hr ISN'T IN SCOUT USE WE DIDN'T i-MOW IT Hie Official Orgaj i. E XXXV. No. 24. VL POST I ICE OFFICIALS RECOMMENDED office Takes High Rank In J of TrsRivnr Savings Certificates iy led all second class post-1 n North Carolina in the saie | ^ sury Savings Certificates t he year 1923, according to | ( ent just made public here by i < *r A. B. Dickey, and only t fices of the first class ex- < f he local office in this par- j j continued the statement. i i y led the group of second < ices by a margin of twenty 1 I dollars. The total sales I local office was $78,800.00 t it of its nearest competitor, ! as $58,525.00. Greensboro i ist of first class offices with ! tale of $210,850.00; Wil-i < came second with $134,025!] v Bern third with salee 1 . ig to $79,695.00. Those < fices of all the postofifces ? - ? ?l?n? ..y, th.. Mlir. J pbj office, and one of these only- by : s slight margin. ? During the year 1U23, about II.-- < 00,000 of these certificates were. i sold in the fifth federal reserve dts-; 1 triet, nearly a half million more than : < in 1922, according to Howard T. Cm. rector of the Treasury Sa>- f 1 tags organization, in a statement no 3 Postmaster Dickey. j I West Virginia led all the states in n the fifth federal reserve district < i frith a grand total of $3,092,600; j North Carolina came second with a j t total of 92,580,525; Virginia third' 1 srith a t6tal of $1,606,625; South j Carolina, the District of Columbia,' 1 and Maryland followed in order. Be sides more than a million and a half j 1 of these accoritiea were sold by the Federal Reserve Bank at Richmond sad naerly a half million by the TYeasury Department direct. Postmaater Dickey of the local ofHot has been advised by the district director that his name has been placed on the honor roll sent to Washington as a mark ot distinction ?uu ; credit for the faithtui and efficient work of the local office in the sale of these government securities. The local office far exceeded its quota. MURPHY DEFEATS HAYESYILLE BASKETEERS l.aai Friday afternoon the Marhy High school girls' basketball team journeyed to Hayesville and met the , Hayesvillr" team on its own cousr4 hod came out victorious the score. Wing 34 to 4. Throughout the game there was! a display of the . beat good will be-j tween the twn tcimn end nunv wrefr : tt* comments on the spirit in which the loser* Accepted their defeat. Mr. H. S. Bry.-on, of Murphy, rcf- > erred the first half of the game and; Mrs. W. A. Anderson the last half. . Playing fpr Murphy were Misses Annie Sword. Bettic Kate McCombs. Carrie Brittain, Elisabeth Ford, and Elizabeth Han^pton. The Hayes ville lucup Luuw not be avviucj. Misses [ 8word and McCombs played a bril nat game for the local tram. j 1ILC B008TEB SAYS MM) KMOCtS **.-*? ooa ?roua -*m KTPW *> <*?. ?*er ***** ?lAfiaWt IL> n v HI'- t JSij r* a of Murphy juid Cherol i ~ SCHOOLS IN THE T1 COUNTY MAY BE consoudated; iorwoy of School Will bo Mo4o U Spring Witk This End in View Preliminary at^pe were taken this' veek looking toward the consoluta-! ;ron of the schools in Cherokee' bounty in to what is known as the1 rounty unit. "Oris j^lan has b-en in i he minds of county school officials j for sometime but the roads and other physical barriers have prevented any decisive steps being taken in tills direction. Miss Elirabeth Kelly, of ho State Department of Education, 1 ms been in conference with count* tchool officials getting a line on the I oial situation. The county schools J ire being located on a map, which' Miss Kelly will carry back to Ral- S sigh with her for study as to what ( plan of consolidation will be best. An ictual survey of the schools of the rounty will be made as soon as spring j r>pens up so that the remote parts. >f the county can be reached. At ] :his time the schools will be vi-ited ind the number of pupils in each local district, and other contributing lata will be collected for study before final decision as to the plan of ^ consolidation will be made. While here Miss Kelly also con-j * Ferred with oficinls as to the advis surlily of holding a summer schoo* ^ hero this summer as has been done . for the past few years. No deds- ! [ on was reached at this conference, j The question of where summer i *chools will be held will be settled it a conference of State school men j i nRaleigh next week. Miss Kelly I id vised. The Egyptian Minister To the United States j' lg?gfcvv-' W i~flj 4 *' n ! r I ? I; . a } IV * r Seifoullah Youary Pasha, the first. Egyptian minister to the United States, who arrived here to assume hi? uiTiciiu duties ut Wish ins tori. E. C. MOORE z, COMPLETES WORK we IN A HURRY p? foi Edlargeaamt Made NtcMMrjr by the hat Growth of Bosiaooa?Will Have tui Peiat Dtfartatat ati th< Workmen made quick work with thi onstruction of the second story of pa; E. C. Moore's building and the yei eighteenth day after it was begun P" isw the completion of the job. an; By the addition of the second Mi ?tory, Mr. Moore has over three Mr thousand additional square feet of hel floor space, which will be immedi- no1 stely utilised. The lower portion inj rill be nsed as shew room forbear pa; :ars while the back part of the up- ttu per story will be nee dfor repair bei purposes and the front part of the sai upper sectio nwill be used qs a parts loom and a paint shop. A stairway thi leads from the back of the Jewelry Mr shop to tha supply room so as to an; make it convenient to the front, hi* apU ? -5 -v Xrrv* intfl the up- thi ?er portion from the back by way of thi rhich cars wffl be taken up for re- tha >airs. The fact that the growth of eif dr. Moore's basinaaa has aiads this an. irHitlon necessary speaks wall for Uh iim and for the growth of tha town. Ra tee County, and the L MURPHY. NORTH CAROLINA -IE LAST OF THE ILL i i ILI ii ??MMB iiir_ ?Twnr ^ > An artist's conception of how the ? grief while in flight. The Dirgl heavy storm and exploded in mid "ourth Number Lyceum Course Here On Friday Tlia fourth number of the Lymb Course will he giraa in the Jsool auditorium Friday night, aauery 2Stk, at 7:30 o'clock, Bearding to aanonacousont made by ismhers of, ihs 'ieafrd oomaaittee f guarantors. Thie rsea#any is cfcsmpoeod of lee Salon tod artists, headed by| I irslsi Zodoler, famous classical lusiciaa end owe Iftswo a member f the NaW York Symphony Orbsatra. The other members of bo company are equally well mown. It is gouorally predicted that thle rilf bo the host of tho fir* asm rs cob tree tod for for tho soaoa. A good demand for seats Is Uoected. Tickets era kninr of erftrf at the J. W. DavUUom Stare, rfc?r< rmrratioai aaj di4 .it ?*Je. | I. L. REED HERE ADVISING WITH TAX PAYERS ill RafUrt is Fakruary?Tmi May Bt Paid at atty Ttaaa Btfort Marck IStk Slate Income Tax Agpnt M. L. cd, of Asheville, haa been here this ek advising: with pro<pectitee tax yers with regard to ineome taxes ' the year 1923. Mr. Reed's work i been merely of an advisory na e. He came here to help corpotons an dindividuals to figure out ti rincomes for the past year, so :y can make up their return and y their taxes for the previous ir before the period of grate exes. The taxes may be paid at y time between January 1 and urh 15 without any penalty, said Reed, but he is here this week Iping wit hhte matterKso there may t be any need for anyone delayr longer than the latter date for ping their Ux?i. Mr. Reed stated it he Would Make another tr%? re lomethae in February for the ne purpose. When asked about collections in S district during the year 1922. Reed stated that he did not 1 official figures but expressed nself as being well pleased with i collections and was hopeful that ? collection for 1923 would exceed it for 1922. He has charge of fct counties, including Buncombe i seven west of Buncombe along i If uapky Branch of the Southern ilway. ending Newspaper in tl FRIDAY. JANUARY 25, 1921 FATED "DIXMUDE" 1 ? ; .1 : I I a i - -^?a 'u Ki an ' d 1 SolMCSnraSSBsSHBII^K i S9RRHb96S9HpVH1B' i French Dirgible, "Dixmude," came ' ble is thought to have been caught In ' air. (e 1 TO LET GRADING CONTRACT ON THE ANDREWS ROAD C?>lr?cti?a of Structures Already ll|M Gniiag and Draiaaga Only to bo Lot According to announcements coming from the State Highway Depart- < ment in Ratoigh. bids for the grading and drainage of the Murphy-Andrews road will be opened the latter part of thia month at the office of the Commission. This link is ti part of No. 10, which goes all the way across the State. The MurphyAndrea* rnnslftts of 13.8.1 mUes, kne^m as projects 912-A and 912-B. This work was lot tenativeiy by, the commission on the 27th of November but finally all bids were rejected as they involved larger expenditures than were available for this county and as the county <!iil not hare ftiwli tn supplement state funds. The contract for the structures stood, with the exception of the bridge over Valley River In Murphy which it is understood will remain as it is for the present. W. T. Moore Concrete Products Construction^ Company, of Andrews, has IIUO WP.MAVb J?UU IS ailCBUJ <ri|* on ?oim of the ?ttucture* on the Andrews e?j*l of the road, it is reported. """ [COURT FINISHES CRIMINAL DOCKET ON WEDNESDAY Twm Draw Road SmImcm?Long List < Civil Cam to Ba Heard The ?superior court CuutpSclcu wae rriminM doeVe* Wednesday and entered upon the trial of civil caseslate in the afternoon, the criminal docket being one of the lightest tried in the last few years. George Picklesimer drew four months at the hands of the presiding Judge McElroy for selling whiskey and Cleve Johnson was given four months for assault with a deadly weapon. Everett Clarke, a news agent of the Union News Company on the Murphy Branch of the Southern was fined ten dollars and the cost for his part in a disturbance with a negro at Andrews on Christmas day and the negro was fined $25 and the cost. Several minor cases could not be tried because of the illness of the solicitor and because a local attorney, J. D. Mallonee, who represented several principals, wa*4 appointed to act on behalf of the State instead of solicitor Grover C. Davis. The civil docket is a long one and will hardly be finished during the remainder of this and next week. There will bes church conference in the Methodin Church Sunday Jane 27th, at 240 p. m. All the members and friends are urged and erperted to be present. >cout [lis Section of Wester WORK TO BEGIN ON POWER PLANT OF ANDREWS acker JI Lsxton Official* Will Stay 1b Murphy?Pleased With Accomodations Here T. J. Gri?ora. of Florence, Ala.,1 nd one o fthe construction officials' f Tucker &. Laxton, of Charlotte, | rrived in Murphy the first of the reek to begin his duties in conneclon with the construction of the hyro-electric power plant on Hiawasoe River a few miles above Murhy for the Town of Andrews. For tlx* nronsnt M?" ? * lounced he would make his headuartcre in Murphy as he found it onvenient to his work and the accomodations here were highly eatisactory. The camps are now being milt for the housing of the construcion gangs on this job and it is the >resent plan to begin construction >f the coffer dam early next week. General Superintendent Scruggs arrived here Wednesday. He will be n full charge of the construction irork, it is undestood. According to Mr. Grissom, this is a fourteen months job and will nvolve the expenditure of over three lundred thousand dollars, including the transmission line and thd electrical equipment. Separate contracts have been let for the construction of the lines and the dam, and for supplying the water wheels and electrical generators. Tucker & Laxton, of Charlotte, have the contract fo rthe construction of the dam and power house. It is expected that fifteen hundred horsepowei will be developed at the plant and will be transmitted to Andrews foi municipal purposes. The New Monster Gun Of the U. S. Army J, P' - ]| ll The new monster gun, develops by the Ordinance Department of th< IT S. Army ia Raid to be one of th most powerful of its type in' th world. The new weapon Is of th 14 inch 50 calibre type and it cape ble of hurling a miatle, 1560 lbs ti weight, a distance of 23 miles. I can be mounted on railway carriage for transportation by rail. It is pic tured here at an elevation of 51 degrees. Mrs. E. S. Miller gave a surpri* birthday party to her son, Harry last aSturday evening on the occat ion of his nineteenth birthday. Har ry was taken completly by surprise his first knowledge of the i party be ing the arrival of the guests, whicl included the senior class of the Mur phy High School and his teachers A number of the guests were dress ed as children and many children' games were anjoyed. after which ; delicious salad course and cake an< coffeee were served. Mrs. J. H. Mc Call assisting the hosteas. Just afte the serving of the refreshments, th lights in the spacious sitting root were snappe doff while the birtiidn: cake with its nineteen lighted can dies was brought in. Mr. Miller wa the recipient of many useful gift and expression of congratulation and wishes for many happy return of his birthday anniversary. 1} ADVERTISE IN THE SCOUT "IT WILL MAKE YOU RICH'' t 7 n North Carolina - ?a. NEW YORK GETS DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION Republicans Will Hold Thoirn la Cleveland on Juae 10th The two major political parties of the country have determined upon the presidential nominating cities cities for the coming presidential nominees. The Republicans have chosen Cleveland, Ohio, and have | set June 10th as the date for the j convention. The Democrats have selected New ; York City and fixed the beginning 1 date on June 24. MARBLE CO. SOON TO OPEN NEW QUARRY | Will Quarry White Marble Near j Coalville Bijr Deraaad for Product According to announcement ' recently made by Manager Raymond , Harris, of the Regal Blue Marble Company, the company will soon open up a second quarry about fourteen miles from Murphy near the flag stop of Coalville, on the Southern Railway lines. The overburden on a space of about forty feet squsr# ' has been removed and actual work ; of opening the quarry will be begun ' sometime early in February, according to Mr. Harris. A half mile of switch track will have to be laid, [ sheds constructed and machinery placed before the operation can bw . begun. It has been decided to install steam for motive power, aaya the announcement. The marble at Coalville junction was tested about thirty-five years I ago by former owners of the Regal Blue Marble Company. It is a fine textured white marble of high quality and is expected to take its place, on the market along with its famous Regal Blue now being quarried fay the company at its plant at Regal, CHEROKEE MOTOR COMPANY UNDER NEW MANAGERS < Several TKoumpJ Dollar* Involved 11 la Transaction Henton Wit A buaines transaction involving : several thousand dollars was recently consumated here when Messr*. L. j L. Hcaton and W. E. Studatil! acquired. the Cherofcee Motor Company : from J. W. McMillan. The new owners have assumed charge of the property, Mr. Heaton being the active manager. Thia is one of the most up-8o-dat4 automobile and general repair shops in the town and has a commanding position near the L. ft N. station on the Aahcville-MurphyAtlanta highway. The company, does , general automobile and machine reel e pairing, sella oil and gas, automoe bile accessories, and has the agency e for the Durant and Star automoc bfles. It U the plan of the new management to operate the business (i ns it has been in the past. A cont stant effort will be made to im9 prove the service, say cae new own. ers. Mr. McMillan has not yet made 3 plans for the future. Huty to Construct Garasa 1 It also became known the other p day that a new garage and repair shop is to be erected in the city as ' soon as possible. Mr. Gordon Hasty an expert mechanic, who recently u gave up his connection with the i, Cherokee Motor Company, has an. noanceU his intention of construer^ ing a garage on the opposite side of the iHawaiwee River near the storage tanks of the Gnlf Refining Com' pany. Work* o nthe building ia ex pected within the next few days and s if favorable weather continues, Mr. ? Hasty plans to have it finished ta J thirty days. The building will be approximately 60x100 feet. IT - . ? b Messrs. D. G. * R. V. Wilson and a D. C. Green of the Wilson Construe f tion Company ef Rutherfordton, and i- otasr coaVMtMM nave beat Mn a this week inspecting the road be* a tween Murphy and Andrews, prsa amable with a view to placing a bid ls on the grading which Is scheduled for letting on the 26th of this month.

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