I . Fri Nerember 16, 1623 I Are Yo I -ov 6 Solomon is rated as I the ages. When Sol I pie he used Cedars I he was building for I Today we use w I ity for general corn I still leads all woods I roof. I We Sell 1 1 RED CED, i CherokeeMar 1 f i Factory Town?MUR] J. L*oca/ cine | lelephi Mty Eva Nell Mauney entertained Saturday evening at her home in East Murphy. Among those present wire Misses Carcie Ferguson.. Swiy Dickson, Mary Lou and Kathryre Thompson, Mary Smith, Marguerite Couch and Lynn Albright, and Messrs. Omohundro, Macon, Studstill. Harris, and Mr. and Mrs. T. J Mauney and Mr?. Spurge Christopher. Mrs. Jno. E. Fain and little Grand *or.. Mercer. Jr., Left Wednesday morning for Villa Rica, Ga. to vi?it relatives and friends. Mr. J. B. Moore returned Tuesday nisrht from Louisville. Ky., where he had ht-en foil several days conferring with officials of the Louisville Theological Seminary relative to taking training to fit himself for the minis-1 try. Anangement* werd made *o that Mr Moore will remain at home and study this year under the diree- j tion of the Seminary Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Martin left Moftd ; for DoUoImk. (ill whi>re Mr Mart has business interests. YOUR BODY NEEDS STRENGTH OF IRON THIRTY years ago physicians began to prescribe Gude'j i Pepto-Mangan l>ecau^e it pre- | viiit-d a form of iron which was easily digested ar.d did not atTect | the teeth. Now is the season when j y ially n wl it. Your druggist has i;,in bo.h liqu.d ar.d tablet". Free Trial Tablets Z%T&JS8t: m!in? of fudf'i Pcpto-Mm-.:i. v -. . t. riu'fur i-r.. -ouH Trfcl I'ada.po Tablet . Send no money ? ja-t name ai?l iHdr.- i t.? SI. J. ' .viieabacb Co., ?3 Wtarren it., \. Gu-de's j^epto-/V\angaii I Tonic and Blood Enricher l! RfAMT T1 BlVlWi^l VJ1 WE SPECIA regal But Can furnish any design in our Ver Grey and Creole. You can s< duct and get primps by calling at the cherokee moi MNRPHY 0000000000>0003 [; J .1 resh groceru DAVIDSON & CARRINGER h E/ Fain Building on Valley River . and Fancy Groceries, Dry Goods ai VP IT'S FOR THE TABLE : i davidson & X ifcLEPHONE 15 1 HIGHEST CASH PRICES I r * - ?, u Wise? |i the wise man of all iomon built the Tem- v of Lebanon because posterity. oods of less durabilitruction but Cedar i for long life on the X High Grade \R Shinjles k X. mfacturingCo. | V PHY, N. C.?Phone 95 ! * % ) 5Personal | one 20 ? ^KK^-W-X-XK-n-X-X-X-X-X-X-/ Rev. B. M. Martin after having spent the week end here with relative and friends, teturned lo his home in Chattanooga, Tenn.. Monday. Mr. 1 Mm tin preached at the Methodist ! Church Sunday. | Mr. Oscar I*att. manager of the I Cherokee Company, spent severa i days last and this week in Philadelphia conferring wit^ officers of the company. | Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Slocumh movj ed to East Murphy Wednesday where they will occupy the W. W. Gudger | house, which they have recently purI chased. Mr. J. It. Moore has moved I into the house vacated by Mr. and ; Mrs. Slocumh. Rev. E. CI. Clary left Friday for | A>ht ville to meet with officers of the Asheville Presbytery and formal I ly be received by them. He re? ntiy j came here from thi Alhermarle Pres. | bytery. He will return from Ashe. I ville Saturday afternoon. Mr. T. Saville. Hydraulic Enginee of the State Geological and Economic Survey was here one day this week in connection with the proposed developments on Hiwassee River. Mr. Savtllc made investigations in this section the pa<-t two summers for the Stat-. Rev. I.. V. Stanley has recently moved on Route 2, from Poorfork, Ky.. where he has resided for the past several years. Mr.Stamey js a native of this seci >n. Me-s:s. Lester and Willie Bntc* arc visiting' relatives in t'ha'ctanooga Tea., and Dalton, Ga. this week. They will be gone ten days or two wet ks. Mr. A. A. Fain has been in Baltimore for the past several days aC the bedside of his brother, Jasper, who underwent a very serious operation there a ^ew days ago. i M171V TTC I VIILIX I O | LIZE IN BLUE Catalogue in Georgia White, Sil?e samples of the finished proDavidson's & Carringer's Store. MUMENT CO. NORTH CAROLINA ES?NEW GOODS f ave in their new store in the Jno. ] ) Avenue a complete stock of heavy nd Shoes. ? . OR PANTRY GET IT AT CARRINGER | WE DELIVER j -OR COUNTRY PRODUCE 1; ymp. THE CHEROKEE SCOUT. Ml BRASSTOWN. Mr. Sam Mawn, Grady Hampton and Lofton Mason, cf Young Harris. in., wtr; visitors in Brasstown Sun-, day. Mr. Charlie Carringer cf this piece returned to HayesvilU school Monday : ft? r a s* vc-:f easy of chicken ' r'>x Mr. Juliu* Standbridge has Pur-' hased a new grist mill. Rev. H. Brown filled his regular; appointment at the Bra- town Bap ist Church Sunday. Mis- Edith Mason entertained with ! a singing a large crowd of young folks, th. pre-.-nt w.re: Miase* I.ula Carringer. ' jndas Megan. Mora Carringei , Winnie Clayton. Mol-' ;e Hark'-r. and Mes-rs Sain Mason. Tofton Mason, Grady Hampton, l.oyd Hoga:i. Floyd Carringer and lohnnit Hamptor. They reported a very nice time. Mt< Mr II'. Port.,. Carringer spent Monday night with Miss I.ula Carringer. Everybody in this scction is busy gathering corn and sowing wheat. Mr. Luther Carringer wm? in tnwn on Business Monday. Mr. Birt Hogan ha?* purchased a new orean stool. Herbert McCall is in Ashevi'.le this week to have ]]is tonsils remov- i ed. He was accompanied by l?i - fath-1 er. I Messrs. \\. V. N. Powell-on and I | H. F. Vandeventer, respective Pre' -'dents . f the Carolina-Te'nnossic i 1 Power Company and the Hiawassi ?* I River Power Company and their witnesses and attorneys havc been here | iiiu week preparing for th, suit be-1 tween the two companies, which was ' t? have been called in court this j week. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Gray, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. And.on. and Messrs. ' Boh Tiger and Fred Jones htfve been among- the Hayesville visitors ir. ! Murphy tfcie week. Mrs. C. \V. Bailey left Tuesday morning t0 visit relatives in Atlanta. Me?rs. D. H. Tillitt, J. A. Bristol. ?. \V Walker. E. N. Fell. C. D. Taj lor. W. C. Bellamy. J. A. Karv\ ?>ii. \\. VV. A she, \\. li. AlcKeldry, J. I. Avery. J. R. Kiingsmilh. (?. Ft Hoblitzelt, B. Whitaker. S. K. Cover. L>. Swan, W. 1). Whitaker, Lee Wat kins. W. P Fisher, Mr. and Mr. . ' R. S. Porter, Mrs. Dalton and Mis* inez oalton, anr^ 1 J druggists. ' <5^ \Li_ Dr. ICING'S NEW DISCOVERY I SHOW CASES | Buy Near at Home and Save Monev } i CATALOG. PRICES. MATES FURNISHED REQUEST Wayne* ville Show Case Co. 1 nr Vklfxitm * mm ' Waitani Nort^ Carolina | subscsibs to thjc swut?i i kfe; RPHY. NORTH CAROLINA V/ANTS FOR SALE c LOTS AND HOUSES AND LOTS AND GOOD FARMS ?In ar.d near Murphy?Call On? L. E. MAUNEY Murphy, N. C. WANTED?Men o? women to take orders for genuine guarantc d h aitvy for ni* .. women, and children. ' Eliminates darning. Salaty $75 a . wi'.'k full tin-. . $1.50 ar. hour -par.i.n. Cottons. fciatLe s. silks. Internal iorta! Stocking Mills. N< r town. Fa. (S-lQt-o? ^ ~ I 11 FOR RENT T\v furnished ro >rv .; P* price rtasonabl*?. Anpiy to Cora Phillips, Ci:y. FOR RENT?One six room house Jf wi*H _nu>/li i-f nrt'.v" Apply to Mr?. Nettie Dickey, City. I) notice. i si i have good grade 0f Soy bean hay at one u liar per hundred at my, farm, will deliver it at same price . wi plus Un cents per bale. Al o No. K' i con. at or.e dollar at my nib on the farm, or i will sell on time f<>~ good raper October 1. 1924. A. Jt McD. Harshaw. HOUSE FOR SALE?Three t iy. 12-rooni house. Cash or time. See I'. E. N isor, Murphy, N. C. at < 14-4U FOR SALE?ABOUT 3.200 ACRES 80 AS A WHOl.K OR IN PART N hardwood timber lands, principally u chestnut, oaks (mountain chestnut.: white and black) and poplar. Loca d 7 miles from Murphy in Cher- at okee County, N. C. Excellent pop-; tabl mill sin s or a good pony bam) (I mill op.ration. Apply Woods IVpt. \ Champion Fibre Company, Canton. ,j, X. C.. for full particulars. rj 115-lt) I ^ reward. < I REWARD will be paid for recovery _ | of scarf pin in shape of a honey bee | v th pear! sets in wings. Pin hist N'?\ I. in or near Mr. J. M. St on- ^ tr's store or on road to (.?randv>w. j ol Pin a k^ensake and valuable only to wncv. Find : please leturn to The ''hrroktc S.out office. Murphy. N\ ft C. fa POSTELLE ITEMS. Several peopl* of this section attended court at Murphy th< past tl week. ti: A la. go crowd was present at the :h singing at Mr. P* hart's Thursday ;? night and all seemed to enjoy the rc music. Lumber i. hcii.g caw.d to replace Mt. Oliv,. Church whicj. was destroy- ( ed by lire two weeks ago. The Sunday school at Shoal Cook has been discontinue! ??n t unl of ^ cohl weather. TONSIUTIS 1 Apply thickly over throat? 1 cover with hot flannel? VICKS VapoRub Owr 17 Million Jar Cf??/ Y*arly Pendley Opens Plumbing Shop J: Mr. Sidney Pendley h is recently i *J* opened a plumbing shop in tht> Wofrd Garage near the Cherokee Mills | X ftn?i is actively. i ngaged iM plumbing X and steam fitting. V lie was fojnveriy manager of the y Cherokee Mills but resigned a few X weeks ago on account of his health. X * CASTOR IA f y For Infants and Children X In Use For Over 30 Years :j: Always bears ^ ~~ X Signature of y I WANTED H | TPW A SIT A ?ir\ I I i i unnii i miiy TIMBER CONTRACTOR 175 acres one mile from > ) [ railroad siding, two miles J | from Swannanoa, fifteen ! < miles from A s h e v il 1 e. I ' ! Goor schools, good roads. ! ' Good proposition for the | | * right pai I jr. For pariicu- j larR and further informs- j X tion, apply at once to? ' Y H. H. ELLIS * ssuar::Y, s. c. I % " >* VESTS NEWS. Mr. Ed Scroon spen w.ik-.; ; Mr. George Quit!: Mr. R" V."? !!-. of P< nchfec. h" \ yiny t!:. power tract oi Me;; r?; J aim- Johnson and f hamer. \v < Durktown \ dtoi s the week-end. Everybody enjoyed the mu icale Mr. C'p.y AH'nV Sunday ni^h; ? has a new Silv -ton - t ;ionojrrai' .- r. jamo Holhr >ok a"-' K . j ills returned from Etowah, Tenn., in day. Mr. Bob Hunsucker i* 1?w ith hi? mill since he has learned t~ ind. Mr. and Mrs. Boh Hunsncker ar.r ilia McCombs spent Saturday fit 4'htrec the guests of Mr. and Mir S. McCombs. Mr. Julius R* ed is attending caur' Murphy this week. Messrs Blair Colo, Thomas Johnn, Oliver Cornwell, and Fultor plson have jobs on Davis Creek ith the Cherokee Co. Mr. Johnson is attending com! Murphy this week. Messrs, T. N*. Bates. .Ttiliiio M.lure, Fred ami Williard Bates. ar.< ndy Morrow, of Murphy, were ?wn looking at proper'y on th ver recently. School is progre- ir.jr nicely ;;rdc; le management of Mis* Julia Mc ombs ami Mrs. Garland Harny. FOR OVER 40 YEARS ALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE ha a n used fuccesEfully In the treatment f Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE const* < f an Ointment which Quickly el I eves t>> local application, and the tternal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts iroURh the Blood on the Mucoun Surices. thus reducing the inflammation. Sold by all druggists. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. Ojla Card of Thanks. We wish to thank our friends fo le many kindneso* shown during 10 illne s and di ath of our holovet loxher. we wish to thank them foj ic many beautiful floral offering; ' the funeral service so sweetl] aide-red. MRS. J. M. COLLIN'S SON5 AND FA Mi I.IKS. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED ALL WORK GUARANTEED W'i CALL FOR AND DELIVER Arcade Pressing Club Jadcr J. W. DAV1DSON.S Store Phone 85 MURPHY, N. C. FOR , WUK I I~1 It RESIDENCE. STORE. HOUSE. MERCHANDISE. 6 HEAD COO! WAGONS, GNr. uuuu HlGG^ AND EVERYTHING ELSE TH 1ENTLY. IF 1 HAVE ANYTHIN WM. P. WAr> Cmc We will contim Both White Oal No. 5. , A. J.B Near L. & murph; PAGE FIVE Wm i j That's wlu? l|f g Millions {? 8 ofwcinen m ftavsden? 8 | with ' M CALUMETS I T? EMMS KIKUI Beirt.^ uniform, and dependable it never spoils any of the ingredients used on bakeday THE WOULDH CBE. VEST BAnmo powi.ru IBM fates 2% fuaesasfatT'Pn. tAar of any OTAsrA^jjcf UPPER PEACHTREt. The recent cold snap here has * 1 called for wore fuel. and many sp'tndid hogs ha^e been porked, one r of whic^ Ben Love killed weighing : 500 pounds. I rj T. J. Thomasson and R. F. .Moore were among those attending court i,* the pa-t week. ? M. B. and Willie Lunsford and R. M. Moore made a business trip to Murphy the pa>t week. Tom Painter and Ellis, of McConips were guests at the Lemon's home Sunday. Grady and Burlin Lunsfopd aro sowing much small grain here this season. Arthur Lunsford of this place is making arrangements t0 move to Miiiuwhtre near Marble. : ulton Thomasson, of Andrews, spent the week-end hero with home folks. SALE || IE MONEY! 1 VACANT LOTS, STOCK OF ; ; D HORSES. NINE cows ? ' . A HERD OF YOUNG STOCK L AT I CANT MOVE COX YEN- ; | G YOU WANT SEE ME. < PAYNE | !! JTED efies URNS |