IF IT ISN'T IN THE SCOUT IT'S BECAUSE WE DIDN'T KNOW IT TSe Official Orgc ? XXXV. No. 23. TO GIVE READING AT SCHOOL HOUSE MONDAY EVENING ?dward A. Thompson Will Give Varied Program of Ciani * and Humorous Selections Murphy mi! the section t<-in ? i.-- ! an 4 torium to give a varied pr -ram cia-.-bal. lyrical and hu.n >u> lections. Mr. Thompson is r. nized as "one of the most artist i? r.d ji. , : ful rt adcr.> > n \ pint :-ni today." iir.U . ly f, ; ate c.rcum la we .in: he will ), roup-ht 1 Murj hy. H - i ing tli ugh th: secti r ???r l is a: n?a: Hiding tour and happens io ! o\. v i:: ll?r; hy or his ?v y t- in North Car ma. t'h ouj.u thv :i :i- of Mrrs. E. t>. Whi* . of : Ige, and Mr .. I.. I\ K;i. M'V. f Murphy, ho has been i da rod t- give a program far the hem fit ii :) .Murphy s ction while j :ng through. Many people here will rcmemh Mr. Ti. >i?11 sou's appi-nrum h? i ahout a year ago and \\ I he glad ? f the opportunity that hi: tvond aj prarance wil aff? rd. Mr. Thomj n is a v iy unusual icaih r. The fai t that hi- 1 *t 1 t \ ?fight has seemed to sharpen his sensr of understanding and interpretation. which makes his r.ading ail the more powerful. i: is i xpected that Ml. Th > ,ip on ivi.l . v-upy the Chi.; el heur at the n ! " 1 Monday m nir.g of ntxt v ok. lie a: ariiv h.;e fro:-. 1; ? Italge, Ga., on > .d.sy ufhrnou?. The admission charge i..is been freed at 25c and 50c .-o that all who ua to may have the . i\ lege of hearing him. UtIVIUtKAiJ 1 U HOLD COUNTY CONVENTION Precinct Meetings Oti April 5th? Will fclli-c. Delegates to State Convention The County l). mown Ac t nv.nlu-n has been called t? meet i:i the c.? t house ?>n Apr:' 12th at 12 ? . -ek. rueui;:.:)i; u- an:.. recently .scat out by Chainsun of tin Ex l cutis. v C. I?. prtcinct conventions haw beta called :\.r the i i: t Saturday A. rA. wtieh viii L. I Ll'ii, .or . a: po.^v t?i naming delegates to the county convention. "The County Convention will name delicate, to the Stale Convention _ ?iid transact ?,r,y ortirr husimss that may properly conio before the bady," Kjii-i i'hc- J ' * . ' V *"'.?> rA > ~; ?':?F ^ i ; ? V sriiteb.- v *?< '' FFORT3 to r duce the ex- j r j 11 at;. rut- from maternal mortality In the United States will continue during the coming year, .. u-dlng to a report read by Haley Flake, president of the Metropolitan Life insurance Company, at the annual convention. Paring l lue.-?.o maternity ?.. > among Metropolis tan pcHey hel-i-r?. * tthe care of public h- ;th n-ar ... either Working dlr-< .!> for the company or under arrung* ment with local L iltli a- K'ia'iotw. Tweinitv^FSv? V Ittir.# of Interest a* Recorded in 1 of a Crntu The Cherokee Scout ' t Published Every TursJay Bj VFWOMPY X. TO WM g 1 editors and Proprietors | I t'KPHY. - NORTH CAROI.IW TCLSDAY MARCH 28. is-.m Tin* vouiily hu. .-suffeied heavily ^ i:i the last few years by 1 ss of bridges from high waters. At least four bridge- haw got to be rebuilt 1 at one.. This is a n?r -sary bardoa or. the tax payer-. r I. h.r. II. Stephen " md v.ife, of N >tia. ti.'op; .a : 1 . sie <"e day t. !::-t week. Til y v ? re r e ,:! mar d. "1 giving C ,r: o up tr*- 4 Juhn I!. Tliomps -i. .'h v. U. (I. A.: >.: and Mi . .Mary .c xan.hr, of Hay. sville, wer. married la-t Thursday at the Alexander Hotel, R v J. T. Stover officiating. 4 The bride is 01 years of gae and is BirJfriflHHI who we learn is 80 year- old. Many all the days that are spared them be of unalloyed happiness. c The protracted meeting is still in progress at the M thodist church. Rev. S. C. Lee, the evangelist, has 1 done some able preaching fur the v past two weeks, and we regret that , he leaves today. However, th. pa?- t tor will continue thi service just as i long ..s any interest is shown. Pre- i i siding Eldtr Campbell conducted the t Wo feel that much ami lasting good ? has bee n accomplished. 'i I. a sai> spectacle ii A woman by the name of Mrs.;; Hollow av and two little children was It here on Thursday aft. inoon on her i way to Blairsville with the corps i of her husband, who died Wedne^-ir day at Andrew*. The woman and 1 'children were thirly clad fro a cold, < March day. Some good men at An- ; s drews sent hiy tenm this far. and but ? lor lite usual Ir.o. ality of some of: c our citizens sue and her children I {would have fnr-d ladly. !c However, as ?wa as the nad | were l.arm-d. ~>'.r .J. 11. Wood* made \ up a purse and onie provi-i?..- fori the destitute widow and orrhnns. 11 Mr. T. D. Dev ocsc sent his teamje with them to i'iairsvilk- wh.-e they;? have relative!. j< While the pocketbcoks of the j i haritably inclined in Murphy have j c not been severely taxed lately, yet: t Cijcn )kee County, and the MURPHY, NORTH CAROLU es Carry On ;e Health Can. To Save Conn: *SS8 HlHi ^os fl*?- t he gxsu -?charity?is a predon lent characteristic* of oui* eitizo U1 prai-? and honor to the. goi icople and may th Lord abmtdan y l:Kis.< them! it. I.. Cit i.t r went to Brysi-n Ci est. r.iay. .1. 1. Smather h.;. had his ret lent re]winii. \V regri t to learn that Rose IV. King is ruits sick. The first train on the Southei n five days reached here Frid: ujrnt. Xt-al Da\iiNon visited his futhci ainily at Tor.iotia sev. ral days la v. eh. .1 i.n ]\l '"ty. .. has troved 1 ' "h **: Jo!-.::" 1 ne: Lavson David;-'>n was hire Satu lay shaking lands with his ma: MODEWM FAIRY GC ov TUACr 1 U1 a a av/ui^ 2 The Manufacturer's Record it ently published what was in its r ults a modern fairy story coneer ng the disc very of great miner vealth in Kit rida sanus near lite .nt where Ponce do L^on land e: turiev r.g in his search for t abl.d Fountain of Youth. Folio' ng a slight chm with the persi ten >f born prospertois. Henry H. But nan and George A. Pritrhard foui ?n a negh cted bench deposits of itarvelous variety of rich earth nu ils. most important being zinor. a and titanium. Incidentally, it a stars that this mine of un.-uapei i! richness re ulteU from the disini rration ami wearing down in pa iges of a gnat mountain ridge th ?nce existed in our own Piedmo: iVhich Lads the Manufacturers* Rt >rd to declare thr.t it "pay^ to be o terving, to scrutinize every clay-be very gravel-pit. eve ry sand-pit. ai v. ry rock outcrop in one's vicinii t is well to be curious enough xamine all theso thing-, or to hu amples of theni * xam;?.ed by o: vh?? Knows.. Buck man and Pritchard happ.n o he men who knew. One was : xpert graduate of Harvard who h, ipecilized in chemistry nnd engl 'cring. The other was an engine ivho had roamed widely gathrrii experience in this and other cou ries. Set king a refractory minei Leading Newspaper in t] CA FRIDAY. MARCH 'JX. 1!'24. . ? ivaiqns ?'7 Gen eration X -rr: - ! v * ' -ji 4 : i^| a#-? *ra r- .nr-litv; th? ir own h'-aldi a.nd the h- alth of Infants. They art! inr.trui". 1 to h- ; in clos- touch on; h a physician -iuri: r pregnancy and to ttiuh atop". provision lor Rood obstetrical Service .u coatincinent. N-w V'ork City li'atla the country in low mortality due to child bearing. The . \ r .Re in that city is dea*lis for ach thousand inoth.-r*--. while the general rjt \ i . i..r .-ach thousand. Nursing . .-tons ;.u-t other agencies throughout ta ountry ate co-op- I .ting wltb Ulc company tn i;d caiut> ? Kx-Sheriff Davidson sent ??ft" his >tatc tax la t weik, amounting to -\*U?89.22. j Mr. W. A. Drysoti and Mi - H tt| lie l'orter, of Andrews, visited rela~ 1 Ives in Franklin last we.k. i . Town Marshal Wat- n was fixinir ii- the approaches t-? th. 1 w -r valley ns ver bridge Friday and Saturday. Mi ? . I>. Il.il W fill 11 *\\ 1 ll? illJP idee Thursday to 1 . ;is?iencd to an agent s place on th A. K. N. ly li. 11. Hyatt I* ft Thusdiy for Atlanta on busints and pleasurer. ll was accompained l>y Mad r Dor.; Towns. oo Mrs. Roht. Hickey left Saturday j for Sweetwater, Tenn., where her m daughter, Mrs. R. L. Jorden, i> dan an j p.rnusly sick. Ii. J. TrueW and Miss Julia Whirr's ukir wne married at the bride's ,si home on Pcnehtrc . March ldth. by Rev. X. H. Barker. is A party of Northern pontkmo a.- arrived h- e Friday nigrht for t'r ? ; u: n.of looic'r.ir ; 1 -v.: n i'- - a tannery. Mrm n.xt week. Dy (Continued on page 2) )LD IS FOUND a UGHT HOW TO LOOK I fur ar. electric furnace, Bucknvun produced a sample of Florida sand, in which Pritchard immediately saw possibility.-. The hunt ended in a ai way to furnish much needs material to the Allies in the war with Gercd many and open en entirely n.w and he richly paying industry. iv ( ertainly it pays to examine :Ji ee day-bank*, grovel and sand-pit.*, k- etc., with the idea of discovering mi precisely what they contain, in qunlls ty ard quantity. Many Western t- No:th Carolina localities contain ml titanifenous magnetite? of much inn tcrest and many possibilities. Th- r. i-t- a Henderson County town named tt- Zlrconia after the mineral zircon, ist The vt ry minerals Buckman and at Pritchard found in the Florida san?i* it. came largely, it is thought, from ?c- North Carolina hills, in which more ib- ot them remains. Intelligent and d, |>ersisttnt pro-peeting and explorand tion would certainly result in a great y. increase in the production of minto oral wraith. vc It will be noted, however, that no these two men wire equipp< d to td that they acted vigorously and inar. dependently on positive tdivence. sd That is puite another matter from n- thocs in North Carolina who arc still crocking oi! not on evidence, but ig j on hope; not in pursuit of the po in-jtive, but in stubborn disavowal of >al 1 all negative indications. | ' his Section of Westerr N. B. Johnson Loses M House In Flames Tuesday morninjy about '? o'clock lames complexly destroyed the> louse and furnj-hinp> of Mr. ami . Irs. \V. li. Johnson, a' .t two ip the Iliawa--.* liiver fr??m Mar >hy. When the family awak'-v ,j ?y th.? crackling1 <>f the f lamps. ??>?? 1 ouse was completely enveloped ivi:!: he blar. and it was with diffieultyj :.:;t the whole family es? < i-d with : i".j.:iy. No fur:.it :re a:.-J iv ??. pieces ot c. <:ning: \\w- m.veil. 1: not known just how the ; rtiil. It is said that there wis a! Lichen brooder in the house and it ; probable that the blaze was start ?i li'W th oil lamp in this exploring. Another theory advanced is .r.i.t rat United matclus. the pro; was a total loss as it was u tailored. IEPUBLICANS TO HOLD CONVENTION ON APRIL 2ND Will Elect Dcl-gatcs To Congrc?sional Convention Meeting in Bryiton City The Ch-rokce County Republican C? r.ver.ii'Ui has been calhtl to met t in Murphy on Wednesday the : liay of April. :u' ordlnp- in a call recently issued by acliug Chairman \V. M. Axley. The ci??-. . will m et for t ^ purpose of naming delegates to the Congressional Conv -ntion. which meets in IJryson City on Saturday. A| r 1 12th. Th. convention will also Iran, act other pertinent business coming bebefore it. MRS. DOLPH CARRINGER VISITING ON PEACHTREE Mrs. Dolph Carringer ami little daughter, Anna Ruth, of Knoxviir arrived Wednesday ?o spend several weeks with her parents, Mr. a id Mrs. II. B. Elliott, of Peach tree, and other relatives in the county. M*-. Carriage:- held- a responsible p -i tion with the City National Ba of Knoxvill-. He is a native f Cherokee County. Hi* many friends h?:v will he glad t,? Ifarn of his recent succes-. In a content between twenty-s ven of the employees of th hank to see which one could secure the greatest number of ntw depositois during a period of sixty da\ Mr. Cat ringer secured more depo.-itors than all the other conteslani combined, then by receiving trie first prize, which was a goodly . urn of money. Mr. C:a*ringr stands high in the .st. en. i me bank ? ." fiends and further success is ahead of him. His friends will follow hi. career with snie est. Revival Meeting At Young Harris A* r-.yival meeting is now in progress at Young Harris College, the meeting Having begun Sunday, March 23rd. It is being attended! with considerable success, according to advices reaching here. Mrs A. II. Brown returned M >nday from Copperhill, Tenn.. where she had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. K. Snow. \T- .....1 It..-. / e i < ?* ..... iiuu . th. year and th< first elimina: ? .- is will be held Friday night ail over the State. Tl. v : : bo: di--us si on this yea oivt i, tha* tli Inter-Al i V. . I> ... Cancelled." iurpry a/ team is repent ,i by !-'"vd barring.r and Garland ib'g an I the negative i !- ius W bi ' and Harvey A!.in. The at'irmative team will dc! :::? Am ? ' ncgativ team in the cho auditorium h : Friday night ti. - v.. k; Murphy's negative in . li n t Almond's affirmative team at Almond; and Almond's negative I am will meet Andrews* affirmative team at Andrews on the em night. The school that win? b th : ides i*i this triangle, just as i. H e many other triangles that have ' een ai angtd over the State for this -aine evening, will have tht right to Chap. 1 Hill and compete for the Aycock Memorial Cup. At Chapel Hill two elimination conu.-ts art held and then the winners if the affirmative and negative side of the quest urn compete in the .'it.nl for the mastery in the debate. These debates were inaugurated in lb CI and have been conducted annually cv.: since that time. Eeach yea!- the name of the school and the individual winners are engraved on the cup. If any school wins the cup a s in succession it becomes th prope rty of that school. During th c' n yea: - that these debates vc ! . : t .nducted only one school ia won th cup twice in succession. Another cup has been provided. j- is . xp. i : td that a large crowd of local citizens will gather at the sch.'oi auditorium Friday evening at J7:b : > hear th: local team defend o a.ffiriiu'.iive of this question. HAYESVILLE TO HAVE STANDARD HIGH SCHOOL An Additional Special School Tu Is %'ctc