I nfflaH ?F IT ISN'T IN $ I THE SCOUT i * IT'S BECAUSE WE DIDN'T ? f {' 0 KNOW IT / 2 The Official Org m -2 XXXV. STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSIONERS HERE WEDNESDAY tyfe]! Let Murphy - Andrew* Hoiid m J Near Future; Expect to Give; j Engineering Assistance | on Tennenet Road ./ Highway nmmis.?:oner Frnnl> > 1 t i '( jr.niisdi -n?i <: iti;t v manifested a liberal attir.. toward this recti!.n with re-j c; ii the road building proprair , State op tneir visit to aiur - Wwlncsday. Both Mr. Pap* Mr. Stikeleather recognized th? ; . itv of petting fhe road projec' . M irphy to Andrews uiul. r waj .? . rted that the road would hi ust as soon as '* reliable co:-. could be found who wa: c to lake the road at a reason '.:m. Vht Murphy-Andrew: I being relocated for a eon jj portion of the way. Th i survey provided that thi r ... kould keip a fairly straigh up the Valley Itiver. bu J: ..y officials have come t? th< , ;en that a better locatioi . ! be obtained by keeping close; t 'he old road and along the brov e he hill. 4 If . fficials were asked t- aid ii i tructing a road from Murphy tt : Tennessee State line to connec vt : the Kinisey and Dixie Highway b !' officials admitted the impor ,.i ? of this link and consented t" i , . ngimering assistance in loeat .he road at the proper place am ated, thougru <li<l not bind them . that should the state legisla t.i ..f li?25 vote additional bond th 'late would take the road ovei W :t the present Appropriations, ih money allotted to this county wil have been used up even before th .V .:?w- roatl can be completed uri s additional bonds are voted or In ivounty consents to uid in surf acini th,. road. And, according to a ru! tag i: idi b> the State highway ( om 11 -inn some niontha ago, only thre percent additional mileage eould b Rd'Ud tc th. system in each of th : i districts. This district has a! tt-ady added its three percent an th -ford the additional mileage be ... Murr.Hu uii.l ?H.? T? ttll>.4.4' Sta.1 line coiild not be taken ovei County officials ard citizens genci < ally were pit-used with the attitud of tlu Commission toward this sit tier, and recognized the limitations of the law would prevent the Con; miss on from assisting more than i i 1 - r;ted to at the meeting Wednt-i day morning. <' mruissionerg Pnge and Stikc 1-athoj- came here at the in*tance o officials of the Chamber of Con' i .erce and county and road official to go ove rthe road situation in th county and see if some arrangemen might not be worked out whereh the Tennessee-North Carolina cor \ I tion could be made, and to arriv mat somP agreement about the Ar Brews road. They arrived here o uesday night and after inspectin he Murphy-Belleview road, met i JJie court house with the county an I Bownship officials and a lew citizen ^rfrom over the county. Mr. Stiki bather acted as chairman of th meeting and Mr. J. H. Dillard ws the principal epokesman for th county, although anyone was privi! eged to make any statements or as any questions and several availe themselves of this privilege. Altogether, the meeting was ver satisfactory. The Towtiships am ounty now know what to expect Th?y better understand how th Hicfknratr PnmmiuLAl, i< VoiltTP bout by th State highway law an regulations -marl4 by the Commissio and can now understand why th Commission cannot do mora for thi section. County and township off ciais are expected to get together i the near future and make provision for the, Tennessee conection out o local funds. It is expected that thi aiwhe worked out in the near futur ^ V Card of Thanks. ^^e wish to thank our friendg no BXl m this sectipji, hut also thos I rom Murphyother section who were so and thoughtful o ?s during .the sickness and death o or dear.* iuahand and fatherAN^yiRS. J. I. MARTIN ~ % and children. an of Murphy and Che MASONS TO HOLD DIS1 RICT MEETING HERE AUGUST 25 d> ai I w W.?h Masonic fficial* Will Be P reient "llie Western North arolina Dia; trie* of the Ma- >nic Lod^e is p!nnr ni?f ?o hold ?n e<lu< ntioi::i 1 n. tipp . here Saturday. A . -ust 2-"?. lasting . all day. Kept* r?entntiv? from hH \ -vcr Western Ni ith Can lina will be from the Grand Li??L' f N rth Carolina. Grand Master Dr. H. M. P<>t teat. Grand Educational St ret'iy r II<?n W. ('. Wicker. ad several high district officers are on the program . for addr's t.v * The nut-lint; will op n at 10:00 . a. in.. Central Tim , by an address by ? W. E. Stub-till. W. >!.. , f rhc ke?. Lodge No. 140. The pro cram in ful! P follows: ? Address of Welcome - W. K. t Studtsill. W. M., Cherok.-e Lodge t No 146. lic-|v tw Clyde 11. Jarrett. - Paxi Matter, Andrew- Lodge No. r . 529. k Roll Call? H p rt on condition of lodges in j the Gird district --.I. W. Davis D. . 1?. G. M. I Address: Masonry'* contribution s tu government Rev. I.. 1'. Smith. Addle-S The Mason as a Citizen D ?M. W. Bell. Past Master Cherokee . Lodgi No. 146 ii - :00 P. M. ? Introduction of Grand Master?Hon. Clyde H. Ju? . rett. ^ Address - Dr. >1. M. Potent, Grand Master, The Grand Lodge of North j, Can lina. A. F. & A. M. II Add; ess: Educational Work? e Hon. W C. Wick-.r, Educational . Field Secretary of the Grand Lodge f North Carolina, A. F. ?& A. M. .? .r> :!10 p. M.?Banquet at Regal I Hot. 1. *" 7:00 P. M. The Reel# Masonic e Educational Picture#. c Open Discussions. SUNDAY SCHOOLS ' ENJOY MELON , FEAST WEDNESDAY W. M. Fain Grocery Company Doe natet 200 Watermelon# to Treat Children Smidiw School of the various J 'I it churches of the town enjoyed a ?- watt rmelon cutting on Riverside Park Wednesday afternoon. The W. - i M. Fain Grocery Company pave two f hundred watermelons to the commiti tee m charge of the joint Sunday is School outing on the city park, the e gift being prompted largely 'in order it; It was the idea of Mr. Fain, who is j to encourage a wider use of the park, i- also Mayor of the town, that if the e' children could be induced to go to t- the park for special occasions like n ( this, that they will go more oftem g ; when there is nothing special on. n Several hundred children and older 4 people gathered on the grounds IS; Wednesday aflernouir tw cFijoy the -1 melons. The children made use of e j the swings and enjoyed some games ^ before the rai* ehase?\ them home e j late m the afternoon. l-j k Alleged Whiskey Dealer Is .Shot Last Saturday y ? Joe Smith, alleged violator of the L prohibition laws of thd state and na 4 ticm, was shot through the leg last d Saturday afternoon when he atn tempted to escape from the sheriff * and party of deputies near his home [s in the Ptachtree section. Officers i-! n have suspected Smith for sometime l3 and Saturday Sheriff W. P. Odom f and deputies, Jim Ro?ev Andy '* Morrow, Jake Deweese, Marshal Al* len and Policeman D. M. Birchfield, want to his ho.ne with a determination to bring him back. They surrounded him and he ran, being closer >t ly followed by an officer. As the * j officer approached him, he stopped a j to pick up a stone, whereupon one of f the officers fired, the bullet taking f ' effect in the right leg. Smith was I then brought here and after receiv!ing medical attention, was lodged in i.n:- 7 Cfjcro rokee County, and the Le MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA. KING OF SOCK BEG 7 Mmm Jack Demps.y today went m fcr p; his first ring work since his arrival A at his new training: quarters at Sar- w atoga Lake, X. V., where he will pre-I OFFICIALS OAK T LANE KNITTING I MILLS ARRIVE Machinery is Hers Will push work J on building so Mill Can Begin Opei ation President A. C. Richmond and i Superintendent Weidcntr, of the Oak ^ Iaine Knitting Mills, arrived hero on a t Tuesday to begin placing machinery j and make preparations to get the \ mill started. One car of the machin s try is here and several other cars * are expected in the next few days. [ n Unfortunately, the building is not ; v quite ready to receive the machinery j y on account of the delay in the roof- t ing man coming to put on the roof. ^ However, it is exnected that this can c ; he finished within threor days after j. his arrival and no material delay ?n c placing the machinery is anticipated, f The building was to have been com-' ? plcted by the 20th but continuous j a rainy weather and shortage of ma- j terial has delayed construction prog- j t re s somewhat. It is now thought $ the building can be fully completed i c within thirty days. However, by! * that time most of the machinery will S 1 have been placed and the mill will b ' practically be ready for operation. a Ai The Methodist 1 Church Sunday There will be preaching at the Methodist Chuureh next Sunday t morning and evening by the pastor, * The subject for the morning hour will be: "Sitting next to the 0 Throne." from Matthew 20:23. r At the eVruihg liuui, tin: subjixt, will be: "Giving that Which Does i i Not Belong to You," from Matthew t 22:21. j All membeers and friends of the' s ' Church are urged to be present at both the morning and evening ser- > ; vice. a M. B. CLEGG, Pastor v a . ^ I Autos collide Un ' Andrews-Topton Road , i Sunday afternoon in a head-on I I collision auto accident on the An- I I drcws-Topton road, one car was * j thrown over an embankment and ^ several of the occupants reported * ; injured. One of the cars is said to % j have been coming from Robbinsville A | to visit relatives at Andrews, who were sick. One of the occupants, ^ R. L. Andersoniwas reported badly ^ 1 injured. The party was carried to ^ ^ Andrews for medical aid, but later wa? taken back to Robbinsville. t Thoes reported in the wreck were: ^ Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Aandcrson and a j two children. Miss Oilie Colvaru, g ' Henry Carpenter, all of Robbinsville J it is not known wty> was the driver J of (he other car. t kee ? ading Newspaper in th FRIDAY. ACGCST 24, 192* INS TRAINING F '*>? ci a I" vi w \V hi in fc 1 w 4 I arc for his ccming bout with Lu's n ngel Fripo, the Argentine heavy o eight. u 40TLA CITIZEN PASSES INTO THE GREAT BEYOND . L. Martin Burird in Family Bury* ( inn Ground at Notla on \ August 18th i j K Mr. J. L. Martin, of Notla, died lugust ltith. at his home on Notla t the age of (10 v-.ars, after .in ex- 7 ended illness. Mr. Martin took sick t uly 1st, ?o?n after hfs return from ( Vashington, where he had been for r ome time doing carpenter work. He F irst was attacked with malarial fe- t or, which later developed into pmu- ( v>nia and other complicuWTns. He 3 ,as sick for more than six weeks. ?hen his strength gave way under J he deadly malady of pneumonia, and lis snirit took its flight to the grecft cyond. Mr. Martin was a beloved itizen and was loved by all who new htm. He leaves a wife, nine J hildren and ft host of relatives and riends. County Superintendent of Ichcola A. L. Martin, of Murphy is brother. The remains were laid to rest in he family burying ground at Notla' r lunday, Rev. Gay Bryant having v harge of the cert mony, ass*stcd by I tev. Mr. Stedmcn and Rev. T. L. t iasser. In his passing the county t lost a good citizen, kind father j nd loving husband. 1 I dall Family Hold ^ Reunion on Sunday i The Hall family reunion, held at 3 he home of Mrs. J. B. Hall, Kinsey. ^ v. C., Sunday, August 19, was an ^ njoyable event, and one long to be 1 ^ emembered. r This i!i?? first time the fa mi- i y has been able to be together in 1 hirty-three years, as some of the in ivembera of the family live in distant \ * tat es. "The Old Home" was sung by the I biases Hall, Barton, Mrs. Simonds, nd Andrew Barton Jr. A delicious and tempting lunch \ r.-ul ?nrvr rl nnHoi' -> * IcCombs Tressel, near the home. C Those present were: Mrs. J. B. [all, Kinsey, N. C.; Mr. R. M. Hall, owj Park, Texas; Mr. J. M. Hall., killings. Mo.; Mrs. A. C. Barton. | ^ lirch, N. C.; Mr. and Mrs. W. W.' ^ [all and family. Murphy, N. C.; Irs. H. C. Taylor. Charlotte. N. C.; r Ira. J. B. Stalcup and family. Kin- , ey. N. C.; Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Pin-: on. Blue Ridge, Ga.; Mr. and Mr?. V L. M. Simonds. Murphy, N. C. ' a The invited guests were: Mr. and Irs. P. A. Mauney. and family, of' tl Cinsey, N. C.; Miss Ella Simonds, j, lurphy, N. C.; Pascal and Eliza-: eth Hughs, Kinsey, N. C. The sad hour came when they had D part, but the sweetest thought was F hat the happiest meeting would be round the throne of God. The mother, Mrs. J. B. Hall, Is eventy-seven years of age. F The deceased of this family are n . B. Hall, Mrs. J. W. Henry, and o he late A. C. Barton. 1 lis Section of Westei UGH OFFICIALS OF L. & N. RY. ARE GUESTS OF CITY ... ity Officials and CKambrr of Com mere? Entertain D vim n and Staff Officers City officials and the ChamM i Commerce had the Y. nor ?> ' inir.K txirutive. jr?T.*ral and . ? n offie- r- of the L'uii.-vV.le & IU Ri,!.. .... i -5 ftarnnnn fnr a oknrt tlmn ?<-kan tkr^ sited the city in a special boo-te: air., which is going ovt,- the Atlant; ivi>i<>n of tlu railway Tuesday \dntsday and Thursday of th!: cek. Even though the train wa r? for only an h ur, a short meet g was arranged in the court housi >r the railway officials and sovera u?rt talks WfTv made, both 1 y mil ay and local people. C'ol. I>. With rspoon pre-ided and opened th Wting by welcoming the visitors t ur city. .1. .1. Elder Executive Asst ponded to the address of welcom n bchaif of the visiting delepatior allowing which sh??rt addresses wer, [>ade by several of those present. Included in the party of raihva fficials were the following: J. J. Elder, Executive A-vistani A. d> Kuniak. General Freipl ipent; J. J. Donohue, General Claii attorney; H. T. Lively, Genen laim Agent; .1. F. Hartsough, D ision Freight Agent; F. T. Alexar er, Division Passenger Agent; I I. McKlroy. Claim Prevention Ag< r Those of the Division officii taff were: O. C. Kinzel, Master ? 'rains; L. Merrificld, Assistant Ma er of Trains; W. C. Thompsoi hief Train Dispatcher; G. II. Be y, Master Mechanic; L. L. Adam toad Master; \V. J. Mahoney, Si ervisor of Bridges and Building \ D. Strong, Inspector of Folic il. Scargeant, Superintendent. 3APTIST CHURCH BAPTISES NEW MEMBERS SUNDA" Vbout Fifty Join Various Churchi As Result of Price Revival Meeting Sunday afternoon at three o*clo< he seven new members who hat ecently joined the Baptist Churt rere baptised by the pastor. Rev. Sasser, in th?. presence of a pre; hrong of people. The haptisir ook place in the Hiawassee rivi uslj above the junction of Vallt tiver. Those baptised were recen y connected with the waptist t'huri ollowing the revival meeting he1 lere by Evangelist Thurston 1 rice. They were as follows: Mr. and Mrs. T. C. McDonal >Irs. Leonard Johnson, Mrs. E. < loore, and Misses Poly Davi 'hristine Bowks and Bessie Grave About forty members joined tJ lethodist Church as a result of t> neeting and sonve three or four tl resbyterian church. It is expected that there will 1 nore at all the churches in the nes uture. Native of China At Baptist Church Sunda Rev. Bao Si Ding, a native < 'Kina. who was converted und< reaching of our foreign missionar; Lev. H. C. Sallee, will preach at tt: lurpby Baptist Church. Sunda; kugust 20, at 7:30 P. M. Rev. Mr. Ding is a graduate i Georgetown Colleen- Dr Raw r?# he Foreign Missionary Board, spent ery highly of him and his splendi chievements. The members of the church ar heir friends, and the public genera y, are invited to come and hear th oted Chinese preacher-orator. tEVIVAL TO BEGIN AT HAMPTON'S MEMORY A There will be arev!val meeting i lampton'd Memorial Church, bcgii ling Sund^, August 26, at ] 'clock A. M. Everybody is cordis y inviWd. R. G. TRULL, Pasto X ADVERTISE IB X X THE SCOUT X X "IT WILL MAKE V X YOU R I C H * * ? < 4B>??> rn North Carolina ?1.;3 A it. A It IN ADVANCE " ! OPPORTUNITY IS OFFERED TO WIN COUNTY PRIZES - Your County Cannot Afford Not Itf Make a Good Exhibit ul State Fair this Fall, Says Dt-an Wiiiiuc By Dean C. B. Williams Th; year, the Stat Fair, whiv: wilt be held during tin- week begin ing October 15, i.? offering wry iibc:'ai premiums for county, couv P pro lucts exhibits. The occasion will af!" <1 a rare opportunity for those 1 -.<i in the advancement of the Stat* ; t forth th? agricultural 4 rc-uurce.- .f the different counties. T<? those who send excellent exhibits . carrying valuable lessons in profitably farming . unusual opportunity will he i ffer-'d t?? win premiums, va ' rying fro .$500 downwards. A?* son" thing te < ' ninety percent - of the income uf farmers of the State t. iw front the growth of crops, directn ly or indirectly, if a display <?f the agricultural resources of thy State p is to be made, farmers and others t interested in farming of the different section of the State should see to it, if their counties are to be properly represented, that the best from ' their counties is sent to the State Fair in October. It will pay you and your community to do so. If ^ all will heartily join in, the 1923 j Fair will stand out as the greatest . exposition of agricultural resources f the State ever seen iu Raleigh, j As North Carolina ranks high in ^ total values of crops produced among the States of the Union, let's ^ show the people of th(. State and of the world generally what we have' and can do in the growth of crops of excellent qualities. Effort put forth into sending worth-while exhihits to the Fair will he in the interest of the public \'a ?mn *[ ty of community can ill afford not' 1 ' j to have tH good exhibit of the best products of its soil at the State Fair this fall. More than ?4.r>00 is hein offered North Carolina farmer* for county, tr I community, farm and individual 1 crop exhibits. Brian some of the very best toe* bacco, cotton, corn, clover, soybeans rowpeas. hay and other crops you may be producing that will be well worth your effort. Indications are ^ ?hct the Fair is going to be a big re one. Everybody connected with the Sair is bending his efforts as never before to have it surpass all previous a* records. ip ; COUNCIL HOLDS t SPECIAL MEETING *' MONDAY NIGHT Id | 3 . . Consider Making Certain Extensions j, in Water System and Building ?. Sidewalk S, The Town Council met citizens le l0 from several sections of the town ie Monday night to consider certain extensions in the water system and )0 also the building of a sidewalk. A lrj group of citizens from factory town | appeared before the council asking ' that the water supply be extended into that section; the citizens from ^ the section across the L. & N. Railway above the ice plant requested >f that water be extended into that part I ,r of town, and abutting property own^ ! era along: the road from the Hiawas' j see River Bridge to Bealtown were xr present to talk over the possibility ?>. of building: a side walk to that part of town. Action on the sidewalk is yf awaiting: a preliminary estimate of the cost by prospective contractors and citizen^ of the other two sections of the town were asked to 1 find out how many families In oaek j section would have water put into td their home* and pay thA monthly . rents, should a main be qptended k ! within reach of their respective ! homes. It was the disposition of the j council to make the improvements I asked for just as soon as the rents would make it possible to do so withL out constant loss to the town. &l There will be a program meeting; a- of the W. M. U. at the Baptist chur^ 11 next Tuesday, Aug. 28, at 2:30 p. il- m. All Baptist Ladies are urged to attend. ^

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