??? ??wi j Big Aucl i $ AT BRYSON CITY, 1 | Saturday IV ? 10:00 O'CLOCK, A. M., THE & EVER HELD IN X Two Brick Stores joining the C X Weeks Store, new stock of goo< V ern 1 1 -room house, 2 acres cut i ? large business lots on Railroad ! 12 in the City. IWe are expecting a big crowd ; $50.00 in prizes. One pound o1 streets at 10:00 oclock, a. m.. : get it. 26 pieces cf silver, Elgii the guessing contest. We want everybody to come am your assistance. We want you, for what you do. We Begin our sale with three Ai words at the same time. Comi The Champion Fibre Ccmpany! Timber Land near P.-y*on City mill there. People of Bryson for development! ?Sale Coni D. G. Wilson Ai ^ 8 CANTON, NOR L' m*' i ??? r ~0 0~0~~0 O ^SEND USYOUF [ yQi!!l!il!!iillljl!!il!llllliltlllllilNillll!IIIIQIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII He! hhr k bh 1 s I I I1 ^ i I 1 B Townson <! ^^H|oiN MURPHY'S CHAMBER BHB /i V. * THE CHEROKEE ! :ion Sale f | NORTH CAROLINA ^ J lay the 5th i BIGGEST AUCTION SALE $ dK BRYSON CITY X ity Square, Main Street. The J Ts and meat market stand. Mod- S in lots on Academy street. Two ^ siding?tnis is tne oest property ^ and a big sale! We will give 9 f money will be thrown in the A sharp. Be there, children, and 7 * n Gold W atch will be given in y d enjcy this sale and give us ^ we need you, we will pay you ? w ^B uctioneers, speaking the same a e see it done! m lias Seventy thousand Acres of X and are planning to locate their * City are opening the channel y 9 action Company | B. TH CAROLINA ^ ^ | I JOB PRINTING- OOOOC iiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllillliiiliiiiiiiiy me | i a House | I HEHB Sc Anderson g ise Furnishers g Y, N. C. I OF COMMERCE AMD HELP s GROW J SCOUT. MUHPHT, NORTH CAROLINA WANT ADS t : ? t The Ideal II > lerv Maryville, . Term., will always furnish steady t employment to women and girls of s good character who are IC year of c *ge. i Able-bodied men can find steady a | employment within one-half mile I; from the hosiery mill in furnace iroom of alumnae Company of Artier- ^ a. Alcoa* TV nr.. 22tf. J11 11 WE PAY $36.00 weekly full time, 75c an hour spare time selling osicry. guaranteed to wear four : months or replaced free. 36 styles. _ Free samples to workers. Salary or i 30 per cent commission. Good hos- ^ <. fry jjt an absolute necessity, you I n sell it eu^ily. Experience un-! sry. KA 1LE KNITTING ( *, Dr.rbr, / i. STRAIGHT SALAr.i" " per week and expenses to man or woman A.th t : to inttodiue POULTRY I .VIXTl l.r. I'.nk, I fc Co. En t St. 1 ? BBBWI??aw ix>u:s, ill. : ? 4 WANTED Men o?- women to take j, , orders for genuine guaranteed ho- j. eery for men women and children. > Eliminate? darning. Salary $75 per l week fill I time, SI 50 an hour spare 1 time. Beautiful spring line. Inter- ' national Sto< k?ng Mill-. Norristown, ' Pa. 29-10t-p * f AGENTS WANTED? ine J. R. Watklns C mpany will employ a lady or geneleman agent in Murphy. Watkin? Products are known every where, and our ale-people make big incomes. Investigate this opportun- . itv! Full partn-ulnrs r.nd valuable j sampli s >cnt fn to hustlers who J j mean l>u-iru Write today. THE J. i:. WATKINS, CO. Dept. New York, N. Y. jv SAI.KSMKN U ANTKI)?Fruit Tree < S ic r.( pi. fitaV!.', pleasant, steady work. Good side line for, ' farim rs, toucher* and others. Permanent job ' u d workers. Write' for terms. Concord Nui.-erii s. Dept ( 33."?. Concord, t?a. (3 !-12t-p) { LOST?Oat? bunch f kev< on streets ; Wedr < day containing about n .I..7.VIJ M-ys uf lite following marks: . Y". l..*k-. Mazer Safe and National Cash Register stamped on them. , ) Return to The Scout and get reward. l . _ , \\ ANTED?Men or women to tak?* , orders for genuine guaranteed ? ho? ry for men. women and ehil- 1 dren. Eliminate darning. Salary c7."> a week full time. $l..%0 an hour' 1 | spare time. Beautiful spring line. : International Stock;:.g Mil's. Morris- 1 i town. I'a. (3."-10t-p) J I ? ' > ? FOR SALE?Genuine Porto Rico Potato, slips,, government treatI cd and inspected, May and early ! t June Delivery; grown near Atlan- t ; | ta. making them better adapted to ! your section with very short time i | between drawing and setting. Pre- j paid $1.65 per M, cr $3.20 for 2 J M. Order early. J. J. SEAY, Tate, ' I Ga. (3?-5tp ) LOST?One hound pup, 9 mo. old, , black with white on feet, and end j ; of tail. Will pay reward for i' finding him or any information. Roy j: Wells, Murphy, N. C. ( II FOR SALE?Two autos for sale at f j a bargain for cash or bankable . I notes. One 1922 Ford Touring en-, sum.' as r?w, only used short time,. ;.?cd . .a ;.ad .a first-ciass mo- j Ichanical condition, for $300.00. Or.: 1921 Overland Roadster, good con- j i d:tion. g <o-.i tires, new battery, only run 7800 miles for $150.00. FRED j 0. SCROGGS, Brasstown. N. C. PUBLIC SALES We have purchased 122,000 I ' pair of U. S. Army Munion last hoe>, sices 5 1-2 to 12, wh.ch } was the entire surplus stock of one of the largest U. S. Govern; meat shoe contractors. 1 , This Shoe, is guarantee4 one j hundred per cent solid leather, color dark tan, bellow* tongue, dirt end waterproof. The actual value of tkis shoe is $ .00. Owing to tbi* tremendous buy 1 w? can offer same to tbe public I at $2.95. 1 Send corr-jct size. Pay Postman on delivery or ?*<! money I order. If shoes are not as rep- 1 resented we will cheerfully re- | fund your money promptly upon request. | NATIONAL BAY STATE SHOE cosK-Arr.- , j I 296 Broadwuy, New York, N. t. 4 NOTICE. I* tax payers of Cherokee Coun- . y uf>. hereby notified to meet the ax mVters of their respective townhipnturini? the nv?nth of May at s he tiBsV ?nd place set apart by the aid 1 i4\takers and jfive a full and omplcA\! st of all their real and * >er x>na!Y| operty and also furnish i true aAiiuIture census as requir d 1 will havu? he census abstracts in j J Iurphy on\V iy the 7th t?? distrib-! ite t? the list takers of the various ownships. * This April 23. 1923. GEO. F. HENTRIX. County Tax Supervisor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS * <ORTH CAROLINA? Clay County. in tki. fiiini>rinr Court "lay County. Clay County Hank. CI. H. Haigler. F C. Allison, et. ak v<. 'ublic Service Company. NOTICE. Whereas, the undersigned. W. C. ?mart. was dulv appointed perma- 1 ::t receiver n: the abave itaim-u i lofendant. Public S :?rvi Company y His l!i>nor Henry P. Lane. Judge ^ 'residing. at Chamber* at Murphy. C. (*.. on the day of January. ! 923: and whereas, at flprij Term. 9*23. Clay Superior ('ou t an or!er was entered in this cause recjuir ng notice to issue to all creditors n or hi fore the loth day of August. 1923: X w, therefore, all crt'ditors of aid Public Service Company and ill persons having claims n/iin7 aid defendant of any nature what-' never, will take notice that they ar,. 1 louired to present their claims to he undersigned receiver of said 'ublie Service Company at h:- of-1, ic.. in Iiayesville. X. on or before the 15th day of August, 1923. | md all suc^ creditors or claimants vill further t ikt notice that unlu s hey present their claims on or be th'. rotice will be pleaded in >ap <?f their recovery. This thc - ***? day ?f Apr 1. 1923. \Y r*.SMART. Receiver if Public Service Co.! tob-Gt)| : RANGER > Rev. T. L. N?filled his r: guar appointment Sunday. Mi s Inez Long nude abusincss rip to Mur; hy . Monday. A large ? ?wd attended prayer ?ervices Wednesday night at th.' tome of W. J. Sneed. There are several cases of meases in the community at present. Tom King nvide a business trip to Murphy Monday. The farmers have been taking advantage of the pretty weather. Mr. J. H. Davidson and Miss Jenlc Ball were married April 12th at Blue Ridge, Ga. We wish them n long ind happy life. Miss Lois Kilpatrick is visiting relatives at Isabella. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Kilpatrick entcrtained the young folks with a ringing Saturday night. * Miss Bessie Sneed, who has been seriously ill of pneumonia in Fort Sanders hospital, Knoxville, Tenn., s at home for a few days. J. L. Johnson and Lum Walker itade a business trip to Murphy one lay last week. Mr. Emory Kisselburg left Mon!av for Akron, Ohio. LADY GOT SO W GOULD Si After Suffering From Many Ferns Cardui and Took It, SheS "OOME TIME AOO," uyt Mrs ! ^ Buena Mc Far land, of R. P. D. 2.! Bostic, N. C., "I suffered a great leal with weakness common to women. I had bearing-down paint, my tides and Jack huit, and my limbs drew. I would get to week la my knees 1 could scarcely uand. "I ?B very nervous, sad could aot at I didn't feel Hire eating. I grew :hla, and did not have ambition lor anyhlng. "I had been trying other remedies.. .. ad did not get av better. "Some oae Md as o< Card*, aad aM'n area recommended tot. I dao FrU?y. April *7. 1)Q KINSEY , jfl fl Times arc picking up aruond Kin. II icy for everybody has gone to work || Mr. Verlin Brown, of Kin*^ j|r || Sdjrar Brookman, of Binh, left ruesday morning for Sunburnt. N. C I Mr. Charlie Haney left Monday to oin His wife at Hickory, N. C. 9 Mr. and Mrs. I.ee Hu^he* nnd 9 amiiy spent Sunday with Mr. nnd 19 Mrs. Clem Ledford. 1 Mr. Boh Ha-nry and Mrs. Jaefc Hal', visited home folk* Saturday tnd Sunday. Mr. Bill McClure's saw mill is donir some fine work undor the man -iT'.ment of Mr. Ariel MeTa^cart. Mr<. W. 1*. Hall and Mrs. I.ige Btandridpe visited Mrs. J. A. R.ijrers Sunday afternoon. Mr aid Mrs. Carl Campbell vial. <>d on Birch Saturday and Sunday, i Mr. To!u' Chaistain visited Mr. Sill V < aw mill Tu iy. M CI race Crisp spent Sunday Mae and Willis MeClttlure rire Stalcup. of Martin's if r-.t Saturday night and k?. Mr Jack Halt N _______ Frank Hen v, of \\ < re visiting parents and ? ' section. Miss k . and V k llyde spent on*, ? f 1:. t week with Mrs. s R. L. Han > ! "^11-Hatti< Haney ami little hrothei -. G?erge and Noland Hall, spent the week-end with their Mater, M:-. Kate Mann, at Tomotla. : Mr- e- Maude and .Mamie Hall and nfUvnoon with Miss Cena Standbridg; and Mrs. Maggie Hughes. Mr Will Hall made a business t -j) to Mufphy last^ Friday. Bleaching at Roger'* Chapel April Hi?. K very body is invited. i Persimmon Creek | All the farmers here are trying to iret uli their corn land ready to plow when the ground gets dry. Mr. T. G. St|les and daughtfi.Inlaw. Delia, and little son. Ia trd, have ictumed from Copperhill where they have been visiting his daughter, Mrs. Lee yair. I -y.la Stiles a^id Lilla Darnell entertained a nic* crowd of young friends Sunday night at their home They had a nice singing. Misses Icey and Gracy Davis spent last Sunday night with their uncle, Boyd Stiles. riiffA,/i c,.i? i? ?* J ?? fron> Turtletown, where he has been for sometime. Edd Stiles and Tom Cearley went to Copperhill to pet them a jcb but times are dull there. I.eta Si ilea and Bonnie visited ^ their uncle and aunt, D. C. Stilee. A last week at Shoal Creek. EAK CARCELY STAND i lie Troubles TNs Lady Heart of lays, "Until I Was WeT took a Ladle* Birthday Almanac lad read of a latc somethiag Hke miae. 1 told niy :.4*be-d to get It and f would try it "I aaw 4 fieal Improvement after ftc tha KM hnttu r~* /> i-i. ? * I* ..?* ? v?im? \?n vhuuui], mv i i?"r until I ?a well. Now I em the pics^f ot health." Thousands ot other women here writtea, to ten of the beneficial reaulta ob-| Mined by taking Cardui, and to recommend It to otherr. Cardui has stood tbe test at ealisdi use, lor mote than forty years, M Ma IrMtlNM* Al iw*..VI.a tZ Try H > lit -1 * I

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