I ; IF IT ISN'T IN J I Kthe scout ; I : !rV?FCAUSE WE t I : KNOW IT I iiiihI I The Official Organ I VOLUME XXXIV. No. 44. I SUPERIOR COURT iv I TO CONVENE ON j JUNE 1ST H Jud?c Henry P. Lane Will Preside? Gi fi Jury List and Civiendar of R Civil Cases I At " :v.vi t;::c - f the County Com9 tni- t"s ? 't the fir.st Monday in th M June J i were draws for the new w I term of court \v' .eh will convene thl I here on the ISt^ of June, with Judp- , M I Henry I'. Lane presiding. This is I an ?1 *' Jm "r t0urt provided for at I by ti la t General A sembly in or- j tr der to relieve the ov r crowded dock- C et whit h generally experienced -, in UEpronS County. There wiii be i -iJ I Bjl. tr courts ahnH W' . pa*. I i t drawn for the first I \vt"r as follows: " VVolVy. |. n. West. t< I Ha. Johnson, W. y i -i. Fii. How,!!, Allen p H;i: il. Moore. I.. M. AntSer- , ill son. A V Self, Clover Collett, Will ?;.v B !> Palmer, \Y. H. Aber- 1: natlv ! *'m| \'. Jobn.viin, G. C. \ . V. iward I o\>-.c"m il. C. W. Aln Will Graham, P. A. Maun- li ey. G. Clont.*1. Holland McDonald. !" J. i > therland, T. X. Rat* s. r -eeond week th following r were drawn: HK h ? \\ A. Green. W. .V. Ho yd, G. 11. Cop.. K- W. Raleti. W. S. Hughes, ... A. N I vir.gnod, Webb Mostelier, s W. \. B \vn, Sherman Clayton, J. 1 P. S . I H. Hairier. S. S. Luther, in T. 1' Her lr;\. 1. M. Vaughn, Bruce - : Br; . I . Rowland, Will Kephart a and A. I . McIIan. h? T. 1' ..wing calendar f??r this term of < .i: has been prepared by! : the clerk: ! m Mond*y, June IB 10 Coi.per v-. N"el-on. 53 ( v. - vs. Sneed *>n vs. Ki'patrick. Tue?d*y, June 19 w 70 K 'patrick v . Anderson. 72 \\"r x.- v . Highway Commission ,j 5?, (.etf l . in:nR * ". vs \ Davis Bros. h: SI It; . vs. Thomnsson. H 92 Bank vs. Raxter. : 1( 97 Park r vs. Turnbill. yy \. > Hivtr Lumber Co. vs. Si-ott ct als. X Wedneidijr, June 20 ? 109 I. ?if4>r* 1 vs. Eager. i " II m \t .:i-rson \ Nichols*. III I.. ?: N. R. R. vs. Nichols. 117 I liford vs. L. & N. II. R. VN ni ThuridaT, June 21 119 Fain vs. Bctts 121 L> ?ns v? I'atton. 125 Savage Bros. vs. Crow. 13H Crawford vs. Railway Co. ? 13S Tie Company vs. Mason. w 139 R gi-rs vs. Wells Construction Co. Friday, June 22 14i Fidelity Company vs. Gentry Ijv, et als. | c 32 Walker vs. Walker (protested! ; 43 Carolina-Henncssee Power I S| Co. vs. Hiawassee River Power Co. v 144 Axley vs. Highway CommisH5 Radford vs. McDonald. tl Saturday, June 23 11 Dockery vs. Dockery. I 34 Coppenger va Coppenger. 41 McDonald vs. McDonald. 42 l.efevers vs. Lefevers. 44 PttItot. ... PorVnr Cook vs. Cook. ; S2 AlU.n vs. Alien. '^ *73 Garret vs. Garrett. Carver vs. Carver. Moore vs. Moore. 'B1- Bug* vs. Bug*. Bo Fair vs. Fair. Moore vs. Moore. t^Hsi Prince vs. Prince. r^H69 Clontz vs. Clontz. ?/ Monday, June 29 j^H&v Heaton vs. Colhoun. ^ 49 HeatOy. van Cnlhorm Truett Bros. vs. Leach. fi^H49 Daniels vs. Savage. Kj^HftO Nichols vs. Telegraph Co. g^H&l Mauney vs. Anderson. t^H^4 Smith vs. Patton. tfl 155 Hampton vs. Lumber Co. f Hi Tuesday, Jane 26 I ?^Ho6 Hill vs. Crisp, et als. Killian vs. Andrews Mfg Co. t Con* limed on pace 9) mt l of Murphy and Chi 1EMORIAL DAY IS OBSERVED AT H A.N G ! N G D O G r?vck arc Decorated ? Several good Speeches Heard?Good Crowd Present. Grandview, June 4.?Considering e muddy roads and rainy weatlnr, hat is generally conceded to 1? e greatest. ce..-hrat:i?i| ever he i v was participated 111 on May :??< hen the people of this community id many parts of the county gathvd a- the Hangingdog Church a.their custom on memorial day. 1th ugh the crowd this year w.?s h us iargv as it has i;eon at times the past, yet a very interc tinp ;rram was rendered and mcm<>i s of the departed friends and relives revived again as the people >und their way among the wnitt ntuu-Ls on l*1 hill^ r. ear by, and aced flowers on the gvaves ol lose who have gone before. i r.v' i n.iu. ixi-iiiM', ut-gan wiu welcome addrc-s bv Mr. W. A. dams. win in well cho t n word rcibly uttered, made everyone fee! iu; l;e ?ir she was indeed wclocir.c, allowing the address was a song Ie.-'iv I.i-ver of My Soul.'* Followg thio, Chairman H. 1. Mulkey, ol ie committee on arrangements vke interestingly, hi. subject b. n "Dee'oration.** After anothet ?ng, Prof. R. F. Hough, principal the Sylva < "llegiate ' ;-titute, he g present in the audience, wa. died to the stand and a deed it ake an address >tn education, whicj did with rare ability, l'rof. 11 ?ugi < fa of the leading educators ol day and thi commu r.ty war ore than glad to have him with Following the singing of n tig entitled, "Live On," Rev J . Mulkey made an interesting talk he people the,j assembled in the ineterv n?l deco.-:?? i! the tr.vivec, i the ns?ie than M.rht hundred dene ing there, following which they assembled at the house and dimu-t as spread in picnic stye ami en >yed by the entire assembly. It' ie afternoon there was another tort address, much talking anc lndshakinir the benediction bv Mr ough, then the .separation until i\t year. Boiling Springs 5! *' 'I**.**.**.*?,*?.**.*?.**.**.*? The farmers are greatly bohinc ith their work on account of s< mch rain at this place. Mr. J. T. Davis killed a large rat csnake which I. ?d seve^ rattles ant button in his corn field last week Mr. Horace Towhsend, of Tellict lnins, Tenn., is spending a few day :th Mr. Ben Dockery. Mr. C. C. Mills is doing some flm aw mill work at this place. Everybody seems to be very bus; illing the bean bugs> as they ar? ating all the beans around here. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Abernathj pent the week-end with their daugh er, Mrs. Julia Beavers, of Grand iew. Fly crops seem to be very favor ble here as every body has lots o hem. The little daughter of Mr. S. M hiell is very ill at this writing. We are having ^ome good Sun ay school at this place. Everybod on.e and help carry on the good .'ork. Mr. J. T. who is working a he Hooper Ball, spent the week en ,t home. Mr. Burton Sneed is expecting t oin ht-r husband in Gastonia thl sreek. Two Plays To Be Given at! Marbl Two plays wil be given at th Marble School auditorium at 8:3 >'ciock Saturday even'ng, June 9tl according to announcement reach ng here today from J. V. Hall, c hat place. The titleso fthe plaj ire: "The Winning Widow," an ? negro comedy, entitled, "Axil Her Fadder." The public is invite to attend these plays. The proceed will be used for the benefit of th Marble Baptist Church. There wi >e an admission charge of 25c an 5c, it is announced. -r r-j '- i ?? Ctjen erokee County, and the ] MURI'IIY, NORTH CAROLINA BEECH CREEK CITIZEN DIES i act ti ircrv it v A i UIjOI/M A I Was Fifty-Eight Years Old?Buried By Masonic Order On Last Thursday : Andrew W. Briton ?1 i? d at hih"!!. at Iktcl| Cr.ek Tn..-d::v r.i^ht about ten tii i r V!?>*k. II? had i been i;i failing health f.>r several i year, a ' rcceri. v was attacked by a rfVire illr.t- to which he succumbed. He Wits I Kirn and reared \>x the same section where he spent spected farmer and leader in his i : coinruun ty. lit* was fifty-ctgh* r i Id at th. time of his death, rho remain. \v. re laid to rest in tne Beech Creek i-ernet' ry Thursday morning with Maronic honors, his :>;;siort Rev. W. Ft. ilog.ed, having 1 , charge of the servicis. ' Mr. Bnrto,. - the father of five hildren, W. \V.. who Jives at Le .it'a; Andrew, Cihea and Winona, who ate at home, and Mrs. A. M. Si. mor.ds, who I., s in Murphy. Mr. Barton also leaves a wife and a host of friends to mourn his departure. * Marble > [ The men of ou rcommunity seem . to he very busy the past few days ; cleaning the weeds out of their corn , and the won.in ;?: ? nlno busy killing ( the bean bug*. The young foiks of our town are making arrangements to give tho i people a nit entertainment in the' i i.ear* future, the proceeds will go to ; . :he Baptist church. Mr. I>. S. Kiigscll, of Andrews, \ was in cur t""'n on Monday 1 along ' "n the merchants. Ht, is a wholeale fu'd ^and. Mes-rs. Viek and Mark Curtiss 1 and wives, of Andrews, \w:v Marble visitors Sunday, i 1 T. (i. Kin y. of Vengeance Creek !was in our town Tuesrday. > f Mr. J. B. Hall is tearing down and moving hig harn which adds much t?? the appearance of his home. Mr. Thos. E. l..uld has put a new 1 roof on his dwelling the nast weeK. j Mr. Pascal Palmer, of Andrews, - ] was here on Monday after Dr. J. 1 B. Smart to go to Hayesville to see - his sister who is sick at that place. >i *' Mr. Frank Coffey, of our town, anil MigS Mary Craig, of Maltby, i*; were married Saturday night. We ' wis^ them a long and happy life. H ? I Mr. Kotch Howell, who is with Slayden Fabric Co., passed through r our town Monday. Mr. A. J. Lance went to Atlanta last week where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. Homer Youngblood. f Mr. W. B. Mulkey and Mrs. Thel ma Jackson, of Maltby, were in Marble shopping last week. y Our school committee has employed as principal for our school. Prof. Smith, from Hen?W^?nvi!Ie, >T. C., t i high school professor with a good d recommendation. o Mr. Millard Eggcrs, of Peacfitree, s was a Marble visitor Tuesday. Miss Myrtle West, Vva* visiting at Andrews the past week-end. ? Miss Ve^ta West was the finest if Miss Ruby Lovingood Sunday. e 0 Mr. Earlie Pipp? h*? just returnb ed flrom Athens where he contemi nlates moving this fall. f > Mr. J. D. Parker, of Peachtrea, <1 was a Marble visitor Tuesday. i' d THhe Cherokee County singinf h- convention will come together at u Maarble Sunday, June 10th. Ev1' ?rybody invited to come* out and tt" icar some good tnp?ic arid eHoy thf day. ? "a ikee i Leading Newspaper in i, l'RIDAY, JINE IMS COUNTY SAVES TOWNSHIP $ 2 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 i W. K. Terry, T?iedo, Successfu Bidder for Five and One-fourth Percent Bonds At the meeting of the Count; Omin i- . ?ner Monday bids for th clc of bonds to be issued for th J eonstrunion of a rnatj B from th renin--. Statt line nt-.ir Ani>ala j chia to the Murphy Township lin j were o.H-nril ami W. K. Tony, "f ! T'l'edo, Ohio, was found to be th ; highest bidder and the bonds wer ! sold to him. Tltp Towttfhip vote; , fifty thousand dollars worth o j road bonds several years ago am :ho county eommisioncr* at vhcii meeting the first Monday in May !n response to a petition sfgned T? j the required number of voters o 1 the Townshijii offered til- bonds fo | sale on the first Monday in June As the county bonds are so mui' : more in demand, the commissioner 1 agreed t.? sell fifty thousand da ; lars worth of county bond* and wit' i the proc 'tis buy township burnt. I i he Tow : hip bonds would have ha j to been .x per cent bonds and the: a market for them would have beei ; doubtful. However, the couy; ! boii.i- found ready sale at five an. one-fourth per cent, and it is est! mated that at the end of thirty year when the bonds fall due. the town ship will have saved at leant twent; thousand dollars, while the count; has not ! st a penny. This appear to be good financing and is a prin ciple oftcn followed out by tin State. Th4. Beaveidam commissioners ar -eady to proced with the road worl without delay. John Ross McClel land has bcen emploved as chief t: j gineer on the job and will start th survey at once. Wolf Creek There was more "flivverinjr t'.rough our section Sunday than i two months before alltogetlur. Mrs. Sarah Garren celebrated he ( 3rd birthday Friday. She had ir vited her children wit^ their chii dren and a sumptuous dinner wa served. Mrs. Garren the grea grandmother of tw? children tha belong to two different families and her mother, Mr*. Rachel Rick: who is 87 years old. is living and wa ! jTi m'iii, maKmg nve gt'iierauon present. .Mr. and Mrs. \V. C. Ballew visits : the former's daughter and famil ' M:"s. Will Amburn. Sunday. Mi and Mrs. Hallew had gmnll pox se^ era! weeks ago. The saddt.st thing that has ha| : pened hurc in several nv?nths wi , the death of Mr. Ben Cook last Fr day night. He had been sick oni for a few dayst hut it was not d< j termined definitely just the cause c his death. Mr. Cook had lived i our community for several years an wag loved by all who knew hint. ! } he had a single enemy the fact 1 not known to the writer. He leav* a wife, two sons and a daughte ] with a great host of fri?-nds to moui their ioss. He belonged to the Met! | odist church and was buried at H< t Houst church near Mineral Bluff, | tia., Sunday. 'I The nurses class met again Sa urday night with a large number * stud, iitg present. Miss Evely Bee acted as teacher. Mrs. J. A. Coleman, of Toled Ohio. arrived here on Tuesday < last week and is planning On buyir her a home here and connecting wi the Community school work. SI leaves Wednesday for Atlanta, G? and will return home from there. A Correction. In the report of the commcnc nient exercises last week, the nan of Miss Irene Champion, Salutatc , mn of the class, was unfortunate ieft out. There was an error in ti . galley proof near this fne and nutting in the new lir.c the nmke-i , -nan "ok out the line with Mi < ?>r*>\won name n >' I * btout this Section of Westei May Establish Teacher Training ) Course in School rl At a meeting: of the County Board | of Education the fir^t <>f the week a petition was preM-nted asking that a toachtrs' training department be yr established in one <>f the high 'e f the county, either at And) w s or e at Mutpr y. The- Board filed tin ;*?e - tion without taking any action, but - he matter wili be brought to the ' e tent ion of the trustees of both .-a-hols and their attitude ascertained before e any action is taken. The only cost e to thv county'will be the 4 I coot of the t.iiliul eciuiumenr for tnc f department a.s the State will pay the J salary the teacher after the ?Ier parlmetrt. is equipped. Peachtree *. r * h s Mrs. Lt?e Wright am! Mis Leoah !- < arringt-r. of Bvyso? 1 ity. visited h th? ir parents, Mr. and Mi?. T. C. Carringer, last week. .1 n Miss Jalia McGuire, of Andrew-, n | visited rehui\> s her? last w. < k. Mi.-s Martha M -oser. of Murphyj " is spending a few we. 1; with her grandparents, Mr. and Mis. A. E. Suddcrth. Mi > Mary Wright entertained a ^ few friends with a card paity Thursday night. Miss Mae Mauney and Mr. T. C. 0 Staten. of Sunburst, N. visited j. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Mauncy, last week. p Mr. ami Mrs. Neil Davidson, of Murphy, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. i MeComba Sunday. j Mrs. Sophia Witt, who has been ? in Miami. Fla., l:?r several months. ; j returned home last week. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hasty. *?f Mur' phy, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Sudderth. r J Miss Dorothy Carringer. of Hayess ville, is visiting her grandparents. t Mr. anil .Mrs. T. Carringer, th: . week. it Van Johnson returned home from L. Detroit, Mich., last week. IS ; Miss Minnie Evans, of Murphy, I visited friends here last week. d , y j Dolph Carringer. of Knoxvilh , i. pent several days last wecll ."4*j home folks. Harold Frye. of Bryson City, vise >. teil friends here last week. is i- Blaine Carringer spent the weekly end at Hayesville. - >f Mrs. Neil Hay, of Andrews, is n visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank Wat ,tl kins. uj is < 1 % Upper Peachtree S n > :: We are petting considerably mtx cd up with weeds and grass on ac count of continued wet weather. ^ S. E. Cover, of Andrews, and Hoi Marshall Bell, of Murphy, were hert Sunu?y. Prof. W. K. Johnson, of Centra Peachtrec was a business visito e- here Monday. nc re- Arthur Boyd and Pillard M< ly Combs were among those k?okini h< after mountain cattle here Monday in iij Charlie Lnnsford, of this plac< is* 's reported to have a complete cas of measles. 1 ^ | ADVERTISE IN I THE SCOUT ' ; % MIT WILL MAKE*; if 0?? rn North Carolina H.iJ A YEAR i.N ADVANCE CONTRACT LET FOR NEW H1C.H SCHOOL BUILDING Local Builder Successful Bidder?^ New Members Appointed en School oBard At a meeting' of the County Board f r.fjcation Monday, ,-r*. Yf. M. Axiey and C. B. Hill were added to the Murphy I'ublic School Boaid to i'ii! the places of K. C. Mattox, vii- term expired, and K. B. Ferc. n. re-i-pted, and Mr. \V. M. W was reappointed u. sucj-eod Meeting Wednesday morning, the Murphy School Board opened bids t'or the erection of the new high school buihiing to be built in Murphy. II. L>. Harnett v/as low bidder and was awarded the contract for the construction the building, and Holder Bros, were awarded the contract for the heating and plutnbtng of th.. structure. Mr. Harnett's bid was twenty-two thousand dollars, it is understood, and Holder Bros, got the heating and plumbing for a litless than four thousand dollars, thus making the structure cost aiouiid t\\i nty-six thousand dollars. M Dicus. who is erecting the school buildings at Robbinsville and Haycsville, and A. J. I'eace, who I] built the county jail and is erecting the Oak Lane Knitting Mills Building, were other bidders on the school house job. The school board, while In session, at the request of the city council, kindly agreed to open "P the grounds along Valley River belonging to the school for the use of a public park. Revival Meeting Will Continue Some Time The revival, which started at th? Baptist ("hur ^ last Wednesday evening. May both, wil continue on into next week and pjossibly longer. In fact the revivalist in charge has announced that hv will continue the services until some good .s accomplished in Murphy. Services are being helil at the i hu i twice daily, at lu o'clock in th,. morning and 7 :o0 in the evening. The morning service on Sunday is at 11 o'clock. The meeting is being largely at icimeu aim many people are showing interest in it. Cottage prayer meetings are be:ng held in the various sections of the t'>wn every afternoon at li o clock. County Commissioners Meet First of Month l"he Board of County Commissioners were in sesion as a board two days the first of the week attending to the regular routine business of the county. Following the regular meeting. Chairman I.ovingood and the commissioner remained several days to revise the jury list as required by law. i Summer School Begins On Thursday Morning The Cherokee County Summer School began Thursday morning with an attendance of sixty-three k j teachers ami more are expected to come every day during the rest of -1 this week. Mj*? Elitabcth , . of the Department of Education, was I here to get the work started. Mrs. ! D. H. Tillitt, of Andrews, will have i j active charge of theni stitutc. She _ I ...;n U. -J ' ? t? I win u(> ossisu-u ny .>1135 jiarion ir| win, of Columbus, Ohio, and Miss | Esther Clements, of Elyria, Ohio. - Miss Clements taught in thc Greens borro Hig^ School during thc past Z year. Services At The Presbyterian Church Rev. Dr. R. P. Smith, of Asheil ville, who is well-known and greatly i beloved by all our people, will preach' at the Presbyterian Church on next Sabbath, June the 10th, at 11 o'clock Whether evening services will bo g held will be announced at the morn7. rng hour. All members of this church are i. urged, and the public generally are k cordially invited, to come out and hear this grand old man. f*-\? *'*