f IJIf rriJ.y. ApHI 27. I?23 f " "legal jtav-tfig qualified as administrator 0f the estate of Joseph Strathman, dCceft>ed. late of Cherokee County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate sai<1 deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Murphy, North Carolina, on or before thf. 14th day of March, 1924; or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery persons indebted to said estate will please make immcdiato payment. This the 14th day of March. 1923. K. O. CHRISTOPHER. Administrator of Joseph Strathman, deceased. 32-61-FOC. TRUSTEE'S SALE. By virtue of theauthority vested in me by a deed of trust executed by J. W. Brannon and wife, registered ::t Cncfwksi ^OUT.ty ;r. Sook Nu. 80. at page 127, conveying to me the lands hereinafter described to secure th, payment of certain notes, default having been mpde in the payment of aid note, and the owner thereof having demanded foreclosure. I will, on Monday the 7th day -f May, 1923, at one o'clock p. m., at the court house door in the town > ' Murphy, sell, at public aue% tion to the highest hidder for cash, the f >llowing described land;, Tying and ' ir:it in unaKa, v nercitee t'ounty, North Carolina, adjoining the land* of McNab Clark, and other* and hounded as follows: Beginning on a stake on the public road and run* 85 feet to a stake; thence north with McNabb'a line 133 feet to a stake; thence west with Clark's line S'J feet t" .1 stake; thence south wit|, Clarke's line 150 feet to the beginning containing about onehalf note being iht- lands conveyed to J. W 1'rannon and wife by U. 8.1 G. Phillip rid v fc by n deed record* d ii t herokee County. T! tl 3rd day of April. 192.1. JOHN* II. pM-LARD, Trustee. (35-4tjhc Upon notion, duly seconded and carried. * is ordered that an elec* 1 tinn he h? I.I /?>? of Mayo? and x members of the Board of Conimi:oners f the Town of Murphy on l a s.lay May 8th. 1923, In the manner prescribed by law. For the purpose of holding said election, T. W. Axley is appointed Registrar, j and J. M. Leatherwood, * Sr., and Dick Sutherland :uv appointed Judges. J. A. RICHARDSON, S ec re tary -Trea ? u re r. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE OF OF REALESTATE MORTGAGE By virtue fif the authority con mi...1 in a rijiin rcai i"inie Mortgage made to the undersigned Rar.sera Burnett, Mortgagee y on the 10th day of July. 1923. by C. \V. V.*h;tv\ and wife, Hatt:e WhitIcy. t,, tare a note of oven date for the of $40.00 said note being J > /? 2nd. 1020. in which the f?do\v real estate win conveyed ri: ! haid ' an! land i e .ng in Mur-j .phy : .... hip, in Pwnchtree section*! Being ' 24 26, 26 and 28,J block Nl, described as follows: Lot No. "4, beginning ..n a stake and nm* S. 4.-4 E. 39 f to aj *take tK-n N. 85, 3-4 W. '120 feet to a stake; then N. 6?-4 W. 30 feet! to a then S . 5. I K. 120 ft-ct * beginning. !?< ' No. 25 begin n on a stake runs 4,-4 E. 30 feet to stake; then N. 26, 3-4 W. 20 fi t to a stake; then N. 4-4 W. 10 feet t - a stake; then S. 85, 3-4 E. 120 feet to the beginning. Lot No. 2 '. beginning on a slake and i runs S. 4.-4 E. 25 feet to a stake; then N. 85. 3-4 W. 120 f. t tc a take \. .J,, j w. 25 feet to a ?*k. . then S. 85. 3-4 E. 120 fcc-t to tin beginning. Lot No. 28. be mnrnir on a ?uko and runs S. ' -l| 50 t to a stake; then N. j 3-4 W. 150 /cot to a stake; then N. 4-4 W. 50 ft el to a stake: then S. i 85 E. 150 f,.et t the Aepinning. Sa^'i i >rt?age bcinjr rrfristii d 4. 1 Book No 21 in Book of Real ErtJte M *rtF3-' the office of thtj R> of Deeds of Cherokee County, N. * fl& note being past due an?l n?j ft of same having boon paid, th?* _ r .. . : will > !i the above cribcd land :?t public sale for ca to the highest bidck r at the con house in Murphy Ih VI tw.-h o'clock and 1 p. m. on the 21st da. ?f May. 1923, to Bhtisfy '.he said note Rnj interest ?nd ctMs of sale. This 21st day of April. 1923. OM BARXETTt Murtttatfoc. ?1 J. H. McCALI.. Atty. <3?-4t-Jhm) 1 -1^?Q I J J |j |j - ADVERT1SE1V D ELI NQU ENT* TAX SAjfeF ; Nort^ Carolina?Cherokee irounty: > The undersigned Tax Cwlector of' > said county will sell on M Jnday May I 7, 1923, at the court ho/s^ door in I ! Murphy, N. C., t0 the highest bidder r for cash, at public outcry, the fol- (t lowing lands upon which taxe-? forjf the year 1922 have not bcen paid, \ the same being listed for taxation In I the namc and for the amount given fl ?elow, with costs added in each case / as follows: I Braverdam Township I Name Acre* Amt. i* Mary Jar.e Paync .10 2.50 J Mrs. Stella Jan, I'ayne 3.1 4.50 I Mrs. L:llie Rose 50 4.95 V John AUmmn T $8.75 > Walter Burgess . . 115 14.44 R -S. F. Chapman 147 15.70 * laws Graham . 257 22.76 ' T. C. Kilpatrick 3 *24 07 1 Levi B. Mashburn 120 10.27 ' J. B. Moss .. 31 5.42 * J. B. McRrnyor . 27 6.86 ^ J. W. McCoy . 727 16.82 S Gclic Robert * - 25 1.95 S R. P. Roberts 3 7.33 Theodore Thompson.. 40 11.09 ^ Leonard K. Thompson 213% 12.45 J. H. Whitencr 84 8.93 Z. B. Whitner 100 10.39 J W. c. West 10 5.48 R W. T. West 26 4.67 J Sam Young 50 7.30 ^ Jesse Young Heirs.. 50 3.08, J Lucinda Allmond .. 140 12.83 ^ Goiic Brannon 12 10.20 C L \Y Brannon .... 1 lot 8.70, Polio Burgess 1 lot 4.95 J lack Dry son 2 lots 7.20 ^ David Bryson 40 14.95 E G. W. Burgess .... 196 11.20 R W. N. Bryson 10 1.83 C 1. M. Curtiss 60 7.45; J Lottie Cogdill 25 3.08 j A Mrs. Elias Crain .... 30 5.70 W. N. & T. J. Cooper 50 5.58 R T. J. Cooper Estate 1?0 5.95 j G S. L. Chapman 339 13.70 R George Dockery Heirs, 1-9 -Y interest in 51 acres 2.12 !C L. C. l>nvi* I lot 2. IB | A J. H. GosceU 600 61.40 II G. 0. Hicltoy 103 5.08 I' L. R. Kilty 70 11.20 M H. H Kilby J lot 1 II C S. L. LcndcrmHn .... 50 4.33 S T. S. 4 S. A. Mundy . . 227 12.45 T McCoy 4 Kelley 575 21.20 R W. J. Moss 60 9.95 H r <!-.in.ln M..w>?, ?*? r? J. W. McTappurt. . 1 lot 4.95 J< J. E. McCoy Estate. . 190 3.58 V Joe Patton 165'A 16.05 M Cinthia Smith 65 3.08 M Grant liainby Heirs. 101 8.70 A P. E. Nelson Apt. McCoy R Calloway 040 25.20 R Hot Houae Township N A. I.. Lcuderniilk 130 6.95 H Mrs. S. E. Bailey. ... 40 6.38 T John Baker 75 3.65 T A. J. Beaver 47 11.64 C M. M. Bailey 45 9.19 J. W. A. Carter 161 12.20 S J. F. Farner 89 12.11 M Maud Harris 50 3.50 J. I). M. Harris 85 22.37 S R. L. Jones 103 5.92 H J. W. Ledford 10 2.35 H H. P. I.idford 108 7.24 ?. Morrison Co 130 6.95 M I. L. Iiice 65 13.87 F L. M. Shields 100 4.65 I! A. R. Thomas 285 17.35 i. E. M. Vnyle; 50 3.22 I: .Mrs. M. M Witherow 200 13.67 M Not!a ToWnsh-p J. Name Acres Amt. \\ D. S. Anderson Heirs 96 24.20 W G. C. Ball 1 4 16 R vf. A. Grcc? . .... 100 14.38 J. J. E. Gregory 50 8.77 C. M. A. Green 16 3.33 C. Stanley Green 5 4.21 M S. C. Hood Heirs . . 15 1.78 S. Frank A: V. G. Hartness 65 17.13 .1 Mrs J. A. Hartness.. 15 1.91 M Mrs. M. E. Hartnc s. . 100 5.40 T. S. A. Huphea . ... 47 9.54 I*. G. \V. Holloway 8 4.38 J. Mrs Lola James .... 53 3 50 E. A. J. Jones 17 6.66 J. .-\iion -uari'n 104 jc T. G. Morris 40 6.51 Ic Mack Vlemmou .... 100 9.54 J. J. R. Rt?br?on Ill 18.85 if. John R. beson 136 6.16 M W. Bj Robeson Heirs 70 4.65 Ja Bon Martin 182 14.19 W Swain Devclop'nt Co. 300 2.35 G. T. F. Snnford Estate, Int. """ S. in No. 56, 61f and 62 4.65 W Samai * Mull .... 35 2.35 C. oal Creek Townthip M J. . Inni^ CS 16.03 M A. '. Bell 6 4.95 W Miltc n Coleman 43 2.75 T. T. Y\. Crowder 11H 4.27 E. K. B Cole 53 8.93 Mi Mrs. J R. Decker .. 80 7.59 W M. J Freeman .. . 160 8.41 L. m G i'":n 60 3.28 J. 1. F. < n 102 1T70 D: u i. AH S CHEROKEE SCOUT. MURPHY. IENTS | 'red Jones 160 16.23 lr3. Elizab. John.son 125 20.4P landa Kyzar 43 11.20! I. H. Kinsey 120 13.48 \ M. Mashburn .... 40 9.15 \ M. Moore 20 6.19 . L. Schafncr 11 OK 39.95 !ano Stiles 48 6.45 'rank Allen 40 3.70 V. L. & M. A. Arp.. 40 3.70 E. Hurler 90 9.20 J. Bryant 117 9.33 J. Grain 140 9.45 I. C. Culberson .... 300 13.70. teorge Coleman .... 123 13.20 : L M. Coleman .... 75 6.33 John Craig ,25 2.45! . ?. ^ .?aie. . IUU *S.l?' V. M. Hamby CO 3.70 V. L. Johnscu .... 1G0 10.70 !. W. Johnson 12.7 16.20 V". I>. Ledford .... 64 13.60 flex Laudermilk .... 82 6.20 Ilisha Ledford 100 7.58 ohn G. Matthews . . 685 44.95 V". M. Padgett 2.7 3.0k V. M. Quinn 60 4.3." I. E. Runion 224 11.2* wain Develop'nt Co 150 1.7>. . H. Smith 100 . 4.0". Irs. J. M. Watson . . 12 7.4" Val'eytown Township Name Acres Ami. . D. Anderson llot 11.81 L A. Ammoi<s,'5-a, 1 lot 18..77 . A. Anvnons 20 6.41 i. L. Almond, .Ir. . . 3.7 7.34 . L. Adam-* 56 7.60 . A. Adams 150 17.63 sbornc Angel .... 2 lots 15.76 . L. Adams 30 4.3." umcs Auton . I lot 14.73 itlas Supply Co 25 11.12 >. L. Blanton 1 i t 19.92 I. G. Buckner .... 2 1 .; 5.3<* . I. Barker 2 1 29.80 . W. Bradley ' 1 2.7.00 .. J. Bamctt .... 1 i . 9.23 Irs. S. T. Conley.. 3d 22.8" uffalo Realty Co.. 130O L.1.60 . D. Conley 58 8. : . A. Chambers.... 17 21.3 Irs. Jesse Clark... 35 20.3 has. C. Cole .... 1 lot 11.6c . I.. Coxey .... 2 lots 15.24 C. Carpenter. . 1 lot 21.52 . S. Crisp 3 lots 26.1' Irs. Alice Conley . . 1 lot 12.65 ora Cathey 6 13.06 . F.%Chapman .... 2 lots 11.6c . J. Cooper 300 29.83 A. Chambers. ... 17 17.76 C. Derreberry.. 1 lot 9.20 oley Derreberry . . 35 9.00 ?hn A. Ellis 1 lot 10.75 N. Ellis 20 8.17 ,f. C. Everett 15 18.24 Irs. L. M. Everett. . 60 15.56 ndy Earwood .... 2 lots 11.60 iley Freeman 39 21.86 ev. J. E. Gray .... 1 lot 5.36 else Goslin 2.lots 23.00 . B. Gibby 40 7.12 . B. Gibby 5 6.42 oni Gibby ....... 105 9.83 . X. Green 1 lot 14.29 . I>. Harris 7 4.66 . M. Holland 20 48.0G Irs. Annie Holland. . 35 20.70 L. Hicks 2 lots 10.27 am R. Housed ... 7 lots 41.46 igdon & Stepp. . 3 lots 22.00 nrve Hogan 65 14.55 D. HoMoway. . . . . 20 11.31 Irs. S. F. Hollifield, 2 lota 8.49 . T. Hodge v 20 6.33 . C. Hcnson 3 lots 8.49 R. Jones 1 lot 27.39 :ek Kilpatrick ... .1 lots 15.0S rs. A. O. Kilpatriek 40 11.64 W. King 14 13.63 r. H. King 60 14.4s '. R. Lunsford .... 46 22.28 . R. Lee 40 12.49 A. Mashbarn 8 32.30 L. Moody 3 tots 4.SG 1 L. Morgan 6 7.97 . . C. .Mathis 8 6.IS 1 A. Mundy 1 lot 11.60 : P. Mos teller. ... 1 lot 8.10 ' rs. S. F. Mitchell.. 1 lot 22.23 . M. Xichols 10 8.48 : C. Xichols Estate 240 20.52 1 F. Xichols ........ 15 27.39 11 A. Parker 10 14.58j. I). Payne 3 lots 20.65 j 1 ?hn W. Phillips Estate 45 11.60' ?hn Rogers' ^ ..... 8 24.80 J B. Rogers, Jr 5 6.36 ! J . W. Rogers 13 10.66 i 1 rs.W.M.Rogers es'te 153 10.38 j nit's i>. iwgen ar... 40 o.zo : ' E. Robinson .... 1 lot 28.22 J K. Robinson .. 1H lots 13.88' M. Russell 12 lot. 12.83 j . A. Sm th 126 46.39 i M. Slajrle 4 lots & 22-a 40.72 rs. Ida Slavic .... 1 lot 22.63 is. Ella Splvey .. 1 lot 15.02, . O. Saderquest . . 1 lot 32.40 M. Scroggs .... I lot 3.5.92 J. Truett 83 13.26 rs. Clyde Thompson 3 2.17 . W. Walker .... 50 12.31 B. Walker .SSSS. Mb I). Walker .. 31* lots 22.54 ive West 10 7.04 Waldroun^Tlou 5.98 J Bi?SSi I ?. NORTH CAROLINA H. C. Walker 2*4 lota 11.60 J. W. Woody .?3B 14 17 14 T. W. Woody 188 32.62 J. R. Wooten 2* 15.46 John Woods 8 6.52 X. C. Wikle ^ lot 9.01 Will 1S 11.10 Ren Burgess ...... - Vfe 13.8o , Mike Hyatt 1 lot 12.03 Eugene Gray .... 1 lot . 2.58 . Rpoce Evans .... 1 lot 2.92 ? Smith Howard .... 1 lot 2.77 < I. W. Kern 1 lot 7.96 1 W. C. Miller .. 'fclot 14 91 * J. L. Mauncy .... 1 lot 10.48 Adam Mnuney .... 2 lots 3.28 j ! Bo e MeKliijey 2 4.87 E. L. HcKimey .... t lot 10.55 1 i Henry Me Adams .... 6 8.521 Zeb E gland .... 1 lot 2.43 II. Gregory estate 1 lot 10.57 S. C. Highway .... 10') 13.84 ling Ki htr Land & Tiaa-r. fer Company . . 2000 42.80 Mrs. M .it e Lcatherwood 1 lot 4.16 ' W. B. Miles 1400 30.32 ! W. .\. Montgomery . . 42 7.52 j K. S. .'.liter Slot 35.53 1 Mrs. Ben Patterson .. 25 5.05' G. W. liuic.il 19 5 351 j. i . uauo 10 J 18.96 M. Ramsey 25 4.53 Mort Strange 141 23.35 San ford Thompson heirs? 4.10 H. C. Ilenson .... 2 lots 3.23 . II. M. Kir.g 83 10.64 John Nelson 40 5.75 J. Q. Adams 56 7.50 Murphy Township A. J. Ashe IS'a 0.7 5 Ida Adams 18 8.30 W. M. Arrowood, 100 30.72 ' G. L. A. Bumgarner 9 2.72 .T. T. Heal 1 lot 12.00' Prank Bryson 25 7.86 1. J. E. Brooks 50 21.45 j W. II. Bowers 24 11.95 ! G. H. Cope & Kicks, 45 20.1(1 J. F.. Cha-tain 37--, 10.77 ira Clark 60 10.04 Leonie Cofield .... 89 16.80 Mrs. Laura Carroll 1 lot 10.66 i*. A. Chastain .... 59 14.36 A. J. Cook 118 9.99 ! A. L. Cooper Heirs, 1 lot 28.20 . P. Cooper, interest in A. T. Cooper estate 10.85 . Chiriie Cooper, interest in A. T. Cooper estate 9.35 G. G. Com well .... 17 9.30 ' r. C. Corpcr.ter .... 1 lot 8.52 lohn Cobb 1 lot 3.90 * A. W. Doekery 122 37 F. M. Decker 1 11.32 Wiley Doekery . . . . 42 11.47 j. Mrs. A. J. Doekery.. 39 17.58 Mrs. A. F. Doekery. . 102 16.09 J. W. Ellis* 90 14.00 J. W. Forrister . . 1 lot 6.4 7 X. E. Franklin 37* 8.57 ( H. T. Gorenflo. ... 1 lot 32.45 < X. E. Gibson .... 2 lots 13.55 i < XV. P. Green 55 10.211 < P. C. Graves 25 8.02 i Bob Graves 50 7.0 i j < """Kan o.i-* i ' Ben W. Garirell. . . . 1 lot 102.51 Cole C. Ghormler. . 1 lot 17.4?? Tom Graves 25 10.44 , Fulton Hartness 1 lot 21.71 j J. J. Hollificld .... 10 9.3i ' P. V. Hughes 136 3-1.0. J. O. Hemhree .... 51 > 14.85* G. H. Hartness .... 50 11.12 j Lillie Hartn$sa .... 85 13.30' J. O. Henson 6 14.931 J. P. IIu?kins heirs 47 23.70 | Hew W. Hayes .... 17 1?.3 -ij A. S. Hooper 125 IS.27 ' S. C. Highway .. 8 lots 44.83 j H. J. James 37 7.11 Hat tie James 51 9. On E. E. Knobletl 20 11.69 Carl Keener ? 8.74 H. G. Laney 23 11.16 j Mrs W. H. McGuire 97 21.81 ! Rollin McDonald ... 55 15.00 Winslow MeTaggart 30 7.80 A. C. McDonald . . 60 9.49 A. \V. Mcliver .... 1 lot 16.25 2?zl 2 !ot? 2? * Alfred Morga? .... 150 41.80 R. F. Moor.. 220 26.99' Mason Heirs 101 7.95' 1 KeroMjr .... 145 i (.66 F. B. Moore 1 lot 21.6515am McJunkins . . 3 lots 15.01 * IV. J. Nix '. 63 21.55 j Cancy Palmer .... 2 lots 13.36 ^ \. K. Palmer .... 22 11.S3 3 E. A. Pace 22 10.83 $ \. M. Pace 60 5.94 4 i. B. Picklesimer, 6 lots 21.12 15 F. D. Parker 20 11.01 'X I. C. Ricks, % interest 104 acre?, 1 lot lift.IS ] V. H. Ratcliffe. . . . 1 lot 51.70 * . M. Re 'o 134 10.46 ^ 3us Ropers 5 15.11 ' joyd Sudderth .... 17 4.3ft ) ?frs. W. M. Swaim 9 9-10 15.53 { da Stanley _ 62 \ 11.25 V". T. TrueU 100 728 55 X V. E. Wi! 1114 24.0-4 % ?rs. M. C. Walsh. . 38 21.45 Y 1. E. Warner 60 9.83 *) L J. Will anw .... 10 7.96 lark W'ls??n 30 5.56 X 4rs. Julia Crawford 19% 12.90 $ e Z\r "iaud Cox 23 '-a 5.33 J Irs. Elbert Dockery 60 5.10 | lake Davis ....... 3 7.58 ? Ervin Grant 65 10.20; Ruth Garrison .... 1 lot 22.80 Green 1 lot 10.66 Jamcg Hal] 1 lot 5.26 Mm. B. Kemp.... 1 lot 20.10 R. H. Lewis 1 lot 5.41 J. W. Lunsford .... 1 lot 49.80 J. N. Ledford 15 4.50 McCarter & Lewis . . 1 lot 5.25 J. A. Moore 80 6.84 I. L. Mulkey 152 21.97 Ora Tainvrr 31 3.15 W. Pas*, more 1 lot 3.90 G. W. Queen 30 6.83 Macy Queen 30 7.80 5. C. Ropers 1 lot 28.2'' Mrs. S. J. Ropers. . 80 14 33 H. O. Itaple 40 4.13 Leonard Sharp .... 15 5.10 T\ H. Short 1 lot 31.feu J. D. York 23 5.10 j.Acey Youitfe 30 3.15 i . Alexander 4 4.1 Z ra Abernathy. . . . ' 1 lot 10.9. Georgia Bowman . . 1 lot 2.18 Reat Carter 1 lat 11.63 /voa c CoIBert ie *.Q3 Cora Denv.ninp .... 1 lot 10.0." James Filwood .... 1 lot 0.62 I'-sie Fain .... _ 1 lot 2.47 Fain 5 16.50 Ed Moore 2 8.15 Cand's Moore 10 5.30 Tube McLelland .... 7 16.55 I. S. McKinney 1 13.88 Will McCombs 3 7.40 Neil Powell 1 lot 7.80 W. M Powell gi. 8.721 Colcher Perry .... 1 lot 5.15 Lucy McLelland . . 1 lot 3.15 Mac Wvloy 1 lot 4.64 Hettie Wyley ... 1 lot 2.IS Henry &. Hanc Woods 67 15.83 Ella Webster .... 1 lot 10.9b' Jane Sudderth 14 1.85 Prank Suddertb 1 lot 4.20 Ed Smith 2vs 4.15 Kloyd Spivgy ! lot 10.95 Flunsucker Heirs, 4-5 intertcrest in donation land 10.9" Albert S. Hooper . . 125 15.74 W. II. James He!rs 123 17.89 A. W. John-on .... 47 5.10 R. A. Johnson .... 46 7.05 J Mrs. Lizzie Johnson 23'? 10.95 I IV. B. Payne 40 10.20 j lames Thomas, agt._ 360 20.70 J W. M. Williams 29 5.1 c' fohn Woody 95 12.21 | W. N. Allen 15 h.87 , Mrs. 1.. S. Halo, 2 1-3 lots 00.47! T. W. Dockery .... 190 61.30i W. P. CDCM, Tax Collector. j' j NOTICE OF SALE UNDER DEED ! OF TRUST By virtue of the power of *a!e ? contained in a certain Deed of Trust i executed by the Gartrell Dry Goods | Hotnpany, recorded in Cherokee ?ounty, in Book 76t page 208. con-1 . eying to me the lands hereinafter lescribfd to secure the payment of : i certain note in said deed of trust ' out. default having been made i n tho payment of said note and the 1 FREE TO ) Wben you beco?r.e a sub r crib ycu arc enctled to an almost un J and advice absolutely wllbsut ch Bring th-> problem* of your community to us and thc-y wil r? iters and specialists who throu ' come expert in their solution. T 400,000 farm families alread ' If you do not, 50 cents a year Entitle you to this unpurchasa' f unbeatable paper twice a month. SOUTHERN AC THE ri Nashville WRIiftUiMUKL 7- T-:* "~ Attention ; We have just rc I supply of : v. c. And Fei \V7. L !. ^ .1 i w e nave just tne ngr truck patches, SEE US BEFOF W. M. FAIN GRC nrx? J ?4tlV4 ?T Ul C L. & N. i a ? ?< power of contained in szid deed of trust having become operative and the holder ?f note having: demanded foreclosure, 1 will for thr purpose of satisfying said note, it* terest and the costs of sale, sell at the Court House Door in Murphy, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at Onc o'clock, p. ??-, on Saturday the 10th day of May, 11*23, the following described lands: 1. An undivided nni?-I\? 1 f Inter est in the following described tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in tht. Town of Murphy, said County of Cherokee and State of Nortjj Carolina, adjoining the land* of Mrs. John E. Fain and G. M. Blumenthal and fronting on the Sourl-caat side of Valley River Ave11 being lot No. 7. bc?'..nw>-: on :h utheast i I, <-f V ' .aver v . it Mrs. John K Fa present e, and runs thence >ut- S? 40 E. with ..... John E. i' ,'j said I:- 100 feel to a m ;I.c < an Alley in the rear; thence abou. rs. ov Lp.l - aid Alley 24 fe t and 2 inches to the G. M. Blum;th il l"t Nc?. S; thr-rco about X. 10 V. with the ' i tu of said Blumenthan Lot. No. 8. 100 ;V:-t to Valley River Avenue; thence about S. 50 W. with raid Avenue 24 feet and 2 inches to the beginning. 2. Al'o the following described parcel of real estate which was the property of Matilda Hlumonthal sittxrted in the town of Murphy, being Lot. No. 8, beginning on a stake 215 feet from the N. W. Corner of I>ot No. 1 and the N. E. Corner of Ix* No. 7, and runs S. 40 E. 100 feet to s a stake, the S. E. Cornet of lot No. ' 7; thence N. 50 E. 25 feet to a stake; thence N. 40 \Y. 100 feet to a stake on Valley River Avenue; thence N. 50 W. 25 feet to the beginning, being the lot and store building form- I erly occupied by \V. Christopher and J known as the Blunvnthn.1 store and m property. M This 18th day of April, 1025. J L. E. BAYLESS. Trustee. B Registration of Voters 1 For Town Election I The Registration Books for the H town election for Murphy to be held J9 r.n tin- nun tiny of May. 1 will B be open for thr registration of all ^k persons entitled so to do from April ^^k 21. 192:1. to Apni :'S. 1 ?J.t All per- JH sons desiring to register will call up- 9 an me at the Murphy Hardware Co.*s fl store, whore the books will be kept. H This April 5th, 192.". T. W. AX LEY, Registrar. jSl (3G-2t> H Have you bought your bushel of sweet potatoe ? April lfi to 20 is "Sweet Potato Week." You havtf no idea how g> "d they are until yoo try them. FARMERS H er to the Southern Agriculturist limited service . inform}. Hon mh home, your business or your ^^^^^9 i ve sympathetic study of edgh years of experience have be- ^9HbH| heir advice is yours for asking. ^^^^^^9 !y ,.;ke the "Giant of the South" - $1.00 for three years will ^^^9h| in addition to an ^^^^^9 1 IRICULTURIST, H ennessc^^^^| Planters caived a fresh ^DH the famous it kind for gardens add farms IE YOU BUY >CERY CO., lnc.^BB ?? itlVMOW wpjjJOUC MMHMniM

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