When and Where to Plant Trees, Shrubbery On the Home Grounds Every home should be tied to the sarth b" sKRKS trees flowers and jrt\i s. Tl ' :ts* !f is only the background t the picture To complete the painting and make the picture a real th propcj planting of th* ground ;s just as necessary as on a i:i\as. A home carr- *. . beautiful unless the grounds ar- - % with tre- ? shrubbery. wers It ma' ters n. t v \v \ -t-r - an ratcly the h * is 1 . r art nece^sarN in * .1 tiful phi Those wh " t *r - :nd -h r :* bery a- i crvu v are public ben* beauty cane : ' * * :h but is opei : i * f r .. v view ixs :": .n th-. y -.ay -a -V F : that re.'- r. -a'- : tr . .and shrub1, erv from a b. ... .;t:r.- t:\-of b*aut; r -y . : "h< word, a fa *. Shrubbery Remake* Appearance of a Home realising that ak r.g m.-n* 3 is not the '.fe. A important as it - th . - us-. < ^i.:u [lliurci Cry fo: Castor O:'.. - . Teeth: prepared t r :evc Infants it Constipation Flatulency Diarrhea Aids in the ;i?inv.'at . r. of Food Natural Sleep wit To avoid imitations, ahva^ s look r Proven ?!i- -'.r h ; : '-.it i, ~ W?Jt?l? E^osig; J The new Overl entirely new ] | Provable rear salesmen, farmct backward and f tail and short pe< family car ur.d c Seats make into oeuan I. o I MurpF I one making it the sole object. Let it play its part, but don't let it crowd out all the other things of life, such ; as the grounds is something that al of u< may have, whether rich or poor. r have small f large grounds, V. cause it dc-es not take a large amount f rr.??ney f r enough trees an shrub bery to remake the appearance of tfci (; home. . i Kvvry person who Improves his home grounds with trees, shrubbery IfliAVtrs and grn-s influences othus , to do likewise. There i-* something it is catching. When . neigh. > > hr- friend remake th< apr- areh. >' of his home by properly , . .n:..,.. tr.? gr un-is. it automatioa'.l;. . r - a desire n hi< - art t m : r< his owr. ur is. It is lik. -.row all that is started ! '.vn th , V. . the farther it c-e- the bigger : Th-refore, let those vh im ami plant the home grounds i th hist b ;v . n?t - y f " the sak- of his ,.wn place but foT . f: ( :' .: will has* r. others d >inp th > kird f work. Plant Close to Hou?- FOttllUtion I ShrubK'-y n -aid ' . ..- a genet* rule. : '.anting ?' s : ? the f ur.-la : Ha is a harmless Substitute fcr ::g Dr.-; ar.-l S -.thing Syrups, l arms ..: ! . ":::hirt:r all -li'rs of Wind Colic To Sweeten Stomach Regulate Bowels . prow. vc Cheerfulness. Re-t.and ;hout Opiate-; , _ -i.T ' ' fcV/t t' PV.-k u: tv.rvwherc recommend it. upiOB my Car and Champion is an kind of closed car. seat and upholstery? re useful to merchants s. Both seats adjust orward? cotniort for aple. A business car, amping car ? in one! a full-size bed in the lotel en wheels Big bility. Touring $-495, . b. Toledo. *m m mmM95 t b T.IW. RE, Dealer >y. N. C. -r -HE CHEROKEE SCOUT. Ml' THIS WOMAN WAS GIVEN UP TO DIE Mr?. Coif Is Restored To Hra'ith A er Taking Dr. Hulcker's Liver And Blood Syrop "I was actually given up by thloctor, but here I am sound a: * well ard all because of Dr. Tha' * or's l.ivirr ani Blood Svrun." Mrs B? Gojc, Route 1. B \ I*. Mew Taz.well. T?-nn. "One ; ar a*: l.-.-t W. I hea th pvi way ;'.~d I had to rv.y ' eJ, whvre I iav almost b > . The doct r said 1 had dr. f . kidneys and that my live" wa* Ildtad and *hr.t th.re wa- n? hojt ray ever Rettinir we!!. T s iffe-od * - > and was :* nn=ci .? part j the time. i "Ore day I renu-mb.rcd tea. t . , :n Thatcher's Almanac a* :t :|and sent for a bottle. 1 took five i was in raw nf<I Dr. Thatch rN I .iver and B v Syrup i- - id K. S. Parker . . V"U :ir nor satisfied the pureha; < -j price will he refund d.? A<iv. it. Never plant -hrubb ry in I straight lint-. Put it in masses ! .'I imps anil in irreiruiar shapes. Try k to appr ?ach nature's method of j I... ; intr as nearly as possible. Straight I lines shrubbery cannot best serve th* purpose of beautifying the c: :: : and ther* f -re sh .hi : . * ! he planted in this way. iXei:h?-'- should individual spo mens f shrubberv be planted ah ^rounds. Remember that :t >h u:d always be : . N* ' j >h :: 1 it ho planted in th. mid-i.*! * th irr ~. V ; nc*;t t ! f undati n . f the buiidir.a. rear th j Hov ier . f :' w .Ik- an : driveway* and near tr? os, These jr-neral prinir!e< . rould be kept :n mind s~. hoatinc: knruhh ry on the home it-ri ur 1 . be ue . n r?ak th? j place appear ratht r i?i by tmpror* rlv h-a-atin" the : hrubh c: v.* Leave S:? r in Front of Heuif Open As a i.-i n . tu. tr?? - -h 1 r * 1 e j l .r.titi -r . y in fr.o t of ?!: b ' ;t " ?it- vr aid- and in tV rear. If *r.e ar ;:ni - are i i . e. la trt s should be plant in jrr. up? rathe r than sinph. Of v .- the ;. 1 vh . ild r. ?? ! id ? let? t?>0 clo t j fjether. as -affi iet-t room should h! allowed *' r thoir .niplete develop| nu n. Under n condition aid I th. tr - ; .anted .-. s*rai*_ht '.me? j This giv<s a stiff, unnatural effect tb.u- r.i-t Kautiful "V p'.? ising tc the eye. The : ard fh.w.t have n>> ? la. e n the ft :t lawr.. leave this -pace open. In .-rder that jroo-i view- may be had from the 'rent of the Y>. us.. A1 the fr? nt >f tn< yard sh< Ji?i t?? larg* ly fret from tre.s and shnibleiy < ..s t. j giv* tb grass ?\?ry havi* ; . i lor developing a sm oth latm K?>s? < should he par: f tr.t plantinj 'on every home plait, but they shouU 1 be either t?> the *ide or t. ir. rearland never ir tr rt. Thi- is true oth. r fl ewers, such a< carna beds ! rows of pe- nits, dahlias, etc. This the general - % I with refer* nee to location of fl w-.r.- :h;v | should always be kept n mind, be cause the app arar.ee of th jrfa. j h. very easily ruined by putting then ? in front. Make a Start Now. By keeping these simple rules !r can easily j planc for the planting of the honv j grounds that will he effective ant pleasing. Expert advice along h*. 'line may be s cur. d from the St .t. I Agricultural Colleges. Experinun I Station and NVrs. rym;n. Make th? start now. by securing the advi?< I needed and by drawing up the plan I indicating where each tree, shrub and flower bed will be located. Se them before spring opens up. If the lawn has not already beei made, break the ground, make it rid with stble manure and eomnurcia fertilize and rake it over until it i smooth and in a fin- s*ed bed cord! tion. Then place Bermude gras roots which will give a good law: during the summer. Ni xt fall sov rye grass on top of the bcrmuda am this will give green grass during th' winter. Before planting shrubbery or tree the gr und should be thorough!; broken and pulverized and nriched This i? especially important f??r th< foundation plantine* up next to th? house. A jfood plan is t > ipade uj ; 12 to lt> ioene* dtep with a spndinj fork. When tr*e* and shrubbery an set mulih *aritH a heavy coAtintr o; stable inanu-e. This will both ?upp iy plant food and conserve mois'ure POO qaif LOTS AND HOUSES AND LOW ANJ GOOD FARMS ?In and near Murphy?Call Or.? L. E. MAUNF.Y Murphy, N. C. RPHY. NORTH CAROLINA r ~ t! !. ' D 4 NP FOr.Vff j . ' *. -i: i- r Pi. ij k tv!lT If > it.-; - -Ucato I- c: :arlrm .? ;v. - -j.a tie v.jcycos mac. T^tt's Pills r v j^r,-;Sn fV L* k S:cmc^ . K&tevs. cntf BuaAic*. WOLF CREEK. j Mr. H n> r BalUw wh-. j:i< hi? | U-c br 'ken several weeks ajco. Is i c rnfined t > his room. ! Mr. I r.ard Verner who recently i-l .i s* >.'.1 f p-.r.umonia is rt- w conMr. \V H. Ani'i:rn, who has been * r the Rev. F. R. Carter for : .v ,. ar- has made arrang-.; < ota to m % to Oscar Sim? Th Rt . Cave- ha- failed ne to take Ms i lace yet. M-. . d .Mrs. Jam-.i Verm r f , \\ . .. v. bt n v itinir rcl tiv*?-? th. last w??k. M-. Vetner \? ring fr m a sp? 11 i t SBi9ESrSS 9 phsring on some ?i.!*::it- improvement? - dwelling bv add tie a ro?u,} to duo '.ir.fr 1 ?>* ard building a . A part f the lumber n the grounds f >r makirp ti.e 5 rt! n<" started a f>re t fire or T; - !..y of last week that ramt - proving a very disastrous -ne. It it had rot been for ; >mo time j by w m:r. it waul urr.cd up the home f Mr 1ar S toads with all of his out imps. \V? ;:re tru ting our Fir Warden will investiff to ard brin;th< , ft* nder to justn e. BIRCH. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Thomas Payne n.ad< a business trip to Ra cer last Fi day. CmCHESTc?S PILLS diamond brano LArrrs t ?-* ?L ? iur I'r.nlK f T CM-CW-Tll A A DXA D . A rn.] la ? Al\ (.. to tSf'? : T *- ?* > - - oh Ii '\\?/ -a T ta s : :c.: n?i ml j.?\Y I O* ! U.L f..r elll-C UC*-TI U * V "UiirtMi iiii.oii lliiMri> ogn \r * :r - nVrM.s?f? A'nrav* Krliabte SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ,r:"A EVERYWHERE S,' J l:.MAXT SPRAY MATER1AI and Spray?High t quality, roc ' n: mended by N. C. Horticulture and County Agent Cherokee Coun Ity. Sur prevention against all *n sects and disca-cs lrfestir.ff th?- or hard. Always on hand or suppl; i r :r d n sh< :i notice. \\. If. H-a-h. . Murphy. Rt 2 <27-4t-p | & RUNABOUT r I n Each sprii ] of the imr Fast in ti pace, the of salesme > making th i 1 r ( : &%? I ? O. P. McClure made a business a i tnp to Murphy Saturday. I Mr. Whoola Raper ha? jrone into the mule business. Zeb Gibson has movtd to A. W. Green's place. jMr R. \. Stiles recently of Gastonia, has been down with measles ha at his gamdfatht rs, R. M. Stiles. wt P v.! Wise swapped h - talking machine to Mr. Wh -la Rap r for a c<! milk cow. ^ Mr. Fred Beavers - ti n- some w; real farm w k around ev. home. Mr. H. Voyles in tl (V business row. * Mr. Fb yd St 1 > of G. * I, I arives at Birch <>n h.< w.-c t.? Kt?w I ah. Tenr. : Mr. Ci. W. Mashbu :: .os xul biidtr n *n i . . . * m this place. L K- ?\\ i!! . Ti r. ? HOW'S THIS? I llAli'S ataiirh MI.; :NT W.U ahat ??- a.sn f r 1 y r <t '"ntarr.i or I>eaJncs? Ly ? Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MKM' INK con! *:* ' r.n Oir*:r w w U- h- ve? tL?* ra'arr! .. infl.ir.n..?f.- r. .m l t !nt?*rr ?1 M:n> . a win ' ' a ? rhroueh th* l< c?d on ?* M-i'i-ui Surfa>*a. ;h-.:s atsaUng to n?t- re normal conditions, grid M :--..cc >:? f -r ?vrr C Year*. 1". J- Cheney * Co. Toledo. O. , SMALL FAF.IV War.tet' to buy from five acres of land o r railway, not too fa Gbou.d have small d it. Leave descripti have at the office of ! > THE CHEROK Murphy, I * I ' '%65&--. ^i JUlv mnJ C.n^-.f.U. ff<? LK .- -. der Your Fo unabout Nov n? the demand for Ford Rnnahonu (-> nediate supply. raffic, easy to park and fitted with am| Ford Runabout is especially adapted fa n and others who must conserve time ant teir daily calls. J *ou do no? with to pay caafc for your car. you can arraz^ or a small payment down and eaay terms on the h*laoc Dr you can buy on tha Ford Weekly Puvchaae P?a ^bcMgtor^/OTn/u Detroit. Michigan ee the Nearest Authorized Ford Dea S TRUCKS - TRACT Fi<Uy. |4, ,?,24 I rRoup I Egil i Mr. W W. Harton 0f I 15 moved int.. our ^rt . J* BR ?!eome him. e n Mr. C. W. Mn.-hf.urr, 4... . I the store at Circh fr ,, kl, B: . Mxisnburn. H s Beavers spen* s, , Sh ith Mis, Ghlea Bart ' *** All cock] I Ol A CTrr*f I S A Stjjijgri ? . LMX*rmji L'rr+iy, '? Cough* an : Cold* K fnn ch*wt U i kvtN. Cf ^1*. ^ b*t??*?0 ittoUwirr tagjgg, : / ^/ Weak Chstt* ' 1 ' &?: I Subscribe to the Scout i WANTED fifteen to twentylgood highway or r from Murphy, welling house on on of what you LEE SCOUT N. C. _j II . p 11 n rd I r in excoa 3X >1? luggaje U r the ^ork n i energy in BV v If *. M ? li oils ;'i |

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