-52=?? Ct)E Cbtrobcc S>cout At OftcUl Organ off Murphy *?*? fttplm County, North Carolina. BKYAN W. S1PE, Editor-Managor. MISS H. M. BERRY. AtnocinU Ed.te. ~ PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY Swb?c>rption R?tt? at Year $1.60 KMbt Months. 1.00 , Six Months .80 Four Months . .60 Pa/ablo Strictly in Advaoc*. Display advertisements, 26c per col imn inch; legal advertisement*. want ! do, reading notices* obituaries, cards of thanks, etc., 6c a line each insertion. Contract rates will be fumishod immediately upon request. We reserve the ngltt to refuse advertisement* of a shndy or suspicions character, which are likely to daJead our reader*, or any other advertisement* or reading notices not in keeping with the dignity this paper maintains. Entered in the postcthce at Murphy, Worth Carolina, as second class mail matter under the act of M'ch 3. 1".*. :Fo?nf? \ '?r''tini THE AMLKH AN PRESS ASScV'Al'ON SOME THINGS THE SCOUT WOULD LIKE TO SEE IN MUKft'HY AND CHEROKEE COUNTY. In Murphy 1. An active Board of Trade Op Chamber of Commerce. 2. More manufacturing industries. 3. New Passenger Stations? A Union Station. I More Improved Streets. Re* .at *. l-"> Hours. 0. A In Che?okrc ? 1. A ?y. I in f inly ?oud? . it- 1 c State h.k?'.v?av-?. ikAfc* rai* ' \\ and dairying 4. So , . Time to Clean House Wintor is about m r Spring just around tr. . I'.- o Southern v. . _ .i . > be on their way Kick *o th. . i t I Many of them w. :v.e 'rr > way to spe- .1 i ' a r.ontkjnountairr Matty ' x : ess rr here through. :t the ar. It v. | have a cl an ' wn will mi^ ar> iittpr< n on i?ur : it \* have an up t K* uv's n Hi around .r ; . v : b am! ;.r< . v.* the town \v . d r-r trash oar.- r.i.r the refuse - ?: swept xt nt l: w 1 he .i w . - . } v.! be -i ir-,"i ? treet-clear. _ . doir.e a lit:! we -a- ? . > town, ar.l - v . ir.i Worms w? ' t ;:? ? thia sui : a r :f - kr .w control them. 'A *. A: tural Ext. v- ' K f r C135, Pu-t k' f C.i ac, a ,i lards to A your? lady f or* \r.s 1" >urPty trained . . first prize w.th >'. . r Wj >tto cockerels at t " - are Garden poultry shi w n N\ a York ri f last week. V f * ? ? RUN DOWN PEOPLE NEED Riiri BLOOD %/OU novr heard a d T "He is all rundown, bu: .... * is pure ami rich." Thehessi thic^-tl * biggest thing? that Gude's Pcpio-Mangan does - :> purify and enridi your blood Then those weary, run down, dragged o-.-t feehnps will disappear, and the oldtime vim and "pep" come back again. Get Glide's P*r? JsMargan todav. At your dru^..>ts? liquid or tablets, as you prefer. Gude's Ipepto-M&nga" Tor.ic and Stood Enricher nr Letters From the People Olustee, Okla., Feb 12 Editor Cherckee Scout: After reading your February i*tl issue Thought I would write you i few lines. I enjoy reading Th< Scout, first, because it is mv ol< honw paper, and second, because i is filled with good clear, and inter eating reading matter. 1 can ?e a wonderful improvement in Th< Scout in the last few years and I an oi- there is a wonderful improve niotit in the country as a whole, shall never forget the many goo things you peaple enjoy that ws? can't. But, on the other hand, w have several advantages over the ople there. I don't think I coal ever make that n.y home any more but 1 am sure that it s hard to fin i bettor country than J?-ar oiU ->ori Carolina to live in. considering eve r> thin it. and try advice to an yon .s: If you are sat sfied where you ar> " matter wher0 :t bo, ami have goo health, you should not think of nv?v inc. That is the n'ason why I thin] I w i,! never make my heme in Cher kee County. North Carolina, an more. So far a - the people are concern ed. 1 find no dtffervm anywhere You can always find the . lass of pen p.o y.?u want to a^H-uite with n< matte- what class it is I haw be* i i twenty-seven *>f the States of th. Union and thee* art. all classes o people in all of them. If I wnntct > ?0t ;r. a card game I could go t< Murphy and get in one. or you cai come to Olustee. Okla . and get ;r one. And if I wanted to v -it a rea Chr -tian home. I c. uld f.nd then n Murphy; you c aid find th*n here. The winter ha.* been very mil< here t'ar. very little ice; but i we had the rainfall you have there w : ii much c Ider \V. hae only .ad ah. twi inches of rait s.nce July i!r.d. l.?22- ju.-t thre? 1'ght va ns on, .n Sept. ?.her. oni N . r a- . las: w . k II w v v d - shape t?- work The farmers are planning a big ac rege t n th - year. Wheat i pootEgla tin.. T w.il bo i v at .4r.d barley >..% this spring. 1 ' . g.. d to know you are push tj neu th< re. Th. A " >.? ! 'h r.-.'n w '.! jif a : :: :y. a farm. 1 sec I ha nrov here e\ y i iv \Y hav mar v ; - b.ero w h have froti .i ' ~,h >f r- . - to feed re skim ! .? d : k tTh s? farm, r* aiway br - g mor? pre lude t >? -. than the; buy. Wish nc th : ; * C'heroke Coij-*\ tt i 1 : :? I am. S neerely. I. R JOHNSON THF STATE > WATER POWER T v;-^ ext s i- a ]? * y M John H. Strwai to Pr - r L E Maonef, will i > - Texas. F. : 14. ' _* 1 Fritr.d Kirc: | I bavt- : is*, received The " | .1- I r V m N rts ' '.-.I- i -a ?ter an i wr.*-.- * , it Mr. D : ar-.i Mr Walkf j i wr. Mr. W . r -\v; ,* before 1 wer* Ralegh tha* - ai Mr. Ws, ker wrote tw - * he h I be*. r Raleigh r .t;v? * :he san j matte-. suc~e top arA t.'ingr ho V. .? - p -A - , the r vt b | sre5t matter h l.trcr. The 'up la tare sh? . .1 ?i?-11 with t: .? and. J .C.Viw. ;?W3 for St-te CO 1 trol of all water power streai v.- w! he branches to dt ' Ithk iMi'uovrn aspirin tablet Laxo Aspirin Ajplrln la prescribed by phy? clans mcr# of: a t drug. It la Kfcst ana q,.;- (cost I relief from eongritlon. p&ln a:u1 >tfr. TI NOISE'S LAXO-ASPZRIM I Is the nrw act entitle aspirin Ubltt, I: i? greatly laxative, atini the aystom ' i are wflra Voe c?ot pain. !' #* not causo liMrthira or Indices* i n aa ordinary ' * I ** up a I?remove the j> - ar.d nlltvn' pain of rheumatism. neurltus and ium* btfS. Brian a'.moot instant reI af in headache and neural gin. Ask your drurcist for TIN 3 laxc>-asPIHIN la tho throe Mint box. or mailed postpaid for 25c. Thrrapeutio Resear h laboratories. Washington, D C. % jesHj THE CHEROKEE SCOUT. Ml 'rum getting control of water power sites and retarding manufacturing industries until they got theti * price down or royalty for their use. If laws are not soon passed to pre1 vent such, there wil soon be enough 1 of such concerns to combine and pre vest the legislautre from passing 1 any law they object to. In my travels 1 have many times been over every county in the whole p mountain range country from New a York and Pennsylvania to their ter m nus in Alabama, and North l aru ^ ina arpassca all of them in the , 1 number of water power sites, amount ii i p of fall in the streams, and wher used. North Carolina will beat them e I a!! in manufacturing and electric !* j railway . It i- ju>t a matter of time and th?. legislature should begir j ; now to prepare for it. Then ever} fan-i ? become a truck patch wit! n market at ham! for the products at good prices. Two lit*le cr ks made Andrew* >i Cnt. g.v > them wat r and ligh;* another runs the tannery and an K other outside rum :m ice factor} , and there s a dozen more as good uj .. \ alley Riv* r th. will in tim ? mak< I the whole valley a behive of manu facturing industry. and the.re are hundreds of other creeks and river west of the Blue Ridge and as mani oa^t . t. and all should be controll > Icd I y the State with an iron clat law-. j I I had no idea of stretching out ir j t long letter when I hegan. but I j ,?buut how water power and g>oc , roads would put western Nort^ Car j olina far in the lead of any other Mvtson or State, and have oftcr , thought 1 would like t.? fly back \er the e an try and sec what a \e of well paid and contented . workers live there along mok less ^ rai'.r .id- and sn. \e!e faetorit with f !'? > koo - and churches, anc voryhody hap; > And that w li 'PI ? n in the nwt 100 years. A: though the Lord may er.d me else where w:th a nn-s age. 1 hope i cat* ; .?>s ov.t w.*?tern N -rth Can lina. , going or coming, and meet (OHM of kindred and d fr.end>, ar.d yoi 1 mong them. Your eld fri? nd. JOHN. H ST K WART. NORTH CAROLIN A Cher kee County. ^ ^ In the Superior Court Th. defendant above named wil * tittvf notice that an action e* tit ? above h^s, been commenced by th< a.Miff ug^rr.-t fid defendant ir Superior C art of Cheroke? t : ty to obtain a divorce fr.?m th? h fondant from the bond - f mat \ ; and t:u said defendant wil rther trke n r ice that she is re S r. i *. appear before the Clerk Superior Court at his office ii : Murrr at the Court House on thrt ?: of March. ii?23. and an r or tie :. r to the complaint ii - . i a. :;ot the plaintiff wil'. ap tl- ?"ourt for the relief ut d the Complaint. EE. PA VIS. Clerk Superb r Court, t uroKiv Cou-.tj it-j w\v. r Hatch early. The chicks brin ' r pullets that lay the early tgg bring the best prices, as X r*th Carolina was amvr.fr :h ? I first states to befin tick eradic: work and - about the las* ; * ' .-h the job. the world's audience hall, th r 'pie blade of grass sits on tfc * e carpet with the sunbeams an "** *tar* of n-.idr. -hz.?T a gore. Wanted FIFTY MEN FOR LUMBER CAMP. ?MILL CREW ?TIMBER CREW ?GRADE CREW FLUMING CREW Pays fram $2.25 to 53.00 p*r d?y. No labor trouble#. food camp* and board at 7 5ccnt? par day. Nyoes Land Lumber Co. OLD FORT NORTH CAROLINA m. . l JRTHY. NORTH CAROLINA Central School To Close Friday (Continued from pace 1) grade, with the understanding that . they are to take two months work in the seventh grade next year. Eight . of Mr. Carroll's student were pro- | moted to higher grades: Carl Hen drix, Meb Sudderth. Edith Suddertti. Loyd Hendrix. Merti Johnson. Fannie Moss. Lewis Pipes and Willte Johnson. I The following verses have been ; composed h>* two students in the Peachtree Schools: v). the school at Peachtree. 1 *i v.e-ing 'neath th" sky; A: A sh? *s going to reach the goal. Aye. by and by. , ? She's been blessed w'th able te achers j Yea. tht? "noblest of the land" | ( Who are marching to success, I , Leaving foot prints on the sand. . | Professor Carroll, the principal. , A teacher brave and strong. i Certainly knows hew to manage a j 1 school. ' And push the work along. i Then, there's Mr. Johnson. A true lover of school. , Who wants to nvake a nation better, L's.r.g Peachtree as a tool. I ! | *r?l then, there's Mr. Martin, I y \ lu? dearly lovea the work, [ Vu? ;l always find him at his post, I Then, there's Mr. Lnvingood, A *. ncher. k nd and true. 1 Who's always telling boys and g.rl* Ju>t what they oay.ht to do. I There's M as McCombs, ' Who taught two miles from here, And that she had a dar.dy school, ' To nie is very clear. Then, there's Mr. Pipes. A man not young, not old. But what lie taught the children. Is worth ta weight in g id. And there's Mr*. I'uett. A lady true and good. And a cap of honor Shall be her winter hood. N'ow, we have one more teacher. His name is M-n Moore. And those w! o t to - h? .>i to h m Have kncuiolp a d away in ate re. OL'R SCHOOL 1 Vou can hear the 'P?' i For he'll never duty -h;:k. Everywhere you go, i Of how our school is being taught, And what the students know. But I ju^t keep quiet myaeif. For it can't be beat at all. ii'T.s f.eit eh.' : tamrht at I'eachtw, f That my memory can rtca!!. n r I .i n't m'o why the people. Who vio not go to school, n Go fr. * place to | ... * tonguelashing, T:y.* ^ to break up our best rule. If they would only listen. To their children on the * sty They would say that they hail needed Every lick from teachers wise. So. wo >h uld all be thankful, e ' For the teav hers ? t- {? -9 For we 11 never get the others Who will alwavs do their best. We should praise them for their ) o teaching. 4. We should praise them for their We sbi-uld p.aise them for th*ir , kindness. t- And til other things above. I J^OR OLD ASP TOUNQ Twtt's L:vvT HUts art as ktnrtiy J i a the delicate female ft infirm U1 A?? U UfK-Q the STfCOfcOS BU. Tutt's Pills r?N mtf ttrntfthen the weak Sfomack. ttowrto. Kidneys. c*d Bladder. CHURCH SOCIAL WITH , BIG SURPRISE FOR ALL Electric Light*: Brought About a Regular Transformation. The most memorable church supper ind social that has occurred in rears n a certain town In the middle west ook place last winter. The town Is a ural community in the center of a arming territory of considerable ex ent. Because of the scattered population he church supper la one of the annual urcaslon* when everybody meets everybody else and a whole year's sup ply of gossip :? exchanged In the rottrse of a single evening. More *han th.it. however, the supper enjoys a big reputation. And when the last one ivas aanouaced the whole countryside planned to be on hand When the farmers began driving In ihoitlv after dark, they were amazed apon coming in sight of the church to perceive a blaze of light pouring out of pvery window. Out In one corner of the churchyard a little gasoline eu glne was chugging away, and Inside, suspended from various points about the building, were a number of gleaming electric lights, replacing the battery of kerosene lamps with whloii the churcji had previously been lighted. The curious farm folk soon discnv* ered tha "system"- a self-contain* d farm electric light and power plant, consisting of the gasoline engine, an electric generator, the necessary wir ing and the Mazda lamps. It was a contribu'ion to the success of the so clal by the town's electrical supply agent, and it certainly made a hit The whole church was filled with the brightness of the lights, and the so clal atmosphere was greatly lnc reased thereby NEW TOY TO AMUSE CHILDREN IS i.'OVELTY The children in man* homes are finding amusement through various electrical inventions There is. of course, the miniature electric train and the miniature electric range, appealing respectively to hoys and girls Recently there has also appeared a simple but fasc-inat'.ng little toy con slating of a little balloon with a tiny trapere suspended from It. to which Is attached a dainty acrobatic girl When held o\er the tube of the electric va cuum cleaner lone enough for the cur rent to be turned on the rush of al; from the tube will both keep the oal loon suspended in the air and will cause the little performer to whirl about ?>n the trapeze to the gre*? de light of small folk of 7 or i years I.ittle electric current is required foi this amus r..* n: to keep a child pleaaef 'or a lous period. ?SUBSCRIBE TO THE SCOUT? Nervous B ? JRS. ANNIE LANGE, ot a.Vjl R. F. D-1, Burlington, Tex., ggyt v.mes as follows rcgarcin,; ^ 1 :CT experience with Cardui: "Some W time ago ! had a nervous breakdown of some kind. .. I was very weak and so nervous. 1 had fair.tB) inp spells and suffered a great deal. but more from the weak, trembly, ^ no-account feeling than anything M) else. 1 knew I needed a tonic, and needed it badly. 1 began the ust of Cardui to see if I couldn't gci (A) some strength, as 1 knew of other jOKt case^ that had been helped by its iCAF 2 The Wom AM.inKir rmiF MH1CKU3UIIIC ^ You'll feci bettor as soo one. Two or three pill: DR. MILES* Af ^*are absolutely free fronr i 9 forming drugs. They i ^without bad after efleets Friday, March 2, ItZ) MINISTER SAYS IT HAS NO EQUAL Wdely Known Baptist Divine Praises Tanlac For Restoration Of Health It is doubtful if there has ever been a medicine endorsed by so ! ' my ? inistera of the Gospel at has Tanlac. lidetd there i-. scarcely a faith. creed or denomination in all the land in which one, or more, of the ' i rg;. men ha not publicly ex pr-.-8.--e.I their indebtedness to the Fremi i Ptriuon f >r the bndits they have d. ri cd from it* use. One of the latest to speak out in thiN connection is Rev. B. M. Bridges. h widely-known and beloved * Baptist preacher, residing at Mores- J b ?ro, N. whose statement follows. *'i ri!a ha- given nic a good ap- \ petite, toned up my system ami tv ncw.'il my strength in such a gratifying wry that I am glad to recommend :t to anyone who is in a run down condition. For ten years past I have hail such a severe case of indig- >t on that 1 could not find anything to cat that agreed with me. !' I htocatnc very nervous and i .1 million bottles Adv. REMEDY, * FOR THE RELIEF OS Coughs, Colds. Croup WHOOPING COUGH. HOARSENESS BRONCHITIS; -SOLO EVERYWHERE- J \ \v?-vonw guest in your home, I v. . go? v. i orts of thp pro-rv of our friends and your conv :n.;nity- *ho home town paper. Ar \ . feeding your child tubercul< ? It might ho worth wh > t?? have that da;ry herd tested. reak-Down # use. ! *eon a great Improve rent, so I kept it up. I used seven bottles of Cardui. and can say the money was well spent, tor I grew well and strong. Am now able to (<0) do all my housework and a great deal of work besides.** v It you are weak run-down, nervous and sutler trom the ailments peculiar to women, it is ^ very likely that Cardui will help you, in the way it helped Mrs. ? Lange and lias helped thousands of others, dunng the past 40 years. Ask for, and insist on, Cardui. (Mk) f L? UI ? tan's Tonic k nmKFOHfoorai n as you swallow the s usually stop all the pain. 4TI-PAIN PILLS i all " narcotics' and habit' elieve without danger ami .Jf our druggist sells thenkj iak