WIBMOKT. | JKiitor Th. Scout: A* I lfhva mot any knalc in Th? Sewul frpto M|- cou .r. good - ' # . I ;.m + ''n: you i\ * in Mu4 arunnj try b towiuhip. The people of \\ 'aiont my h ?ue w>v*ji> very r behind with thei . mv,' on o nt of !*? ani:h main. Many farm - ?rr . not y> t thrui.. planting * n. although che wh?ai cop :> I' V very \ r ?icjf. - we c in't t- I ab-mt th. crop ye:, far I "nave seen p?'od crop- of wheat fa." ?vith:n forty-eight h rs before harvest. We are having g -d Sunday School at our Baptist Church. although not as y I as tht. writer Asheville Summei Two Six-W ''*?' junb^I? tJ I Standard Courses f & > ' r. .uviiti'/!? - v X ? t ?. I V X ^ 1 i y Special i SCHOOL OF MUSIC under dire X i ;> M Y ' s ' ' -* -T: Vi'ii-o. I? . \';<-! I . ;S; ru !.: ; s:t.a:;ini; an:' !>r { Dv. . :S:. th; * ! > 1"- i" d < ; ti.ii | ' ' X <I I:ciai. ? o \ I:;N. in * I : < .i.-l (1. Exp \ COLLEGE TUITION. u i. Y K" m and B srd, E I DF?R DETAILED AN! | ASHEVILLE Ashevi! !llilllll!l!llllllilllll!il!lill!il!lilll!!ii!l [ Pig B q We ha1 I Quality Goc i Batts-All Ki : Columbia Gn - Now Ready. We =5 that we are Closing f:" Regular 7 5c. Tti 1 \Y/? L? U vv c iidv 1 in Just the E vour home f = always as lev | ALL G< || | Towr j WE M A | JOIN MURPHY'S I f aggraiuHHiignrra1' i mi would lik# to ooe. Xov?rthel*Sg, ft could be s?u<h woMe thaq J% is. Tho Jactepn County court was v. ' -.v .1 la*t FS iday. would iikv t >? ' ?b from Shoal '* T< wnship ar.v? ai! vtier town i s interested I never was ii t'lu-rokei County byt my mind di i me the good ptoph i- y-.nu 'ur.ty to thanle the f pie in Shoa ik Township for the w a y the J treated my father last week jvfcei was :n vcur county. . ~~ 1 nanv Iw uutnk ihe good old Cher k?v ?cout for the copies which hnv< to me. 1 shad endeavor t-vv. all the rel:av?lt new< from tha University i-* i a r !>cnool i eeks Terms j 01 College Credit in: C. ! Mi. r. ?i:!^ a', 'rawing M.thrrmtu- i Mu ic i Voico I? Pfc-o |i Courses: Ltion of Ophio Morris* of ' h" S an . i 1 Fs . Haywood, { etc of Univi . b) So New Y " i. ?j : \ : VYU i:XPK1 SSION ur:.!i r *; ' f I a t A rt . Xer .j nbci of years with Richard Alans- 'j SI BJG TS ' which there i* ^ lenses $7.00 to $10.00 3 NOUNCEMENT WRITE UNIVERSITY n? M n imwiuiiuiiuiiTiTiiiittiiBiiuuuuttii iy I ve a complete L )ds-Mitts, Glov< inds and Prices ifonola Company New ] have several Hundred I Out. The Price has ese Prices are for One 1 *e a lot of nc'vV g class of Furnitui urnished with. < w as the market OODS GUAR/ ison & An vKE A I TOtJSE INTO / CHAMBER Cf COMi\ MURPHY GROW > 1 section c the future it I 1*4 % j print. 1 1 [ Wo hr.v u genft highway <Hr?t ; com*: " '-ti rv_:ht through oar to\r* r .p. k u! hools and efcu reset ' * an."' .1 T>.t- writer *e ? '"ormed that u Ktnb ^ to Ve built through your S&inl. way . ... i accomodate >h? ?o? * ? people. '.. > ? Ant..c U riop was in our . :t.c t. :: ehopi'-:,lt Tuesday. 1 * , ( ! ' T. v.; - Hurrah, for th 1 t?. o; V of tluit township *? mtuas so inuc^ for the people. 1 r * u 0 .. ?1 or.ly see our highway. * bull: through these rugged nv>uns i'.u- h o. y.'U would work all th .r-.ior to get your road throuv* . <n? A . Town-hip. whiitcv } " P ?iah Hradlev visited her c . M H. Patterson. F: [ H Ld i. M' J :* ' > 1 , lirowr. vi <1 ntu* an.i in Barkorv ( , ; . n S . .y. * ? ?'- I -.Ton was in tow t g i may. ; c-' : H. Conrad and H. A t l.? r? la*t week for' : i when- thvy have ?cu. meat. ! .V.- r"ra M.? G h'or is spcndint: v. \\ . k- in Casby. Tenn . C ! M. . Nora Turpil i W i nion Toli irrat <h ; ar.y -< imi'. 'vinjr their II' ^ | rl \.ia- and Murphy : y ' " . h { !'. Ti> ; , a* . .!> ' - \\ -A now. A < < ;V ' about . - t n is at work Mr y . .J family i \. K vr-\ . N. C. : CHiGHESTpS PILL: OlAK'ONO BRAN 3 [ nrxr-t -r Jut ...f .?r?,ri.| f r Cm-CTIEA-TER ? A WfcAMSTfi^Sl K "X .. .-. ? xs-r. PrtrrM n.?l (.k ? r 1 III ' .IM-H Ht ? I I pnriOMl BBAJIIi I'll l \ . TtT-rntrfln. I yr.-*TP-irU .1 t S,. AHsyt Rrl:. > ; SOLD PY ALL BRuGGISTS EVERYiVHERE iTiiiiiiiiMiiiiFiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinliiiiu i sst ine of Reach ^ ^s, Balls, and P rocess Records are M , Records on Hand ?? i been cut to 25c? = Week Only. = oods comincr H ? u re you want | Our prices are I -ii 11 = win anow. ^ VNTEED |: iderson 1j HOME ~ 1 M 1ERCE AND HELP j ' . 4M? ... Ac. . V. W. WURFHY. FORTH CAROLINA WHY THAT LAME BACK? That morning lameness ? tfiosr harp pain? when bending or lifting nakc work a burden a:?d i ' : bk. Dor.'t be hand. : ; ,.d bp a ;nd baek?h>? h to your i. !?? ys. Vot rill make no mistake by following h;s Brevard resident's example. Mrs. S. C. H..'e. Whitmire St.. . iid. X. .-ays: "i had baci i.-.e with my kidney, and back 1 1 a dull, a^irravut'r-K '.ho over y kidneys which made 11. feel tir d out. When 1 bent to du.-t o? Iweep, sharp pains darted through ny back and 1 aid hardly straighen. Dizzy spells canw before my y. Mornings I was tired and run iown and my kidneys didn't act ri.perly. Hearing: of Doans Kidnev hi'-. I grot -vn'.c ar.d they ei.l rely u.ed n;e." l'rice ("?Ue, r.- .'1 denier-. l' v."; 11V. : '< nvt- f..?- ? 'I" " inV Kidney i'-'N -the few: Hale had. F -t-'r-M\'urn s. Buffalo, N. Y.?Adv. BILL SAM'S DICMONARY f,. j T-v J. L. MAISTIN" Aw !?- ? ,Ie says tha' If he doesn't n. ke enough this >?nr to pay his rent. ' is ? _ to taik?* iiilvantiiki1 of the : t.hrr.ptey law, or ?!*? put all of h!? r<r? ; rty in Ms wife's twine an 1 tell I I- creditors to entne and -a t liltn. l:\NKIM I*Tt V LAW A law thai ' v :>> < a t 11? v\ from paying his Just It.-l honest v 1 till Sam's I?>ti?>n rj. rajre 111. Hon.. rtca.l Law. THE IMI'ltOVFIl ASPIRIN TABLET 1 ?x,? AenmiM utvav # Aspirin Is Vy rhyalciatis more often than any nth or Ur...: It is .. .? ' and ?iui? * t relief from n nn turn, pain .?n?l 'twr. TINill.K'S KAXO-ASrilUM ncv scientific aspirin tablet; It is gently laxative. . l. analr.* I h>r tem of i >'is- "a which ar.* ? lt~u thejcuusaAof apalm lv,?a not ca itlor ln?l it.on ?is crdlnary^aaptrin d a. I . ak* up a M--r.'muv.' i the acid and rvllev. s*tlm pain of rheumatism, ueurltus an I !um? hato. Brutes almost Instant f lirf In headache and reuralma. A*-k your ilrutnriit for TIKQl.K'S LAXO-ASP1K1N In the thr?-o point box, or matlr-t postpaid for X5c. ?Therapeutic Research la?b? oratories. M'^afc.r.gton. D i'. % L'PERIOR COURT TO CO( ***EN E JUNE 18TH (Continued from page 1) 75 Burnett v.-. Mont vale Lumber Co. 70 Adann v . McDonald. 70 Adams vs. McDonald & Dockcry. MOTIONS. 2 t0 21. inclusive. Power Company cases. 31 Bryson & Barton vs. Anderon. 32 Feed Company vs. Watklns. 54 Burgess vs. Burgess. 56 Bry on, vs. Bvyson. 79 Wof ford vs. Deweese. 2? Blr.-Weli vj?. Nichols. 89 Wof ford-Terrell Co. vs. Burger. 90 Fa'.n Grocery Co. vs. Salt Co. 94 Rogers vs. Garnet Stephens. 96 Rattler vs. Eastern Band of Cherokces. .01 Carolina Wood Products' Co. vs. Odom tt als. Of> Kinjr V*. Krick. 06 Kinir vs. Grinned. 07 Kinp vs. Atlas Supply Co. [OS King vs. Harrison. US Brooks vs. Brooks. 127 Bank vs. Gartrell. 128 Davidson. Trustee, vs. Gartrell. 129 Davidson, Trustee, vs. Warnej Smith. 130 McDonald vs. Farner. 131 Davidson. Trustee, vs. SeHars 132 Davidson, Trustee, vs. Gnrtrel 133 Woodbury-Mauney Lumber Co. vs Famer. 134 Bank \a. Dewar. 135 Davis vs. Morjran. 137 Davis vs. Mason & Potter. 157 Wr?fford vs. Gartrell Dry Good? Co. 167 Cover v?. ilunnicutt. 170 Ranson & McLean vs. Elrod fMMhtnr ' , J* - AMTER0RAL ELECTBIS LINES BectricaJ Interests Name Com*miyee to Study Question of faking Biec'tricily to FamVer. Adopting as Its purposo the motto "Popbla^jze the farm by powyLrfsicK It," the National Electric Lig^t Asao? elation has appointed a special com* : mtitc-; to tLc eiM-usiou u? electric power lines in rural"sections of the United States. The^particular problems involved la this expansion of tl. existing power distribu i a lines will be studied with care. The n* ; serious of th?*se*pr lems is :h. <?ues!i. n of making it prof* Itabl* both pow-r company anri far:- r for the distribution line- t ? b * extended on the basis of cost involved. I The c ?st cannot be r**tyic. .1 by the .. ,w..r . y he!-aw .1 . r\. :i point, bcr.u: ^ tix'-j amount of I n materials has t" be used wh* tber tlie e cn* pafiy Mrvts'Uca customers or a hundred. Yet it Is recognized bve'* . trical Inter* :s that if electric light an 1 p >-.v r i can b* taken to the farm It will great!y utr tiRth- n the arm of the farmer. More than that, it will prove a stimulus to the f' jvelopmtat of all agriculture. Tv. Eb-rtrfca! W r'.J has d? clarrd that the farm r is it: the same position with r-f nee In the use cf electricity as was th-*- manufacturer twenty years i aco inil that ? ' r:< .ty Is a m thoj of helping him solve his economic dilernm i t i* .i 1 '1 "..? ? icturer. Th- inmif - .>f N.? lonal Klectr: As- . r n " 1 that electrical labor saving machines will save the day f r ! farmer's wife, for the f.ir::..-r !if . 1 f.?r th. hired i h. I p. waich i- s< ..: .t b?-.-t and ;>r >ae to !? d . >nr jt.-.i if ovcrw rked bei v. Lt! a certa.n point It was Marie Theresa, * npresc of Curniniiy (1717-17^?) who >; the memorable words, ""I want to meet my nwaKe." When dying she refused o <1 -e of opium, t'arlyle says ?>f her: >: was most brave. ! di ami pious; beautiful an?l radiant with g*md nature. though of a te:njHT that would e. -ii\ tai h tire; perhaps no nobler woman lived.** In Memciiam. Sw??g| Aiiiiii it ? i'I-i?iiwwii van of Coppvrhii!. died at his kotra TH div. May ' ! after J4|1 ill m -s o f a fiw w . .. . LADY GOT SO V. COliLDS After Suffering From Many Fern Cardui and Took It, Site I "COME TIME AGO." uys Mrs. Buena McFarland, of R. F. D. 2. Bostic, N. C.. "1 suffered a great deal with weakness common to women. I had bearing-down pains, my sides and ' back hurt, and my limbs drew. 1 would get so weak in my knees I could scarcely stand. "I was very nervous, and could not rest 1 didn't feel like eating. 1 grew thin, and did not have ambition for any- J thing. "1 had been trying other remedies .. but did not get any better. "Some one told us of Cardui, and What it rvas recommended for. 1 also IU? i vvai j: Ore Leaders, Un White Men only. $3.44 for 8 hours. !contractors. Aver contractors about I(Men between the years must have signed by their pai Tennessee DUCKTOV I . . Fridrfy, June 8, Mr. Akin had been in healt^ t?9 and had ^ to drfforont hospitals fof treatm**^ \11 kr. wn to medicine *as done J?r 9 his recovery, but to no ar^,' WkS^ 9 1 ^ death was not un^xpe^Vd u> 9 relatives >t ? iTr?at U/ K to 3 I friends and those who kn& hii?. I H? was a son of Mr. E. B. Aifcn B wa h??m and reared at Ranker, n I (\. hut f r several years had resided I at l-Cp| erhill, where ht? held a re? sponsible position w ith the Ten*. 9 esse? Copper Company. H B widely known throughout we stent 9 North Carolina. North, Ga., and Eas| 9 | tern Tennessee. ? Hi? un< " 'van oCsakadLL^l? -- cnarae. tvr and ability, a Royal Arch U*. on. and had been a member of the" Bapv.-t church for a number 0f i-years by whicj, he will greatly b? n -sed. Mr. Aiken was ever loyal tt> his chareh, wa> a devoted father Mid an nffcctiov.atv ku-bai i. Asa . b u a - one- the ' ected and loved by all who .v him. a; 1 h: o?s we fall, real. we feel that God had i great. : i ed of his - rvo. and called 1h :? : his i nternal home. 1 Aiken was conseiou ant; the hist. lie called his wif.- to w:ar.J told he h * I n v..,, ;\iaj : I r aw. y. realizing that i:_ K : the IT'vat div J 11 w; .".7 yea s of age. H? kavat 0 mourn his I s a wife and five h Idrvn, of C -pperhill, 'IV.m.; his fa:.. .. Mr. E. B. Aiken, of Ringer; . ?i l "e: . Mrs. M. I., Prince, ^ M -gar.ton. Gt.,; Mr. Ncalie He :y. ' Morgantan, Ga.; Mi>. G. . ' Ranger. N. and Mr^. I'. A. Ms y. of Kin.-1 v, W i ; and . I'..!! (,: u: d. Ga.; and Mr. .S. S. A ken, ??f R inger. Mr A-n's remain- wi ..d to r i in tht Ep worth (Vnr * ry, near t'.p rerhill, hy the Masonic fratera- ' 1 y 11a re t' aw ait the i ::. i ng of the l l < . . r. i ving f-i M! Be ui?c and dry Every weeping eye?? The .'nt It ?k- n?it 1:?there; The peal, the all. the soul is not here. \\ p it is all in vatr.? \ !i> mi:i niii-i follow ram; "1 ! ? frauds. farvwcli, ! t ? ? am y. too >hall dw? II I v ' - fore your fact*. BHhioihdNhtf s time. a litt!,. -p.ice, \\ \. y. . : ? wh-ie 1 have ti pped : ? ill V del* Why vo w. pi. \ I RIKND. CARGtLY STAND ale Troubles This Lady Heard ol, Says, "Until I Was Well." took a Ladies Birthday Almanac asd read of a cas - something like mine. I told my husb nd to get it and I wouid try it. "I saw a great Improvement after the the first bottle (of Carduii, so I kept it op until I was well. Now I am the picture I ol health." ( Thousands of other women have writ-f ten, to tell of the beneficial results Ob-** i tained by taking Cardui. and to reccw-J mead it to others. Cardui has stood the test of extensive! use, for more than forty yean, fa t)M treatment of troubles common to wonst Try it * * _ """" ited] derground Work, No labor trouble. Better wages to age rate made by $4.75 per day. ages of 18 and 21 Minor's Release rents.) Copper Co. /N, TENN.

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