f '' Y I Y Y if it isn't in i the scout i ll.1*. because we didn't : | $ know it :j: The Official Org vTl.UME XXXV. Su. *? local attorney obta'v" "v "don fc .iu; g man Governor J< .tes Sentence of Macon County Man, After Long L-gJ. B.-jttlc On last Saturday. December 15th, G ns. Last week the final effort wa made. Attorney J. N. Moody of this place spent the week in Raleigh interceding with the Governor in behalf of his client, Dalton. Many prominent women 'of the state, e>peci \ club women of!Raleigh, interestc?! themselves in the case and also inUri>tid General Albert L. '"ox, and let.won them the Governor was ionv: ' <| thai the hoy was guilty of second degree murder instead of first do f t murder and so hi? death sentence w . < ommuted. Mr. Moody has been Dalton's attorney throughout the long histi-ry of the case, which dates back t(l 1918 when the crime wu3 committ And Chei MERCHANTS ENJOY GOOD CUSTOM F.xpeat Saturday and Early Pairt of , Werk to be B'jj Trade ?? Locals merchants are pleased wirh I the holiday business they his v.- 1 enjoying and art l . : . : t0 Saturday and .he ar ? 7! : nixt week with a..iicii';.ti? . a. i | expect these day , :? e. j il! i ious salse rron. . r.c 1 wait until th? last t d? th C.i . 1 , | mas shopping, th-. mi - h. *.s h v.-' 'learned, and arc pret . to t (care of the rush bu-i: . . I .iv J pcjple from distant points aie do1 tug th; .r Christmas shopping ii? Murphy this year and they hav in-, j variably l?..;i pleased as they have; 'bad a wide, choice qf rticles to ( , j.select from than ever before. The i . tores hi re are progressive and have provided a wide range of articl - of j j high class for their trad? and the peo-| I r.le of this territory hav( learned this I I and conn here to do th irChristma?! shopping. This year has not been an* (exception as any of th. merchants j j will confirm. MARS HILL SCHOOI RAISING FUNDS FOR DORMITORY Mars 11:11, Dec. 18?Twer.tw four! i years ag0 Mf- Treat, who ha* all. | along inverted freely in mer.i who J wtie tallied to preach, "discovered" 1 Mrs Hill and wrote to know if we had any young men studying for the minsitry. In 1905 he made a pift of $2,00 to th. institution take any of the men at the outfit. W. N. C. BAPTIST ASSJCIATION TO HOLD MEETING Will Mrct With Vail.y Rive, Baptist Church December 28-30 Ac cording to announe: mcnt red nti> g.vcn out here the Westenr North Carolina Baptist Associatio wll hold unicn meeting with the Valley R:v. r Baotist Church on Friday, Saturday ar.d Sunday. Dicembtr 28, 29. and 30th with the Valley River Baptisi Church. An interesting program has bem arranged and a full attendance i urged and expected. The program follows: PROGRAM FRIDAY 11:00 A. M. .Introductory Sermon T. L. Sas-ser 1:00 A sau ly of Miracles performed by the Apostles. Alg.a West 2:00 P. M. A study of Ordinance: t.f the new Tcstement Church C. H. Whitaker. SATURDAY 10: 00 A. M. the program, the pledg.. lid the progress of Southern Bapt.^c^ C. F. Martin. 11:00 A. M. Echoes from the 03rd session Ba.ptift Convention L. P. Smith 1:00 I'. M. the'scriptural prog-ram of ? W w Testament Church sr. its own community J. G. Hogan. 2:00 I*. M. the scriptural program of a New Testament Church beyond its own comminity. A. 15. Smith. SUNDAY 10 i 0 A. M. Sun lay School 1! :00 A. M. Sermon !. L. MartinEachtipic on the program will be d:scus-cd from th ill., fol.i ,\.i , tl:e tudn.s on Let us have a large attendance at: this meeting. Program Committee > i BELLVIEW NOTES Wr. A. M. Hatchett has been very mi V **?i i!u' pa.i week aau *ias :.ul been expected to live hut the Drs. has latily expressed a hope for him recovering nine of his children arej fpresent at his home three are ib-j rent who are living in the western i states. Mr Arle Price and wif of Knoxvillc T?nn. are visiting his fath.r. Mr. Frank Price. Mr. Lun Connelly filled his regular appointment at Notla church Sunday. Mr. Johnnie Payn and family of ) Pine Log were visiting Dalyrimpelfc j < this week end. !1 I; The play Deacon Dubbg xvill be eiven at Bellview school Housc Saturday nigrht December 15th. Murphy, Dec. 5, 1923. Dear Santa: |-' t ? ? ++!? ^><1 I fro to school every day. I would like for you to pring me a wafon a bell; ,so? same oranges, apples, nuts and candy. Your friend, Horace Rcinhart \ f- ADVERTISE IN THE SCOUT I ; "IT WILL MAKE ? YOU RICH" ? % i North Carolina SPECIAL TERM SUPERIOR COURT IN SESSION HERE Power Company Cases Will Con* Consume Entire Week It is thought The special term of Superior Court in session here th:3 \v. _k ha~ brought together an array of prominent attorneys and wat r wer experts frrn: va ous natts of the country to ... i.jc ugni over tne right to 3 : !? the hydro-clc ctric energy cat th Iliwa-se. River. The princ!; : con . ndcrs nr.- the Carolina-Tenn P< . <.r Company and the Hiwa-see It - I' .wcr C w before the Sup! (' u, t Lh United States. It is prohabi: that t:ii- on* will go then al. o. ' be greater part of the week has hem spent in taking evidence in this ?. Arguments began Thursday i rning and it i> xpected that the jury v. .1 got the case late Friday or ariy Satu .lay morning. Little, if any other business, will be dispatched by thS special term of court. Not only local people, but interests d! ovtj- th1- state ?nd in various parts f the country are following these ^ cases with interest as they involve the rights to one of thL largest undeveloped riv. rs in lie. =tuU* and ,in fact, in the Fast. IS IT WORTH WHILE TO GO TO SCHOOL There is a book called "Who's in America". This book contains the names of thoc-s persons who are well known for their good works and achievements. To get your name in this book you do not have an education hut facts and statistics show that the uneducated person has one chance in 150,000 to get his name into the book; tiie gramma,- school graduate has one chance in 4,250: the high school graduate one in 1,600; college has one chance in thiee. Docs an KUucation Pay? It Doc-9. it Pays to