? IF IT ISN'T IN A the scout ? IT'S BECAUSE WE DIDN'T KNOW IT | The Official Orga V0LV^^MV^^23^==^=~ a fourth number lyceum course here on 25th ' Zedclcr Has Strong Organization ? Will Probably be Best of the Series The fourth number of the Lyceum course will be given here on the 25th of January, according to announcement recently coming to the secretary of the local committee of guaiantors fro mthe Birmingham office j f the Redpath Lyceum Bureau. Beyond a doubt this will be the best thp course of five numbers con tracted for tlie winter scasort for the benefit of the mu-ic loving public of Murphy. The Zedeler Symphonic Quintet is the name of the organization that will put on this number. It is composed of talented artist?, several of whom are recognized as masters in their fields by the be>t inform*d music critics. Mr. Zedeler, manager of the compan>, was for many years soloist with the Stockholm (Sweden) Symphony Orchestra, first violinist, was formerly com?rt master of the Chicago Civic Orchestra; Norbeit Klein, violinist, is a graduate of the Ithica College; Mrs. Myriam Hviand Zedeler, piano student of Walter Spry, possesses! remarkable ability in ensemble work; and Helen Portune, organist, is also; a dramatic soprano of recognized ! ability, according to advance reports about the organization. This concert will be given in the School Auditorium. Three numbers have preceded it, one during eacn of the three months just preceding the Christmas holidays, and a last number will be given the latter part of February. Holders of season tickets should make their reservations at J. W. Davidson's store and those desiring to purihase tickets at the same place evening of th concrt, in ordr to be assured of good seat*. Undoubtedly a larger crowd will htnr this number than any of the preceding ones. DAY OF PRAYER MURPHY BAPTIST CHURCH, SUNDAY JANUARY 20, 1924 Lunch will be served by the women of the church at noon and all members and friends are most cordially invited to spend the day at the church. The special object of the day of prayer is for a deepening of the spiritual life of the people and for the work of the church this year. T. L. SASSER, Pastor. GRAPE CREEK. Mr. Tom McClure has moved into his new house at the Parker place. Mr. Olin Carroll and Virginia Graves were happily married Saturday at the home of Rev. L. A. Carroll. , Rev. L. A. Carroll preached an Interesting sermon Sunday. Our Sunday School is progressing nicely under the management of Mr. Fred Gilbert. BILL BOOSTER SAYS VvwtRt ooct ?>. am \uvtu HOW HI ?(S VUCKfcTV. vvcft oat vott?MO>??>aui Mt wooisttr owe 4k kUCKU. to UK? Mkft GRAUO MOTHER. OUT OP -ft* POORwOOW > Touts wow* ?*i OUKUTM PftM MU?o trouble other than that arising from the dispute over punishing the .'hild, existed in the family. The scene o fthis tragic affair ?s about twenty miles from here. It is not known just what efforts are being made to apprehend Walter Bryson, who did the shooting. Murphy School Honar Roll First tirade: Kutn AUn, W ild a Bell Mathews, Ruby Mathews, Rjberta Millsaps, Norma Lee Panther, Clara Nell Robinson, Claud Gilbert, Leslie Hampton, Sheridan James, Hayes Leatherwood, William Gulley. First B Grade: John Bishop, Tom rosey, urate I'arker, J. :n. mil. Second Grade: Grace Barnett, Margie Campbell, Ora Carroll, Ncvtie Dickey, Icey Graves, Hattie Bell Hodge, Fannie McJunkin, Mariam Swain, Louise Walker, Mary Witherspoon, Edwin Brown, Kermitt Davenport, Jerry Davidson, Ernest Dock ery. Bill Linthicum, Bobby Recto*, Ralph Randall. Second' Overflow: Grace Wells Bell, Nannie Gentry, Lois Sneed. | Third Overflow: Linnie Hampton Martha Voyle9 and Astor Tilson. Third Grade: Tommy Coppenger, Hadley Williamson, Cecil Marie Mattox, Marcella Hampton, James James Robinson, Hubert Lovingood, Edwin Spivia, Edwin Hensley. | Four lit Gimdz: AnnV Cnndlep.H Fifth Grade: Marshall Br 11, Granville Ratcliffe, Lyle Martin, Poul Howell Leonard Hall, Evelyn Wa-ren, Polly Davis, Mary Nell Williamson, Harryq Sword, Martha Moeser. High School, Ninth Grade: Leila Posey and AUine Richardson. 4