Fid??. March 14. 1924 " LEGAL i RAL P* COMMISSION r id] \,' hthe Federal f t stat., L? hex V> given that: n Appalachian Pov^ r.i: Asheville, North 4 I. tade aplicatii n c ? prof d power dam in Hia-| 1 jt po< extending about one fte 1 town "f Murphy ar d 1 1, , tig a second prop< >1 pit Vt > " t high at a p< int; joe abov< tin- town of err:-. a reservoir extend-! , x y 11 miles upstream j jjj ; . point about midway! the Pi.: uths of Sweetwot.-? Cr- t-k [ law - River Power CumM;;r >. North Carolina. 1 Ii:\ atjon covering a! cr velopment on the) Ri.t r in Clay an ; t near the town of ^Kjec: t" these npplicn^ eq' r ' n n h. aring there^Bcr v n any briefs, reports Hd-it. !"r which consideruHtMr< : hould be submitted c S21 - the highest bidder pi outcry, the follow^B ef land, situated It. H T-wnship, Cherokee j^Brth an iina, vis: .< the SW corn*r < ( H-.f' 1 : and rur.s S. with * the Murphy and Thtnet F. > <*. I'llillips yard on .Head-- "hence N. about 27 ^Bke. rner of tht Jenkins ^Be W rods to the he ^w?jinnir .v acres, more or lot describe*! in a deed ^B>. I'1 : lips and wife, dat 1917 and repistered in ^ No. (621 pape 89; St sum of $780. 00 with S N< - 1923, and costs, M 3. 1924. W I*. Odom * Sheriff I NOTICE ' "iir.i.! will receive sealll'ue of the County "f Cherokee County, C. until twelve the 31st day of ^ for the pradinp and m On 1 Q & Ns ? chart toms B come B popul I have ? ^own M X I opera I L -?7 X__ & has j B , ADVERTISE? making a highway, under plans and r Specifications of the State of North Carolina, row on file in the Office of the said Board, for the Highway j from the Notla ard Murphy Town-I ship. Lines t?? the Hot House and Nutla Township, Line at the Colcj Gap. a Distance of approximately i eight miles. The board reserving the right to rejo.l any and all bids. This the 1th day of March 192-1T. .1. KING Chairman J. F. GARLAND W. A. KVANS Members of the Highway Commission of Notla Township, Cher kc- C??unty, N. C. S. \V. LOVINGOOD Chairman T. J. BRISTOL CAY BKT.VXT Member- of the Board of Cour.ty | * ommissioners o tU.> l?Aur,l of County Commissioners of Cherokee Count> U. C. Davis be appointed Registrar and George Lovingood and Then. Lovingood judg* * for said election to be held in said boundary at the school house in said district. It is further ordered that the Registrar's books be opened for said election on Saturday the loth day of March, and each Saturday thereafter for four successive weeks, and I In Enviable ccord of Service /larch 5, 1850, the Louisville j ishville Railroad received its er from the State of Kentucky, ce that date, ideas and cushave changed; panics have ; great wars nave been fought; lation has increased; the counas developed; and businesses come and gone; but the "Old ble" L. & N. has survived all B struggles and the ups and a of railroading for this nearly quarters of a century?from ering a section of 185 miles to iting a system of 5,039 miles, , raing and serving thirteen I, i in the heart of the South. , ring all of these years, thru / tunes and bad, the L. & N. vatherad the financial storms; never changed its corporate name, and is one of the few class-1 railroads in the country that have never been in rocnivarshiD. The LtN. hu never failed to meet its obligations to the public; pay every dollar doe its workers, its creditors, its bondholder*; and, a majority or these years, bas been able to pay ita stockholders somertiiw* for the nee of their metier. The management is earnestly striving to make the I. A N. a bigger end better railroad?more emSsot and capable of better j, ifff5* THE CHEROKEE SCOUT. rtENTS 1 ' that a new registration of all had, and Saturday the l'Jth day of April as challenge day. At said election those in favor of said special school tax shall vote on a written or printed ticket of the usual siz< "For Special School Tax'"; and those opposing said tax shallrvote on a written or printed ticket of Unusual size, "Against Special School Tax." It i? furthered ordered that ?:?id election be conduct ?i and held in th i same manner as the General Fictions and that due returns be mad. 1 of the said election to this Board. S. \V. T.O VI N'GOO I?. Ohaiiman Boa'd of County Commis; oners. A. M. Simonds. :-:r. fi r!; to Board. CJ0-4t-c) EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. Having qualified as Executrix of the Will of James D. Abbott, deceased, lale of Cherokee County. North Carolina, this is to notify all per-! sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Murphy, Nortn Carolina, on or before the 1st day' of March, 1925, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recover*-, j All persons indebted to the said es-' tate will please make immediate payment. Thh 1st day ??f March, 1021. MRS. .It* I.I A E. VAUGHN, Executrix of the Will of James I>. Abbott, Deceased. (30-6t-v) NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE BY COMMISSIONER Under and by virtue of an order "f th superior court of Cherokee County, North Carolina, made in a special proceedings entitled "In the matter of J. M. Sinionds, Administrator of the estate of L. M. Adams, d> ceased, late of Cherokee County, N. petition to sell land for assets to pay debts of deceased No. the same being no upon special proceedings docket of lidoourt. the undersigned administrator i?f the said estate of the deceased, who has been appointed Commts-iuner, to sell the said real state, will on the 3rd day of March, 1924, between the hours of 10 o'cloe, a. m.. and 1 o'clock, p. nv, at the court house door in Murphy. Cherokee County. N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder one-half for cash and balance reasonable terms that certain tract of land lying and being in Hothouse Township, in District No. 4, known as the I*rince lands on the headwaters acres, more or less. Lot No. 487. described as follows, viz: Beginning on a stake near the top of the mountain and runs north 31 E. to a stake about the same direction to a stake at or near a fence; then down the mountain with the | fence til! strike Lot No. 47S; then | north 50 W. to a stake; then south 131 W. 100 poles to a stake; then south E. 1G0 poles to the beginning. ' For a tr.or' rerf et description sec or Deeds No. 71 on jwigo No. 17 in ;h office of the Register of 0? . ds ? f the County of Cherokee. N. C. Adjoining the lands of Jim Johnson and Dato Bryant and others. This 2nd day of February. 1924. J. M. SIMONDS, A dminMtratBIIHHWwg deceased, and commissioner. <28-4t-pd) EXECUTOR S NOTICE. Having qualified as Executor of the estate of I.aura Wells, deceased, iate of Cherokee County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at its office in Asheville North Carolina, on or before the 1st day of March, 1925, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AH persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 19th da* of February. 1924. WACHOVIA BANK A TRUST CO.. Executor of Laura Wells By W. B. WILLIAMSON, Assistant Trust Officer. (2&-6t-wbtc) NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of the power of sals contained in a certain deed &f trurt executed bv A. J. C*iv?V ?? the 10th day of November, 1919, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Cherokee County, in Book No. 74, page 27, to secure the payment of the snm of 1350.00, with interest on same front November 10, 1919, evidenced by a note of even date therewith, payable to O. C. Davis and due six months MURPHY. NOR (H CAROLINA BARE OIL DATA ' fcrafiL ?pHBst - iHB^w ar': Important wit::- before th I House Maval < n i i"-'l inquiringt into the Teapot llomv oil loasses, I were potographcd in the Committee from date, and by rea^-n of the a stake on E. boundary j line of No. 263; thence with said line N. 40 K. 63 poles to a chestnut; i tuc seg 1 f February. 1924. T.. F FAYLESS. Trustee. (28-4t-!eb) NORTH CAROLINA?Cherokee County, Superior Court. E. B. King vs. II. Grmnell. NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of the authority vested in me by a certain judgment of the superior rour* of Cherokee County, which said judgnunt whs docketed I October 23, 1923, in judgment dockj ct 18, at page 44. and obtained in ilhe above entitku action, the undersigned Commissioner wil on the < 31st day of March. 1924, at the hour' of 10:00 o'clock a. m., offer for sale at the court house door in the town of Murphy the follow* ug described lands: First Tract, No. 2684. District | No. 7, o nthe waters of Paint Creek and bound as follows: Beginning on a chestnut tree on the line of No. 43. W. of the N. W. 25 E. 90 poles to a ;?take; then R. DO poles to the beginning. Also Tract No. 2612 in District No. 7, on the waters of Paint Creek Beginning on a black jack tree it being the S. E. corner of No. 42, known as the McLillard lot and ran* thence W. with the line of said tract 64 poles to a large chestnut the N. E. corner of No. 4413; thence S. 35 E. 128 poles to a locust; thence E. 64 poles to a dogwood on the S. aide of Paint Creek; thence N. 35 W. 128 ' poles to the beginning, the two tracts ' containing 100 acres, more or leae. ( This land will be sold to the highest bidder and the terras of the sale will be cash. This the 21st day of Feb., 1924. ' RALPH MOODY, Commissioner (28-4t-ebk) NOTICE OF 4AIT OF t_A??r? By virtue of the provisions of a ! deed of trust from R. B. Pickleaimer ' and wife to L. E. Baylesa. trustee, i for W?. Ramsey, dated September 99, 1921, registered in the office of the Register of Deeds tor Cherokee County in Deed Book No. 79> page 372, default having been made la rO COMMITTEE room at the Admiral J. T. ;.a'< ?net\ f'onjrri.^nv n W. II. Oliver :ir?i Fre'T Britten ur.d A imi'.-." !. K. K -i son. Hobbies of Our Senators l| Hunting is the only real outdooi sport, accord, jr to Senator Smith \V. Biookhart of Iowa, shown abo\? | Nearly every week he tramps mile? throu Maryland and Vareinia hilh with his dojf and his pun, in quest ol pranie. A Diving Star of The Movies If .?'!' ? *r * \} - v 10 ' $2 \ '* V W ^ * ' V * . .JJ-f'Jj.W-1 I" II. .1 Vera Stedman, Christie films compdienne and former champion diver of the movies, who has opened a plunjf for the women's department 5t tne new Hollywood Atbietlle Club. the payment of the debt therein secured in the sum of $339.22, with interest thereon from Peb. 19, 1924. and the party bound having demanded that the property be sold under taid deed in trust, the undersigned U u?ie? wiii sett tor cash at publid outcry at the courthouse door to the highest bidder on Thursday, March 20, 1924, the following real estate, situate in Murphy Township, Cherokee County, N. C., vis: Three parcels known as the Church and Watson property, beginning on a stake the S. W. corner of the Voyks line to a stake; then with the I Voyles line to a stake; then West with the Vc-ylcs line to a stake; then [ -South with the Vovlrn lit..- to the wagon road; then with the wagen road and Giibcrt's line to the rightof-way of the Southern Railway and to a stake corner made by R. C. Rich and J. \V. Forrester; thin a Northeast direction a marked conditional line made by Forrester and Rich to the begining, b- ing the property bought from Voyles and Watson; A four acre Vact, mare or less, near the r? rvoir dam and filter of the town of M irphy. b-ginning on a Red Oak and rir.s r.ast to a branch to a whitt oak; thence Northwest ! nek to a : d oak; thence with the Fain and Duke land Hack to the beginning; Five ! its above IT;? Southern Rail, way V" adjoining the lands of >. ami out; , oein^ part ox tn :..urv les ? incr an" fhr &.m?4k: i^. , '.' bv ;h< SuUthc-r "\". ! - a pan " Tract No. 4, new sur| ? of IV! 1 n ar Kiin Mountain, !.< * ;?>-dr ided ! ;. A. A. i aim ! ... J . 1 . 7 ' 1. ' v. a !at is '?n file i offi "f the ;legister of !> known Woodi u.-y TJiirh*. ' < i ! n follows: No. 22. beginning or ' take sri the south boundary line of aid plat corner of Pattor Avenue and fronting on Patton Avenue "2 feet .4 running ha. < foot ailey, a ( magnetic corner of South 86.30 parallel line; No. 23, beginning on a stake on Pation Avenue the northwest corner "f No. 22 and fronting Patton Avenue 72 K t -in 1 running back en fa ' : iih <-f P;Avenue a depth : North l.;ne ".?2 f ai'^r miu ?? III rrowoofl on M*r th* 31. 1921. This March th? 3, 1914. U E. BAYLESS, Trust**. <30-4tleb) * * Subscribe to tbe Scout ii I - "kn?