy-five or t; eighty gallons of beer w re also ri puUICU uul. i !(, uialtiiviy nus ItwL Jin operation when found but offi- ;n ors brought in lson Davis, \vh > i: . , u. j*ecti (1 o' being connected with It. j It is understood that Davis was van*- aJ ed on another charge. "t* -V- '? ^ "f *Y* ! | a- a. a. ! n Owl Creek j!1' r 4? 4* + ! + A A A * ? * A * * * * ! -i* ,| v< Mr. Henry Kephart has gone to Asheville on business. J Mr. Ernest Kephart is ill with the ' n:i( U. b< Mr. Williah Marcus has purchased a fine team of mules. Corn to Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mar.-ust a fine baby girl. m Mrs. Tat Odell wa the guest of Miss Tina Solesbee Sunday. tc Clifton Kephart has moved to the Ir John Nicholson house. M " w C. .J. and W. P. Marcus are in *5: business now. he bi We arc having some nice weather t'l it this writing. R. Mr. Mark Lunsford was a visitor ;1 it this place week. fr Messrs. Clifton and Tom K"phart ~r ire hauling ties very fast, i x M Mr. E. 0. Palmer has gone to w' lauling ties with his truck again. Pr Mr. James crisp was a business isitor at this place last week. in Mr. Clifton Kephart had the mis. ortune of getting his finder mash- fri d with a tie. m< a Come on. Grand view; you are gret- Pa ing behind. le* da CORNWELL BUYS MARKET T' Mr. B. B. Comwell has bought 'aylor's Market and is operating; it nder the name of The Star Market, be Ir. Cornwell formerly ran a market Le ere and his friends will be glad to iet now that i.e has taken charge of no he Star Market. cot lading Newspaper in , FRIDAY. MARCH 3, 1923 THE DAY IN ; Oi t la?. u.> UollOlUlV > ii.rl <>. uii' I nioiistrati-.n by the National Soelalis e Ituhr district. )utinguished Reader to Appear Here Soon diss Beulah MrNeniar ToXIiive Delightful program at School Auditorium March 6th Mi n, ,i!nh K M Wlllar. .IInRllishctl lyi cuni ? ; V rt:--. r. will ive a delightful program here ucsduy uvuiiiiik, March '?th, accord-1] iir to announcement-; recently made t.r>ne r.y o! r icers ?f '.hi- B&ptis\ ; ?!; s' Aid Society, uinl- r1 whose Mi s MfN'i-niar c* :: . Miss MeNemar's | : -gram i:u iud? i no'.ogues, shi rt storie-. chiract r npe: onation , poems aJ.?! ;?i:inogues. She is said to In- 0:10 of tTic It' i manodramnt onterta n * .il a del ghtful evonin_' is a. urcd >ung and old. he program w 11 begin strictly at-jl :'t(? Tuesday evening, March The program wil begin strict!y at lir. ion chargc of 2">c ?n<l 3 fie wil! . charged. ! Tollett-Harris. The following marriage announceent will be of interest to many oui readcrs a the young people f rmerly lived in this section: Cro sville, Tcnn., Feb.24.? Miss ene Marie Harris, of Isabella, and jr. Carfisie ^oiiett, or Giv??mC,, I ere married Thursday. Fob. 1"? at 30 o'clock in the evening, at the tmc of Judge K. C. Snadgras.--. The ide is a member of the faculty of e Cumberland County high school) .j ; _ daughter of Mr and M?= ' L. Harris, of Isabella. She graduate of the East Tennessee nrmal, class of '22, and has many i iends in East Tennessee. The i oom is a member of a prominent j ossville family, the son of Mr. and ! rs. E. (I. Tollett, and is associated j th hi- father and brother in the. actice of luw. He was a sergeant Company G, 119th Infantry, in j e world war. He received his 'aw ; gree from Cumberland University 1921. Relatives and a limited number of iends witnesed the wedding cere ( >ny. The bridal trip was delayed week because of the school en~ gement of Mrs. Tollett. the couple iving for the south last Wedncay afternon.?Knoxville Journal & ibune. It would be just as well to pause fore turning the U. S. Over to nine, Trotsky and the other Sov- : s. Unlike Russia, we would have crown jewels to hock when the ncern went broke. ?Judge. I) 2>C0Ut this Section of Westeri PICTURES | OCCUPEE- Bfev l"te India:.-. .ini<-n_ wtiom lie has is of liavuriu in Munich. It?Limit PAVING WORK ON TENN. COMPLETED i\.?n T v.ne - Street has be. n completed V> the WTl an Con-' trurtion i'ompanj. which ha.- leer, at work here i"or the last. th*r? month". The street from the bnvei Val y River bride t.? the com of Depot Street and a j.ar- w strip lh front of the post of f ice, making the tree? full width at that point, is fin- ' ished ami \, :1< be cpon ' ?r traffict within a few days. The street from the corner of TenesM-t. t.. the* Southm D' ; l.as 1 competed sev e a! \v ? Tie company i . .?w Vc L'nmini; >T1 the street leading from the >Mti - iii to" U.e L. A- N U.ilway "tat ion. Wolf Creek { T *f* d* : ! * w k k k k k k k k k -h -h Misses Hilda and Evelyn Beers visited Mi . Minnie Stev> i . of I. w?r Belltown, Saturday. \V L. ,!arron and son, Herbert, , went to mis Crossing Sunday where they will take up the sawmilling work. Mr. \V. C. Ballew, who was reported a *w weeks afro had sent an order foi Mrs. Ballew number two, received a registered letter a few days ago and he left here for Knoxvil'.e Friilay, and is expecting to return Monday or Tuesday with her. There will be a spelling bee at the Rural IIou,c S-.tu.da, night. March lht? 10th. Everyone rs invited. Mr. J. M. Carre n celebrated his vontv-third birthday last Tuesday. Tl -*? > ? i iiunf (m rn'iii him-: ?ir, anci .Mr . !. M. Garron, Mr. and Mr.-. Rachel J Ricks, Mr. and Mr \V. A. Burgess j and family, of Beiltown; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Morgan and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Garren and baby. | A sumptuous dinner was served, j which was greatly enjoyed by all. i Coca-Cola Company Adding New Machinery The Coca-Cola Company is this week replacing their old bottle washing machine with a new Miller Hy*. dro Junior, which, together with the automatic bottling machine added a few months ago. makes this one of the best equipped small plants in the state. The new washer will thoroughly sterilize and rinse every bottle injuring the drinks bottled here to be pure and wholesome. ....... I.??r I I I I I r | j ADVERTISE IN f THE SC O U T ! "IT WILL MAKE I n North Carolina ?1.6? A YEAH IN ADVANCE CLAY COUNTY ORGANIZES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ! ? * Will Advertise Natural Advantages to World; Has Many Resources Hayesvilks Feb. 26.?A countywide Chamber of Cmiynerce was or? rvd here last Thursday fop the purpose of developing the county in , j every possible way. ~~ Attorney O. L. Anderson was made President, and H. Ned Hairier. Secretary. Anoih r meeting will be held early in March, at which delegates from all the township.; will be present and a program for the year mapped out. ' "lay county has many natural resource ar.d advantage-, but on account of poor transportation facility . has not been able to develop them. With the coming of good r iiiv it is expected that the county will experience a new' commercial ra. There ar*. many valuable mineral deposits in the county, some of which arc being developed. The Chamber of Commera will bring th? to the attention of miners and have the other mined ami used. The id ; try a a. w uld bring untold w?; to into tile county. The climate ar.? I f the county have been de? ; - i0r *11 that, of any roun. t\ .. the w < ' vTii I art of the State, ami uiio of the | urj > - of the Cham of Commerce will be to give lie. a rag* n.J thi. industry. Ait'r ii.t. of th Chambe of t ommen-e wil be to induce the build , . .-u turner hotels in the count> to take care of the expected t-urist iravei when the roads that arc now umie, way, and completed. The climate ami scenic beauties of Clay County are unsurpassed. Old Chu: (Inp a;:<! Tus.juitte Bald heck ii tot he travc'. r to explore the ri< 'idland while the deep fo rests flinjr "lit :i challenge to the lovers of adventure. The Chamber of Commerce was it.> put Clay County where she ouirht to be, and i.s the first great niuvi- t-> tret the progressive people f th. county to co-operate for the u:i??id ?>f th? whole and eliminate the tendency towards individualism. It - expected that a large representation will he here for the next meeting. the date of which will be unit i: need a little later. York Rite Masons To Hold Ceremonial In Waynesville Waynesville, Feb 21.?The York Ritu bodies of Wavno"vill? announce a Ceremonial reunion to h?- he -i March 27th and 28th, at winch will bi> conferred the Chapter, Council and Convnandery degrees Th,. Chapter degree!* will be conferred during iiie afternoon aim evening of the 27 and on the morning of the 28, Doric Council will confer the Council or Cryptic degree . Thi.- will be the first time these degrees hav0 been conferred by the Waynesville hodies at a meetir.g of this kind, the Council being a recent addition. During the afternoon and evening of the 28th \Vay>ne-ville Commandory will confer the Orders of the Temple, bringing th? work to a close. About sixty candidates will take the degrees in the different bodies. Rural Carrier Exam. Held Here Saturday A rural carrier's examination was held here Saurtday, Feb. 24, for the purpose of filling a vacancy on one of the routes at Warne, N. C. Clarenc^ P. Caler. Howard C. Ford, James A. Wood, Clay Ford, Zeb. B. Stephens, and John H. Thomas, took the examination. The results of the examination ha*re not yet bcen announced. a

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