; ITS BECAUSE WE DIDN'T ? ? ! KNOW IT J v ff + X 1 he Official Orga VOLUME XXXIV. No. 46. M'SS BERRY ANNOUNCES NEW UNDERTAKING V^ill Organize Credit Unions over i State to Help the Small Farmer, In'"dirsg the Tenant. harmt r, t Easier Credits and Better 4% tl% of Buying and Sailing. t 11:11. Jun. is.?Mi . Hnr- < rii t ;-.ii Berr\ has rwently . n.?....?K?r? rh,n?; Hill a-i tiu-r, has bet-:. much spue- t u heWfataiWBI^^B ?{;t a* announce: that her oner- ^ j,: i r?r devoted to the nun and . .v, . '}-. state who are handi- , car : : rough Utter iaek of credit , !' vr ( s-ek the lo in shark end < Spay rate of interest ior i'-1 ' i( >* needed to finance th, undertaking*. This appli, - :y to the :.mall farmer, < jr..- 1 ?' ti-r.mt farmer, but Jtl> . t. ti.? industnd worker, for the 1 credit has splendid possibilities thrift producer, as an encyurai. " of small savings a.- well a.s a .-"v.! f credit to the -mall borrow i : ! whom our present system of necessarily has little or in r...i uragemcnt, . 1:. \:>i- the- United Suites (. >verni nt, recognizing the supreme int]1 ::.!'i of working out some 1 acht ' * for assisting thi vast .?rruy of ... borrowers in this cou.iiry, partu ilarl.v the small iurmer/ apHMdnted a commission to visit hu-' rope ... ii . ... J., the systems ol rural crtu.: 11.. i co ..n o s ; vfc.vi; :i ins w i k. oi t lift many i?y Kaifl'i -on ar.it 1 i !i , h ..:.ii which havt had mh h wonderful results whereU ?. ...lllishcil. Ol"* gf th^T Nvliu i i : .. aiciiihers of this Commts jtoi. Ii hn Spi unf Hill, of Durkain. his return from this J ir.\ . . ?j . spi.*ni mu< n unu and i*. : 1 < rw....i: t-? 11:11 ...... the factory of any of the rata] ?... 1 gislation yet enacted jtitry I fortunately, the |r.". .... ill recti: k tb" Stnt. 1 . -r?t o? Agriculture to ca . .i foimatiut.: the fam : the I fits f . and to assist them tr. b. n i ..irU : . . siderable extent, only tc.'. .. org ationa i \.^i- ( ... . : nu. I.. :; ;> -: "it's my . "i* to ac v than 500,UOO JnuII r.- North Carolina with t:.-Oj4 . .. the plan ol salvation : -c l'or thi?ii from the vi.'in under wh.ch they la! ed fo" so many g.rurai but a step fron\ the ; to co-operative buying i. i-.tiiig. which will mean rcir i:i the exhorbiant prices ti small farmer is now pay!se time m.rchant for h.s sup ;, rn a speech before tht Lowe . .. Union of Durham iy, an organization which has tpushec! remarkable results in ifv i. years of its existence). i .ivj: 'The crop lien sy>-_ ' - g the farmer fifty P j nee should fellow from a j tEfie n of Murphy and Cher< TOWN CO! INC!L 2 HOLDS MEETING MONDAY NIGHT \d Valorem Tax Rr.te Reduced Ten E Cents on Hundred Dollars Valuation At a meeting: of the Town Coun il Mondr.y n _ht the tax lew for 1 ; he coming year on real estate was ni duced t. n cents on the hundred h liars valuation of property in the ai <\ k. The rat for the vrar will. Cl [ .orefote, he $1.40 instead of $t.od.tft] ivhile iiie town founl very well use ni :he money produced by the extra en c:: s ! vy, it was the :< n>e of Cou:u i! ??? he a < room a! . * )o ib'e so as t lessen the burd n if r:iv:it'r?_ (In the ntihli.' ?? - ,1 , \ tern?" wa granted MA. .T. fhirns to lower th,. -mall buildinp ,-i t.'.v -.need a fi-cd stnr: and ! at the door lar^t r s > it couUI b tl e l for stormy hi, ?-ir. ir he.ng litulrrytood that the hui'dimr would f h' torn away within a pc-ri? d of two yea i w It i-nU'-i i] that the light sup- .y rr'Mtendent he instructed t?? place n two lights on the t*ift between , two depots, one between J. V. _J Rrittain's and 11. M. Fain's. it Fie- ^ y'l ivr. and >n< at the entrance i ! ivd'ov- in Abbott Cove, where *' V dan- Franklin and Mr. How- ' idl live, provided the partes would ' have light nut in their home*, duly 1-t wi f'xi-d the tim ' advi rt:dn'' :> * ? unpaid ?' -x* for the year 1922. This was r nally f:\ed as June 1st, with s' h lie of propi tv on Julv 1 -i. sl >ut was postponed a month on ac oun: < f tlu? ri -igning of tax col- r 11o Randall. The property on 1 % ! ih taxes remain unpaid will now ' ivt rtised liueinc Julv anil *?dr purbasing s un playground equip- *' rmnt and : hi for th? park on IT Valley K:\--r and turned over- to the town for public purposes by the 11 chool hoard. 01 I* was < rd red that the clerk employ sort,con* t eo over the old 1 minute books and copv all old ordi- '' ^ k. ; ...? o book up to date. A of other matters w --r 1 d'scus-od hut no action taken. Calf Weighs 222 Pounds ' Charles Marquardt. who resides 'w'o miles \v? -t of this city, sold to Fr*-d I*i11 r. the l?? -al butcher, a ''i-day old roan Miorthom veal calf vh ,, v iuhed 'J22 pounds. He real v d *20.00 f v- th calf. Thi i it* is fr-'in recristercd Short horns, ar.d Mr. Marquardt that costs no mo. :- to keep this class ^ cattle than it do. s thP scrub . tock Falmouth. (Ky.) News. STATE PROJECTS TO BE LET LATTER PART OF MONTH ? rt Mnccn arJ Graham to each Get r. , Read ?155 Miles Scheduled ! For Letting IP According to announcements re,-ntiy rffade public by the !\ev.h Car flina State Highway Ccmmisaion, 2-1 tt rejects agcresratintr 15 h.S* miles of . nad arc scheduled to be let to cor.- pi tract on the 27th of June, at a jji ?tting in Raleigh. Of this mileage oi I miles will ho of hard surface cor.-, T * ri?f?*-nn 75.15 n f t. ? _ ,!1 anil lit * o he graded. Also, it is corpected Tl let the contract for one lnrjfc C ?ridpre and one railroad overpass. n> Included in the twenty-four pro- T, octs are throe miles of macadam In N iraham County, near Robhinsvillc, L. nd sgveral miles of rvacadam Tn tr tfocon County, emhrac;npr the dis- T: ?nce between Franklin and the n< ^ wain County line. The other pro?*j V~n. "The hr.rv. - * past. . >. r is ended, and w?. are 't s r. n| " and the evangelist pnur1 out hi soul-felt sympathy for ten and women and bepRtd hmv. t>. ncp.'pt Christ. The meeting had been in progress - tw<> and ' half weeks and twice aily the evangelist had preached t:i all his might. and though not :rong physically, he- stood th?- strain markahk well. 1!ing as eff " houuh not a trained minister of V go-no!. y. t h? prea to the church, lf? bv profusion of faith and ten bv loiter from Iher chur? : Those uniting by ! fev i- were: I>. Davis. \V. I'. leal. I.ake* Martin. Granville Rat1 'ff . Bart Cope. Oniric Pick y, L'nllo.e O-rnn. Rilla mw Fainier. ! >r? William* .Norma Logan. Boyd ib rnathy, Mary Peweese. Edna ' indivcr. and Mrs. W. L. Louder ik. Th" , uirting by letter were: . K Davi . ' id Pieklosimor, W. P. own-on. R- C- Mattox. Mrs. Pusi y Anderson. 1 11 Phaup, Mrs. 'IIi. Real. Noah l.ovingood and Viril Johnson. Tho-o uniting by bapsm wore hantised Sunday lftemoon Iliawn River with the 0*: T1 "f Mis? l.on : rin who, expect* I. w?ll he baptised the [lining Sunday afternoon. In appreciation of the fine efforts f "th by R -v. Stan berry, the ublic pre d h5m with n |>urse f four hundred dollars, including a ovation of $75, dramatically preby th. Murphy Chapter of p Order of the Ku Klux Klan. UJPERIOR COURT IN SESSION HERE THIS WEEK r:?l of Civil Chsok Bf^un Monday Morning With Judge Lane Presiding Tho extra t rm of (ho superior ?urt of Cherokee County, created y the last sei I of much interest. There were uite a fr.w people here Monday for io opening session hut during the mnindcr of the week only a sprink ng of spectators have frequented io court room. The. farmer- .ire isv harvesting their wheat and rye or? and working their other crops. Among the c.*ises disposed of thu? ir are: Merchants nnd Manuf.vcirers Bank of Andrews vs. Raxter, ilting in a judgment for the laintiff. The arm- hank v.*n? also anted a consent verdict in th,. case T the Bark vs. Thomasson. et. al. he- Sehochetts Clothing Company a? given jtidgment against Davis res. The Valley River Furniture ompany was given a consent judger.t against Scott. The ease of the , & X. Railwav Company again?t ichols and of Xichols against the . N. Railroad Company in beim? icd as wo clo^o the forms for press he court will continue throuph ?xt week. Pr. J. F T'dwel! accompanied v. I.. r. Smith. -I. L. Rowland and F. Taylor's daughter to an A*he11* hospital Monday for opemons. Rev. Smith and Kiss Taylor "-ncndicilis. and Mr. Roland for ipture. 1 h. " ? \ jfeee i Leading Newspaper in tOUNA, FRIDAY. JUNK 2J. 102> BOY SCOUTS HAVE OUTING ON TELLICO Ten Seoul* Have Week of Fishing and Camping With Scout ?na?ter The recently chartered Murphy I".' ?!? Number one of th I' y >f Ameri?- a spent tne past we* k ?- imping ami f shing on Tellico Kiver ar.d its trihutariu- about t\ my K frcs; ^.luijMiyi Thej s c o utina? jl and ten Scouts left here in a . Lov ngoodV tore at Grandview In a fruek ii(ln then hiked the rc:rviininp to!*., i mile*, packing their supplies on horses. The weather brok late in th< 1 ven??i,n Tiiesdav :in?l th.- r - ' matador < f th,. week was ideal f r camping and fishing. About thirty five mountain trout were caught by the ?ombined effort.- of the troop. Thi:. h-wover. was not the extwit of the cn.;??yment of th? trip. Much f?n was experienced in wading In the river and climbing over th?* many raoid.s and waterfalls in the st vatn.* and not the b ast of amusement was cooking o nthe open firts. The troop broke camp early Friday morning, hiked to Lovin good's stor and were brought from tho'o into town in a truck, arriving about two thirty o'clock Friday. Those on the trip were Lucius With. -p >n. 11. A. Mattox, Hurtt Savage. Her r' Met'all, Bu-ter Haylu- . Charles Zimmerman, Oscar H int. Frank Ellis, Robert Wells. .!< hn Posey, aiul Scoutmaster H. \\. Sipo. J. GARNIE HUNT DROPS DEAD ON HIAWASSEE RIVER 9 Former Buiinru Man wm stopping for noonday Luncheon When Th^ End Came J. (Jamie Hunt, thirty eight years Id, dropped dead Wednesday aft i r.oon at the head of Patter-on field on the banks of the Hiuwassc River heart failure. Mr. Hunt had treated for w? ak heart for a I ' 'H time and bail been warned that the . nd would conn- at any Gnu*. He left I is home at Young Harris. Ga., .Monday morning and came down me lliawnssce River on a fishing irip. bringing his wife and four children They carried with them a cumpiagoutfit and stopped fron> time tt> time alone the riv r. Yesterday, they i had reached a point just outside the city limits and stopped for lunch. Mrs. Hunt turned away to prepare something for lunch and it is said that Mr. Hunt straightened up and ! 'VI! over dead. Medical aid soon cached him but there was no chance to revive his life. Mr. Hunt was formerly in bu ir.css here and at Young Harris, Ga., where he was making his home at 'the fee- of his death. His father, : T. J. Hunt, and one sister, Mr.-. J. 11. IcCall, reside in Murphy. Mrs. O. G. Nichols, of Elyria, Ohio, anr Mr?. Ilaitie Bray, of Commerce, Ga.. are also sisters. Besides his father and ; three : istors, Mr. Hunt is survived : y a wife and four small children. I The !*>dy was brought to Murphy : ar.d prepared for burial, after whlca it was removed to his home at Young ; H:::. . The funeral service will be conduct. .1 Saturday by Dr. .1. A. J Sharpe. president of Young Hams , College, a former teacher of Mr. | Hunt. T..~, - C..* c C:J_ I I U11IWI V^Ul A I dill IJIUC Of Mrs. Cunningham A tumor weighing thirtc-en pounds was recently cut from the aide of Mrs. A. F. Cunningham by Dr. 1 Ximsi-y .of Duoktown. Dr. Kimsoy ! said that this was the largest tumor ever seen and ho has hail considerj able pure eal experience of this kind Mrs. Cunningham returned home 1 immediately following the operation and s reported to be getting along al right. ! srs. -T. W. Walker and D. Tiliu at* attending court at Murphy j'hi? week. kout this Section of Western s K. K. K. PRESENTS EVANGELIST WITH PURSE In Full Roi>e, Fsve V.i-krJ Fn;ures ( Carry Donation to P.tstor in Pulpit Sunday N;i;ht ' I .in * aft it e L-h; Sunday werir.jf five while rol>ed fi>rurer- f:!- . d ?l \v? th? ;:isle at th- Baptis! . ( h :rrh and t-mkred F.va-.ir-li t Stanberry :in unsealed letter amid | th?? onrnce ami \v. - ment on the part of the eongrega- . '.ion. Th- |>y..ch? r had juvt tab 11 . his text when tho uniformed nws timers entered the door and sib.nt-,' y ami -denary approached th.- pul- ; pit. Th Evangelist waited for their, approach and accepted the letter a and handed ;t to th,? pastor. T. T.. j Sasser. to read while th?- r.?bed f-gui . faced the congs. r a :> n and ^ waited. At th,- cot <-U, ; n of th< readi"g. th? disguisid persons quiet- * Iv left the house. The letter prov- v ? d t- ho a commendatio,, of the fine 1 "forts of tht. Evangelist anil con- ' lined a gift of $75 "in appreciation of the fine efforts put forth h re in behalf of the force.- of good/' J Tin- ! tter in full follows: "Dear lirother Stanlwrrj-: "The Order of the Ku Klux Klan t s a national organization of Amor- , : an horn citizens banded together , co-operate with the b gaily con- j slit .it i d agencies of th,. land, both < ivil and religious, to heln clean up 1 the country and drive vice, drtinker.ni -s imorality and all forms of ' evil out of the thousands*** munitics where it operates. , "The church and the gospel arc recognized as two of the strongest agencies for good we have and the Klan is anxious to co-operate with 1 this,, agencies as well as the civilly : constituted authorities. "In appt ci iation of the fin,, efforts you have put forth here in behalf of th,. forces of good. Murphy ' Klan No. ?>7, of the Realm of North Carolina, composed of 114 of thtH b t citizen of Murphy and sur?\?.in?bng territory, hcrewit^ presents to you a donation of $75 as an outward sigp ?** our appreciation. "Ml.'RPHY KI.AX NO I"." State To Control Clay County Road Ilayesville, June 20.?According t4? information made public hero a ! few days ago by the Highway C mmission, the St ite has agr? ut s,*v i. i miles of the Shooting Cr el: lh>:ul : !t) Clay County for maintenance This part of th, route from Hay s- | ville to Franklin, recently put on the map hy the State-. The r. . .1 will ] l?e takcn over and maintain, d hy the 1 State until it can he relocated and surfaced L. & N. GETS CONTROL OF C. C. & O. RY. Give Murohy Direct Connection with Another Coal Field?Can Now i Reach Five Fields Of considerably sijrnifieence to 1 dents of Murphy and surround- ? lag territory i* the annour.i -nn i.t oming from the director.- of th" Car- T !ina. Clinchi'ield and Ohio Raliroad j I Company held in H;st j 1 primarily t0 connect the southeast J with the Virginia and Kentucky ^ c-oal fields. The road ext< nds fron Fllkhorn City. Ky.. to Spartanburg i S. C., and is 1ST mibs in length. 1 The Atlantic Coast Line has a Co- \ lease with the L. A: X. for the perlc named. Thiv.11 i 0 ?0H X ? ADVERTISE IN J X THE SCOUT $ ? "IT WILL MAKE Y T O U R I C H ' ? I z Y i North Carolina L0? A YEAR IN ADVANCE ARRANGEMENTS UNDER WAY FOR COUNTY FAIR Committers Named and Plans art Being Made for Biggest Fair in History of County At a meeting of the County C#m r and Mime of thi prornt rie f Cherok?t. County, }; County Agent II. H. Ellis, a ' v.* unty. in co-operation with the r?v. a of Murphy, has acquired a tublic park and fair grounds where he fair will be held. * Th' fair will be underwritten by i group of prominent and public "pirited busim s- men, ant* farmers ?f the county, which will insurt? Its success. It i- expected, however, hat the receipts for admi.s-ion to he grounds, rharg. for entries and .nu t -sioiis will take care of all ox penscs. l'rt'/es will bt? offered for v y endeavor and activity in tho ;ounty, among which County Agent Ellis has mentioned: Livestock, poultry, field crops, horticulture, including garden crops, fruits flowers, cuiihary art, household and other arts, forest products and wood work, athletic ev< n^s and baby show. No objectionable carnival features will be permitted on the grounds, hut plenty of high-class amusements will be provided. There will be athletic contests, h r-, shows, besebnll. L'uiin s. rivalry troop drill and other i.i .-t.- and forms f amusement. I'ount) At Kill- h:?s he*n anmt'd president and manager of the l air. Other officers are: vice prcstrident, F. I*. Nye. superintendent f .'..m.1 . Andrew.-; secretary and treasurer, J. B. Stony, Murphy. Eleven committees have been appoinied. the chairmen of which, together with th.. office.--, will make up the executive comimttcc of the The personnel of the committees thus far determined is as follows: Fif: itv. -i. Vi. mar -Jo e . R. W. V \V. AV D. R. W- .K-ht, Tils' n I)??ckt :y. <>. C. Davis. (;. , . Heni \. defferson Martin. A. M. fiatchi tt, W. i. Brawn, and Hurley Shields. Grounds and Equipment, S. W. [?vin^ooil, W. M. Fain. 11 F. Williamson. G. H. Cope, Mrs. W. B. * Fisher, Mrs. Giles Cover, and Mrs. Dot Cooper. Livestock and Poultry. .1. L. Fain, . H. McClure. T. J. Bristol, I.. L. iinsuii, S. C. Gentry. Mi.-. k. K. Hyx?. Mrs. E. A. Davidson, and T. H. Davis. Field Crops. Hiliard Hampton, D. \Y. Swanp, U. R. Beal, Alex Green md J. C. Deweose!! " t icultu: e. 1 . Wit hers poon, Mrs A. T?a\ A. A. Fain. W. M. ...*?* . ?. .. ? .i - i, u. o . man. v 1!. it P , . Sidney Pandlcy, diss Mary P?.al d Mrs. J. O. Mc'urdy. .County Agent Ellis ha* her,, nam"5ro\vn. Mi?s Ruth Hntchett, Mis? \V latchett. Mrs. Will For-ythe, Mr*. . W. Thompson, Mrs. L. F. Bayless, Irs. Paul Hy.itt. Mrs. John F. Fain ind Mrs. Geo. Walker. Household and other arts. 'Mrs. Sidney iVndl.y Mrs. J. H. McCall. drs. W. W. Ashe. Mrs. D. H. Tillitt. Irs. J. W. Davidson Mrs. R. H. Hyi?t and Mrs. .1. I?. Storey. Forest and wood products. X. C. Bellamy. W. H. Woodbury, Leonard Uthnson, D. W. Town son, C. B. Hill, V. W. Ashe. Tom Mauney. School Exhibits. A. L. Martin^ and ?rineipals of the Andrews, Murphy, darble, Peaehtree, Unaka, Grandriew and others to be named later. Amusements. Will Whitaker, J. V. Davidson, others to be named. It is possible that as the orpanizaion develops, other committees will >e named. |V .iifrlShifcjVtfrllV&i ^ St***? ? -