M.~v 30. "" GET Ol WE GU LUMBER RE CHER< Factory Town :3ji f indl Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Holtzclaw and baby, of Canton, spent the week-end wilh Mr. and Mrs. R. Robinson. 4 c Mwrs H. G. and W. S. Mundy, [ tof Volga. W. \a., ana ira oiunay. j of Bravi r. Fcnn., were called home last week on account of the serious illnennl .?rs:>lirat?-l with what is commonly called 1 j ^ constipation. Ilei uli/tii^ wii it th.it K figure m ca n s. j j Hf. -'^Wi mothers should | | r funtn\o mot hods ^ f of handling their j ! childrcnwhilr they Ij 7H6? stiii I'oiiutfS ?hcnt /f"" th it will prevent these future danpern. Teach cliilv drrn regularity of bowel movement. auNE > ? ]|||--g; iSiSZEy The following Hayesville citizens vere in Murphy and Andrews last Saturday attending the hearing on 1 oads, heiti be fun>tikelcather: Ed. L. Curtis, S. L. ' ^dford. A. M. West, R. W. Craw- ! ord, T. B. Penland, S. E. Housed, ' (. M. Calloway. W. B. Pass, J. B. ' jray, O. L. Anderson. S. Penland, ' 'amcs Penland, H. N. Hyatt, N. C. 1 *mart. B. Neil Haigler, Bailey Pen- 1 and, C. G. Wilhide, Quentin Pe.-> * and. Frank McClure, Thomas St. " vistie, IS. A. m.ilmua.j, Per. Go**?. ' "inrence Burchcll, and Attorneys ' 2. A. Anderson and J. B. Gray. ' j CARD OF THANKS I take this method of expressing 1 ny sincere thanks and appreciation ' ;o the many friends, and especialv Mrs. A. A. Fain, for the many * kindnesses shown during the illness i ind death of my dear wife. May ^ iiod's Richest blessings abide with ' ;ou all, is my sincere wish. CHAS. R. CALKINS. |' The Ladies' Aid Society of the; Baptist Church announced recently hat they are planning to hold unl ( Kaster Bnrar today. Friday, March 0, beginning at two o'clock. The j , Bazar will be held in the Library Building. The ladies are planning !o have many attractive articles for ..i* o?,J ;? Lend. . I FAIR VIEW Fairvicw, Mar. 24.? Prof. and Mrs. t'laude L. Love have as their guest- Miflies llattie Palmer and Fannie Odom, of Murphy. Mr. and M(s. W. B. NVshitt hid a- their guests recently Rt v. and Mrs. G. A. B. Hcldermy, of Ross-j man. On Thursday evening Mrs. i Xesbitt entertained a large numbf r of friends in honor of her guests. A very pleasant evening was pent, during which delicious refreshment ' J kit It, r *YUT~ Pep&ial i I : : ? : | ANY FAMILY iiAY I?iV !f FRE? ,j Thfi?anj: pf I'-rrnl* ? at1 ! ; ti \r, Wv "I*. . . / n rror/Ajr Us . .1. aiit- i i . |?, unily ? ' .** f ill / ii?r a I - .S" rut .' i li ! u-.ll I" l J 'wHUItiMlb andwb-i.f J or ail ?J? ".ii.r IE I r f.' U-.v tVr- ... . ft-. II. i: ( . 5 itniA.fi'! Af. n't... /. ?... I l?J 1/ kaw.' ? j Syrup Pepsin, niiich children 9 never object to taking ns th?y I like the taste. By morning the 9 youngster will is* well again. I ijkew ise if u. iiueUil*- -re up or there is persistent sncent:?:, a dose of Svrup Pepsin will break up the fever m.d cold. Mrs. Geo. N. Golson of IWrnard. Me., kcep^ her family well in that wa>, and \'rs. Ida A. Burkett of r. Cold well's Syrup Pepsin is a veatable conpot ma oi ICgvptian senna c.ni pr;?in with nprivaUfl nroinatics. The formula. however, is on every package. I >m .agists have sclH it with s.itisfaction to their customers f?*r over 30 years, and it is now the largest selling family laxative in th? world. Buy a bottle today. It will last you for months, and the coat is only al>out a cent a duse. I 1 1J 7jill j i HIE CHEROKEE SCOOT. MU PRICES ITY LJILDING G. CO. P hone 95 , 2 ?? ! II DURNS gj Cover w:th wrt baking soda? aftorwar J apply gantiy? | V1CKS V A. F? O R U B Otw 17 Million Jan Used Yearly ] 1 vere served by the hostess. j One of the delightful social events ; >f the week was a caru *ivcr. :>y Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Love at theM iv>me in honor of their guest *. Mis:ps Fannie Odom and Hattie Palmer, >f Murphy. After a number of ; tames were played, it was found lhat Misses Ilattie Palmer and Mr. C-. H. Reitzcll were the winners. Mrs. Love and Mr. Wynne made the ower score and were awarded the booby prize. Those enjoyir.g the lospitality of the hostess were Mr. ind Mrs. Wynne, M'./ses Fannie : Ddom and Hattie Palmer and Messrs Z. H. Reitzel and J. D. *I:ller. Wn. Lonf Entertains at F.'-irview. One of the most p!?c iti social pvents of the week at Fa".: v'ev* was t card party given by 1.5 rr.. T. W. Long at her home. Fairvit .v Ir.^,' Saturday afternoon. A numb of ] j friends gathered and soon nil v.tr; leated at tables enjoying their fav- . jritc game of cards.HAfter gov rat , ours of playing the winners were determined and the hostess, assist jigr>ahmftnU? Those pf^ent enjoying the h??s- < piUility of Mrs. Long were: Mr. and Mr1. McNeil. Mr. and Mrs. Love. Mrs. John Frost, of Brooklyn, N. Y,; ntisoes romuv Ouuiii, v'aui.vC Cor.-1 ley, Kathcrine Willet, Lucile Ashworth, Annie Cooke, Delia Dilling-1 ham. and Messrs. C. H. Rcitzel, Earl J Current, P. L. Cox, H. A. Tate, H. II. Wiggins, G. C. Franklin, Moore, W. L. Hobbs, and John D. Miller. i ?Asheville Citizen. CARD OF THANKS \Ve take this method of thanking all our friends of Murphy and Warm for their many acts of kindness and comforting words to ou> sad hearts during the sickness and death of our dear mother, and for the beautiful flowers from our friends and neighbors and secret or- 1 dors; also for the use of so many cars carrying her t0 her last rest ng place. May God's richest blessings re. *- upon each of you is o:ir earnest prayt r. LUTHER ELLIS, G. \V. EI.LIS, and Family. .? Notla X Mioses Ni-cie and Front Snood wore the guests of Miss Flora Smith Sunday. Mr. C." B. Stalcup, who has he on at homo on the sivk list, returned to his job at Etowah Sunday. Mr. Ira Snood returned to his saw mil! work Sunday after spending a short while wit^ homo folks. Mrs. R. E. 11.V.! spent Tue^dny night with her nephew and neice, Mr. and Mrs. Irwi^ Hall. Mr. Carl HcgskCd war. the ttwt of Mr. Clifford Hall""Saturday night and Sunday. Misses Eula Sneod and Mildred Martin made a business trip over on the pike road Saturdays Mr. Bob Dockery, of aBtos Crt has moved to our section. nrtii nM" fii ^ ? ill * . ^ m E A S 1 Don't Stub Your c ,. Of Your Check Boo RPHY. WORTH CAROLINA ^LKeals quickly and J WANT ADS ..The Ideal Hosiery Hills, Maryville. fenn.. will aiwaj s furnish steady employment 10 women and girls of rood character who arc 1G year of ice. Able-bodied men can f?*-d steady employment within one-haif mile from the hosiery mill in furnace room of alumnae Company of America, Alcoa, Tonn. 24,:tf Wfc. PAY $30.uo weekly fuU Ii>. Kxperien^^^SSI p-?ary. F.A jLE KNITTING a.. li, Darby, f 3u STRAKiHT SALAuT per week and wpenses '?* man or woman with ritr to intioducc POULTU1 MIXTURE. I'.i* tka Vfg Co. F. i v St. Louis, 111. WANTED? Men t r women to take ordc-.i for genuine gjut~.ir.iecd bo. j siery for men women and children. Eliminates darning. Salary $73 per week full time, $1.50 an hour spare time. Beaut ful spring lino. International Stocking Mills, Norristown, Pa. 29-10t-p AGENTS WANTED I i;e J. R. Watkins Company will employ a lady or g lvlcman agent in Murphy. v.iufcins i ' ouucts ure Known ?very here. and our -aic people make big ir.com -: I-.vr tii'ate this opportun-' ity! Full particulars and valuable \ amplcs sent free to hustlers who noun busim-s. Writ;- today. THE ( I. R. WA HKiNS, CO, Dept. sj, New' I'oi-k, X. Y, _ _ i Land For Sale 225-acre farm land for uale, TO acres cot ton land, no ditches; pood ttm'-c,- an?r terms. Concord Nurseries, Pcpt 335, Concord, Ga. (33*12t-p) FOR SALE?F'fteen or twcnt\ full blood Rhod(. I -land hens. E. It. \ORVELL. Murphy, N". C. NoTICE?Have some stable manure for sale. Ave rag wagon loads. 0 per load, you haul same, we not deliver. F. D. DICKEY FEED COMPANY. Mr. Bob Rich i- >til d:*r?ri?'K hila-* year's crop t>f Iri.-j^ potato**. Mr. Manuel Stiles is still in thecrosstie business. Mr. J. R. Hall and wife made a business trip to Murphy aS tarda v. Mrs. C. R. Stalcup was out visiting Sunday. .?ir. t^ari .>mes is coinc some sume pood farm work these days. Mr. and rMs. Harve Gibson have left our town and pone to Buckhead. We repret to give them up. Mr. Zeb Gibson as the puest of his father, II. Cibson, Saturday nipht. Mr. Holley Paper has returned home to his fmiiiy from Ohio. Born to Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Hall, a fine boy on the 14th. j Mrs. Mollie Snood was the puest of Mrs. Hilda .i?Jl Sunday. H ! Don't pay luo.v th ?n your and don't veer off tin id of There is a standard set pri Wear clothe.* just the same as m prices for Talcum Powder, Tt No Spring suits can b,> bet I values are as solid! Try then Throw your chest out to tl but don't throw your money t " tuklEE SUITS s Spring Hats, Sho^s ^ Just Arr I Stcre c{ j* BELLtVlEW < ? . 0' We had a cold snap M - dry r.'pht killing all v-n.-all gardi n vegetables. I * Miss W ilma Hatchett came home n;n \* i ? i We had Mr. George Town-in out with us Sunday. Mr. Townson is a I distinguished visitor of Mr. R IT. ... . * s King s. Mis Lucile Patton returned to the M. P. W. School at Blur Ri.lirc, ?Ja.. J . here she has been attending school. |. b 1 There was a singing held at Motla last Sunday afternoon. u Mr. H. 11. Kng made a business ^ I trip to Murnhv Tuesday. ' _ 1 _ | ITf YOU HAVE ! ' m bo appetite. Indigestion. Wind w on 8tum.iih. Sick Headache, r "run down," jrou wilt hnd I! Tutt's Pills I what yen need. They tone the weak ' || stomach, and buUd up the system. 1 f== Attention 1 We hfi-'e just r | supply of | V. c. And Fe We have just the rig ;; truc.K pate he: SEE US BEFO W. M. YAW GR ;; Oft ice and W ar | L. & N. X~xkkkk~XK~X-X"X~X~X~X~X?Xs better na? Dr. S. It. Patton has been oti th