CHRI <*v if it isn't in t the SCOUT !j |1 . because we didn't y know it :j: The Official Organ volume xxxv. x.-. :> merchants have c LARC" STOCKS OF CHi S GOOD Very Te-.vy b lies next Few daj .. is Expectation cf Business Men. 1 | jr,< !. - of ih shopping t..u 51 nteu in Murphy anu u front -h merehants ofu t " th inf ?vmation that ' assortment or Chri in. iia goods on sai d at ' ' ihir . r 1" n hofor . N\ u::iy , -K.-itir quantity. lv,;t th ; v., . ii g < at r j,nd shoppers '' in. . .-povtunisv ? '* s-.-i .r * treir -tm; ami holiday go ds j fro;.. . t: .i y larg. ar- ;s; _ ' . ... LlaJafUaa K.?_U *h and retail. Jit -its in all clasps of ir <!? 1 re ex .n- t'r next ten day;' d 11 ^ .. : previous holiday sale* r-ciin; lh(- Christmas spirit is r. w jr. / ?! huvirp ia v *-t will bfgrin it : i. the week a d continue until . " ; holidays, !' J at -r. has be :i by the irrchuR' f >: ha- ti ir. r? a.-cd volume f bu i rt? . li 'i -i.- havt been displayed n in an . iv fashion and extra el ri- 1 ral help I hi.; ? ut on t > aivonm. i' date V ople fo ' irfie -l iron: xrect-.d here durintr the WSKir: tr seiv-ct their < fiv.-'m-: - rifts ,i dainties and useful thi'.. ? * for th - 'vs. 'I i-.:- i t 1* *; ftout t?o ? i rn i ! , h ; pet SUPERIOR COUR~ WILL CONVENE NEXT MONDAY TV. . < ia! t rci of th Suivrior v Cju::. h r \ -n M wiil . Mttrs : . . .hie attention, i: i? | , I'eCvMuse vt Mir nature 01 j r She fas jo l?e tried. The opposing 1 ^ftowt: i 1 punios will undoubtedly 1 :. arrav 01 attorneys and ex^?rt :t. The complete docket fol- ^ 8 Monday, December 17 liina-Ttnnossee Power Co. | m vs. I!.w is t.t River Power A ( tt als ^9'> K: 1 a., vs. Andrews Mfg. Co. ( Fai:; vs. Belts 1 GHB3 A i <!? t son vs. Kilpatrick ' 9? L* 1 ift.rtl vs. L, A: N. Ry. Co. j Si Truvtt Bros. vs. Leach H Tu: sd-ty. Drccmber 18 L ' . ."'eroney W1 1 vs. Meromy 1 ^ 2 Davis vs. Meroncy t B- - ? ' ro?< y Da\is vs Meroney Burnett vs. Lumber Co. Mvdiciu Co. vs. Shields Dl Wedn*?day, December 19 Ha'.e vs. Hampton ^W> Slaydtn Fakes Co. vs. Lcaeh Palmer vR?gal Blue Marble Towmtftn jt* Anderson vs. ID Jordan S Thursday, December 20 Medicine Co. vs. Shields McDonald vs. Gentry B1 In r<~ Dockery's Will. 99 Wofford vs. King B Grant vs. Lumber Co. Friday, December 21 IB McDonald vs. McDonald B Lefevors vs Lefevers Pa tker vs. Parker M,r?. ... x. ? ~-'J ?a. UC^O,V , Hartncs? vs. Hartness Conk vs. Cook * Allen vs. Allen Chastain vs. Chastain | Chandler vs. Chandler Moore vs. Moore MOTION DOCKET M. r ,in Grocery Co. vs. Wad^worth Salt Co. ftnj: vs. Fink vs. Grinnell ' s. Atlas Supply Co. V Harrison s. Brook? Fair *. liwy. Commission Co. v*. Rose V Cnmwitojft" Hr.rjrcod alendar is made out in the of evcral of the members local Bar and with the under that same will be disreprardthan as to those cases set Court, except bv consent of ' STMAS Cl)i of Murphy and Cherol Cherokee Held to $ Carolina Homes In M Spite Old Hickory ^ On the Chcr.'ki i. Indian rc-< rvu::i ??f IN.OnO :ur - and th. 1 r. "00 - owned individually in Swain, rah run and Cherokee counties, there re now living prosperous; . .'pr-. .-tentative* cf nd f,f tl't s". nd 'f l ib s. Lila all Indian ? * ay., there .- "etei i' ; -acie hi-lory of i : ideal d.einrntion - .'.v.j.nd to 1- frit In- btadiy entmie* . in. : aiIy found their : ce..'. *t ci\ i.: j - * . ?: st .yvii. their ds t -a! d. anil thrills. i\n.s J nt forth fr n om- pilar t ? another i s .i f :rat th Ai glo-Sdx<?:i tin. i r iv >r.ei in;; and . ttimi i I *i -th: b? satisfied. t k ' .! most of tlu o*' r tribe.--. f ' u ha\ v died or dying, eith- j | : ;.rtual!y by re; . t .1 dm:.' < . 1 i blood, : North >: n;( ('hcr<? oo r- t only managd '.0 resist tie- j minim ?1 , :t'.?r{a -ort 'h:m 1 rom thoi soil. but hav? nupted tin . t ? tir.-ir iiiitound- j nu with a good faith d energy uuylnir th. m a i: ippy rxi ntion to sad ruV. I'iih:f of this is had in the* fact I i:U sin,\. lii v iiav inn eased ; rom 1.1100 'J.'iOO. ar. making apid .-trid in agriculture. are I oar- ' s i t ?t and right living. and: aw i long tradition f literal v. \ . or. doubt!; line in the fact !iat tin- CheiMUi i-. while from tin In o;i!v party nomadie. Th? h? !.? 1 uved hi field - well as a.- .round:, on which U? follow the With him the tilling of too ...1 for th,. ke of >.?ving food for vint.r was every one of the eaid.nai iitn ; and the itra ghtly descendsd eyn st ntafivi f the o .i t'e-rok- j laiion have the ;ntv.mtag-- that what hty hav.- tiny hold viriu'e of nj nura! vie! v won uea;:i>l the I'llited I Stutis Govt mount itself, and ;he x| ri oide.'s ?>f no !? *> a son .hi;n the tvnowncd "Old HU-i. y" ptekson. Strong and Ancient Race | Aj. known by the early pioneers Spanish and English, ti:e Eastern hcrokee occupied lands whoes p >oundari- embkaced 40.000 square niles, from the head streams of n ianuwha i Atl mta. and f.\ m lluilut Ridge t<> tr. Cumberland range vith I< E-'hotn on the S >uth Sank of t^e l.u-'k Ten*i?-vo.\ n?:r tn ap.tal. I; is a,, interest "nf ' >?- ? m ,vt .;.;eet o i \vi:h t. e .'an.-.; : t',.-.yy hat the Indii':^ may be th** i! : ??-! iants of the "Ten Lost Tribes" that I his capital was in all respects a ! ('11 ' City of Refuge.'* such as wn naintained by the Jew.- in Old Te j na .anient times. Although there is r.t j >c listory of an t;?riier rat e than tht ! 'H Cherokee in tnt- North Carolint ncuntains, -they themselves have a *' radition of a nreceding white race J ut ind of a tribe of white dwarfs who an iccording t0 fable, lived on thi site to >f the ancient mount on the Hiawarsec River at the mouth of Peach tree h Creek. Fox' themselves! the Chero- 10 iee claim tlie building of he mounds "J" it Grave Cietk in Ohio and those' mar Ghailotte-ville, V'a. Rut they' to lave no record or tradition wit^ the |to ancient mounts and petroglvphs in | co S'orth Carolina. Tennessee and.1 Georgia. i LIBRARY RECEIVES ? VALUABLE GIFTS ? |a The Carnegie Library i? recently j I'i from Dr. S. C. He'phway and Miss I ci Miranda Bradley. Besides donatinpa { rumber of valuable books. Dr. H iph-j way ha- recently contributed S2o.OO j tv to be u??d in the purchase of books, ni Miss Bradley also donated a number : pi of volumes, according: to an announce j nmnt m#Hn hv th" library trustee?, who expressed their approela- f< tion of these valuable srifts. Th?? j d entire community should feel grate-^ if ful to the donors of the-e pifts a? the : a public in pcneral will enjoy and bene-'ll I it from them. . B SHO ?f)ero Lee County, and the Le MURPHY, NORTH CAKOLIN. ! h r*f&.r ".-Hp, hUk. v. . \j& WW*7; :' -I'"- "... " - ' '-': ? X. ? -? * v<tll i. *<< UBLIC" HEALTH NURSE FINISHES WORK IN COUNTY Pubic h-nlth nitr-.. Mi: Bin khan. > H-.iV.l . ?! a surv y of e schools in the countv :tnd left for >rJ: . f a s'nvb turc -n conntic.* the .'it, .on; .1 m of th state. >furv 1. aving. how w r. Miss BuckM completed arrangements for conicting a public health clinic in the u:it; next summer. Mi*s Buckin has been working among the hool children of this county for ?lit six wicks, Sh visited practical every school and examined all child it MMuci fu?t 5 t-1. Jiai.- of ?KC for fect've vision. heading, and nasal d throat trouble. The clinic that i? be conducted in tht summe:- of 24v. ill he a follow-up of the wo'e hut been doing. Physician? will me into the county and correv many of these cases as possible, if j e parents have not already attended thi- before that time. The ceunty ntmissioners at e cooperating in the j nducting of the clinic, which is be ' rricd out under the direction o fth. ate Beard of licnltn i ?? . This week we will have car of high afie block ocal. We can deliver ?c von from the car for S7.7."? per ton iter car is unloaded SK.00 per too. ace your ordt rs now. Orders apprented. F. I>. DICKEY FOR RENT, ore- s^ore room with ba-ements on Vail y River Avcne. Also piv* dwelling m East Mu ny. B. P. GRANT, Andrews. 2t-g Mr. C. W Bailov. on* IffW&f >tcn;an, was called to Atlanta Thursly night on account of the serious Iness of Mrs. Bailey. Late Saturday telegram was received announcing le birth of a ?on stating that Mrs. tail' y wo. gett:r.g along fine. PPERS tee ?5 jading Newspaper in th V FRIDAY. DECEMBER 14, 1923 enmjt * -s*vTvs^'fiT"TJr IMSEL .. ..... f' p':'" ^ |r-. . :"* . ' F *T~-. Or?> . , mi?** | "'^ " . n A Health Barometer ] Chvi< imas ?>eai _>a?e War savings stamps, series 1919. w ill mature January 1. 192*1. It is i estimated that about $00,000,000 of . . :r. :.r >.Jt-.tanjii at .'.v , date. P?. :mn to- A. li. Dickey urgently v ; ov.n.r. ??f wo .vli?v stamps, who desire prompt payment at maturity, or v. ho disirc t0 cony tinue h-ir ;nv: tment by exchanging then for the new issue Treasury Christina tush at the post office besihle m.nv.nt. particularly before the Savings Certificates, to prerint them at the post cfficc at the earliest p.osg:ns. H- liior. nf the 1919 was savings stamps have the privilege of (Xehni. .rug tiu m. either in whole or in part, for the new issue. Tr.usury savings oert'ficutes with a h:gho". more attractive iritrcsi r.turn. Those now Treasury savings certificate*, which are not subject to market* chancre- but increase in value every month, were placid on sale December 1. 1922. The post mast. states that $20 in war savings stamps will purchase a $25 t:> usury savings certificate. and $100 in war savings rtaniv.s will buy $125 in Treasury savings certificates. Similar exchanges can be? made in other amounts. Owr.ds wishing to receive or to . nvot tfccir holdings should at i.ncc 1 apply t<? the post office for prompt rett'ement. Married at the Haycsvillo Baptist , Church last Sunday afternoon by the pr. tor. R ' A It S:;i th M Fred M ; Ma-on an! Miss Flos*ie Penrfrwrns* of Macon County. Mrs. A. M. Br it tarn is spending the in Newport. Tenn.. with her daughter. Mrs. Ft. 1". Campbell, To day E D 11 'COUt i < lis Section of Western & ??- 5b fZZZ* i F 1 V. N iSi I 1 PETITIONS ASK THAT PERMITS BE REFUSED CO Detti eb-vc Mu;p':y ?i_ Injuricus to Town as . Would 3c .tic up T own Conridcrabie opposition seems to be dpvrfoj'ing to the rt.que.4 of the Keque.-t for permits from the Federal Power t ommis ion to construct dams op the Hi\vas>w River. A> stated in these columns several weeks ago the Appalachian Company is applying to the FederaJ Commission for permit? build a lb) foot -Jain one mile above Murphy and another near the mouth of Hangingdog Crctk so as to back watt r about ore mile above the town. Pttoitiom hav been circulated itl ar.d near Murphy asking that the request f?>r thesL> permits be refused on the ground that the upper dam site will cover ud iiuul valuable fa-in land and cut i:ff communication with thi n?arby counties, which make this their railroad point. The objection to the lower dam site is that it will cause eddy water to s?.and in the rivers or either side of the town and would, therefore bt a detriment to the h> of the community. It is understood that petitions arr also being circulated in neighboring towns in opposition to the granting :?f these permits. The proper Federal authorities ar expected to invt ^tigato the propose da;n sites and hear any objectioi I that may be raised. It is pos^ib that a locol hearing will be held Murnhy. states a letter from O. Merrill, Secrein; v i Federal Co mission. No definite daCe? have yet. been fixed. Ro far a* could 1 . ine-.l the latt:r pait of the week. ION ADVERTISE IN ? THE SCOUT $ J "IT WILL MAKE ? YOU RICH" ? i North Carolina ^SECOND^SE^IO^^^J ECONOMICAL TO RAISE DAM SOME ENGINEERS THINK The prov ing dvir-tud for power ii and around Murphy has led to the making of certain investigations with the view of determining the t way of inert a i g the available .! rival enerjrj- in this section.'neer- atid contractors who haVe U<*- over the blu : l ints of th,. ores ?:u..\i. nal Inpwer plant t!*on t int the present ; i and its capacity led or M <! :.t much smaller i r.:?: Mnwer than the origtUructr.' *. "If this can be i) ilav : in an interview a a. >. "it will lower the Co.-1 per h - of output ;1. > ml t i make the n;?< * ?? - : n st . i n,M?'v econo''V tiv.i> the overhead cii-ir;e r h??:owt-. The power . lant ; < srii. t. j- a I I'll- money for *h t v iv int. st d Mayor W. M. Fair. "but with an ir.creased output a: the ? - nt dam with no more co t ifi operating- exoorres and a low er ov?-rhead cost per horsepower, it tan be mad a real money making proposition.*' The insist nt d< mand* for power has raised the pu- stion and some means of obtaining mort- must be found. If th pr - nt operation can l e made more economical and at the time nit-el the d? mands for power in this cction. it would seem that th i- would b the wise thing to ?i". It i- a nrohlem that must l?e answered by the community in the near future or the nrogres* of this section will he mat-. rially 'delayed. THIRD NUMBER LYCEUM COURSE DRAWS BIG CROWD Th. third nnmlw- of the J^vcum Course on last M 'day n?nht attracted tli,.. largest audience yet to hea? ! t'r numbci this year, even tho thcr v, . a dvwnn.i :: ,.f rain nearly all day preceding the number in the evening. The Marion Mule Quartet \va. itu o>. /.ation that gave this I third rumh r. and r th-' au:-piee? of j the Redpath I.yc um Bureau and a i ct#iv ice of bx'.il citizens. 1 hi: :r.:i:ibvr was totally d'fferent m t ithc i the tv.\, prcc dirg t?nes but *.vji nualiy well j r. ng. The Marion Quartet is a versatile com* i a.iy, campo ed of four talented young m.n..While this company ia ] ri.iarily .. vocal organization nmn. i y< t t!- m irhcrs clayed the | :i\i.phcnc, banjo, piano and marimbapkone ... a most a-tisuc mann.r.Their * - v.c : ' o k. ditafciy done. Tiiv- three numbers that have pre?v tlt <1 havf all been well received, adn .1 i> expected that the next two Will draw larger crowds than cither of the preceding ones. The next number, which is chtduled to be here on the 24th of January will undoubtedly be the best of all the numbers in the ii.>-? Tt'i-- fVo Zcdr'cr Quintet. The members of tV company are all well known urti^ts. having at* one time bten numbers of some of the best kno\vn orchestras in the country. Mr. Ztdeler wa- formerly a member of ihe Xtw York Syn^?hony orchestra The other members of the company are equally talented. The last number in the course will be the Barnaby Entertainers, which ?ie scheduled to b.* here on the 25th of February. i | There will be a quarterly meeting I Hampton Memorial, December 22 and 23. As this i5 the first quarItcrly Conference all members are requested to come. , W. C. Matney. 1>. S.?R. G. Trull* | Pastor j Mr. Walter B. Johnson of Ro-well, r ' Ga. and Miss Edith Young of Regal. ! were married Saturday, December H c I at th< home of Dr. N. B. Adams, Rev d I r. L. Sa-st r performing the ceremony. as| ?e Mr. nd Mrs .J. B. Storey spent the in the week-end in Georgia with relatives C. n> Attorneys D. Witherspoon and J. as I). Mallonee .pent several days in t>e Raleigh this week, where they appcai. d before the Supreme Court.

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