MILL CREEK SCHOOL TO CLOSE The Mill Creek free school will fiot it longest term of nine months Msy 4th. The success of this most successful term is due to the skill ' fn| management of Mr Fulton Thomasson. of Murphy R-l. Chero-1 ?7 kee County. The directors were mi fortunate iu securing Mr. Thomas^ ?on as teacher for the year, but un. fortunate in that they will not be able ts secure him for next year, i |f'. at Ik is planning to finish school before teaching again. We wish ^ him the greatest success throughout life.?A patron, in Bryson City .?? Times. Workers of the Stat<* College and Satte Department of Act . *ure find that good purebred br< i have larger littele. which gr?w rapidly into pork, use less feed per pound and gain more ir doing so. ?SUBSCRIBE TO THE SCOUT? I If anyone wants one ? me or come to Sweetv | glad to help vou buy tl | W. B. J | SWEETWAT Gum-1 Gaining & 194% Sales I Shows T The public has emphatically r lar preference in all territories i? Firestone Gum-Dipped Cord. A standard of ai ike has b? mous tires without parallel in brought a sales mcrrase of 19-1 months over the same period c greatest gain in all Firestone hist Tl* Firestone Guna-Dipped C ciucvrcic;.. Muwa !uu oaliicu the tremendous record of past Fi The tire buying public has b Jit *' in 2 i * Upper Peachtree J : TO MY ASSOCIATE CORRESPONDENTS: i i rVar Friends: Ye correspond wits. , Or everyone who write A friendly Composition To The Cherokee Scout. I'd like to sec rour face*. And talk with you about Our town and mountain oountry. And -~k-ndA ! '* ! Sav. what abort a " 'vention.*' Cr :on:.''hnc >>rt:r like X picric in remembrance ' the splendid little Scout? *Twou!d he a grand uniting For we folks and Mr. Sipe. To meet w th one another And ta.k about The Scout. We'd make some d'.'nvir.strat.'ons it; such a wnere-uoouts. T.i r.i s,. more corn and "taters" And " "vancc" the rpler.dld Scout. i I'd like to know y?ur fart** Frn K\ - towR and r?utc? v I rt ?d ah ?ut your "laces lTl the r' ndid little ScoutI "no; e each corrosion J 'tit , W 1! 1,-t me kn 'w about M> friendly propo< tion Thr urr. the c lunim of The Scout. YOUR CORRESPOND) \*G FKIKN'P. \ FOR OVER 40 YF.ARS HAIJ.S CATARRH MFTDICINE ha* been sue eostulljr la thr treatment ; of Cata?h HAI.I.'S CATARRH MEPXCINF con- . r -t.? f an * tm maximum t ?" ^.ne?.un? this name can you be een aroused to the gum-dipped construct* Most MQtt per Dollar >e$to tfTM-DIPPED CO*D? mi-Dipped Coras from omm of tkm . MOORE, D HZ CHEROKEE SCOUT. (tUKPHT ' Marble Mr. Thomas E. Ladd. of Sanmateo, Fla., ha? arrived and will spend the summer in his summer home in our town. Mr. J. V. Hall and wife spent the last week-end in Asheville. Several of our citizens, who have been attending: Federal Court at Asheville the rast week, have returned home. Mr. Velt Wilson, of Ravcnsford, X. C.. has beer visiting: his parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wilson, of out town. Mr. Lon I-add. f Persicola. N C-. has b F'hel V\"ilsv'n was visiting r parents; Sunday even rp. L. rnfrA s ^ -i*! *. wi J landed in California in 26 ..our . I .utes and 2-> second--. The Shortnecs cf Life By Widie K. Jobn>on. We might use the grass a? an of the life < f man. springs up green and tender, groi "o be beautiful, is even adorn* with flower ; but it? beau'y las only for a season for. alas! j withers and die*! , | So s the hfc f man. The y.>u. tender press resemble-, the little i | fant. When the- rra-s > grown . be tell . nd beautiful. bo) , g.rl that has . u t t r.U-red mnnh I or womanhood. enjoy ng youtl pleasures and. . ke the grass wit era. so ri 1 es ms:i become wrinkr and old. Hardly btfore he rcaliz it the grim monster. Death, ste into 'a s i>;.thv .y and takes him victim. Life is hort. Oh. no short i should r.ot lose any t me. for cv. Keener Monument Co J. S. Kl^NER, Manr.jer Tomoila, N. C. C?fl or Write if You need a Monument , TO THE SCOUT i I ! | ' Great ! l miles an 5m tht WW: Tstnai 7 THE Ei E. < W. ? * ? E JtStl- . . _^===? , | moment is precious and we can re"live no d*y' Yesterday is (Tone. Gone forever; We can call it back Never, no. never! I1 If ue have not done any pood in the days that have paseed and pone, let us net spend the future day: in studying about what mipht have been ? :t_- :n the past. "Let the I past dead bury it dead." fl We v often h? ar oid people | -ayinp. "Oh. f I just had rnsc to po over ! vould u-. it to . be.c r purpose." We should take a lesson from older tie. who have experience. They kr.;>*.v what ;t is : > id'., away time. We f'ink because we ar younp we have plentv f tin.e t ? wis :.way a f w h ; it th j; thinp. and - : v. i. . other thinp. J. t real;: .1.i. : hours s; t *. n fun and " !. h: ait pone fr? ns u- forever. 1 fear r. tne of us. when w.. p older, instead S' C-! N? IMPROVES \ Z. MOORE Dea FrU.r. M., l. ro many day* of my life* that could have used to a noble purpoj-^B bat? M *I lived a life of plrasur-t BE From morning till cfen^rg .u, B| Only to find in th> ttnilight H| That I'd left my work undon?.*?^B We are wiftly sailing or iifefB current and ere long it will vs to the other side. Then the W will remember us by a little ul. tv stone standing at the h adH t our grave which beats out : A few 'Vie yteirs. H And the joorney will end, ffl At tl.e home of Je^u*. ll The sinner's friend. HQ Our boat will anchor On the shores of bl:?s, n Th'-n we'll dwell in a land % H More fairer than this. B I Tha beautiful home B| I ! ?ng to **? M vri38 ! long to be. ]* .. . f God. o~r ther V.'hc <>ul from hq-<* ha* I".' aims am! N : th shining throne ?i for Fletcher's ; Bought, and which has been ears, has borne the signature of the wrapper all these years 5; to protect the coming1 erations. Do not be deceived.' is and are but ith and endanger the health of rience against Experiment. lievs your baby with't rould use for yourself! ; astoria stitute for Castor Oil, Parecorit^ ps. It is pleasant. It cc itaini tor other narcotic subctancc. Its more than thirty years it has relief of Constipation, Flatulency, 1; allaying Feverishness arising 1 a the fitmngftl pnH Hnur?lc ai.A i giving healthy and natural sleep, be Mother's Friend. tor ia always mz&u Dver 30 Years ave Always Bought J j mf : I iTl> r\ '1 1 kI J^WUO* aj listance only 9 ause: The 9 proves zvith 9 report 50,000 9 sdjustecat ^ of beauty, 9 ay Evening Foot H GHT I Co?7e-SnUi> $15M jfl *? L o. k. Toltd* B V1T n d S E -fl i ^ ) & . > ~^^^B