m v PAGE SIX IB B B^ g WHY HUNTERS SHOULD PREVENT FOREST FIRES By Cari I. Pctinon. District Warden At this s.ason of the year with lie fire hazu.d at its height and hunters taking to the woods, the importance of fotes\ fire prcvtnflion eannot be over emphasized. Uncontrolled fires are a menace whether running at large in the forest or lit a city. They lerfce a trail of destruction in their wake. DANGERS OF A COLD Murphy Pe3ple Will Da Weft to Heed Th.m. Many ^ad Cases of kiirney trouble result from a cold or chill. Congested kidneys fall behind in filtering the poison-laden blood, and bach ache, headache, dizziness a\d illsjrvred kidney act?on. follow. Don't ceglcct a coid. Use Poan's Kidney Pin* at the first sign of k.dney trouble. Here is an expe*"*ence told by a resident of this locality: I Mrs. Chas. C. Bell. Wmulrnw Ave.. Asheviile, N. C.. jays: "My kidneys were a!way?. weak and if 1 , over-worked or took cold it settled n them and my back ached as if it would break. ! could get no re Beef day or rii^nt My work was often neglected because I was in such misery. ' was hardly ever free rrom itzzy headaches. My kidneys acted irregular!'* and my feet and ankles iwellc' I used D??an'? Kidney Pills and I havp never had anything to do me so much good. My B ick was soon str .? and free from pain. The swelling left and my kidneys were regulated 60c at * M dealers. F?#*ter-Milhurn Co.. .Mfrs., Buffalo. N'.Y.?Adv for : NEW WHITE | With G ' to each kef. varrvii in*idr ouiiuie t? P R 1 , 1 "o: s.ze?Chirred 5 " " ?Parafi 10 - " ? " ! ' Syrup barn Freijht r;* br : l owed at for tc mor. .tuorted :i d;?ir? \ / A^KdN*f?i? 7 is Get Your Sh< for that ERITTAIN'S 1 "ETERS SHELS / WIAXD I'I.OWS / Murph] BIRD LAW OPEN j Suppose you give us your shells. We've got most widely used for gu Come in our store th here and get fixed up o \ SHOOT (jfijPQ Statistics show that the hunter Is t e a rge number of < fix i h v? : : unties of the Stat; each Ir..t ad of his presence in the woods being a sign of danger, it should mean an elleviation of that risk. Fire burning thru the .woods drives out game and in the * spring of the year destroys -the iggs i the game buds and the- young : ime animals. l v hunter knows that ht should be eager to exert even. effort towarO giving the Mat diminishing supply of game an opportunity to survive. One es ential 1 in this direction is to stop forest finis. The prosperity of the western count-es of the State is wrapped up . in the preservation of a growing ^ crop of timber on their forest lands. The lumber a?id wood using industries, if they are o be reained in his . ? <. >n (f h> Sac. r??us be supplied* with a continuous supply of tree" growth. , Recreational p? ^sibilitits' and im :nt \.\it rpouir d. - i-.?oments ( i-.e .-ui-* to or f ?!j in the fu'uro. Ir th. dune i : t-> :u:i~ of our tr;c clad ;h r t . : ? ' r..taints! forest fit. .nuet bt test out of them. The i par* th:*? f. . plav \ - r daring strtamflow is common knowledge. < The :c> n*ibi .:$ 1 r keeping our . imminf : u.;u:t of f rest land pro- j ductlve devoivu u>n each individ- , ual citizen s::ue the common weifart is com-.tn d. The pr.ir.a rep ,n j this d.rjctio:: i- th ; . c\er.tion of fjrect fir-"*. j Forest (') * .o n outlawed J i in the State vc{;.ii:ed th? fallacy 01 ! ? bunting the wood.- hv dw'thirg i: illegal. And the citiztn who i? cor.- ^ corned with the welfare of his coun- ? I od Night's Rest Sleep it just at necessary to health as food. MThe e . ability to sleep depends on tl the condition of the nerves. > Dr. Miles' Nervine 11 insures a good night's rest. It will help any nervous I condition from sleeplessness to epilepsy. Your Wj money back if the Erst wr bottle fails to benefit you. You 11 find Dr. Miles* Medicines in all din* stores^ _ s, 5nLE ? . oak. kfcgs O hed on outside and pnrafincd on sr Syru-i cr Vinegar. C E- , ! *l.r>0 each 1: . .1.00 * si (us-d) .. 2.03 " ijrwhere in our territory on orders rd, wLcn ordered in one shipment. ' CASH 1 tling cgh:f.u:v I". N. C. i v ~~~ Pdfci mm 9 i ells Next Trip at hardware CGOLEDGES PAINTS ' STOVES ? v, n. c. '; S NOVEMBER 15TH , the chahce to supply a good stock in the loads me in this section. e next rime you're near n shells. 83) POWDERS ?' THE CHEROKEE 2 y. state and nation, will do his bit oward preserving one of our most n-.-H tasu i.atural re??ources bv keen! . U i'rc tut of the wood.-. NOTICE OF S\LE S.OKTH CAROLINA?Clay County Ir the Suerior Court before the Clerk WVill Allison. Dave Allison. Georgia Lovell. A. D. Lovell, and Lassie Allison vs. other Allison. Hannah Allison, and Sam Henry Allison. NOTICE. Under and by virtue of an order >f the Superior Court of Clay Couny, made in the special prooeed;nc entitled as above, the undersigned cmnus-ioner will, on Monday, th**1 t 17th day of November. 1923. at ?ne | , 9. old t j vi y known as the Moss Flat. beginning on a buckeye at the foot oi ( te?n hill, one nolo North of th- ? iV.-st fur! of said creek, and runs S. j 100 poles to a stake: thence Fast t ro-stc Toor.ev's Creek 80 poles to . . ? stake and birch; thence North 100 M>les to a stake and white oak 0n the , t ide of a mountain: thence West 80 ^ ?.le> to the beginning, containing 50 ^ icies, more or less. ( Second Tract: Track No. 2795. t art J kl >??vn a? Sugar CuVe, Region- ^ og on a buckeye. Northwest corner ( f o!d State Survey No. 59 and runs \ v witjj that line 120 poles to n stake md ch'stunt. passing the Southwest' t otn-.r of No. 59 at 100 poles; thence; ^ Vest 212 poles to a stake and birch ' j m the North ide of a mountain. Sast of the Grassy Flat-*; th nc.- ' ^"orth 200 poles to a small black oak 1 . ir.d stake on the South fide of a nountain. 28 poles North of thi * Vest prong of Tooney's Creek 1 hence Kast 292 poles crossing Toon-1 j y's Creek to a small white oak on q fie West side of a mountain; the j s Northwest corner of nid number 59; lence West with that line 80 poles ^ ? the beginning . containing 300 ^ c~es more or less. v Third Tract: Part of Kntry No. , Known a> the John C. Moore | intry. Beginning on a chestnut or Fart ..id.- of a mountain on the i:th boundary lm?> of No. 59. Wat t th Hick* Patch and runs East] ith the line No. 59-SO poles to a Lake; thence South to a beech, a 1 ln the first Monday in November, it >eing the 6th day, 1923. a petition vas presented to the said Board by nore thnn one fifth of the Qualified oters of said boundary, in BeaverIan; township. Cherokee County, N. !*. hereinafter described ana set out isking that an election be called by j aid board to vote on Stock Law or igainst Stock Law in said boundary, t is ordered by the Board of Coun- ( y Commissioners of Cherokee Coun- i ;y in regular session on the first Monday in November. 1923, that an ; election be held under the rules and i egulatiQns of the General Election' L4IH9 Ul .in- OUIt' U1 ,?ui in vaiuium ?t BROWN' HILL ichool house in | laid boundary horeinafti r set cut on ] he 15th day of December. A. D.. 1923, to vote for Stock Law or; igainst Stock Law* in the following ;eiritory. viz: Beginning at the month thr ! 7aney Branch and runs with the old rumpikc road to the Burnt Meeting Floure, at old Violet. N. C.. then ' iown the creek to the Rivei. then up :he River to the beginning. And for the purpose of said elec-' ion. it is further ordered that a new I \ giftration of all of thv qualified' re tors be made in said houndaVy set >ut above. It is further ordered by he Board of County Commissioners j hat J. W. Rolen i? hereby appointed | is Registrar of said election and that %. C. Lendcrman and J. M. Davis a*; udgea. it is further oideied that j he Registration Book be opened at j he Brow^i Hill school house in said , boundary for those desiring to vote | ?n Saturday. Nov. 17th. 1923. and i ach Saturday thereafter and includ- j ng Saturday, December 8. 1923. and j ^ losed after said date. At said elec- v ioy, thi re in favor of Stock Law hall vote on a written or printed *2 icket of usual size "For Stock law" nd tho-e c,. nosed shall vote on the ame site ticket written or printed j Against Stock Law" It is further IX >rdrrcd that said election be conduce j ? cd and held in the same manner and i cay as General Flections, and tha* & lue returns l>t? made 0f the Stock X .aw Flection to this Board. ^ a. v?. uuvi.miuuw, | Chairman of R.iard, j X T J. BRISTOL. ? GAY BRYANT. > L M. SIMONDS. X Ex-officio Clerk t0 Board. 4 IIHillllilPIHIIIIIIiUllllllllllfillllllllllD | I 1 ? p If you need new c D we have them. ( H the goods you wa I = Cups and Saucer |? price. Many od less than one-hall { | Town | WE MAI i tniM UIID0UVC ? I I ScilHflllHIBIlllflUllllllllllHHfllHIlin1 Mwit&miitfk-iiriillB(i]ift(fifrii ^ FHda, .^ilE mxcnni public K.?< N?r? "* new Fori Fou Doof Ssdan. ryu*h appcara-.c? an J inciting m: ftun.'.y i:?9 rrjat cL-iunJ. , No\*. : t i'.t r ? i'icr 1 ptcc. it jirwcr 1 ?*-. r: AknoagH ktUf lookinn r. | | ^ iany dol!t? I?-** I^Ott^.OO X. o This good-locking. cooifoft-'b!c. an* low prwr -jiJera a.i a?reeab!,i .j!ju These cart ran be > in* Ford H 'eckl v ITHOS. S- EVANS. Del* CARS -TRUCKS SUBSCRIBE TO YOUR Send U? Youi FLORIDA We have just received t season. Quality u fine W. M. FAIN GRO< Opposite L. & N. Statu -x-: lllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllliliiQ I 1 nksgi\ )ishes iishes for Thanksgiving o )ur stock is so large we ca int. and the price is way. s from 98c per se t up. d pieces at close-out pric f the original price. See son & An< v% c voacnr i: I . er.or have br. u^l.t c*r in 4 r ft '' us a more con v si j? Uon || n .vniicr. raver nding. it u aawU D| ^L.;< . b. Detroit I J .iepetwiabie Ford selling at this | m to your c'-oeed car problems. obtained through | Pmrchau PUui, I j T Murphy, N. C. f(3C& > - TRACTOR_S !, HOME FAPER?$1.50 Orders For ORANGES ?ur first carload for this and the price right. 1 ' :ery company m Phone 101 | I iiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiD J ? Christmas? | n give you just fj wav down. U | Plates same ? 1 es. This means | S us for dishes. s 1 I] 9 9 derson J s j ? ' 1 HOME > ] I J