,:a?y. A^i ?. 1?Z3 GET O! WE Gt LUMBER CHER Factory Town Local aundl - - < ri:i ei>m' Mrs. Edythe Clarke and daughter, li.vs Edyth, of Asheville, spent East here with Mrs. Clarke's mother, Irs. Nettie Dickey. Mrs. Clarke Is pending the week here, while Miss 'larke returned to Asheville MonI) Mrs. L. CI. Water* left Tuesday turning for Melbourne. Fla., to join er husband, who is engaged in enineering work there for the State" ighway Commission. Mrs. W. K. ickson has assumed Mrs. Watters' uties in the public school. Mrs. R. II. Hyatt gave several oP ?e smaller children's classes of the resbyterian Church an Easter cggUnt last Saturday afternoon. Quite number were present. The Woman's Missionary Society f the Methodist Church held its roglar business meeting at the home of Irs. J. D. Mallonee Tuesday afterjon. A large number of members ere present and much business was ispntched. At the conclusion of le meeting, Mrs. Mallonee served ifroshments. Spoonful foi Brings ( Prove (plendid laxative properties of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsia by teat VSCII.NTIFIC test has now proven what Dr. Caldwell of Mouth-ell ? asserted many years . ... ft. .? mMtinr.li..n ?;ll you up fully 2.1 per cent. The . tent k:is mn?h* l>> I)r. Don iM.hi it ?if | ? A l-mnn l.imin up!Vj? Mtti on four mm ui i the prime ? f life j win di'lil t ly JffW- ; went \% it! ? > t k bowel nssv< r. < *1(1 eli !. pr?\?eh .! ?*' . |?f ivute ami ii? ?.t. t ! . S til" pr*i:fr?l w -il ? .. . J,. kvmitiiepnK'iicttof!): . iahy, lis- s ?.f ;!ip stomach ni;?l l?o*els, back i:? After (Wnh.* f ?r years the Mtisi..to:y ifliNt .,f i.i:* j.r. scrip'; >,*? for const i|>u lion. he piac< 'i it in ?Ir;store* in Iwf in Pir ?^in r f i. *i -i i'1" / .ifyf v .11 (.? (f? /* #...n / uii/ ?f-ii?7v (?" . i iisni/?* 1 r. ?t ? I.- roSti{:< ]>i:t Ii ? itlUU a n nt a doar. T.\ tv , . ' f fr u t4 .f.i:. .rrf; .1 , >< :ir 1.: i lit* for I llI:! i i. ? n t' ' Mrs. It. > ?.l ..I : 1 ... .in.*. 11 . Ii.is I- n _-i\in.: ,t -r .-ni.inllis ! v -!. in ' ! Mr ' 'h.w ? r? of Hrir . i i . ?t.s-i.ii>-; it f lw ?l faixa'u*' f.rnilv has over ' r. m l I'rv t. , .t Dr. i iMv 'il'i : ruj. IN- sin for ! loiistipn i a i r .u.y i>. : > \nit?- 3 torn . i results u ii ! got 3 I j >oii. Aim! the oust is only one I cent a done. Planters i\\ received a fresh $ the famous ;!; Acid ;rtilizers ght kind for gardens ;r :s, and farms 5 )RE YOU BUY tOCERY CO., Inc. rehous^ opposite . Station ? THE CHEROKEE SCOUT. ? PRICES ITY JILDING ~L CO. P hone 95 _ Measles may be followed by scr.oua colli troubles; use nightly? uicks W V a po Rub Oner / 7 Mi'.Uon Jan (W Yearly Mis Mary Lou Thompson, a stu lent at Young: Harris College, wa; 'ailed home the past week-end o? iccount of the illness of her aunt ihe is spending the week with hei ?arents. Paul Leming and Miss Minnie l?er onir, ,>f Murphy and Peaehtree, wen r.nriiod March 31st by Ejq. T. !S Jates at his store. Miss Berrong 1: he attractive daughtcr of Mr. an? drs. D. B. Berrong, of Route 1, am dr. Leming is the son of Mrs. A. K -cniing, of this plat e. Judge Henry P. Lane and Soiicito: jrover C. Davis are omunf; the cour it'fieials here this week. Mr. J. W. Brown, of Pari.?". Tern tpent several days here t?.e : o he eek on business. Mr. T. J. Shearer, of Shoal Cree. rownship, was a business visitor her Monday. Rev. Carl L. Sentelle preached :i he Presbyterian Church Sunda; morning. Mr. SentpUe has charg af a large mission school near Far tier, Tenn. Attorney D. II. Tillett, A. T. Dor oy. H. B. Montieth, J. R. Leach, f? E. Cover, T. M. Wakefield. D. Y Mahaffey, and Victor Birvhfiel have been among the Andrews* vis tors here this week. Messrs. Earl P. Tntham, 0. I Amnions, and J. Jones, of Kobblnt inlle, were business visitors here th first of th*. week. Among the Hayesville visitor seen here this week were ?L B. Yonc and i I:!I Ledford. An enjoyable event of last wee ivas the Blaster egg-hunt last Sate lay afu rnoon sponsored by the Jui tor B. Y. 1*. U., the Sunbeams, an the Sunday School class of Mi-s Ca rie Payne. There were about forty five boys and girls presi nt v. h-., : ij-;-.ted in Lv.di:.;, ihe gg that were hidden. All but about 1 iv rc l' 'iinJ. Sue Beth Lloyd foun .he greatest nuniher among th girl and Bart Cope the greatest numbc among the boys. Announcements For Baptist Church Sunday, April 11 l>r. Fred Cochran ha* been so rured to fii! the pulpit for the nex ,wo Sundays, and the deacons anin increase m th,? church attend mlpit committee are very anxioui ti',1 , lili inir tliiu tin,,, ...Ill 1 ?nce and activity. A pasto^ Is *. >e selected during April, and all he membership is urged to take i told of the work. The Sunday School is growing \x attendance arm inlercsi. Let u: inke next Sunday our larg t anc est in all classes. At the close o| he school there will be a report 01 he class that is growing fastest. Hake yours the largest. At 1T a n. regular preaching services, witl ipecial music for the occasion. The Junior B. Y. P. U. meets a 1 p. m., and the Senior at ft p. m \ large attendance is desired a these meeting* in preparation fo Phe evening -e?*v A; 7 p. m., T>r. Cochran wil. I'v." .? . > ?; "P' - fVfl *'P IURPHY. NORTH CAROLINA /RA snuffy cold?^^ IMENTHOLATUM 1 ^^clears the ligion of Laughter." This addri touches the varieties r the blue The public is * ; :*lly invited to this service. There will be special music. HOT HOUSE NEWS We ::re having s>>me nice weather 1 thesv days. Mi-s Lizzie Ambers and Mrs. j Manthu Fain made a business tr*p j to Murphy la>*t week. Mrs. Sarah Candell left last Friday for Ball Ground. (la. r; Miss Grace Montgomery ha; been visiting friends and relatives here, j Mr. T. T. Johnson m^dc a bus.ness trip t0 Murohy Suvia..-. s Mr. Benn Cross* baby was badly * wounded with an ax last week. 1 i Mi.-ses Mae ami Dessie Johnson spent last week in this section. r Mrs. Rosa Simonds has been vlsl* ting her daughter, Mrs. Kddie Stand bridge, at Isabella last week. 1 M AiKe Johnson gave a singing last Thui day night. Mr. I . I. Caddis is very sick at this writing. c Miss Myrtle Robeson visited her sister. Mrs. Eva Cros?. Sum-*;, night. f ? Miss Mary Kllintl sp? nt last Punday with Misses Ada and Ambers. Mr. Virgil Ross pent Easter Sun , ' day with his l?roth?*r, Silvey Gnddis. il Mr. Km est Johnson, who a\i 1 tending school at Ducktown, -pent Kaster with home folks. .. The aginU holt! 6711 jv.eetingrs at e which there was a total attendance of 463,3114 people, reports H. C. Hudson, State Airent. ' ^ I i| //"/? .. .. .. / r ? wr i , / . * tain-teedpah.i > . it gives our customers more jor their money. <)nr experience is that fj Certa- has more f tody end .. ears longer than ordinary paint. Cherol t Murpl Farmers to the number of 3629 were induced to secure and plant 178,830 bushels of improved seed* last year by farm agents of the eXtension service. Tru-t men, and they will be true to you; treat them gently, and they will show thei.:s?'vcs gnat.?Emirson. God A'ir ghty first planted n garden; and indeed it the purest of human pleasures; it is the greatest refre hment to the spirits of man.? Bacon. Bnc=3g= n I !r~ - ? L.- nn;-. 0 II "When I feel stupid, gc*. constipate |j two of Black-Draught and it sets me U Haislcp. ot R. F. D 2. Columbia. S.' nn all righ:. and have not used any othei ; I of it. 1 am a guard at the State R< yy cr more years. When 1 first heard o DO BLACK-D Liver M | and the good medicine it was. 1 ha 0 I'd get up in the morning. I would t | bad taste in my mouth, but didn't th stupid and didn't tee! like eating?thi K was then 1 began Black-Draught, am rj|j kind of work, ready to eat and sleep. 1 | j I I take Black-Draught, and for 25 yea I! 11 wouldn't be without it at all. My wc I I lot. I am out of doors, and fresh IU medicines I need. I recommend it tc Sold Evei on Baaes1 =3oes=iDPoi QUI?II 1 eaou?.jHaai J NOT r The Federal Lar ed our Associat ;!; be leaned to fari ? of April. Will any farmer will gladly give ury i cr> hov/ to get th< J. T. h Secretarv a x I ^house^ yoi need only : ' j gal! r - XV!:lie to p lint a i-paeious h< That wears K-.--; than ?31 for t irtg more urti *ic titan a nice in its setting of pr i'n l.nvn a t i e ^ lirrl.* 1 - * d i cn?- | ..mi iv jvv.v.j.j a i :,-d i; \ , it is a pity to put < the color L t us : how you the had in Crrtam-tetdoutside n.'ii Certaii tee Hardwi ly Hardwa Murphy, N, ( \ P.*. B Did you ever want to j-.? out to a .netting but couldn't because you bad to watch the roast in the oven? Why not wish the responsibility on the fireless cooker? A local merchant in Pitt County is running a 2400-egg incubator for a local stock company. Farmers can have thc.r eggs hatched for 3 cents each, reports \V. 13. Pace, county age nt. Th- ideal garden > a 'eon. mellow, wel! drained loam * bigh t' i tv and retentive > .oistt* . Da^SoS: fT." - J to jlU.11 l? ' id, or bilious, I te!;e a wood dose or ||| straight," writes Mr. Georpe B. iju C. "It cleanses the liver and I icel lit! medicine as I do no? see the need njj formatorv. and haw h,-n fcr three 11 11 a RAUGHT ediclne , id been having a tired feeling when | >e stiff and sore, and had a slimy, ' j link so much of it till 1 bepan to feel Bj ' in I knew I needed medicine. It jj; d I felt all made over, ready for any Q So, for any return of this trouble, n rs it has been my medicine, and I I; j >rk is constant. I am on my feet a |: air and Black-Draught are all the E ? others for 1 know it is good." | -ywhere. in fl =3HI , ZJDI ir?in saoi joi, 1 ican v*X' ; ICE! id Bank has allowion $40,000.00 to X tiers for the month be glad to furnish X ? blanks, and will nformaticn desired e money. | [AYES | * ?d Treasurer . k X'-. ' * 'vivifiS; s t (" C rr. .-/ (' ..mu? ime like this (-H' : \ ,\2'). h.e paint. There i not! ly painted, whir- h iu o :. l shrubbery. When it le home like this fresh '? painting. V. hatever choice rich shades to be it, iteed ire Co. re Co. . ' | Eft Mi d-JSryiftt