Frid.y 2?* KAOLIN Northern Ce Is Being Large I Mere than Fory Men Employed?3 Shifts Tc Be Put On Seon, It is hoped E. E. FISHER HEADS CONCERN Titarie Ore Co. Incorporates Under Name of N. C. Clay Co. with $iih0.000 Capital The N? rth Carolina ?lay Comray. I thv -*h\v mm. J pt.naps | clay mining comj ^ \ i Una. which h ? rcc? ntly cKan^: name from the Titanic O;, ' ami increased its fap;- . t?? a quarter of a million <: This Clay County con,ir, in ?'a}>it*>!i:'.ation. larjfe ir. it- * perty holdings and the size et deposits and in the -vtent of it- fdi ninv. the ciay found en it crt e . H;. " ' . *o'i.i being mined by th:s ? ' > -how - up to l?e amonj? r 1 Inteno.} view of the mine, ihowing the conveyor and tome of the minfr? Note the imall amount of or rburdin on the clay. Cummer colds a *? arc lingering ?nd annc.yir.ff. WV TSah i i.rr fir.l niith I iicks 7 Vaporub Oamr 17 MMion Jar* U?d Ymarty e 1\ailroad Help to Mdij^e l If you lived in a commun where you could catch all t fish you wanted, where y would not need any clothes cept the skins from anim that you killed, where nati supplied your wants for eat: and sleeping and keeping v additional, you would not 1 " Man shall not live by brca music, books, pictures and have entertainment. These t* man and hia family could ex but he muat have railroads to b trunks _ the articled that give No matter where you Eve to-day juat as much as if you lived in N? Ulation center. The railroads bri r Do nothing that will hampt va.t them from continuing MINE IS ipital lUsed In development the best ear found in this country. CK unusual white nest*t high in plasticity. low in shrinkag,. and capable i f standu e a h: _'h degree of he:.?, the demard !'<?; kaolin from this deposit has increased to such an extent that the ny ha? found it necessary t-? greatly enlarpe it-* far litios and working f rcc i:i t :der to beirn to -ur.he d ard. This explains tk re.ison for adv.\ :cirg the capitalization from $. mo t-> ().?! !,-.uo. Th >; ? ::! opt ?w?w covers approximately four act - and -ho comu ssaiy at ?i t rv.ents which iMfirn erected f t* the wukers, cover another thr< aco . Ha a Own Method. The North CArol:r.afc CI: . ' >0^3 pane's method of operation differs from most othei Clay mines Sn th's state in that machinery i. us* a throughout th? pro?- >s and just us ICttlo m?.. - - ? hit*. The day is t ik n frnpj th? mine hold :m?i < .rried hv conveyor through the washer-. tw,? set ,f i thr ugh the compressor , plat: d in the dryers r.y hand and then !??: ! ?! on the cai 1 for -ivpment Trie proves i- ?' practically done :x hydraulic and conveyor, heft ryjU-m. The process i- -r.inhte! .- Intec-at d and arranged in pr iper sequence. Sequence of Opt ration* The kaolin is carried fro.M the1 miri" hole into a sluicing b \ ly conveyor hell, th.-n > pumncd in o large bin- where, by sp ,1 pro.- -? <ly guarded by the < i n.iny, the coarser particles of sand, mica, audi other fortign : id stare s r,rv remov-. ell. Th-. r; th" ay u. int-. a e :d set ' ; bins where th? finer parti of anv foreign -abstain- are renin v- ; ed. From th., sei ond set of bins :ik<I . ca: ried into the filter pr? - where j it is subjected t0 a prcssuf-- of more than lf>0 pounds, the \ iter pre- ?d I out and it is moulded into oval i discs about two ft a t in diameter u* t ?. : One of the first finicthing vats used mbi'tnrri from the kaolin. . The coai removed from this vat. This refuse, *Ii tor ro.-td building. varm?without something >e hnppy or comfortable, id alor.e." He should have automobiles; play games; tilings make civilization. i ist or live on very few things, ring to him the more complex him happiness and pleasure, in America, you can enjoy lite iw York City, or any other popng these things to you. rr the railroads and prcto render eood scrrice. " TJ kLLIAriLil THK CHEROKEE SC LOCATEC I " - General view of the development County, N. C.. showing the dryer she quarters of sonia of the '.workers. Tr to potteries in Ohio ar.d New Jers-y. and ah: ut two inch:-- thick. The." Idiscs are thvr. placed into steam dryers for twentyfour hours. after whkh it is ready for shipment. At pre -.lit the finished pre duct is being carried two miles to tht ra ad l?y I* :!. et :rpillar tractors and lirailer.. and V rd trucks nl of Operations and Properties The Company owns two bodies of '.clay M fv - it . The first deposit - ;t a iriart , f .11;'. in length ! to feet wide and 150 feet deep. The >rd dee sjt . a half mile long. 250 fe? t w ! and approximately 150 d ?Only one has this far bcen made. Tlr i - is, :i tremendous toming . here and it will t:. 1. . v ars t., i-xhau t it. The 'deposit have ben vxaniim d and t - tanat . 1 fry clay * xpert- from cveral d ffe ? .< sections of the > pitry ar.d they are all ?-f the op-.nion, ait.r making numerous m riving i mai in re air. I rom * ulit to try m;i.on tons in these two i:,-j.o it Wi t ally nrilici'.s of dollars ItiWKnV; -gg by thf ror.inaiiy in removing foreign rser particles of mica and silica are low;, or, the out de, is very desirable j worth of clay. The company holds J1 ISO acres of land and it is practically all underlian with thi.<l kaolin. At many places the overburden is practically nothing and at no place is it heavy. There is such | (Treat demand for the clay that the company is planning to put on three shifts just as soon as nten and quarters can be secured. "The company h*s orders booked 'three years ahead," said President Visher ;t few days ago, "and any one of three or four companies would sign < contracts for the entire output," j Interior view of one of the twcj large ishir.g of the kaolin in the special proccs Finer portions of foreign substances, ?t manna . FOR THC RELIEF OF Pain in the Stomach and Bowels. Intestinal Cramp Colic. Diarrhcea - SOLD EVERYWHERE - OUT. MURPHY. NORTH CAROLINA > NEAR I Ay !"v; -'viii - &? Sf: -v- ': 5 -v ' i...' .?*ljj of tiio North Caro lir.a Clay Companj di, e.'^.v.K room, part of conveyor jj lis quarier million dollar concern is m k-ov ieii Mr. Ii>her. Fro pi forty : ? <i\\ nit'n are now employed on a : :> n hoar shift, bill when u??". : w ip. put into effect, about ;i will bt. employed on three -hift.. f"'ty oe fifty men each.' This v 1 give twenty-four hour o iteration. Dryer *,hod and ihinping room of t far end. Some of the finished kaolin i sacked and ready for shipment. Is Used for Chinaware Most of the kaoli,, is going to 1 Ohio and New Jersey, according to the manager, where it is used in making the highest grade china and tableware, tileir.g, enamels, etc. Products made from this kaolin are i aid to equal those made front the inuch-tulked-of foreign clays. This day requires the addition of a very small portion of other clays to be thoroughly workable. The clay is remarkably free from , foreign substances, and by ' special process worked out by the company these M^all portions are entirely r e moved fro m the clay. This refuse, consisting largely of pure silica sand has been tested for r ad purposes and found to be excellent for this purpose. It is be- ! ing used locally. Tenements for Help. Tenement houses hav,. been constructed for much of the help. Although most of the labor is drawn from the immediate section, officials L-cnsidered it more desirable to have I its !ahor supply on the ground, and , this led to the construction of quar- j Lers both for white and colored la-, borers. The:* hunk and do their coking in these quarters. As soon is possible, more quarters will be j \ ... c t . fchniahing vats used in the findfl fin- ^ s of tk? company. In fthese vats thq ich si mica and silica, are removed. I MENTHOLATUM J Vclears it Subscribe to The Scout I I IAYESVIL ' ! ' I* ;* '% > ; -2, ' 'ir~ tgjjft mmmAMi fmmm ; ' .-y-" t". Inc., of near Hayesville, in Clay rstcna, refining vat. commissary ana' mini; ?-'d high grade kaolin , construct'-'' and a sort of hotel for the worker, opened up lay the com* | pany. Lumber is being placed on j the ground for ths latter purpose. A company commissar).* is one c.tcc! oii the fctoumis for th c??nve- | Inience of th.- helt?. The official; of the company have built houses ?>n i *.& L2t a:.'*: . ? he Company. The dryer* are in the | s shown in the near end of the shed, the grounds and make their home? there. The property i.* located on */hc Hayesville-Murphy road, about two miles out of Hayesvilley which is the postoffice. H 'Wi'Vur, this new development is taking on the appeava? tv of a small town and no doubt before long a postoffice will b established there. The company is interested in it* help, as is evidenced by the Fourth of July celebration recently given. Quarters erected by the company to the large trailers, in which the kaolin i in the foreground. Public speaking, races, and other cn:crtainmenf featured in the celcbra* :ion. Northern Capita? Making Development. This huge development is living ione by northern capital. President 5. E. Fisher, of the company, is a tative of New England, although ; ie came south from Toledo, Ohio. . lis son, Arthur, is associated with ' lim in the management of the busi nakc up the company, which is a losed corporation. Mr. Fisher cnnv ?*uth about two oars aco ,*>nd investigated this roperty and then organized the T!anic Ore Company, and originally dunned to mine titanium and other Commissary of the company erected p.,. ? LE, N. C. 50 GOOD CIGARETTES lO* ^ -rfy ..F genuine sew bull" iHV?; DURHAM - - i'I A. it TOBACCO rTutfs Pills-i Enable Dyspeptics to eat whatever they *ish. Cause food to assimilate. Nourish the bcdy, give fppetite. DEVELOP FLESH "COLD IN THE HEAD" I, aN*r.r 1 '"aUrrh Thors L e * i " Ms are general. a "ran <lown" condition. HAI.I/S ATARRH MEDICINE is a Treatment c : '.suf of an Ointment. t'? t - 'is* 1 1" '.iiv an a Tonic, which acts Quickly through t? Blood on the Mu us Fur!a <: . buv up *be St'Btein. and making you less liable to ""Old#." I 8 >M bv drugg * fur ever 40 Years. E. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. O. ! r. I a' Iiv; with 1*. But the * h i h . v. , ir.ettd? "ii ill; ?>it . i tin' d-. iinv.i has increased so rapidly that th. mining f anything hut kuoiin for tht. pres? nt. at !e;t-1. h;.- beer givtii up. i"r 1:1 i than a war tests and experiments the clav w re made and >ix months ago the company got -jch favorably report, from pottcre* and1 cream id cnginers over the ?ountry that it hi . an ' install niahinny. Oni htr ire-1 and .-ix%r hoise power 1m. i rs w w drive the finishing machine iy , ongina of 75h"r c power capacity. Smaller en.. ti ?re u- d for driving the pumps -Mil < ?nv?yur >v-:. m. 1 steam i ran*, is being nla . 1 i' the mine to nick up the elay and place it on the conveyor.*. Additional presses mid dr\ eg machine. v b.-ing add1 whiehj will r -- tate\ thc huild i mg i more nc?is. more washing \ats. and greatly incroa* thv tonnage output. It is ? \- vied that it 11 an be increased to t era I car4 a day when thv new equipment is in place. Other Possibililici i*- Thia Soction. This autre di e-!"]> ;. ::t iji southwestern North Carol in.a is only one out of many hundreds "f possibilities in this section. Th( vvaterpowes on the rivers in this extreme corner of the State sufficTnt 10 generate electrical energy to turn the wheels si%f * ? i r the uae of ita workccr* Two of a hauled to the railroad, are ihown of factories and plants to fill the beautiful valleys stretching along tho streams. \ The undeveloped mineral resources, such a* marble, talet kaolin, copper, iron and other ores, as wen ua ino iuresis 01 virgin narawood timber, offeP unlimited /opportunities. Mr. Fisher is demonstrating what can be done in thi3 section, and it is calculated that his achievements will bring others into this fieli^ for developments. Mining and smelting propositions, woodworking plants and any number of others would find this -an excellent location on account of the conization of natura^ resources, together with the unlimited labor supply and the -competitive, tfreight rates from this point. for the benefit of the workers. j

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