Nr ? NEWS REVIEW GF CURRENTEVENTS Attorrc-v General C.v.gherty An "ounces Harding's Candidacy for t^o Preside cv Again. 'i CITE3 REASONS PGR H6MM L " .-t Recccn : njs?' > VH. Sc t f .tes fv - " .! rJevoiaS.creta . Hughe-; ? ?.r:p T cri R-Hr; W 'eet Jc'ted by Busi'. i- Judge r\u _? ProJ * i ~ of f t + A nn? N ' " " ' v the - - r ?l - fcr. ' IMOKt ?> to l'-s; other <1 - ^ i. F* tra rj ^' for Ctll*.-:,' Inc I' s ? Tt'i : _ ' are jfojj v;, Ti? n r' ; : : an?! -j'j. ?V? i-rrt p?? . T? - n s" ' - ta IV::. litue ! > .:i\ , jv " vlthln t It ' poi!t nmltiatU " ; IV.: * th ?' . ' 1 ]?n* Wr . ' x dor !' M - \ J I? -' crt- un. _ >! r wh!!? Mr. t ia .. REMEDY ? FCST.-ESCUEFCf Coughs. Colds. Croup WHOOPiNC COUCH. HOARSENESS BRONCHITIS | -SOLD EVERYWHERE- , 1 PUBLIC SALES tV-'.- It . .-e purchurd 122.000 pair of 1 S. Array Mur?on U*t he.*#, sizes 5 1-2 to 12, wh ch wa< tS; -r-.tirt- ?urnlu> stc-c]> of onr of ' h _ l*r.-^st U. S. Govern mcrt ?boe ccntractcn. TUs Shoe is guarantf *1 cne i uid'-rd per cent *o!?J 5-athor. ? J?I- ?? i?1?-~ dirt ana waterproof The actual value cf this shoe is $6 00 Owinr to this tren-endou* buv we can offer same to the pub Stnd correct sire. Fay Postman oa delivery Cr send money order. If shoes are not as represented we will cheerfully reft* - * ?fij' jsoney rrcmriiy upon request. NATIONAL BAY STATE SHOE COMPANY 299 Broadway, Naw York. N. Y. Florida houseboat party and chnlrman of the shipping board. J Hardin* tvill open his pre-election campaign this summer. aeis.rdinjc to I pr??senr j ' ns. when he w M m'ce .? . si '.:vz ' ?ir ?n a trip t > A'asW: f across the eotm'ry. :: in-; by err. route nrd rvturnlnc h' ' ,? so em. s -i'-I.e- ;:j :he jt i., ... cities : . x?.-s t" ' '.r: In* it?mui -;es now are l>?* ir* p anned. Tui:i:k have iu'.kn tw::ntys,.\on j>r sclents ? f tbo Vnited S\ n.'t " Mr liar ! t?f J th? so r y ha\e h r ' n - *e:: sixtoou f .. pr sir ?' ? . .. f the V*v.- ? ? < :" : * s'ratiors The of eleven ees and! Isles s Boon v.- tho first it lo b*> . Van r.r ?a These! ~ pre* ....V :h??f re-eV-* !, t . CT ^1 f - His stntrawnt t * KU-SIH would an ,'.-s to : ? u: : ; 1 . . - .1 -in. - ;; t>WN f.- r T-i !-v. ' : t?? . ;-^i8S- S^rrtS th~; *!?*? '}? 11?- :t t > . ' it that : r tir-* > * . 1 : < I .-u-l ar. M. s u; '? . v f *1 -? far ! :i> . , tl. - f. :n?: *1* ah i?t i: H .*. ... w. Z.r. Li- ;.nl Tr..r-- _ r \\i. :iM?r n-w ;; ? I .tj si I'.-rfly ? 'i?' t < # *a : ti n. Mr. a . to ! ^1 ' of a'. a . ' of I- !- -V : t N T' ? t *r * - ijHi-ti ."? { .... Dg n 1 in : r.?! !?.,! t 1 . tor- t ' . " -V.i - ' s J ' ? T ':?? } -t ' 1 v ' : i' ' Fr? r . : ! > 1 -v.. : - : ijsly [v. : t!v. * ' tll*? OmtiliH COUl:t? r fr?- -ht. P.- ?\t- ; f ? I , _ . , , Ai rb* fr tu the city ti. .> - t : u, - ?' y rj iransjH.rt . f y ? : . :r .'f v;. - - > | N-er. in the MCRpM district ? that " > lf:n r.c ':? iu- t .1 . r. h'-nrx > W. rkt-r-* a -?e - ;.r work the thor f v.i rente rt ; S> r\ < the even'" < : the . >: ' i r r, -> S *. : r.Nt h..r !tir then e.?r \ . . .?" demands. > u?- im- : result h-\ .? an appeal b> ti?e ar. ' - a* U-ri'.a to their _ ?v err **? - r? m:se 1 kit: . . t * e\ac of : r -coupi*" t?r r:t t; s .?' : 1' ; ' an.' * - :: m n\f;ioTuK*rs !,avf oc* - >: !*!? tu'!*"! m on tl.? | ; Bourse Berlin a marked do- : oline V. ? week as a re> . . f ' : rinc i n-lustry. An < :! clal pr r .uncenusnt may he exp? tetl i any tu:.e row from t*haoee!h>r While .r . f rhe tinnr. .ant" f ?;emv ;y are urderst?*?vi to h;> \ e tran*rr< sr . f j i other Tjnrri'"? for -jv v..? their -: < by the (Sestnsct.on ?-f 'he h?>me tmurioi U store than, they ***!!!- J :.c y v;l] face. aoe-rding Fren- h , ant? riri-? -a? #n? strong:'.-: the P""?sgo.ire : "y e%err lay. T.f re;>?r* fr< m Berlin say* Tim: I rar. >-"s vrai* for withdrawal f?. ir. *'-te Ruhr district have been ma ngJSgj?''. semi-official! v. to Secretary o* j ' - t ?- iVrjcmanr.. According t?? the .. ?. said a t>tal of 4V.*XW.000.00' jtrWf* or fl!.T*-v?? :* ! nr.-!*-? as ft basis of reparation ! France -fTers. If an agreement i*l rea? : ?. to i?en*. r .? um?iwriin ??; rv year*. In addition the allies p; - iid tc n? st that the Ruhr ?!-strjc* ; e interr.utionalizeri with mtve in- j j r>< the p-mer T I ->p?r! ex 't-s frr?ni . j area that the demands would not , - nrd?-r^*_:ed. ? ?n the face ..f Tliera the ter: - are severe enough, if they . have r? . '.y been made. to alienate many friends of the French go\ern^ient. LORD BIRKENHEAD, one of the cabinet ministers in Lloyd | 4 THF. CHEROKEE SCOUT MURPHY FRANCE AND AMERK IN?- V A ILL ANT?>J Pj^SP#. &g %, tJSf SH r.c th i. .. - I .y x Ial\ }>: . : t the r er.l e: y ' Uk det r.i* } 1 v .h the hi . r " -y .; * . r. 1 * S - - . i - . - : .. > ! ? \ -:anii*? ' v 12*5 r w i.i:: y. $ s - ! Kb that t! ht^lar. 5 .?i t\ ;> . eoiapori I v r x . - : : ' \V t-.yv."' ' ' < " " a M-'IUl-I. ? I. i i ? ' e t :? ' ":i ??' fr??r.i Ten- : - - . . a: \ . : :.!i rf.'- U- U \ t - 1I< q\: , ,\ m::.;?*>. ! n?v.r\ . ....... ' ' I a' :t _ . ? f t?? ... re* ??n bbjjfar;i'i)t? he demand) d delivery Blu^TTy broker** an l ' * 1 ??> tr > \ , st . k *? "'?? . : . . 1 ^ly ' ' '< ? fv :n 4. dis - r. Saandcrs thn itened ,, . tli. - i. \- >.? i t.? hitu ; ' V him a ?d. rv of r ! .Vt-r; k. a j Mttr? ;:iui :u.*:? i .. biuiit vi .1.# v ... r> $ 1 . ?-\ I . > thai s tat ra acted a ; ...i {.- . * which retorts tl.;.r he ?nt into he : r Tt.?- r.r t. h':t - !' .. v - legls and J hat tli. : n.u m! p?>?.vers ' him ran. , e?v r_ . "t::in h- "Id cor..- CTOJV ' er \\ he tys t . y ?V. ..?' ! tkern??-k. s jmor . rts !! : ? t!--r sav* That ' rovers. * vt o are ;.r: . i Members of N \ . k S; Kx ' ... ;r <-d ' Nival; him by '.. man ding thr-t he .? .- f c t 's t! .it he surprised them by | !>* i.a * ?> and demanding the actual dock in return * r h's cash He says ;t threat - t>" 'he exchange to exuinsre *.* * stock ;:s dins ' ~'t j .:' e n? fears for r itn - r. I tliat u<* v nr as he I v - < he will never head any voi|nuf Howe atces 18 traded In ? .i he New V.-rk board It is ?. * *' * : tO">k $!?? at one time to ' I'.e Sau:. ier--' < .!* d that the \"ew Y< rkers f. nred he would never i < - tie t. -Titr that -T?i..::nt. A ' , w years Mr. Sau. dwas a troeery . ierk at ?4 a week. j V'Al.TKk y'v v V-: T V'TfT) f States d s'rlrt jr. re t the west- + HsUV: "f Kentui ' y. has ruled Ihat dry a cents cannot stop and search Jj 'BJot i>s for llijoo: wifltoist a specif- j *.? :? roh warrant. li,- reported have mode the curious ml trie that ] 'the prohibition law is not t!?e supreme ' , of !;.? "aU'L"* ?: v>ii>iii; In addition saddling the court coats | nn hiro.^ Judge Killifa declared that I isi ' llnMMillfi I -?nJlifrv north carolina " TC1N :N HONORKAY MARTYR | *9 it JL, iii " jEBBRffcft ^ 11 * > a: ?! faith1 .liA-' to o^raDr. " - v. v..' r.e'.oft . ! .r - h *. >.. :v., hi. rip-'., h .'id, thsn a: :! rt . * i -oc-ntl !r.?V?cttnent to ?mire h!sl ... |i< ' to t for the exit luiti Iput. }~* " - T -;?n : t: r;t ! n-: an ??v?le?I senate re to the army i;! for ' -f? ;.?e t!. appropriations re" 1. - ?'..< . :thu-l -1 r ! fcr iMi!' I. , - . !>y the .? : : ' ? ? frosn t- = \v- 'Is ins f ?r he . ' the rinal rams r. r e\.? - .. . I l on T pf* ' tlcf*:. A n tbe >. .. ttitnii eeoo Imui pa* .? . . - : r??p nieusorefi it l; i >t IVi.i.v ! i: : ,? {Wi-.ta?C < f :.Jrants -- front 3 t?? .* per l - of ila? the iiQi 'f :. - - i . v . to- r-'nt hV! the bill proTi?V> that the cmmiti * he - - The erTeet *.? ; rea*? ipti-M* ?.r t . . p at ! r?-. . - :1 :'r ; i >;.nie the -? :thrr\ 1.*** . rvESPITK ?m <*? ?pp - : ?? . - to '?1 *. : .1 . re*,.: :tj -n i-r ?5? - j ^ an .-:.t to t! ? i ' ?i. -t : :-1 >n v!..?h i- . i . ;Mt further i?ut.:..e i tax. \i r >. :r:* It had *:ie I : ~,v?ai: f Pre- it: :> d .if he T: - iry M . : . but the i \va* t Tw i-uty-four Hepub ; - ?! it anO s' I n. .?k rats :od xar\it. Ate ^eKdmu>!. s cbanoi-a r !? x-t i ?n tiy the s-r.ute Curing this ss.iv., are doubtful. ^T.\' ! * Y IV\I T 'V.'IN 'K?i , v; -> r ! 1 .s i-o - - t e iRiUs'on for ?! re : - Of the it! Ml \v; - tie: : r ? th; "r.sted S a te> >rriv->l 1: Wasti ast week and prvpar* -5 for their work. .* 1 - the I " re 1 S* ? :? * ibout It is said the ' i'o: . w. i! hsk roorr 5!h ?tl terms : ; . t rov: ' ! in on- re w! ! ::~es iT'tor-.rst at n it -s j: .it: lx~ ; -r ,-ent and the rr.-txh iu:n * *ai of ti e loin at U" years. riiNA ""!: r.?>::\n h;.- nit:..., * n his regofcth n foi a world ecooanic pmmHv. m ".r ~ vl Vt -->?, ' . H ?e 1 lUlil . . r.i to i .t ; the ope:- with its views a he rrafor. Fr?>m ;he White Ilou^e e the rtd:mac?* and J?n?sj^?r5ty Jn . ar. *hnt the war -M problem ' l',t bo v ![IhJ ? '!.;n the ernjs ot ne funding art. Secretary Hughes. !u ' a at New Havan.aocewcU that :.? j?r . , of Ecn-;< he turned over - .?ri al conference of ex er** financier!* PROHIBITION COMMISSIONER HAVNKS has Jue*n>le ?.ut there are in fator of strict enforcement of the eighteenth amendou-nt. At Juarex, Mexico Offic ;.le assured him their ijoverf;rnent w? ul.J <*o-<>perute with the I'nited States to curtail the smuggling ol liquors and drupe. FIFTEEN thousand railway signal men. who refused to Join the shopmen's strike lust summer, now receive their reward. T1-? federal railroad lah-?r board h:s restored for them th? H(ht-hour day with time and onc-hail pay for overtime. A general increase In wages was reiu??ed by the boanl but It raised the pay of some mer from 08 cents an hour to 72 crtts, th< BILL BOOSTER SAYS SOVke PEUCRS "RDOMO V-/ 1WS fOWU Give VAE * GOOO LAUGH* %UC HAVE TO RGvAT XHevA -Coot* 'u TOENAIL POR EVERT PUBLIC *wvrftc*vEM?orr AVJO TWEU WMLVl WE RUT TME -THVW1G OvE*V DACWEO IE TKSM DO*JT TRM TD TAKE AU. THE CREDIT \ I ^^ ft' FCR EVERY WINTER'S DAY 5 HP ( r "Z . '.. .I ni'j . . tt..? - a- -11 i!l? ? Y u altov?'. It - I snnw 1 " - -V !?? ?!' u: ' x t :i T: t ty u 1':: : 'M ' '> ' TV ' I 'I {! g ?. iTl .*f U 1 lo'lkl *. n.. U-ta .-4. : Son i'larn < ^ ? ANNUAL Li p r j n ed v ( med< KEW ORLl April 10B Account of the abo\ ern Railway will sell ro Orleans at the followin For Members of tl Veterans and immed:a families accompanying MURPHY For sons of Ccnfe federated Southern IV United Daughters of tl sponsors, matrons ar.d MURPHY All tickets to read each direction. | DA 1ES C I Tickets will be sold frc o'.ina Points April | FINAL a Final Limit of all Tic I All tickcst will be sc ^ certificate plan, certific WJ p* aumuiUICS t rt the agents. j Farm in 275 >1C^| rati*- ; 15,7 : -ns d a . f $1 199.11 th? - \ .i.eti. rdiag A * f S farmer were K : y inty a nt?- * home* ? -:\ " ft. tili * :r. If22 -viaf ih 1' r -in* < mnl k-.l; in Ill r rh e . y?t list year. B h ;r.^ ,-ht . h ds]^| a'-TnrAJg: r hi iimh P ail way H :em I REUNION i| ;rate \ eterans IB 3ANS, LA., 13, 1923 | e occasion, the South- ^5 unci tr p tickets to New ig fares: IHj he United Confederate B te members, cf. their B them: |H $15.34 M derate Veterans, Con- B lemoria! Association, B he Confederacy, and B maids cf honor: H $31.03 a via the same route in B >F SALE: H >m Western North Car- H 6, 7, 8, and 9th. I LIMIT: kets to Be April 30th I >ld on the identification H ates having been issued HI >f the Confederate \ et- H eterans and their fami- M > to rate of one cert per H| alsr? cevtifieterans. Confederated ^5 Association. United H cJ.racy, cpoasovs, maiOi a' r:':e of one star.-lcars for New Orleans > Train No. 10. 3: JO p. iday April 9th. H Wood I ENGER AGENT ^ | Adbfiat, N.