ms If*?' |get 01 ff. WE Gl LUMBER CHER Factory Town . ?- . ^ >* L.Q>call amidl IMN ? LI I'M y: Y. A. Davidson hit? moved into, Ui, J Lyterian Manse and willson J uld dwelling house. V prt-| ..ratory to erecting a handsome br " ? f. i , .1. II. billard returned from K Tut-.-dsy whore he has been f,,.r pa-t sixty days as Cherokee's r, .itive in thr Gvneral AsH? spent Wednesday in Bi. . City on husinea*. I Mr. John A. Corn, of Blairsville, R 2, was a business visitor in ti'?t: the first of the week. Mr. Corn hu extensive business interest hero.! I i Mr. C. V\. Bailey spent last Saturday ir. Andrew . _______ and Mrs. J. \V. Brown and littl.? daughter, Majorie, of Andrews. w re Murphy visitors Sunday. Edwin L. Curtis, G. E. White. A. i G, 1. I^rd, Th'?s. W. Keith. A. F. I'n more. Joe Mull, I?nw*rence Roger.* and F. F. Snyder have been anvmg the Hajreavillc visitor? here this week. District Engineer F. H. Weller, of Topton, was here on business Monday. Mr, T. H. Nichols of Culberson. a business visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Walsh, of T hnson City. Tenn.. are visitinp Mr. C. W. Savnpo at the Repnl Hotel. Mrs. Walsh is a sister of th^ laic Mrs. Savape. The Woman's Society of the Methlist Church held their reirulur meeting Monday afternoon nt the | home of Mrs. J. D. Mallonee. The | Meeting was principally a busines? i i meeting. Delicious refreshments were served. Mirjses Bertha Simonds, of Letitia, and Ghlea Barton, of Birch, have entered the Murphy High Srhool. This Laxath 1 Fine on TV? vJsjar fcfwJ throatlvr* hralthy' with Dr. CtMvtll'i Syrnp Pcpia \DVWf.lNG ape with it.i subdued ambitions and strivings could made very happy if only pood health accompanied it. and the basis of go?*! j health, as c\.r\one Iran.: upon Jr reaching I be ape w(f **0. ** refiof igfc lar daily move I m. n.enl ol Hit* Ik>w rj "l? If it rnn !*? \VW M effected through the food you eat, ^HP^F the drink and tlie e\- ' ercise you take, so much the better. But if ! nature will not operate it must j be assisted or sick.x-ss will follow. Neglected constipation causes lias blood pressure to go up 28 per 1 cent, and that is the forerunner 1 of hardening of the arteries. It j makes rheumatism and gout J worse, too. The ideal constipation remedy for people of ad\anting years is I Dr. Caldwell's Syrup IVpsin, a i vegetable compound of Kgyptisn < senna and pepstn witli pleasant- 1 tasting, aromatic*. It is gentle i and miW. und does not cramp or I gripe, it is a mistake to think you 1 nerd a violent salt #r powder, or ' pfiL calomel, conl-t*r drugs and I such things. They purge and i MEM, JR LOW JARANTEE THE QUA1 FOR ALL B ED CEDAR SHINGLES OKEE MF MURPHY, N.C.? PersdDinial L ONE iv 5^=^ Mr. A. C. Barton h is returned t his honn- at Birch, after having -pent several weeks here with his daughIter, alio. ^ Siiuondj, while taking treatment from I?r. E. ?. Smith. rurnvr ^enaior u. .\. L'cwar stopped over hire the first of the week on h return from Atlanta where he has been looking after his produce business for the l i t several month . lie now plans to spend most of his time lookitig after his lumber and timber interests in Cherokee County. The Woman's Club will hold an important meeting on Wednesday afternon, March 14th, at 3 30. according to to announcement by the president. All members are urged to he present at this mooting. Me- srs. D. F. Mahaffey, D. W. Swann, M. K. Cozad. R. T. Heaton, W. W. Ashe, and F. M. Worthy have been antong the Andrews visitors in Murphy this past week. Mr. J. V. Pa vis, Jr., of Charlotte, is visiting Mrs. R. V. Wells this week. Master Edwin Wells Brown entertained with his sixth birthday party at the home of his grandmother, Mr*. R. V. Wells, on Thursday afternoon, March 1st. The children showered Edwin with lovely littlu predBntd. The afternoon was happily spent playing many littl0 indoor games. When the children gathered in the dining room, there they found the birthda> cake with six tiny candles all in a glow. Hot chocolate and cake and ir.inta in little blije baaketa were ser.ed. Those enjoying the afternoon were Nettie Houston Dickey, Mary Jo. Davis. Cecil Mattox, Clyde Townson, Robert and Mary Weaver, Robert L. Smith, Ralph Randall. Bill Hunt, Charles H. Hyatt, Louise Axley, Edna Patton, Jerry Davidson. Ruth CI egg. Misses Lynn Albright. Carcie Ferguson, Mrs. Catherine Sessoms, and Mrs. J. J. Hastings assisted in the serving. :c Works Old People ANY FAMILY MAT TRY IT FREE Thousands of parents art asking theniselret. "Where run ! firid a trust i ,?rr. W. H. I a I duel I. 515 WatAuiflfun St., Montuxllu, lllinuis. Ita It IM? * weaken you. and their reartioi^ tends to nmki> Vim nuir* paled than before. v? Now try the milder method. Dr. < aildweU's Syrup Pepsin dors not lose its effect with repented use, mid increased doses nre unnecessary. Mrs. E. M. Rursess of Enfield, N. C.. who is 73, keeps herself in good healtli irith it. and Mr. Chnrles Cborman of Staple!on, Staten Island. N. V., wasted fifteen years and considerable money on other remedies before finding steady relief with . Syrup Pepsin. Use I>r. Caldwell's Syrup Peplin yourself the next time you luffer from constipation, biliousness, headache. sleeplessn?*8s, inligeation, piles or night cramps. ' Many thousands of elderly people ise nothing else, and it costs them ess than a cent a dose. Druggists lave sold it successfully for 30 fears, and it is i!h? moat widely v ?ught family laxative in the sorkj. uii'm i pppps fHE CHEROKEE SCOUT. Ml PRICES UILDING E g. co. : P hone 95 p f'OLDS c f hca \ or chert aro r?oro easily treated externally with? n m^> TW 9 W\ St v vaporub Over 17 MiUion Jan UteJ Yearly Mr?. Polly Brittain Campbell, of Newport. Tenn.. ig spending this w? ok jjjBH her parents. Mr. and Mr*. Mark Brittain. She arrived last Sat? tirday. j Robert Well- was g v?n a : urprise birthday party last Thursday ?veiling by hi? mother, Mrs. R. V. Wells. ' A number of his school mate? and friends were invited, included > among whom were Mia.?"* Leila I'aey, F.ugcnia Holcombe, Emogenc Axley, Maurine Fain, l.ena McJunk-! in. Lucile If>11. El ?both Ford, and Fay Wise, and Lucira Cope. Charles \ Ct-Igg. Arthur and Chn"'. v Real, Herry Harnett, Burt Sava H. A. Mattox, Clyde McJunkin. 1 ur Brittain. Frank Ellis and Herbert Mr "all. A number of games weie p. ; \ aftc: which the birthday oak *. rated with fifteen candles, and ot'.K refreshments were enjoyed. Miss Alice Brock has been name*! postmistress at Brock, Graham County, according to word brought here a few days ago. ++*** *******++ Letitia $ + * ***** *****+ + Wo art? triad to see such pretty weather. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Green were visiters of M. A. Green last Sunday i evening. Mr. O. P. McClure passed through the Sandy Gap section last Sunday, i i i Manda Mundy is visiting her bro. j ther. of Hangingdog, this week. ^ M Harrison Glonts and family i are going to Gnstonia son. Mr. Anly Self has returnd home from Murphy. Mr. W. L. been hau'irr j - : im;Nor? wr.k v.' ' I t* a W~y H'?" j for the gir:s as th:*v are ccnteinplat-j ing sowing .heir flower beds. I The second Saturday and Sunday are our regular meeting days at Oak Grove. Everybody invited to come. Misses Gallic and Delia Stiles entertained a large crowd Saturdnv night with singing. Mr. Edgar Stiles, of Ranger, visited his uncie, of Lctitia. Saturday j and Sunday. Mrs. Dacia Clonta visited Mrs. 1. M Taylor last Tuesday. Calis Sunday school will bo or-, ganized the second Sunday in March. , Everybody come. There is n?t much farm work go- j ing on around here. B. H. Clonts is preparing to move j to Gastoni8. T. .T. Tnylo is enpoying a lafjr . patonage at the Montgomery Mill. Piknney Payne has been gardening some. Issac Taylor is the light-weight champion of this community. Sunday, March 11, is meeting day at Cc!li?. Everybody come. j IRPHY, NOR 1.1 CAROLINA ^yrA tlirobbi^^^ I Wncn'O': -! headache?^ &MENT.:OLATUM I ^Lquic,v''y < ocfhesit^^ WANT ADS . .The Mv.i? !! err;- H Maryvile. Tent'.., \ . I a v" y-t f t::: h t ?.iy i-nr .i yn. . :? \ an i f 'pjood ihiract r win- aio \ t*:;r of Able- (l td . a ? ;?f 1 !v employment t .lu c?r.<-h::!f 1 . from the hosiefj ru-* a room of aluxmi ' om^uny of Ar . a. i ?a. 'I < . - '12\f WE PAY $36.'JO weekly lull time. 7 5c ar. hour snare time hosiery, guaranteed t wear ton month- or replaced free. 30 tyii . Free urn, lee to workers. Salary or SO per cent commission. Good aa:?- j erv is un absolute necc ity. you sell it Experience un- i H? v. K.\ jl.E KNITTING . Dnrly, fa. . !STRH T MANAGER WASTE; > For Cherokee, clay. Graham. 1 a a.-, and profitable business. Exclusive and .Ma on C >unt.c ?. Permanent b territorial protection. Small in y vestment. 100 per cent profit. Ex- . penses to Raleigh if contract igrcd. Box 72. llalciRh, N. C. STRAIGHT SALAht $s? per week * and i vpenses to man or woman ' i . t < intioduce POULTRY i MI\TUIJi. i'.i'ika Ffjj Co. K.a i Si. Louis. III. 1 *.7ANTE!)?Men or women to take orders far genuine guaranteed ho- t . ei y for men women and children. Eliminates daminjr. Salary $75 per i week full time, $1.50 an hour spare] t m.'. Beautiful spring line. International Stocking Mills, Norristown, Pa. 29-10t-p NOTICE Have some good work 2 stock, muiei, marcs, and norses. _ Will sell cheap or would trade for a good one-ton Ford truck. FRANK D. DICKEY. f AGENTS WAN TED 1 no J. R Watklns Comnanv will < im lo? ?,n lady or geneleman a pent in Murnhv. Watkins Products arc known every '' where, and our salespeople make hip incomes. Investigate this opportune 11 ity! Full particulars and valuable r< samples sent free to hustlers who el mean husines. Write today. THE J. H. WATKINS, CO. Dept. *5, New York. N. Y. _ A i' WANTED? iu I . - ll d SLidder man, Circular mill tower and log|eri; only firit-claii men need apply. i e, HIAWASSEE RIVER LUMBER COMPANY 'c u Knoxville Te"*" r FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS! Varieties: Jersey Wakefield. All' si Head, Winstead, Copenhagen. Mar-1 f< ket and Charleston; shipped parcel! w post delivered; 25c per lrtu; ?l.oo|fi per 500; $2.00 per 1,000: bv express! $1.00 per l.uuu. HIGH KNOLLTRUCK FARM, F R. Hart-rid. Pro. prietor. Kencrsville. N. C.. Route 4, Box 31. 2t-p. j Land For Sale 225-acre farm land for sale, TO acres cot-^ ton land, no ditches; pood timbor and j buildings, freestone water, in Gilmer County; bargain in this farm a- I j am going into other business. Write j or see W. IT. GARNER, Ellijay, Ga., 1 Route 1, Box 50. 31 -4t-p. NOTICE?I will he in Murphy February 15th. to buy cattle. Will buy all le nds and will pay highest cash dollar, or al they are worth. J. W. STOY \LL, Murphy. N. C. WANTED?Five men, $3.00 per day. Board $6.00 per week; acid wood cutting.. J. Y. SOGERS, Old Fort, N. C.f 31-2t-p. i Concert ?:?ger CrowneJ Queen cf Radio World mr ^ . *??'^ 1 I mi'-s t:pitii : :r:\t7t. . b* d .American t- rt ' ?. who v . i electi ?l from a long list of rechili?nc it to be brood -r. - 1 from 'hi? ' Mint; * n.iro^nr. The < rt tviroad a *? '! ?a Fob*nary "'-d, fron. t-.t ? A"' i II of the H im' 1 'iT'-r I' artmcn' i;.orc in Newark, N. .?. ATTENTION, PUBLIC! We have leaird the TiIbOB Shoe Sbo*~, 1 oret -d in the Griffith Building, and are prepared to do firat-cla** Shoe work. Vll Work Strict'y Guaranteed -SUBSCRIBE TO THE SCOUT The thrifty shopp "Mmi ShoePolisl Notkitvq else will d You qet more and Better shine for your mono; bS TURKISH I Lfc Siii'iw] VIRGINIA M g^gg?jm BURLEY fj L wrtw ] AMftOCAH JOtACCO CO jfa-j,? V rW I f * -Y * Y Y * ; * f * Y- i- + v .j. 4. i + t i if + t * * A . v. + Mis .1 cs'c I! 'lay with M-. T -ff i ;. ul wife. Seed spent !:. * Su dsy evei ii y. rlth Mr. (h ' l?f i :? V;?k for about tw > nu . and n * able t< work any. Mr. Thomas Floyd and wife spent last Sunday with Mr. ?' B. Hedriek and family. Mr. John Floyd spent last Sunday witjj Mr. Green Hembreo and wife. The gon of Mr. Burt Blaekwell, of Ducktown. ran his car npain-t the house the other day. receiving injuries that proved fatal. + + * * * * y- y- y y y * * L + h [' *r 4* X Upper Peachtree J ! 4- + + 4- -! * * -k tfr -k * * * * * * + t The farmers hi rt? are beginning to plow and plant pardons. Arthur, Willie and Nettie I.unaford :?re amonp those on the sick list here .hi, wo,k. J. H. Thomasson, who is teaching at Swaney. spent the last week end here with relatives. Ho returned to his sohol Monday., ? ? Sum Hunnieutt, who : working in Your Patronage Wi'.l Be Ap. reci itrd ELLIOTT & HANEY ,p CARD OF THANKS We wi ^ to thank our many friends >r their extreme kindness during the st illness ?f ol?r dear wife and lother. Your presence and assist- j r.c,. nn?l the many beautiful flora*, ibutes were consoling: to us. and >r all of these we are deeply prutcil. May (Jed's richest blassinps ?st upon you everyone, is our nrayr. r>k S. r HKRJIl WAV AND t'HILDRKN* The Tilson Shoe Shop, located In lie Griffiths' Tluilditip. h bce^ lea d by F.lhott and Han y. and will be perated under that name, accord- ( ip to announcement made Thura#y Born to Mr. and r??l-. W. S. Dick- ! v Tuesday mominp a fine bov. Mr. neu Weal. 7 vtUTT.'.'d to C1'apo a few days a p?> to assume his rork there, after havinp spent ten ays with hi parents. Mr. and Mrs. . M. West. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mulkey. of Winton-Salem. N C., arc vi itinir home ilks in and around Murphy. They ere both reared here nut! have many riends and relatives in this section. the arid wood businos here. made a business trin t? Mr; n City the ast week. Per ar.d Artie Mns!ello and Arnold Kay. Ruth and Dora Gregory were ail visiting relatives and friends here Saturday r.nd Sunday. ' Rev W. T Truett and his son, | Henry, were h? re looking over the.r old home place and shaking hatuV with relatives and friends the latter part of last week. ' Mr. ?r.l Mr-, mark Silrrrv "f CenPeachtrce, werthe guests of i and Mrs. J. S. J o es, of this place Tuesday. ? Taylor Kelley has been very busy !???t >? , ; ? ?- ? I' | M1K ? K seng i irarden for T. .T. Thomas^on. . Th .oi*al exercises wore on joyed ' uH present at the hov of Misses and Orn Thomas.* > Sunday aisrht. BvffWo. N. Y. ?' ! i