a it. im? 5=1 ? ????*>? c 1 MB) a oat a roofing out of thr ordinary ^KTvtcw you thr striking color dratgw ^Kjrip Shin jIm. ^^^rique sh.ir<. fadeless red. Rr*<-n o? ^Ef^cks-.int-ral surface and excrpticem make them the last word if l* J^Efr^bcautiful. economical roofing* quote prices?you'll be pleasantly J The Wind Can't Blow the Rain in. CherokeeMan Factory Town? MURP fcHw-w-?>m9 090 en?H i L.oca/ a no H Tflfpli' fl)I*-r- ? ' Profit, district agent# fl, vtstern ^ :th Carolina, of the' K* Dep;i ' ' t ?f Agriculture, i KjS. J- Kirl'.v. assistant State j ^Lr; n - club work, wore 1 K, \v. ; conferring with; flcr'y A. H. H. Kills in regard fl^L. ? ? : the coming summer j Hxitt Lily !!< of Ashevillc. i flea: the w? k-rd in Murphy. I Mr?. Johr K. h ' n had as her Hretf f"r NOT BE FEEBLE : IFyonn: - "getting along in years" ? I you (I n't need to sit in a chimney comer and dream of the days when ( you were full of life and vitality. Keep :r blood rich and pure and gour un built up with Gude's wpto-M and you will feel : i mger and livelier than y. m rave for wars. Get it today and atch then Milt. ^our druggist has Gude's?liquid or tablets, as. .u prefer. Gude's Pepto-Ma^ait Tonic and Blood Enrich cr NOT1 * K ^ I have six nice mules for Fa | One pair 6 years old; One pai These mules r?n V?? ??? t or in pairs. Will soli cheap fc 'X ** I A. J. M; SSdT~ IgSSl i? ? ? V? f M o I o o o-c ~ < PLASTER LIME | ROLL ROOFING | n SHINGLES |lc > Always | ... Cheaper i j i 1 ufacturingCo. I : HY, N. C.?Phone 95 | = . . ^ ' ^Personal ::, ,A ?w 20 Mr. Claude L. Love, formerly n j member of the faculty of the Mur-; phy High School, but during th< past year principal of the Fairvicw j s High School, in Buncombe County. ; was in Murphy Saturday night on his way t visit Mrs. Love's parents at Morganton. Ga. | i |t Mr. Sheridan Hcighwiy has been . here th?s week visiting his father. J I-r. S. C. Heighway. Mis- Mary Smith was the reoipi- *1 ent a few day-> ago of a little alliga- ' tor. NOTICE ! t at Murphy 4-30-23 one male haund dog, color red, with some white 0:1 breast and toes. v Return dog to F. i>. Dickey, Murphy N'. C.. and g:-t reward. DIVfD KIDD Murphy, Route .'1. \ Mr-. A. M. Parish, wh has been visiting Dr. S. !!? ighway and \ family for the past veral months, t ' ft Monday for Jackson, Miss., to spent sometime bef.ro returning to r her home at Cincinnati. Ohio. I Invitations ha been received j here to the graduating exercises of | the Low* II Pu*! School on Mon-! (1 ay evening, May 2!. Miss Minn*'** Elizabeth Cook, a member of the graduating class of tin- Murphy High School until February, is a member of the graduating elns*. Messrs. C. Arbognst Jr.. and Fark Elliott. <>f Andrew-, w re visitors here Wednesday. M Grace l.yhrook e~' rtained a number of young people Saturday at the home - f her parent.-. on Peach tree street. A numb, r of games | wrere enjoyed after which delicious tvfreshnvnC were e rved. present w- .. Misses Mary Ella Clegg \nnie Mn-garet and Fmogene Ax- , ey, Elizabeth Ford, Helen and Eliz- i ibeth Hampton, and Messrs. Rich-, trd Brendlo. George and Burt Sav-' tge, Grfrrison Maneval. Tom Mc-I bmhc and R. L. Harris. ' ?9aching feet ?^\ ^MENTHOLATUM J %sum aca.i'oois ano^ -X^~X~X-XK~xkkkkkk~X~X~X~:ICE! j Ic?One pair 5 yeara old; X r 6 and 7 years old '? Murphy. Will sell single v | ?r cash. 5. I ^RTIN THE CHEROKEE SCOUT. M SUFFERED FOR TEN LONG YEARS Tain lac Now Bringing Strength Back B y Leaps and Bounds, declares Miss Castles "After suffering for *en years, 'anlac is fa.*t relieving my troubles .ml I feel so grateful I just want o tell everybody about it." recently leclared Miss Bessie Castles, of lastonia. N. C. "People who have never suffer-1 d from stomach trouble and ner- j ?usi (1 :'t know how tkinkfi.! 1 hey should be. Why, my food d:sicr. d with nv so much, I often tent for two days without eatinp. it eat'np alway meant suffering, tlv nerve i most drove me distracted ird while 1 always felt sleepy, I *:Id ncv- r pet any rest and I felt wi sometimes I could hardly nove. "Well, I've taken three bottles of h- Tanlac treatment so far and my lipestion is just perfect and I'm atinp everything. My nerves arc 'ver so much better, too, and my ttrer.irth is cominp back hv leaps ind bounds. Tanlac is the prand:t medicine I've ever seen." Tanlac is for sale by all pood Iruppists. Take no substitutes. Dver 75-million bottles sold.?Adv. LOST?On the train Sunday nipht, between Andrews and Murphy, a r-hort blue tricotiru? coat.* Finder eturn to Eiiiolt House and receive eward. _5t Mrs. Rose Patton is constructing =ev( ral additional rooms to the Paton House on Tennessee Street. Mr. J. B. Moore has returned 'rorii Ashevillc to spend the summer n Murphy. He moved to Asheville as' f ill and opened* up a retail )usin? HOT HOUSE NEWS We are havinp some rainy days. .Mrs. S. A. Moore visited at Copicrhill last week. Mr. O'.lie Johnson left for Canton Sunday. Mr. J. \* R.?ll roMmnJ r \s! .oville court Sunday. Mr9. Mary Arp. who has been cry sick, is slowly improving. Mr. Ernest Johnson, who is atondiiur school at Ducktown, spent ho week-end at home. Master Virgil Ross, who is being oared by Silvey Caddis, is soon to become the adopted son of Mr. U. ?. Hallow. Mrs. T. T. Johnson visited reiajTl i I && I 1 g air | bro ? cou Ag is n inv? cap i in r ! inn is to Gas ST I URPHT. MOUTH CAKOLINX Sale-Army Shoes-Sale! ' W? kar* just bought a tremeaioui stock of army Muo- * SOS last shoos, to bo sol?l to ? the Public direct. Price $2.75. These shoos are 100 per cent . solid leather with heavy doable soles sewed and nailed. The uppers are of heavy tan chrome , leather with bellows tongue, thereby making them waterproof. These shoes arc selling fast and ]' we advise you to order at once to insure your order being filled. | The sizes ere 6 to 11, all widths; pay postman on receipt of goods or send money order. Money refunded if shoes are not satisfactory. the u. s. stores company 1441 Broadway New York C.ty 29-tf DON'T FORGET To dig up those old Oxfords, and have them repaired for summer use. No matter what they look like Just bring them to tk- R.~ ri? --- c? ? ? -?t bicttric Jnot 3.top at the rear of Bryaon'a Grocery, and have them made 'like new. SAMUEL AXE Quality Shoe Repairing murphy, n. c. tivcs at Copperhill Saturday. Mr. R. T. Bell, of Canton. X. C.. visited his brother. Mr. J. N. Bell. | Sunday. Mr. Sam Allen, of Shoal Creek, passed through our section last week' F. M. Caddis. Alonzo Caddis and I^cster Colo took their ifruiai fox hunt Monday morning. Mr.-. J. N. Payne an J family visited at th< home of Mr. T. T. Johnson Sunday afternoon. Messrs. John Cole and Aaron ! Giadsotf returned to thy Owenshy saw mill Sunday. The mother of Mr. John aBllew is i very sick. Some "f the relatives of Mrs. J Ruth Blli attended her funeral Sat-1 Iurday, this making three sist-rs, who have di. d of tuberculosis in i three month - and five days. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years You Can Get Wcfl Through CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS DR. E. E. SMITH CHIROPRACTOR Davidson - Building Murphy, N. C. 4%.H? ? ?:? > {': ? 3 ? * sssj^BPQuI Vtr^ rCiflVit1\7 i tc A.uuii.i.>. ^ V . v 'ODAY we don't wait on the otic. Instead, the whole family it needs. We make our own u^ht this wholesome change ntry?the internal combustion ?. _ r new lorec?j.reat new in ow reported to have overtaken tstment; the last cle-aJe alone ital go into highways and mot< no tor fuels, the Standard Oil C :0 small degree responsible for o remote for an "S. O." pump, o'ine ? by name. ANDARD OIL COMF : ^ ^ ^ t* Then we. worked frn:il, ink,fJ |* lourcn to meet, beet and eon^ ! Ye?. we're wcrkcr*. out very j ;i ending iron-clad and *of* X See ux?there " '<>1 a laxy botl Y that applies not on!y to the mfn y prices as well. X EVERYTHING TOR DAD AND J. W. D X STORE OF < X I Join the Chamber of Commerc V < I?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:? SUNNY POINT * Mr. Sstie Mason ha^ b en in Murphy for the past week. Mr. Wayne Mason -pent la t Saturday niprht with Mr. Corner R*ce. , Mr. A. Rice ha;- had the flu the past week. Mr. Auherry Mason made a business trip to Murphy Friday. Mis Julia Reid spent last Sund ly with her brother, Milton Reid. Mr. n. Reid visited Mr. ... M Mason Monday. "Bring home a Box of 8?if Shoe Fblish!' 8*1,4 Shoe Polish?" T 1.8 ? AKi j Lveryuoay iukOWS y^S the quality and jHH you get more I4'c irtf J IM / J? ?? auu m/i f; / worth more? ' fa F. F. DaBry Coa^nv Inc. EgET5.^-.u^yr-^I r>aBP!M: ?, ?V. ' ?ighs anchor! porch for breezes to seek us sets out to take all the fre^h breezes. One invention has into the life of town and l engine, driven by gasoline. fluencc. Highway transport railroad transport in capital saw sixteen billions of new or vehicles. As the pioneer iompany 'New Jersey feels this development. No place Ask for "Standard" Motor 'ANY (New Jersey) It Was Plain Hard I Work that brought | These Curlee X Clothes to Murphy I The secret cf success is work j ?and that we worked to X n'c'nr this display possible is JRo secret. ' ' First, we husf.ed l"k besv- " ers to net the ri?!~.t pood, fir ' ' yOU. ;; iculatsng machine. : r*d re- , , icr compet'tive price:. *" lour we spend makes yc - T ( . J le in thi* institution? and . , , but to the ra-rcha::?3- c and , \ THE BOYS! avidson ' and Help Murphy Grow! I ^ tit Mi:. Mary Mason ha3 been on the sick !i t for .tomethne. Mr. Lee Reid and family spent Saturday night with home folks. Mr. J. M. Ma: r to Murphy Wednesday. Miss Blanche Gladson spent Sundry with Miss aMe Mason. Mis? Julia Reid plans to go t? CopDerhill Monday. Mr. Adair Reid has been on the sick list for sometime. Our Sunday school is getting? alony fine. M Phillips visited M s MaytMason Thursday. BulTa'o. N.Y. I * L-j' ^ ' I M