IF IT ISN'T IN the scout rs BECAUSE WE DIDN'T KNOW IT The Official Org UJIE XXXV. No. 33. ay county k)urt being held this week Ut Gibbcy Is Exonorated By th? wrt.?Will Probably Adjourn On Friday ye$vi!U\ April IT.?Clay Count,rt is in sesion this week witr . P. A. McElroy presiding, ide from a few minor suits and tr.cn:-. the only case of impor coming up at this term wa; in which Charlie Gibbey, of An !, was charged with nianslaugh or the killing of John Isom las: ier. The defendant was ac t court is expected to adjourn "riday afternoon. phy Branch To Be eluded In Southern Extension Prograrr rordinn to announcements re mail by General Manager R Bpeon. of the Southern Ruilwa] d. in its extensive program ol action of n< w track and siding cmpany will include one or twi ts on the Murphy Branch. A! work is under way on the trea f this division. making then r so that they will withstanc (tvier t ngines, which will maki liblc to pul! l?>nger and fastei to Murphy. In the new pro just announced, will be the con ion of storage tracks at Addie 1 Puts Out Jge Between Library And Court House strict and >auitary force o: wn planted out this week a rov Ifttr inj-lns between the cour snti the we t corner of the Li building, in order to obscun nv f the vacant lot. jaii, etc. th? front street. Col. J. 13 ne k ndly furnished the hedg> (Fain Building louse On Old Sit< M. Pain ha- !>ouun the build new dwelling house on th the Murphy Mills. I PcaH'-d that Mr. Pain's hous r d bv fire a few month le n. structure wil Ik* erec he ?:tme site. It will hi e dwelling, it is understood an's Club To Meet Wednesday reyu monthly meeting o t. s Club will h. held ne* itav n iernoon at 3:15, ac lo v.nrsouncement of officer The announcement e> . ttcr,dunce <>f th w. J^Bus aic-cting. RY TREE GENEF IB STATE FOR ' :! ; 1 of North Carolin >, of which 21.">00 tentml timber land: < f thrc-.- acre?, in ?the now and for n ior.tr tint Krov. timber or nothing* ' area 7,380,000 acrel |BF ^B prixiur-'nt* more or less youn |^Hand -1.200.000 acres are land '^^B*vc la r? deforested, neglect over until they are n a drag to their owne: State. ^^Bese four and a quarter nv. JOB u . ! . lands we add lowl J^Bdl^ui careless burning c jj^B^iv timber lands annua |^B annual estimated money los ^B j^B" ^ ds fit the present rat ^^Bu- '51 :.r O\ vy fort^ ycui |B coo.,| t? that of the entir f'F., Isnds of th. Sat. ^^^prhile th.i- timber, on these a. j from a total of -1 ^^Boar i feet in 10 lb to 30 bi |B^ in 1023. and tr s fi: |^Bion deficit i being added t B'H > -?-g| *^B I Clje ;an of Murphy and Che Wilson High School Wins Final Debate At Chapel Hill Chapel Hill. April 11.?Wilson high school's debating team won the state championship in debating here tonight when it was awarded a decis ion over the Durham high school team l j in a discussion of the question, "Rc! solved. That the Int.r-Allled War [' Debts Should Be Cancelled." Wil. son's team upheld the affirmative of . the question while the Durham young . people defended the n.gative. Rer . resenting Wilson were Miss Katht rt ine Ware and Fred Carr, and the . I members of the Durham team wer. j Miss Lucille Mulholland and Everett i! Weathers poo n. Thi-* is the second 1 tone that Wilson has won the state | championship during the twelve years 1 in which this debate has been conducted. Durham has likewise won the ! state chami ionship twice, and is tht j only school to have won twice in sue cession, ana tneretorc, the my school that has in its permanent po" | session one of tlx. Aycock loving cups. The winner each year has the name ' j of the school and the names of the ^aebatcrs inscribed on the cup and it ' I any school wins the debate any t\v?, * I successive years, the cup becomes its *' property. * H- U M 117-11- u_ j i wi ii, II. vf cus naa Spanish Coin Dated 1712 r i A Spanish coin bearing thi date of 1712 was brought to The Scout ??:" t'ice a few days ago by I)r. II. N. Wills, who came into possession of it in 1902. The coin was found in 7 Y.vlhytown Township. * Dr. Wills came across it a few days, ago when looking through his ^ valuable paper*. The denomination ^ of the in cart not b determined on t account of its being worn. It is i? about the size of a dime and much . thinner, showing the imprint of age ' at.d use. The coin i> *212 year- old. To : make a comparison, it was coined 'twenty years before George Washingwas born and sixty year* before the a Kevoiuimnary war. i nas neon sug" vested thai perhaps Desoto &?<l his band lost thr coin when they came this way on their explorations of disp covery, bui obviously thi< could not 1 have been the case, because Desoto ~ died in 1542, nearly two hundred s years before the coin was made. A: any rate, this is a valuable coin. Phaup Putti-R Mater-al O.i Lot For Dwelling Material i. being pi:.red on the J. f H. Phaup lot near the Preshyterinn ;t church for the construction of a . hnndsom.- dwelling house. Il will bo of brick conduction., of the bunjra(low type and modern in its every ap; nointnunt. The plans and speciflu fclSYO h??PY? WHWWlW and the n work wil be Ui.tler way as ! soon as the material can be procured. tATJON LEES EST GO UP IN SMOKE n At the present rate, it will not b mere than twenty years before we -. shall have cut only the amount of r timber ihnt we grow, e Wl ; this moans i- ? mnhasixed by tlu vi line in th production of lum>? ; oin the peak of 2,227,851.000 f t-: rd feet in UH 4 to 1.246,700.000 g :'d feet in 1020. i? The meaning is clearer when it is l~ realized that the value of this limber o i. ?>. b. th mills increased fror.: a i.".:.:.' per thousand in 1916 t?i ,.-38.12 in 1920. t- I'i r this condition. whi; h already y h .. reduced North Carolina from 4:h ,f :>th place as a timber producer i. within six yea: and caused a 4 J pes i? cent decree, e in production in spiic f a t' tblincr of the price of mcr,c' ehantable limber, the only answer is j i,-.ore growth and a redemption of idle c ' . their economic tmpiayment. Yet for the protection of forest J a practice that cost 21,000.000 acre. 5 of forest lands worth bill ons of dol; t. cv. ry t:e generation, the Suite f. t.f North Carolina i.ow expends foi ;o i4 : > t fi;e prevention $2">.20(:?or source*. ' rokee Comity, laid the MURPHY. NORTH CAROL] POULTRY SPECIAL!! CHEROKEE According to arrangements ju: completed by County Agent H. I Ellis, Poultry Extension Specials ' E. G. Warden, of the State Extensic ' Department, will be in this county t further poultry interests from tt 21st to the 25th of this month. Aj ents Ellis and Warden will visit tfc rious parts of the county and hoi meetings and make talks to those i. terested in improved methods of ca: ing for poultry. Arrangements have been comple > d for holding meetings at the follov ing places during Mr. Warden's stii in the county: Monday. April 21, at 2 p. m.. eas ern time, office of Tri-County New at Andrews. Tuesday, April 22nd. at ii a. it central time, at Kinsev school buib inir; Kanper school building at 1 m.? ct ntral time, Tuesday. April 22r Or. Wednesday. April 2:ird. a o'clock rnetinp. by central time, wi EXPERTS OF FWE l PLAN FOl Reparations Solutions Proposed Th; Would Restore Prosperity and Aaid U. S. president coolidge rows with senat British Labor Government Down Bi Not Entirely Out of The Game By David Loth New York. April 14.?The civi ized world, torn and distracted I war. has been put on the path th leads to at lea4t reasonable prospe ity and as much peace as was enjo ( ed before lt>14. The next few weei will show whether the world h; learned tnouph in suffering to fi low that path. The path has been pointed out 1 a committee of international repar lion experts after three months wor The problem of how much indemi Ge t many must pay France and tl other war victors has kept the rest < the world from oeom.mc recover It has been unfortunately coupb with unreasonable French effort* make G' rmuny pay impossible sur and stubborn German resistance even fair demands. We in America have been as mn i onecrned as anyone. A good pa of our agricultural difficulties a easily traced to European chaos. O surplus products, otuc sold, are lit tinned hack on th- home market ai t i":. price co .-e-'j? ;;t!y forced dov liy j.ist that much. Cor. iuerct si t r uit:: ; * :. u'.tu:c Europe's ! Now a way has been shown which Europe may become out ci trm.r to the same degree she w before the war. The experts, orn\ tri ni the United State.-. Knglai France, Italy and Belgium, have i upon a method which they belie v.-ithout ruining he s:If. The experts have examim \ th- s u?iiion impartially. They say thi r : ort is a purely busir.es documei l'ortuaatcly it is not, for the qui lion can not be seitl. d without takii int.i account the political facti t'.idoubtcdly the experts bore the n mind and thi result shows it. f their report can be -cepted wit ho .'orcinjr any count to admit a dip niatic or political defeat. Summary of P'.an. In brief, the renert ns""1'?:'?.' ih 1 Gciman curreiuv be stabalized : ?hli- hmeut of a new hank for . uirc it. Half the dim r> \\* n .. foreigners so ;;s to p vent ta : ring by the German Govern me; !?:rlin would b p. even I d frc r l;nj? more thaa it in. :v by sy-tcm of *up; rvision ov? her ru . . The chifff suporv. r ?oi r. bably be an American. At fi Germany is to ray only exm n =e3 the Allied! artm - of occupation a 'jtain payments in kind. Aft that she pay*, more and r.i<?r ea year until the total re. -. hes >00 000 annually in 1929. Ti money is to be ohuibted by i*?ui bond again* t cG man railway* a hi? industries, '.hi bond.- to be t.; , v?d over to the Allied Agents. Taxes ar.( to be raised. too, so 1 t akft & Leading Newspaper in t [NA FRIDAY. APRIL 18.1924. 5T TO VISIT COUNTY NEXT WEEK i st j be held at the Peachtree school buildi. '.tig, and ut 2 o'clock on the <ame day, i si by eastern time, a meeting will be in held at the Marble school building, to On Thursday, April 24th, the 9 o'clock met ting will be held at Belle7 view school, and the 1 o'clock meeting will be held at the Little Brass1*5 town school house. On Friday, April 25th, Agent Elli1 ~ and Mr. Warden will be at the agent's office in the court house in Murphy to talk with any who may be int.rosted in better methods of poultry iy i raising. This is an unusual opportunity for k j those engaged in the production of poultry, which includes nearly every , 1 family in the country an 1 many town* i- to consult with a poultry specialist. P- It is epected that these county meetid ( ings will be largely attended and that 9 grea*. good result from the visit of 11 Mr. Warden. NATIONS DEVISE~ R PEACE I N EUROPE at few years a loan of $200,000,000 will be raised. That is where the United States comes in. We will hfflrS t*> pfoviHi' miwt nf the ir.nnpv.ll hut it will not be a government loan. E The private investors will have to be i convinced that all parties concerned ut are loyal to the plan before they will put up their money. The great political achievement of the report is that it calls for France to give up her hold on German Inii dustries in the Ruhr Valley, which jy she seized because Germany would at not pay. But France may keep her I r- troops there if they do not interfere v- with business. That is a settlement k* which both countries can accept as gracefully. 1- One great fault easily seen in the plan is that it does not say how >y long Germany must pay $625,000,u. (100 a year. An even greater menace k. to success are the suspicions of the ty countries most concerned. But the lie Reparation Commission has recomof mended that the governments aey. cept and they probably will. None ?d can fford to offend public opinion to by wrecking Europe's first real n chance at recovery. to President vs. Senate. Another Senatorial investigation c-h Has broken out. Secretary of the ,rt Treasury .Mellon and the Bureau of re Internal Revenue are succeeding oil ur f.nd former Attorney General Daugniw erty as tin objects of inquisition, ml President Uoolidge himself ha? ti; brought the matter from the comii-1 parative i-cuiu- of unon ved char I i. ?- - i - ' ii.Mor import-in. o of an -. ui. l n.lt. : the guidance of Sena* bv t,;>' Cousins. the millionaire from i;!. Michigan, a committee has been goas ing into the l ie: tax rebate* to prom* vn inent concerns, including some of ui. those with which the Secretary of the Trcasiry was int rest. .1. Sr. far ve the testimony has been vague. Mr. .... Cotirens decided n skilled nrr??ecuiur tutttM iv be liii cu and he pro it_ posed to pay such a man himself. Mr. ir I .Mellon promptly wrote a letter to i;j. | I'residr at Ondidge complaining that ...{the invi--tiv.iten was undermining ng his Department's morale. r?. j Mr. Cooi Ivi- immediately wiote Ktej^e Senate that it had gone too far 'or |' ? its it-v .-ligations and hail hett:r ui;1-'it back : the business t.f its i g10.' islation. That hit the Senate on a sore spot. It i* ptoud of ii invest!-! ; gallons v. r.t 'n hav. disclosed e>?rios ! motion i.. the granting f the oil | by leas. ; resulted ! >.ugh: rtv\? forced nation. The Senawr ; . i.M.'otly d .ied t.. pay Mr. t.'oo - V r fr.se. i-'i* Itself, that being the ; iY.sider.i": excuse for his c i.plain. >T?,! Fhen Democratic Senat.r* began j! nouncing Mr Coolidgc for h ? "imji-l". n. i.hitad? toward the S. .--.* dc 1-e ; -M* ?f Missouri even, v.'.n, jst 80 * ?? propose a resolution to of I'xpunjro thi President'- letter froir ji-j ih. <v? r?l. So the way ha- bic:> a r ? < ?< e<l for a f. r-t claat row with one , ch ha* im already that M . Me!-1 . ?m *. be <? easy in his mind j hi; if he \v?.- stop the investisrntior uy ju ; when it '.* hitting close to home, ad 1 *' I'r ?i.ient*s frier. 1, Senator irn W it on. *ed that Gov. Pinchot. j of Penn*-y!v:T:ia, prompted Couzc* *? the ^ n:'vi becn.-e of hi difference.-, ot ?cout his Section of Westeri W. J. Townson Erecting House In Ice Plant Section Mr. W. J. Townson is erecting a dwelling house on lots recently acquired from the Meroney heirs on the Bellevitw road and just beyond the ice plant, though on the opposite posite side of the road. Mr. Townson recently moved to Murphy from near Culberson. He is the father of Messrs. E. L.. IX W.. J. C. and George Townson, who have been in business here ftr several years. Gardners Complain ABout Chickens p..?: . i ivuiiuuig ai Lidrgt' "Complaints are being registered about chickens running at large,, rt -' marked Mayor W. M. Fain the othei day, with whom irate gardeners arclodging complaints. The question , of poultry running at large has been quiet for some time until the touch of spring during the la-t two weeks started planting operations over the town and now the demand that all fowls be confined, is most insistent. The Mayor has announced his intention of rigidly enforcing the city ordinance requiring that all fowls be . kept confined, and it is felt that the j warning wil be all that will be r.eccr sary to cause owners of chickens to, see that their fowls canr.ot escape. Woman's Club To Take Over Park In Square The Woman's Club will assume the responisbility for improving and beautifying the park' in the center of the public square, according to state-; ments recently made by prominent club women of the town. A committee, heaiied by Mrs. John E. Fain, will be in active charge of the work. Grass seed and flowering plants are being procured, it is understood. Call Stock Law Election May 24th At tin meeting' of the County Commissioners last week a stock law election was ordered for the boundary in Murphy Township lying on Owl and Hanging Dog Creeks and surrounding the store of Olen Davis at Grand view. The boundary is fully set out ir. the order for the election, which will be held on the 2-1th day ??f May. A new registration has been ordered tor the election and the books have been ordered ke;.t oyen at U'..n Le vis' store for four successive Saturdays preceding the election, beginl". u> : i'Jih. BIRCH. Mr. Wad. Stiles of Gastonia is ai home with his father for the summer. ? !*-. fid Ci'oikiiuiii, i'i* Gasuaia. i. visiting friends anil relative? at Birch for a few Jays. Mr. Thomn? Payne ha? ? .mj 1 ted his new barn. Mr. 0. P. McCiure made a business Mr. and Mr>i. \V. vV. liar' i. .- it Sunday night with fr?* Istt'v'M n +nits, .Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Tnv: at Mr. and Mrs. \. YV. '.v en : .aurday night with the latter'* ,, nrcnts, Mr. and Mrrs. Thomas Payne. The Sunday seh -1 m-wing ; * Hi . h Creel:. T i t every.>iy . e:v. and keep it growing. Everybody I* v. e'xom . Mr. Sam Greer i- very busy the* days hauling shingles. Fmd 3ej.vc.s has broken the rcc ovd for planting potatoes e?n Beech '"ri ek. He j ut out twenty-five bushels. B iyd Wis- h: - establish., d a now I f her hop at Birch. i ADVERTISE IN THE SCOUT "IT Wll L MAKE YOU RICH" i North Carolina ====== 5c COPY?*1.50 PER YEAR DEMOCRATS HELD CO. CONVENTION LAST SATURDAY Delegate* Named to State Conrad* tion Officer* of Executive Com. mittee Renamed The Democratic County Convention. meeting: in the court house last Saturday at no?n, ehcted delegates to the State Convention, which met in Ral? igh Thursday of this week* and instructed for delegate to the national convention. Mrs." Giles Co ver and Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Walker, of Andrew-; Mr. M. L. Mauney, of Peaehtree, and I)r. -I. N Hill, of Murphy wore the delegates elected to the State convention. AH of the det Spates left for Raleigh Wednesday morning, except Dr. J. N. Hill, who found it impossible to get away from his practice. The convention instructed its delegation t.) vote for Walter E. Moore as the delegate from this Congressional district to the national convention. Mr. Moore is is a native of Jacka< n County. Phil Cox of Asheville. and W. W. Neal, of Marion, are also seeking to be named a# a delegate to the national convention in New York in June. The convention reelected Mr. C, B. Hill a- chairman of the county executive committee and Mr. A. !>. Martin as secretary* Government Sends Kilgore To Europe Raltigh. N. ('., April 14.?According to announcement from the State College of Agriculture, Dean W. B. Kilgore, director of the Experiment Station and Extension Service, has been selected by the Federal Department of Agriculture a- one of nine delegates to represent the United States at the general ass.mbly of the International Institute of Agriculture to be held in Rome, Italy, during the month of May. This trip is arranged for by the Department of State and all expenses are paid by direct appropriation from Congress. The United States maintains a permanent delegate at this Institute and sends its proportionate share of delegates to the general assemblies which meet once every five years. It is considered a very high honor to receive an appointment of this kind anil ceneralle have rendered outstanding service# to a commonwealth or the nation are considered for the honor. It is felt that I>r. Kilgore because of his years of earnest endeavor to improve farnun practices in North Carolina and because of his long connection with, the agricultural educational work of the State has won this deserved honor. He p'nn.s to join the other delegates at New York City and sail for Italy on April 18th. H, will return about the first of June. The International Institute is supported by about 60 nations all of wh;rn send delegates to the general I assemblies. It is housed in a per ma: m building at Rome and donated by jtiie Italian r.otror.. The institute l? the t utgrowth of the d:\ ini of an j American. Davd \ u'-ln, who saw the : need for a {..-.a. iut crnat ional clearing house of agricultural information and who pre.ciivi on the King of Italy to Li th. -.stitut. into being. .Mr Lubiu vas . r mnr.y years permanent m l. ya from the United i States and siptn the last years of his ifc in nvihii.g tlv. put:-, a success. : . WOLF CREEK. M- MaUie 7h iu; >, who was reported as bei.iK very >Ui.. tVom hore i.i>t <vc k, died on W ednesday moil)* ' of the same. She was laid to rest : in the cemetery at Macedonia church i the Rev. F. R. Carter conducting the rnr.cral service Mr. Kan.-on Mull and his brother, "Baddy/* both of Copperhill, spent Sunday uith their sister here, Mrrs. foseph Henson. Some of our Sunday school that have in. en hibcrnatir.p all the winter, arc coming into life again. It is too bad that they cannot live the year a round, and be active all the while. Word has reached here that Mrs. j Oscar Simonds, of Isabella, a former citizen of this place, is seriously I sick with pneumonia, following a t case of the flu. a ?

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