E IF IT ISN'T IN X the scout ? ITS BECAUSE WE DIDN'T } SNOW IT X lye Official Orga ^? UJME XXXV. No. 21. n Your Crop Yields Profitable? You Ne.-d To Know More About Your Son. BALE1 :H?Most *oils of the e jr. .io ent in one op mor J,, ; !:. * n*tit',jpnts c*. jy] f r successful crop produej. Farn.'-f having ktimed this, it developed into users of com* Kiil fortiS.zer- to meet thesi -dciencits Notwithstanding the fact ? fert" : r * nr(> used wth as great , jn :i state probably a? i,, any If <tut of !r country, yet in cst , \ community, tin re ^ 1. ,r,te improvement nrite b prt users it" th< y knew a jt al : th. weak and strong r.ts of : 'r particular soils, ft. T\ n of Agronomy of the e ( nil Department <f lituit" now nreya.td to renUi jfrv5- in a rath r definite |r. " i P v: ion will large y m u- L-ru-nt of the needs -<f a ^ tii Pom th< results of| tful'.y t :i<1 i*ct. ! experiment* wit^ j li far?- and no the experimental j lis of college, where some of i toils a- ' quite .similar to yours," ; C. P Williams, chief of this ion. "One ?>f the w ulcers c.f dhi?ion was told by farmers of an C 'u.ty at a fie id meeting relly that the results of a test coated thv :hs year will bd '.v nth ? of th. as-nd* of dollars t., the ion and r.?rn growers of that stvslcr.-' h-. cause of the moru inyent adjustment of tht ir 4 i 1r form, l is t. biltei meet their nc<<i> This and suriilar specififormntiotl with r f rence to the t of North Carolina soils' \vc ard can utilize ta th adv.inof farmer of th-. State in makreeuum tuitions with refer: nee b fertilizer and othe? ne is of r soil^ for the most profitable bet:or. of crops like cottc.n, torn and corn for next year." . _ J? BBBBi ;hr?t the hi- | Sntior. is obtainable without price Ball that is necessary for th. forB to d0 will he simply to draw fluiplc ?f his soil, according to fl instru. lions which will be sup-1 ]Bi Upon application, and forward j Brepaid to the Division of Agron iNoith Carolina Experiment StuB, State I olicge Station, Raleigh. fl& Carolina. B0ur workers are fully convinced B 'n ntanv cases a materil saving flbe fertilizer bills of farmers can or else mixtures recommendB?ny ., c.ud to give larger fl more prefrtabl yields." says fl Williams. "The cost of fertiHxflis o:,t f the big coil items of | B production in this state, espe' fly with cotton and tobacco. If ^Blivisioc can help farmers of any ^pwnitv ro effect a saving in V bills, or get better results for Sunn expenditure for next year, ^Ml be serving its purpose." ^ otc who expect to use fertiUi- ] Wr Um? of any kind next year j *re not fully satisfied with tecurcd in the past should themselves of this service. 1 bill booster s?rs ?&u- crcwt "to -we&ooo ycmtcu mjmo cxm -<we KOS AOOOUD WIS AU-CS, W?1US TMS <MMSS AUO **WA 1WE SUOU, MIOIS M****1 AMD T\U CAMS. WS"?SK*JS6 kUDVEt9S "> IACB wEAf, t=oa aft boostsh. ivuo a. cbsxt to twe loaai >. # L fcj*v( (? K tf sRK ' QDtje n of Murphy And Ch< 7 J II HIM 1 t s 'MS rpspr iW \ jar ?*i|r**?^ A- sf fx VACANCIES IN U. S. ARMY Oil account uf vacancies in the 1'ficer personnel of the 309th Cavalry, with headquarters in A.sheville, there is an opportunity for those of thij community and adjoining counties receive commissions in the organiz.d Reserve and to become assigned ? unite which w'll receive their personnel from"this section. Officers who server during the wot Id war in the cavalry or some mounted branch wdl be c!'gb!t t. fill vacancies by reason of th. trans fcr of officers redding in other state: to units in their states in order t< make room for thoes Western Nortl Carolinians who have heretofore overlooked the opportunities in thi present system of National Defensi A Captain, two first Lieutenant and two Second Litutenants an ari needed for assignment tc the Service i'roop of the 309th Cavalry which wil draw its strength from the following eontics: Cherokee, Grafclam, Clay Swain, Macon, Jackson, Haywood am Yancey. It is from these countie; tfcat five officers are wanted. Infoi motion regarding these com mi-slons may be hafci from Captior \. D. Chipman Execution Officer 309th Cavalry, Ashevillej who has ;ssued the foilowing statement: "Sins the birth of the nation this country has accostomed to improvia ing armies on the outbreak" of host iMtif? hut men are now taking com ?i:i:sions in time of peace. The Nat ional Defense Act provides that th< defense of the future he arranged in time of |>eaco and officerc of thi next mobilization are being very carefully selected and commissioned today. "Thoes who do not advantage cf th> opportunity t0 establish' themselves M officers of the United States Armi in time of peace wild find themselves subject to the ?< lectivc service act 01 the outbreak of hostilities with litti or n0 opportunity of securing commissions. "Very !!**!? tt*11 hn Officers' Training Camp as we know it in the last was, as the number ol reserve officers is rapidly growing, Officers in the Reserve Camp an commissioned by the President and ?r? not subject to call except in the i . p . ..... .'.j V k . Sj3& ?ujtn irokee County, and the 1 MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA * A4" . M.; ?. 9jjfc PUBLIC MEETING There will be a public meeting in the Library Friday evening, J. nuai'y 4 th, of all tl^osc interested or who may become interested in the Building and Loan Association, the home building orgr.nizat !|on of Murphy. Ths is t0 be an i; ? ?. : - H i ?J mocung aria inarenoia<r? arc ??Wed to h?Up bring out a large crowd for this meeting. Tb~ ? ' ng will be at seven o'clock. XHOOL HAS GOOD OPENING ON MONDAY ) New Member Added to Faculty of tbo Grammar Grade* Attendance F air The public schools opened Moni !.?y, December after ?n 1 mission of one week for the Christ I mafc holidays. The teachers and .tactically all the pupils were back I ind ready for work Monday. How ?ver a few pupils were absent Mor. lay ?*nd Tuesday, but by the middle ' ?f the week the attendance was prac1 tically un to the standard. Early In the week Superintendent Kanoy call! cd attention to the importance of bet ter attendance records in order tc ? keep up the standard of the school, and urged pupils not only to attend " themselves but to encourage their fellow pupih to be present as muct: as possible. c With the opening, a new teacher 1 was added to the elementary departe mer.t. Miss Lucy T. Drewery assumed the 6th grade work, relieving ' I Mrs. Kanoy. who supplied during th< fall term. Miss Drewery's home 1j B in Tryon, N. C. 1 Prof. *L. E. Maunev. wh0 was en ' gaged a month before the holidays t< ' fill the vacancy in the high schoo 1 department, is continuing this work e ' CARD OF THANKS. , We rri3h to thank our many friend I the fire department and all whQ as sisted in any way in trying to savt s our homo. I MR. AND MRS. R. M. FAIN I ^ ^ TD CHILDREN .. AA mru S3 Leading Newspaper in 1 L FRIDAY. JANUARY 4. 1924 . Itvl U v ' n1 Hi Bryson City Wins Ovr Murphy Saturday afternoon the Bryson ! v'ity High School sir!-" basketball I team journeyed to Murphy for a con*j tost with the Murphy gills and after r.n exciting game that required ex-J tra time, were deterrrtsned winner.*-' by a margin of one point. At the end of the last half the score was ve- and by agreement five minutes additional was played. Dame forum was with the visitors, who man ged cage an e:;tra foul goal, which gave them a margin of one ooint over the local team. The final core was 14 to 1?. Playing for th< rich rs were Mildred Sandlin. Louie Hack, Kitty Frye. Mariam Bryon. May Williams and Myrtle . For the local team. Annie word. Bertha Mac Cqpe, Carrie hi*tan. Emily Sword, Bcttie Kate fdSsnb? and E!l;sb?th Hampton aytd. Mr. H. C. Bryson refereed. ?. C. Moore Adding Another Story Mr. E. C. Moore hegan this week the addition of another story to his building on Tennessee Street, which has become necessary oh account 0f the crowded condition due to the J growth of his business. It is expecti nd that the new addition will bo com- I pleted in ten days or twD weeks if favorahlc weather permits continu ous work When completed th* upper por' Son of the building will bo used for , the repair department, while ihe lower portion wjll be used *s a show room for new cars. Mr. Moore has , the agency for three popular makes I of cars, the Overland, Willys-Knight and Dodge Brothers cars. He will keep a supply of these in the show room all the time. According to present plans, the jewelery shop will continue on the lower floor. 3 j *| Mr. S. L. Adkins and Miss Mary e ( Sneed, of Robbinsville, N, C., were happily married at the office of Mr. T. N. Bates, on December 14, Mr. Pates officiating. " vV . : . s>COllt 4 Lhis Section of Western WORK ON ROAD SUSPENDED FOR THE WINTER Federal C\ nj'ruction Company Withdraws Ftcc Binder Surface Neri-a Completion Th work of surfacing the Bell* v;? w i' ad hns l??en suspended f"r vir.ter on account of the ir.ter iietieat rain, which prohibits thrvlayitig of ivacadam surface. The F .1 :! Construction Company ha? with. its cons:ruction gangs and vo;k will b;> resumed again in the - ?irrtj. A few miles nt the far ?nd of the road yet remain uresurfaced. A crushcr is in place her- and a? .-eon a the weather opens up in the spring thi will Ue rapidly c?>uipU L ?i. For several weeks the State Highway Commission has had a crew of n and machinery here putting n tarvia treatment on the finished ntrdam on this stretch of road. Another two or three days of pretty weather will see this work completed as far as the mcadam ts laid. The rainy weather has greatly delayeel the progress Gf this work lso. J. M. Vaughn Will Move Store Soon Lovin&ood Ero'-hrs and Cjrnwtll a^'o V/ill Have New Locations Tha si rehouse recently occupied by the Corn well Meat Market has Ik en vacated and i* being fitted out with shelving and other fixtures for receiving the stock of goods t>f Mr. J. M. Vaughn. This is the building formerly occupied, la- W.J 'Christoph:i< Dry Goods Company until about two years ago. Last summer Mr. Vaughn bought the building from Mr. Will Ramsey. Mr. Vaughn ' expects t0 move into this new locat'orf ?vr\y in the week. IWBornwell Bri?lhcr-_ ' hn jrnvo way to Mr. Vaughn, have moved their i 1 market into the rear of the Fain . building, the front part of which is occupied by Davidson Carringer. | In the change, Lovingood Broth-, rrs will flU.i - ' er thv centfr ??f town. They will:' move their stock of goods into the i 1 building tu be vacated by Mr. J. W. Vaughn. They purchased this property from Mr. Vaughn several months' ?.go, when the latter bought the, llam>:y property. It has not yet been learned who will occupy the store house to be 1 vacated by Lovingood Brothers. Highway Commsision Installing Rock Crusher The Murphy Township Highway | Commission has purchased a rock crusher from the Federal Construction Company and are installing it on the rock bluff just beyond the Wm. p. Pnyug store. The stone will be used for the surfacing of some of the township roads. This is a 1 good grade of stone and with the aid of the crusher the Commissioners will be able to build some roads , thai will withstand the traffic and rainy season through the winter months. It has been demonstrated again and again that dirt roads will not stand up in this country in the j winter months and the Commission| ers have taken a wise step in the j purcha?e of a crusher. H. E. & Fred Dickey Placing Brick On Lot I Messrs. H. E. & Fred Dickey are placing brick on their lot opposite the j old postoffice building for the con-' -truction of a garage building. The building will be forty two by eighty and one of the most modern garages in the city. The foundations have been dug out and it is expected that the work of laying brick will start in the near future. Mi's Frances McCurdy and Nr. Edwin B. Faust, of Suguta, Ga., were quietly married at- the home of the bride's parents, Wednesday evening. Rev. W. A. Rienhardt performing the ceremony. ADVERTISE IN | I THE SCOUT 2 f "IT WILL MAKE t ? YOU RICH" i North Carolina Clay Has Far m Demonstration Agent The Clay County Commissioners, in cooperation with the State and Federal Extendi- n Service, have procured ihe service of a farm demonstration a^ent to help the farmers .1" _ r _ . 1-- _! ? u - run lanum. anc stocKraismg -tction with their varied problems. The ag -nt assumed h duties Tuesday. \V. R. Anderson, a native of Madi-on ( unty i> tin agent selected for thi work. H passed through Murphy early ir. the week on his way to Clay in company with District Ago- t. .1. W. Go l:nan. Mr. Goodman hint get the work started <??! Tue-'i and Wednesday and re.urned to Asheville Thursday. Mr. A i bot^ a practical and technical man and great success in the neighboring county of Clay is predicted for hint. II a man who knows fainting by having farmed himsilf and i- also a graduate of the State College of Agriculture and Engineering of West Raleigh. The Clay County Commissioners r tc be congratulated for their forward step i? employing a county agent and the agriculturaV intertst f the county are fortunate in thMt they will now have ? technical and practical expert to advise with them in their various farm problems. The advantage ^ of a demonstration agent are too well known to be recount ed here. They undoubtedly get results u hundred fold. Woman's Club to Hold Meeting The first trocting of the Woman's Club for the new year will be held Wednesday afternoon, Januaty 9th, at 3:11> o'clock at the library, according t0 statement recently given out by officers of the club. Several matte r.< of importance to the club women are scheduled to come up at this meeting, according to the statement and a full attendance la desired. PERSIMMON CREEK. We must all cheer up the Sunday Sunday School at this place and keep t going on all winter. Everybody seems to be liking their new modrator. Rev. J. P. Decker, who mthey elected for their pastor for the coming year. Let U8 all come together and help him carry out the work. Co-operation is what we need. Mrs. Mary Crain, of Englewood, Tcnr.., is visiting her brother, J. H. Payne, this week. Mr. and Mr?. -J. B. Hedrick visited their son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Stiles, Sunday. Misses Lyda Stiles, Lillie PamelT, Icev and Grace Davis visited Misses Yeraie ana icey rayne Chrisunaa Day. Let's all drop our plan books and pick up our Sunday School books now and see if we can't prosper more. The death gr.gel visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Williamson December 3, 1923, ?nd took away their dear son and brother, Luther, age 20 years, 7 months and two weeks. He leaves a father and mother. one brother. Ahne_ Williamson* two sisters, Mrs. Sylva Green, and Mrs. Velda Montgomery, and a host of relatives and friends tQ mourn his departure. He knows no more of the trials and pains of this world. May his vacancy be filled with the Holy Spirit of God. Greatest sympathy to the lonely father and mother. Farewell, deaf brother and son? Mr. John Voyles was a visitor tt this place Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Payne visited i Mr. and Mrs. Harley Crisp SundftTt Mr. Herman Key, of Coburn, N. C., and Miss Estell Ledford, of Mur!phy, N.C., were married by Mr. T. N. Bate, et hi* office on DK.abe* 25, Mr. B%tes officiating. _ ^

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