j "?he Cherokee ^rout1 Official Organ of Murphy ana , Cheroke* County, North Carolina. SC^YAN W. SlPE, Editor-Manager MISS H. M. BERRY. Associate Editor PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY Subacirption Rates One Year $1.50 Eight Months 1.00 ; Biz Months - .80 Four Months .CO Pa/able Strictly in Advance. Display advertisements. 25c per column inch; .egni advertisements. ads. reading notices, obituaries, curd.of than*.-. etc., 5c a line c&ch :?t tion. Contract rates will re furn.-:. ed immtil.a y u on rt: ^cst. We reserve the rto ref :-e dvertisemen's of ? rady or s-spicious character, v arc likely to mislead our reade~ , cr any other advertisement, c- reading notices not in keei z with he jmitv this paper maintains. North 1 .. -v- - las- mu.l matter under act of M'ch 3. 1F w.r A Heoreew aiivr [ TF!E a VF ,K as RR-_-^ v-x , % SOME THINGS THE SCOUT j WOULD LIKE TO SEE IN MITRPHY AN! CHER- I OKEE COUNTY. In Murphy 1. An act.v Beard of Trade or Cham: r of Commerce. 2. More manufacturing ndustries. k3. New Pa? :er Station?? A Union Station. 4. M e Inr . Streets. R< ir I y Hours, u. A ie-.i.; : c Ciuh. In Chf'okre County. 1. A > t i f :v r .d* .Jfi ? 3u:? . WfcV.H. ra?fl? ra - Kg dairy *?. ?. 4 S. . r? -b# .t, ?. EDITORIAL ? vi. * : THE N. C.-TENN. " HIGHWAY QUESTION FOR -'111** lit.-* there has hoc a i'scussion of 3 1 l from Murphy to s -ine point on the Tonne-??. iir- - e N- rth ( ar I nn a . ..:u ... w ith T at west. \t Sje-tr. :h--re - y n.e highway connect- n between "ho tw state- and this on.- at a n -t inu h too far north t" *h? soutV.v ' r part *' 11. - t. commercial and tra\ t.u : '< f r* tht Highway. The State has he< rj a-ked t-? tak- over this road and l-u -i and nm.: *.t n * with county and township aid. Somehow the word got abroad that the Sta* w b- asked to link in No. 1" between Andrew-: and Murphy. Or the fa.- < :t. :h wou'.d era pn ; - : r- -* t on. The Stat H..: w v. a? on has time and again anr unc?d a= it? intention : o n-.plete highway N'o. 10. which g??< the way ftvr.'-.s "ne State, at im- .Miucal iible date. This Andrew- Murphy 3:r.k is essential to th(- completion oi the highway. It is desired ai ke b> resident* < f Murphy and Andrew and the entire county and prospective us- rs of the highway in othei \ parts of the State. T- g0 to the Commiss <>n with a proposition to leave this link unbuilt and ask thai another r?ad. no matter of how mud importance, he constructed would b* to invite defeat. So far as this paper has been able to find out, su. 1 was never the intention of an yon* in Murphy or this part of the coun ty. Howtver, organizations n Mur phy and several of the townships and we hope every resident of th< ronnh- n? u-ell it inr^rnCA/l1 nn^! in Tennessee have asked, and an going to continue to ask. that ?h< State assist the county and certaii of the townships in building a roa< from No. 10 at or near Murphy t< the point on the Tennessee State line that seems most logical to th< Commission and in this undertakinj the aid of every eitizen of the coun ty is solicited. By the unanimoui effort? of the various organisation of the county and each of her in dividual citizens this/Toad ran b? assured. It will be of tremendoui benefit not only to Cherokee Coun ty, bat to every town along No. 1( btium . * ? . .. / * H>uth of Asheville. It is not a set- \ fish proposition, *nd it is anticipated that every tewn and orpamza r ;ion in the county join with the I the local organizations in their ef torts to secure this road * v THE FORTY THOUSAND JOLLAR STATE AUDIT * I N' ill H I' XROLINA has spent forty - three thousand ,M d- '.'.ars in finding: out its re.. v ar.cial status. A croup of :! v.-t a. our.tants to be found in tht y have worked tr. Stat. v for six months and have ju.? ' { * k r- d a report ) Stat-, r.ancial system was >? . r.d and rha* ( .. .; d:tur\ - w? re tvt \ ? i r : " A. J. Maxw State opera*. d ,t a fiv : i * ar 1 last year and that the loss -r v..aid an' nt to four or five :*i'.! ??>. i the * " * " i " - void "? anj sflajpe concealment of anyjti - ?.\ r? ' ! *h T* v : - _ -t w ?rii i * . oial ma* Mri Maxwell, however, refuf* j., that the Star*- ? p Its - ernnfe&tal tysti n .?* a If Mr. Maxwell - ripht *?; j ?y>jilw^*at? f:??m f natural r: -. as r- v* ne r. k. he u id'-serv.: c ?'f the thank* f the State; hut there is in-: Harper. the I- f mar.y. V '!.?xvv- \\ ' i "' ' h . i 'he -am. compartment a? < I J. \V. Bailev as on* .?f the official l aroi'y howlers ?>:' the Stale. < western section being developed Everywhere on. poe> over State there u pl? v.tv f evidence of growth ar.d de ^ Movent. This is n.. less tru- of \\ -urn N : th ? i th..n of ?r *. * . i-f th. >' A tr'p , V irphv Brar-i . Murphy . A ' e sufficient to cor.v-r.ee on*. of th. truth of thia statement. \r *\- y ;!?' town and hamle*. vsir.ir s h> l- d e, lund < : ar.d r p u * - : - forest d n e tr?? in evider- and. what i? per the " * indication. .< the tren r i.'tjs ,.m of freight tonnage nv .? d \ v '.,1 it words and pic-. \ thvr pa- of TH! - .11 T u - ~r!y 0r.i 1 ------ - f' 4 n n this invuied ate Ti dwelt': Mient lies act -? he highw iy from Heyesville t Murrhv and hut f -r the highv ay 5 - I. .h-v u u!d nev.r have been unTh ' h. r- k,. Cmv.pauy :s expend -.-..r.ti- of dollars h r, in Murv r shing w railn ad into the t un\i rpreparatory to bringing out null' - - '* feet <.f timber to be :t into :i: '.or at its mill. The knitting mill h ; Ming - being rushed along as rapidly as possible. The j v school building i- under way. and th, s'n'y go# $ all along the And there is very ind?oati?>n that he !"pmt"-i fw hastened , ' rather than slackened as ttinte goes j Th- possibilities it. Western N rth Carolina a-e tremendous and the ? :ima??- and environment is so i .* . _ lr.:.l A\vp*i n . . . . ' me? into this section, he loathe! " to leave it. Tne highways, whic^ are J ' fa t being opened up. are destined i ? brir.sr more and nor., people into' - the S".:t!r.vestern part of the State. 1 into the land of unrealized possibil! f es. and a^j they come the more like. - J lihook! w I there he of developments * in this section. "You can have all ' the plains and lowland I you want." - said a recent visitor to this section. - "but for my part I will take this mountain section of western North - Carolina." said our visitor. And so ' it is with many comers. This sort of attachment will make for more J i* immigrants into thes<> southwestern i ; counties, and as more inhabitants 1 come, more and more will the ref sources of this section he developed. The time is not far distant when * western North Carolina will be humj minjr with industry like the neigh- ! . boring counties in the Piedmont reft erion. s, Chib work is taking a new lease . foR life among the farm folks of i North Carolina. Over 16,000 young . people are now being reached in an ) organized way. THE CHEROKEl SCOUT. MUFI CDF ED THAT GET S RESULTS ^ S A recent number of **The F'c J Hern." :v h use -.-r^an of :' Marsha : F i & Co. orsranii.it' ' this !:!t\ 1 tbe'M.u ;a.! ?i?!d ? ' r.par.y Idea" "To u th- - .-h* -hire at the rtrht me in th r * way; J,, - ; I ' : they \\? re uinati t rrors. t A -r > - " the ?t U-. I :rt : t he an exan:nl : * ork f r love of work; to anticipate - * ,J ? T - a-* r < i* v um-'a:-. ? -: to a. " t'-.tT rule; t,. be - ^ ? th r. " sh- :t f !? *" ? 'I':' > - a h j d. It * -a 4 r BO]hjr. T ' :: w to tfa letti ! tft - \: * . K i V :r??ra. N. V.. * s a ntcniinu"! to his work. H-* f avwI !> . J of hi? :!? -< T : - . " ttf r thai ' has ? . - en ! rh? -a .r. a . f N* .. ? < h? : 11% I.. :h ^ . r i . 1 . . . * . i'lair.tiff. vs. \ylv It. >? n-lVr.tlarl. "! sV.KVIOK OF SlMMONS !tV ATIOX i. .1 K;. . B. > i '.rt : a ho v.- rtitU . w tak, r that . n .*? * h." n ? -v tu-t-d afratrst h;-i 5 i * a.r.f.t"*' Maud- Sh? of Oh?Tok< . , V and thv purpose of said ae? ' ; ,,n f> r a dr.orcc fr? .. the ' -'ds 1 f -.atrinv , statut. y gr. r d? That .... further n?>* l'iedI red to > at* r y a-.i a\ :v.tr t . the complaint of tb? plaintiff now on FIIa in my ffi or before the 24th day .V J in: t. 1 the Court will grant the relief prayed f. r ? the r.vjv.: laint. Th th. .lay I J'y. 1923 E. K. K\\l<, Clerk. >f the Sut :.-v Court. it-$3pd jhre) FRECLOSURE SALE. By virtue th * .w.-r v.>tcd lr? me by a certain bed hi tiust, xecutt.l by L. G. W-.-t and w f . T>t,.W \\\ t. r. Auji-t 14. 1 * JI. .which is duly r-. gistend in Book No. 74. pa_'i- 1.1. in th "ffice < ; the Register of r Cherokee County, to -enure a v> rtair. indebtt . r.e-> of .-aid L. G. We-t t . WoffordTerrcll C mpur.y. default hav r.g been made ir. the payment of said indebtedness and the power of sale therein contained having become ?P vrative. i -h h Monday, th'- 27th day of Aug :-t. .'2 ?. sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at th.. court house Hdoor in .Murphy at one o'clock on said H-r 'h.. propvrty ihcrr:r.-' ;sr.v?i?a,j tc wit: Town lot No. a. in Block No. It. :n the Wells Addition to the Town, being the same lot conveyed to L. G. West by N. A. Hall and wife. Mattie Hall, by deed dated August 29. 1914. and recorded in the office; of the Register of I>etds for said county :n Book No. 69. at page 6, reference to which is hereby made. This July 23, 11*23. D. W. WISKNHINT. Truste-. <51-4t-jh*h . Irish potaties^ from home gTown mountain seed were from 7 to 19 days earlier than thos* from aMine and Canadian seed, and the yield was equally a? pood, n 1 shown hy reports from the Tidewater Counties. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured t with LOCJWb APPLICATIONS, as the? j cannot reach the seat of the disease. i Catarrh la a local disease, greatly influenced by constitutional conditions, aac in order to cure it you must take an | Internal remedy. Hall's Catarrh Wed:- i ~me Is taken internally and acts thru | the blood on th? mucous surfaces of the i system Hall's Catarrh Medio.ne wa* I prescribed br one of the best physictant In this country foe years. It Is composed of some of the be*- tomes known ( romhined with some of the best blood 1 purlflers. The perfe-t combination or the Ingredients !r> Hall's Catarrh Medicine is wnat produces such wonderful I results In catarrhal conditions Send for testlmnntat*. free r. J. CHENEY * CO.. Props., Tolodo. O All Druggists, 3c. | Bail'o raacUy puis tor constlpUkm. ?HY. NORTH CAROLINA il.M.M.WJ.'.m.'.l.'.l.'.l.'.l.'.E ; Thedford's i I fBLACK-! I DRAUGHT ! j (Vegetable i ... j^TTTiTrrrnTrxr-i-.-i!i:cl 7i Bible Thoughts for the Week Sunday. ' ;UKAT AM* run: ? A* rihe -? int - ? 1 1! I; ? - : * - * - IJ - w s nr.- Ik n '" ! ' Tr nn?! w::! . .r : ' >. Ju-: r ght Is II- I*, ut. ;rj . 4 Monday. UAISTVO THE I'EAP ? Why :i! t he tl lctit n thing ir.< re!w ? :. t! .it ?' -I nhcul'l rn:- ? dcii'lV? A- T.4 !>' :$. Tuesday. CIIttlSTlAN < ?-NriPKVrE.? . - V 11!. . #Mi?"-?!eT I'- '! we have . I i. -. tTi.iT. if w- n*k anything : . ti.* t- iis win. lie henreth ? I John " : 14. Wednesday. FUI'IT OF THE SIT IIIT.?Lore. 1 . ; ?. long nuTT-ring. gentle - - g Ines- f.t:ieekt.-sj?. r. ; r_'. !r.st such there .*s iow lial. .* Thursday. A CONSTANT I'HATER.?Wlth' 1 n? t thou thy t-nhr ni-r-t?* : i me. O I. r?i: 1-t thy loving . ?i ; ?:. PAYS.?He ; ' v. i love . ?n>l s-? got : ng. and ! - !:; $ that tins* [ , -ak iio gu !e.?1 IVter S:lo. Saturday. IjOTB CASTS OCT FEAR.? I'!-re is no fear m i-ve; hut i*er feet 1? e caitel at ft or: bet . ise it *h t'r t it feurvth ' ^->t mad- i-rle : in h?\e.? 1 John r 4:1H ,# ic;I i \ i I To bur acres j i _ ( ui cu d | rest in > [ SI I a| I VI ; , Y Four-Room Hou 4* Located just across Valley River c d barn and plenty of a X FOR PRICK AND INF( MRS. ELVIR, Murphj 'SUBSCRIBE TO YOUF NO' AUCTIC On Wednesday, the 1st ginning at 1 o'clock, P. N quittee and Fires Creek of J. O. Lyons and T. J. ..'ohn Evans Land the c! Place, the undersigned i V her stock. farming tools9 hou-e fci'lcj and li * hen furneture and th ab mules, aires 7 and 8 year and good for all work. Two .! **- y Milk Cows. wit! young calves. Or,? t 1 ? Jersey Heif r one ar. ne-half years old. Farming T?ol?. D - H.trr'?w. Turning I'lows, cu' : v.i* r*-. plow rakt-s. scythe and vs: r.eus c?th? r farming implements. Other Tools. 1 f'uwnr :1 Harm ami Sho, Mr chine; 1 S u* r Rip and rateh Sh?? Machine: ' niplcte outfit f?.r sho and harness w rk. Vf. >r. ami harness. Hcruehold snih Kitchen Furniture. R? . IM -en M.:ttif- iSprings. R -eking Chair Dinning Chairs. Baby's H irh Cha ma., tables. Dining Table, Sewin MRS- J- D Hayesv y or leas< land, sevei : i. cres in tun timberlan ...ii tr inner mro toCHEROKEE Murphy, N. C FriJay. July IT, nig SALE I je and Fire Lots j in K:i-t Murphy; m - !. n: .,r_ ariU'n ?pace. ' ' )RMATION. APPLY TO A WILLIAMS . ? I HOME PAPER-$|.jo I ncE J )N SALE I day of August, 1923, be-1 1., on our farm on the Tu$- I Road, acjcir.irg the ianJ. B Martin and known as the d Robert Martin Home .vill offer for sale ? Ma ' e Lap ps, Safe. Ki* V. . Kpck: ?n Cabinet, Cook St - \\"n?h Pet. ? tables* and other art f hoa?n h?M and kitchen fnrr . h - vattun. 111 - TV . - C 'a d lards. cod s?-von dwei ^ huu*<- fotr r-"-m 1 .r.t honj?, rn-w tr*'' d bar:*. ar.d !- b-j Ming*. Riirht r ; rc*ett i- unsatisfactory bid-. - >. 1 and of und< rsigrn d at 1 art .r>i. < r of ab??v. property. deaf ante, ytw rind owner.-* compel!" d t '.cave tit farm more than a year aero in -rd? to civ* Mr. C! .rt - - hwpiti treatment and to be \ " marritl daughter who can as* 4 n cariaj . nerd 3 ir year.-*. ^ p Thi? July 2(*th, 1923 CLONTZ flle, W. C. - J II I 5 1,000 I ral hun- I Ovation, m rmation I SCOUT I m I