IT ISN'T IN g THE s 1*0 U T I its r IT J 7 -.e Official Orga ?? H II X ?M? am Kg:: i fcs u I PA '" A. V I H | M*' J Sr. iq g '.? I S ?*r>a I 1^, a 1 >> :ti nv m i y. d y p Lt ii- which Mr . DickI InS.he!.1-: the ; her family ' ' o res:?K cvoral of th chiV. T '"O! H. f::th . !>r. C. C Whit-1 mb. -ir-.l ! - !> Mrs. I is - irv'.N 1 hy h- r | shard, !i. \. R. l> \ v: ?v>-j fid. . _ ''harlos; one top child, naught \dythe; hy I "" mother d th iutwlnjf brothels ntul sis-! II. T. *1 V.'hctnorr, < I'Tln-.j r.; V. t?f Harrn T nrs.; Fre 1, lab ' ("lrittiinoopa. Ti ' . M . I 'I. lore L he; Cr r. pd - ^ ? members of h r >"vnir fam'ly, Mrs. Dickey is surpd b\ host of near relatives and Rids t only in this imm diate |t; it in neighboring states. little Colored Child I Is Badly Burn'-d The little three year ??i?l child <>f ps Grady, colored, was - vcteiy P?d irsday ?. thing c|ugh1 open place while it-. mother was proIing the morning meal. The child, f a year or two old, was thought to in a dangerous condition. BILL BOOSTER SAYS Ia \SYEW, EftVEMD?\ ROADS V PRO** (MX O0 R THE WOBXD LEAD 1VTCO OORXOWM^ CbSTO:xE?.<S AMD MOMC^ EEv.EWi WUX OAWk XWESe jOADS WE'RE SVlAOT ^p>0OGrH XD ATTRACT THe>A> ARE WE T nx?ANWKARKt urrfe <Z0\ " ^ GREATER M ^rtjE :j of irp!:> >nd Chero JNITIES BE< Picsbyteri ::j P:. tor "ViH Pre .. .'i 3.1" ' aj p-- . f. .... . | -1 . Ci,. ; \< - ' ;.:ui t! . . .M*J. *. Ht-v -EC/ N< | TIMBER "UF - ' i Lo : - From D*v: Creek L . ;-\t ir.i ... i i Yiart' Cut ing ? . t: hj: , ! kit' ? or:; tiy. 3 ? > j th Boor.. ' h.. . - ? i., J I ftt ' I Til" 1 i;:y ..ft- r a y . j 'I ( < i . I road . ' lilt j l-a> i"? th imur ; a a i " I be 1 - : j 1>- . ('U . v.r .. V 1>: ?' : II j ?H Mwk of th V. k has bt?a 4?w;|| : . - gg.s eu. ny i , . : | th' " ny i . n *h j ; . . :tr k. !: . t .! t?]>t rji- | < C .1T?? . in; | . ? ir. jhe wnc and Mi O. S. I. it I 5 ,". i h re \ [ . 'li-r 4rt of Ayr,1 to pui * r I nil ?i oth t>? *'?. t . ir. -imp for j . 'I i . ? r ' ! 1 o n ! ebiiili -sj d niiul ;a:idvd w.lT-utrvd ' :i?i. : ^ ' urn add.t' il i milt* have h en >r.?*.ucted ? lo ri . i: th la timber b? 111 i::ir of in ihr inioin; ?ir.New ^ , t t : " l k h ivi* . ' utchmed a : 1 of *" r": .i hive I- -n hu:!' i 'he local ! : th coiv.:>anv u >n the !? ;?..U. For the prisent th t'mhcr 1 . I).-v.- i v k ln-i: g cut. while 1 .h raflro: d is being pi.: hed on into | i . h:;rdwo< I boundaries on Te!- c lied. Ore ngin i being used to T | bring thi logs to the mill, >ne for fi j load.tig and a third far transporting u 'e ! am! supplies to the 1 railroad crew. 'fh?? Cherokee Company is using bout 25 men in th.- mill and ten <on a the local yards and maintains a J:re\v t( i l' om T.'? lo 1 :l ' ::r.'n 111 the wood-, f Th t r.panyY hold'nc- are suffi- j cicni t.? ksep them steadily operating for ten years, it ha he. r. reliably c.i t" inted. Most of the lumber wil' l>e ^ : ak. poplar ahd chestnut, with a prinkling variety of other woods. ? Most of it will he shipped to th eastern markets. { Secession Movement Alarming To Britain h I h iji.den. Nov. I?Brittish Govern- ,, ir officials Thursday took a ir-USt . erious view of the sr cession- v : movement in Germany, especially f i? the Rhineland where the "Rhenish y Republic" is struggling for tsrstence ( Groat Hrittain regards the German Separatist movement the most difficult situation which has yet arisen jrder the Treaty of Versailles- * It was anounc:d that Great Erittr.'n will not modify the stand al-esilv takrn i?- the not? to France .:ta,u> in Germany is a violation of j the treaty and cuts off the possl- (^ bility of obtaining German repara-lT tions. 'c : I i Mr. Dickey Takes ( Charge Postoffice ; i" M:. A. D. D.ckoy avumcd his new i duties as postmaster at the local of- , fice Thursday morning. Novombr ] Ak-rfMiinr Mr. R. F.' Crooks.: j S m?o has been postmaster for nearly l eight years. Mr. Crooks left Friday i morning for Mori^town, Tcnn., whe *e ' h? will engrlge in the automobile J i business. 1' [URPHY and * Ctjero kee County, T-~ T MLKPHY. NORTH GiCON Oi's It Can ii :'cnrs ~cdy - i thai 1... .. : a chi.. , >' "cnybeit rn" rlr \Viio woukin t say so , . bucks :ed righ >? :i face. ii lie v> ! > r.arted co . as i h "1 coo a: i,i oc a -s Y least no t . . ev But he took of i his coat Sncl the i t thing v *' it*' i.>e 'itt of his ch . ? i i K.' started io hug as hat c rule! .'t i;. a .n 1 here are thousands to Tiu c are thousands There are tl. asanas to Tii; dangers that w ai i!a ' ;.ni buckle in witt i hen take off vour cc J i.s start in to sing as That "cannot be dom ANDREWS LETS CONTRACTS FOR POWER PLANT According to announcements .retntly giwn out by city officials, the own of Andrews has let contracts i the conduction of a nydro-elccric | ?wtr plant on tlv Hiawass.c ?ivc/ at what is know,, as the Mison Thu total cost of work iready conti acted for will tiuounr , $.'UU).000, said Mayor Ferebee a ew days ago, and it is thought that ther contracts to bo lit at little lat.r rill run the- cost U, as much as $35b,. 00. The bonds have begn authorted and were advertised for safe o be sole one day last week but all i<is were rejected. The proposed am will generate 1,500 horsepower, ccord'ng to lie announcenxnt. Contract for the dam, power louse, transmission lines and subtation was let to Tucker & Lixton, nc., of Charlotte, for approximately 2:J0,000. The general Electric Co. trill furnis^ the elect.Ibal equipment or approximately $f>0,000. and -S. if organ Smith Co. got the contract furn>sh the wheels for ajnproxlnately 20,000. 3o. Board bf Health Friday Niffht The Cherokee County Beard of lealth met Friday night with f'old epretentatives iof the State Board >f Health and decided to brine: 3 State dentist br.ek to the county for inothrr month^ work this fall arronp he school children . unde^ fourteen . cars -of age. It was also decided :0 have th? State Bo^rd of Health onduct a ouhlic health clinic in tht ,-ounty next year for the children particularly to correct none, throat tnri eye tmwWs. Thk ? f<*| low-up of tnc uont now beini done in the county by 24 public health nur* who is visiting all the Schools a ? examining the throats, noses and pyos of the children. ^ IPPORTUNFP o2.din^ Newspaper in 1 1* ; JI_i V J JL i e L> >n : ; ZO i'itCj . i :z i: ... \ e r :p ~d t," bt.4 -e v-ou . be ne till he'd tried, with trace : a grin orried he hid it. ; a . .. . J : * f >h, you'll never do that; i. i ".. i d t , and ' .v. . . at. ve knew n< . began it 1. ar.d a . a y .a, 5 rr qi :lcid: i tackled tl. hi r. e, r.r.d he d it. tell you it can't be done, to prophesy failure; - enumerate, one by ore, it to aseaii you>. a bit of a gn i, at and go to it; >'ou tackle the thing e," and you'll do it! Selected. j lewis adams is killed near tennessee LINE I .ewi Adams, who aKiut throe miles from the Tennessee line* in th. lower end of Cherokee County. i.'ied Monday night about two 'clock as result of gun shot ; \\> .ur.ds received from a sun in the hat-d.s of Dave Rryar.t, according u> j the fi:.d:::ga of a coroner's j .ry on | Tuesday. A ccording to the evil denct brought out at the inquest, I Adams and Bryant quarrelled over boundary line and thf shooting followed from this. Adam? was in his own yard when shot Friday morning about ten o'clock. The gun wa? , loaded with buck shot and the load took effect in tht. right- arm and ide rendering hii ( u:'.conscious. lit never recovered consciousness nnr. was able s0 speak after' the shooting. Biyani left the vicinity immediate ly following tho shooting and has not yet been apprehended. Boy Scouts Celebrate Arbor Day By Tree Planting Here Murphy Troop No. 1 of the Boy Scouts of America celebrated Arbor Day Friday November 2nd. by plantJ ing a tree on the school ground in I the presence of the entire school, A mn?> Wat set nut in tbn ilinmnnil. | shaped plot in fronfl of theschool I made by the cement walk. I The tree was p|anted in obedience ! to the request 0f the Xorth Carolina : Law asking schools and othn II patriotic organizations observe th< I day by appropriate excrci-es and bj the pkanting of tre,s and wa: . dedicated to the cause of goot , I citizenship and in the name of th< , Boy Scoots of America, who stan< I for hig^ thinking, cic&n living. an< , J training for citizenship. Little Mills Child la Serious! y n J. 7*nt ?f Mr an ? Mrs. Mills, of the Fedoraf Constru 1 tion Company, is seriously ill. i j tit' ned nurse came- Friday to tak charge of the case. 1 ' ( NUMBER DCOUt ! this L r'-lo c: Viitern f . .? . -ru?caai ' . . 1 'J lA Si J AI ] i iew Methodist ? stor i'? To Fi'I Puipi* Su. da ' ' -! r. !1 : - ? Ma . " !. ' Hg" tinnft- % : art h , ' I :k e?- CO -'Y W/s C O TO PUiLD CN F-PAWO " SEE 'er.-' ?3vc. C > . . - -tp t Bpt Ask-J P-*" ?Dam to 0 '70 r t K cb ? \ ; !-i. : r rrtly ' * -C Fedit?I iW r \\ . T i \i :.. . ! Ssn P ' "< . Eas 2 ipt <! t (' ion r a p. r: sii *. :?to:?t a 1 T*? i t i,:.!!! on the I!'a ?iras re IV:.* at one in '> ab?v" " n', i *hej- with . \: v house , .ansi; : in.. ? J". 1 is . -t ia:-.c." th it th' ' \ 1 pit-. ::; v.i \ p:\- , iKh ? . . .5,0 ' iiii.:. ] . ??,"4*r f riot' - i eticrfT.v and it is announced that it i will oe il " 'Si ii <>( by t . : . . ->n , th exi ting i-y -Ti ias ir. nefehliorii-.s I' ?rr.? < e ; .a - oi :-up tpowrj zoik n thi- A few I ?, .1 V. i h til - ' the (!' Ft -.ilway and l'.-u . ?' ... S ?h rn F* 'v r c mi I'owen Company. 1 .:n'<scH|Ki'.liiMPower Company a <! :i rnr.' : f . t :r . An of f ie '; { advert-seni. nt g'ving I r. ri.-r ?,f the application t<? eon-: rue? -? plant i carri il i, as;>?th p. rt t'f th:> issue- of Th. Scout. If no i : i- filed ami ..-felly upheld at a h. aring the Commission within two nnrnths. th permit will be granted, .-ay. the ani nounccme nt. "In addition." says the ar.nounc?i ment. "to develop power at th. d in* 1 the lnrg< re*erv?i:r which will l?< ?-reated by th e high d| t, will cample! ly regulate the flow of the H::av.i-.-e river ad will make available thi*; regulated flow through it drop of ap. proximately 375 feet ?v. r 3 ser'- s of five proposed dams below Murphy. It will alec increase ih pow r at the 1 Ha!.'s bar plant of the Tennessee Powor Company on Tuvcss ? R'v' er and will increase the firm p w r i available at Muscle Shoals hv ten ' per cent. The reservoir will also have a materially beneficial effectr . i oz, ww?p :r.vrrv-'\r." the lew 1 water flow in Hiawassec and Tonn! e^see Rivers fcy approximately 13,' 000.000 cubic feet per second and by i abating the floods of the Hiawassec. ! The crcat'ng of the power dams bcj low Murphy will provide long pools i which can be made navigable by j construction of locks. "The public has long been de"Th public has long be n dc. marding ttoat flood waters of our rivers he held back for release , basin" for relea'se during: the dry | season to remove flood menace and . | increase the navigable cnnacit** f j i the rivers. The project is a good ! illustration of the way that power , i? paying the hill for such improvc, ments. Card of Thanks. 5 We wish to thank our friends for 1 the many kindnes-os shown during 5 the illness a "id death of cur beloved i wife, mother, daughter and sister. 1 We wish to thank them for the manv beautiful floral offerings and the funeral service so sweetly rendered. A. B. DICKEY AND FAMIIAV MRS. M l> WHITCOMB AND FAMiLY. P. j Mrs. Elbert Zimmerman and SOTt? V Charles, are spending the week with e Mrs. Zimmerman's brother at Whitt'er, N. C. - - I /F.RTISE !"' Z THE SC O U T * " I T W I L L M A K E J you $ NorLh Carolina I '< .L.. MURPHY f'FN'S bible ClALS banquet tt'PTP > v " LTP MTrxiiSJ-L 2 \IU.1 I it 'd i?7 <Je Principal Adores;?100 Hiijoy Social -' C . - vr> (;f a.. 0 ' .ii .r 20th, ! i. > d :? in:r nfls 1 ->a:d in . v. - >od i 'i j crowd Ci v i .4 . . .y Ml; j \vt re i y - \ ; '"Ck, Hr. ! th P -1 us .. . ' : ;ne yri . II 'np'.un was ji;a- t: r oa atortics. i < .: . ;" rr wa * . ' y the Wo. M i". nip pppiopriintrmijeed A . t:. !: ' ted Sr. 1 .. I'd*'i'.t. Who >f the .:"'hty s n 'i? v iYllowid in turn by Superintendent I>. W. Kai . s . the rc ; K \. ! .Ml:-- ('legg I.. i\ h u . v: l ol. .1. H. Dilinrcl. i !<r _ 1*' _ :hy: iatl S. h 1. m.ulr the r. i. :do - or t. . vening, his "Th Sund Scho d." a int - per-. .1 with I'V . : : :??! . being a duct ' .V. - - - Fas r - Ax! v ami Ola 1 :Kniog-ene AxA.: Id:; M. '? aa- -n play.d the u ii? ?vemng whs .1! li nginc ^ uis :on of \V,.' . -:*s ??} > ;. narv Society :.d and .v?d t h< delicious f<>ar < >ur dinm r .. K autifully !. iat.d the !; ilding with cote t- < -. u-Vun \ iirs, chrysanthemum - and f' rns. Seventy five Citizens Make Tax Returns Ace .rding to ? figure* recently made nuh by the Federal ft- ? liter n- li artment of North Carolina. thc:e u re seventy pt-jple Chiiokee County \vht) made per Mai i:u- :..c tax return^ .Vul five ptople in t'lav C mly. This means that st-venty-five people in this county had incomes sufficiently large enough to warrant their making a return. it does not imply thdt they : il paid income taxes. Charlotte made* the most returns of any city in North Carolina, Winston-Salem, second: Wilmington, thiro; Greensboro, fourth; and Ashe* ville, fifth. Additional Premium List Announced The following is the remainder of the list of premium winners iM the Cheroki - County fair held in October: Department G . .Cooking, Canning and Pantry Sup* plies: ... ... Butter. First, Mrs. Anna Wells;of Tomotla; second, Mrs. R. Robinson, Murphy. ? Apple Preserves. First, Mrs. J. N. Moody. Mprphy. Strawberry Preserve.. First, Mrs. J. H. Hampton, Murphy. Grape Jam. First, Mrs. J. H. Hampton, Murphy. Canned Grape$. First, Mrs. W. T. Forsythe, Andrews. Collection Fruit and Vegetables. First, Mrs. John Brittain, Murphy. Huckle Berries. First, Mrs. Bertha Hen son, Bellview Apple Jelly. First, Mi's. J. N. Moody, Murphy. Grape Jelly. First, Mrs. Ge?? EUsi. Murphy. nuiM oi'iiy. rirst, .nrs. l/. J. 1 Lawrence, Ranger. Dewberry, Jelly. First, Mrs. R. Robinson, murphy CunnpH First, Mrs, T?? T. For.-ythe, Andrews. Sorghum Syrup. First, Mrs. F. ( CoatifcMd on I) - - ?^

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