IF IT ISN'T IN THE SCOUT IT'S BECAUSE WE DIDN'T ^ "KNOW IT The Official Orga ' OIX'.ME XXXV. No. 37. ;LAY ORGANIZES JERSEY BREEDERS ASSOCIATION fcrer Herd Sires 3ro'i?n: Into County?Fsrcieri Shipping Cn ,\m To Atianta Ha; > * Ap i! 'i : t ounty j-.u:-.' >rcd JcMy cattle and ha\ u-i'jr.;;. . onij LUd th >:t ( t Iim . i.r-' association t ;'.finer j he interests of the cattle industry J hi Jersey Breed*. A cm. of tht unit-. Hu\ v il . [iauuse and Shooting Cre.-k T wa I I."-, ea-.-h compos.ng a .ni*. T.u ; lay tile unit has purchased a fin.,ii t'atawba County. "Marit*? Oxford,*' which Is two and ef j.a:- old, weighs 1300 o ui-.i or which thi sunt of $300 w;, paid s ei ; stood. The H aw:: Townsh :< unit h: ? -,:t .. i a bull from a h?"i! a* Comicr? i. ('? an i me Shooting Creek . i night the herd -ire of !>r. . Helen, t. .. Th Hia ShootirCr. k unite have !>. i .:i '. ' sey cows. The Association official- expressed i?> h : thai th.-v r.i '<1 - .>? rpum c a ur.it at Brass town and in i of the other townships of the ronty. Quit a number of the farmers of it i <unty arc already shipping cream . Atlanta and others are joining i rtry u w days. The farmer- nr. ojfn ivc and a.c t- >- < ith the county apent :i i.ll dent. _ 'resbyterians To Have Field Representative Here l his Sumrnc P Oarhy Will Di WorL In Havzsvilic and Otktrwiie asist Local Minister : - . i ; tc?l j?. call t-. lo ur.v-.u-" ork in this and adjoining counties n?i. t r.e dire; . . ? f th. ?cil i'ft' i Ftcrian Church, accorjdlns .> stal - | tnt t.cently niad- public by the pas?r and session of the church. lie ill a. . as field representative, h 1: , Tviti' in nearby chuuh.. and oth rot .- . i-,i |iH- |;; 10:. R v. ?*.. G. w-:. . . ir?nr;,' to pn-1 ;i plan*. fl.V MwOachy i.? a student of the ^Brimi Theological t-\ r.inaiy. of i ^Bichm-nd. V.i. it is .. . :cr.:; i o? ; ^Bc v-aior cl.t: > and a* pro;.*.!: S -"R i ' '.1 . K HEerik Carolina gave hint r " imp:i' s or. Aside from being premising i prenchei. Mr. McCitachy has ? ^Bvtry sweet voice art i will bring th ^Hess:.ge t f the evangel In sonv. ... t .ts in s rnion. It i? ex;;. < -i j< he wiii labor in iii's field for p ^Bschiuond to complete his theological; ^Buda-s. nt. will probably begin h ^Bork the latter part of May c>' early.. Mr. A. C. Richmond is in New York ' t ^Bi* week taking orders for knit g ?ods t ^Btparatcry t.. starting the Oak Laaejh nitimg Mills. BfcDREWS WOMAN Pt V . HONOR BY S m recognition was given to the I^vnnn of the State and an unusual K ^Hropliment was paid Mrs- Giles Cov- J 1 by the Democratic State Conver.-1 in session in Raleigh last Thuir- u >' when she was named a delageate ^Bthe National Presidential Convenwhich is to be held in New YorK h latter part of June. Mrs. "Cover ? B ^ of four delegates from this.d ^B?ftre3sional district. Only one e W"r cor esiaonnl district in the * nanCv^ a woman as one of ila j b ^ '^gatcs. ay ho ugh the convention as v ^H*'hole, upon motion by Miss Mary n Graham, named four women from < Hate as a whole out of nine, dele- ? ^Bt(s *t large, which were elected by C e convention. Among the -A ^B^r Was Mis H. M. Berry, of good : B*** faoie throughout the state, ?iv who U greatly* Interested in r H :f bv-i:es> con m)t .n of Murpli> and Che 1 ! ' e , - --fW*r; ,^ tX %> < . fV ' " i . . ; . N "" < - . j fy'-, " * ' - i *. ' 1 ? ! y. -,, rM:% \k\ \ N>: "S WILTON McLKAN. of I.unib ton, N. C.. candidate f r the H'V : X r.iir.ntion for Governb:. Mr. Mvl.vaii i.~ :: armcr, bank-tr ' n iv.j.i man. ami ime who ha? many interest?. He \va dir ctor oi' the \\ ar Finance Corporation for s-.-vi ral year? during the Wilson Administration. lesi^ninx ?o become of a farm loan hank, which is 1 rated in Ivaiei^h and of which k is on of the principal stockholders. H is jointly interested in this and a similar bank in Columbia. S. C., with loricer ; onirics-num A. F. Lever, of p uth Carolina. Opposing Mr. McLean for the nomini.iin on the Democratic ticket is \V. iiailey, prominent lawyer of kaii' a Mr. Hail y ha> for many years shown considerable inters l in ... i ? ai'iai.s in North Carolina. Whichever ? ;' the t\\<> above named candidates wins out in the prl,;ia!j in June will l?e opposed in the i .. a. fall lecAons j,y Colonel Ike Al- i kins, in Flizatu-lh City, who is the gubernatorial Candida.c of tni Republican | arty in this state. Mr. Mm!: n- is a pr tr.iuent attorney of jk.-.t.cr?. Kotth t*5ro!i!?5 * i">il L-oiini i yfor the Stat iliprhwuy C o*. iiii->i ui. Local Boys Enlist In U. S. Navy i". C- it il States Naval recruiting "ffi : . here this week, was successi i:l in at.jlnimr several t n!istin? nts vice in the ervie of Uncle th H?h sen*. J. cU Lloy: i ; ! to . ulist with the navy or.' !a : Saturday and get his papers fix-j ! up and lift i -r Ashevillc V irulay nu rninij ? the fi?st train for cui.r-. K.ank lie !, 11; rue. Fortn.r, Karl 11 or.:-Icy left l' t'r.y morning. and Hunt t ?Vt dnesday mornFr m A .-she-via. the.-e l>oys will : Rvl igh for ftT?:il ex&mina .'ar . ' ! Ja" I.\ y ; "l rv . :t a..mpu-n L Va., ?>r a.. .igui iirht weiks preliminary train rg pe ? d, after which they will be grantd a short furlough home. Then hey will have the opportunity of r.teiinp some particular bxnarh of !?t naval service try may ehoese. Several ether hoys from adjoining! t- i,.-j are ur.dei.-tocu i< have enlist-! cl ..1 >. l ut their nam, s could no: >c 't-.inetl. Chief Stewart r; - j ruiting officer, will be here until V j : il 2i)th. after which he will rc-1 urn to Asheville. Any one wishing o enlist in the naval service can see im hire until the 2t?th at thi Paton House. UD HIGH TATE CONVENTION Mrs. Cover was named by the ounty convention hel dhere on the 2th as a delegate to the state cohention in Raleigh on the 17th. The elcgntes ii-om an me counius in he tenth district gathered in AsheHle to elect the national delegate*I ut failing to agree, pourmyed on i o Raleigh before the balloting was i one. There Mrs. Cover was nam- ] d a delegate scarcely without a dlaenling vote. The honor thus paid | ir was all the more signal since she, ras not a candidate for berth to the I ational convention. The other delgates from this district were: Don j . Eiias, R. L. Whitmore, and J. K laraway. The fourth district named! lis- Elsie Kiddick as one of its del-, gate s. The other women delegates! fho were .naijied by the convention! % a whole. Mrs. Palmer Jer-' > il:> ... Mr*. .1 T iriiiilMliifrfirfriMlli Cfjert rokee County, and the MURI'ltY. NORTH CAROLIS WILL CREATE SUPEF WESTERN NORTH i Raleigh, Arril 10 ? (Speciali? Ti. - ntire slock of the Canton (X. I .' Electric Company was sold today 'v New York interests. aivorcinu to a siaii-ment issued through the North a ad S.euh Carolina Public I tility Information Bureau. Transfer of these power propevr - ip. \Y. >te?n North Carotin is tl: rc.-uit of negotiation- which have li r. conduct.-d f r some time between stockholders and Mr. Fi nk Sjllman Jr., rep nting t' New v. rk t nancioto. Tlr. Silli acted ir. behalf of the seme finnr.ch.' .nlcrt-ts .. hieh :..st year purchased control of the Aorth Carolina Elictricul Power ? ir;\.ny. which supplies to the Ashe v ile Power and Light (' mpany, which in turn serves Asheville ant! the adjacent territ i v. The N-.-rta Caro.ina Electrical Power C..mpan; distributes p;wer al.o to y. id r.tia :. i eoRi.r.ercial consunnrs and to numerous industries in an i abou .' hevilk. supplying a large v.art 01 power requirements of the bit Champion Fib: c C -mpany. c-f Can ion. Tie new ov. r.t rs . ' th. Can. . hav. . i i \!. nsh( electrical divelopnv.nt in t .at ?ect:?r f the state. With the natural ad vantages at har.d and with the pro posed expansions, electric service or i much broader scale wi! 1., avail able for the entir. Westeri: Catoiin: .erritory. The vastly increased pow r supply xpeet d . Ik foilowet Registration Books To Close 9 O'clock Saturday Night T! a rc gistriiif 11 b:oks for toe general election to be he'd on Tutaqcv, May 6.1;, wili close Saturday niijht ot this week, April 2oih, a' nir.c o clock. . Th;s is a new registration out and out and all voters not registered by that time will be unable to vote in the elections. All ha are interested in exercising heir eri -liege of citizenship by way cf iii2 ballot b:x arc urged ij regitter at lh? Murphy Hardware Store befors th?- above mentioned time. AUS'i RALIAN BALLOT SYSTEM TO 3E USED Navies of Ali Candidates Will Go On One Ballot?Deaths 3cing Prepared In Ccurt Room Preparation? are b-. ;i<g matt-- r carrying out the ;tato law i equu i. . the inuuvruiutio.i of '.if Au:.ra i.u buliot system to: nolding election? in Cherokee County. A committee from the town council and the judges of the election are in charge of the preparation?. According to this system, each vitei i'liusl obtain his ticket front the judges at the polling: place on election day and retire to a booth in the ccurt room, where he will be s- parate and apart from any other person and prepare his own ballot, which he will fold and bring: back to the judges to be deposited in the haiiot box. Tne ballot will not be seen after it is prepared until it i? counted at tne end of the day. Thus no individual will know how any other individual voted. Dr. Thompson Heads New Municipal Ticket The following nanus have been certified to the town clerk as candidatefor municipal officials in the coming election on May tith: Dr. J. W. Thompson for mayor, ami Messrs. C. M. Wofford, W. M. Axley, Fred Moore, R. Mattox. T. J. Mauney and Carl Tcwnson for commissioners. Thi.se names were filed on the 22nd as requvrt d by the provisions of the Australian system of balloting, which will be in force here during this elevtion. Mr. T. J. Hampton left Friday morning for Smokcinont, Swain County, N. C., where he has accepted ' portion as superintendent of the o: . 1 c; A. Cr.. ' Fibi". C Hnisi . - ?.?j? . I >kee g Leading Newspaper in t! A FRIDAY AI'RIL i'.'_ 1. '-POWER ZONE IN CAROLINA COUNTIES by consider:.: ! industrial activity, C Mr. Sillma :. in . ductiau r.c*2N>tiation* for the* l';t: ur . : ; -.-.nt- iir::. cial :.itvrest> cIom.v nffiliat! 1 with th ov.reiship tf the c '? "'Me Powi and Li;rht Company ' ! ' h" ' *r.? v. v an !,' :';t ( jwrar.y and th latterV suV.-idia- ' IN \i "r.sidv .able intcw-t. ther? : .r . is attached to tin* acquisition of the Canton plant in its lelat: to .-till 1 greater hydro-elevlr ? devlopn-.L-r.t I f in Wester:-. North Car ?l:i:a. These Involve the instruction of j> wci * plants on Uigeon Biver. in Hay- ^ weed County, preliminary permit.- ^ >n these operations having a'ready ' been granted by the Federal Power | C. n.n.iThe linking of th.s ^ 1 proposed units with th plants already in operation in Mad is n end ' Buncombe Counties would erea ' practically a super-power sy:ten; o! its own for Western North ('. ina. Dtvelopnu r.ts involving ;; powr supply of such proportions will be watchel with interest in industrial ^ circles. K . rds of tv last few years show that the demands for in- ^ du trial j v.\ r in North Car. lira t hav- ex. -C d the ava i.-.i 1 y. I. -! ' With the volume < : pn daetio. , i pr: posed, the.cfore, it is regarded a? lettuin that n* v. industr'es w'l he ati | tractc d to Western Nor:!; Carolina 1 - -.r.d that station will witness an u:i ' ii precedented business boom. Republicans Nominate Hamlin For Congress ! (Jackson Count; Journal) I.ouif P. Hamlin, hanker and attoimy of Brevard, was nominated ? Republican candidate for congress ai'. ..k i nth district Hi ...iblkan conven- > i n in Brys u: C.iy Satardn" after- > . Charles J. Ha:; is. t F-iilsboro, and Fred Hamerick. of Kulki rl'ordton, wen chosen delegate- t? t o Ilepu lioan national convention, and T. H. it<?n, of Brevard, and W. i". ' Fh? mas. of Asheville, w:tv named al N item at i s. John l\ Ensic-y, of Sylva. u v... designated presidential elector J t'r.m the tenth di.-tric . 't dele- v .atcs were instructed to vote r 1 Calvin Coolidgt for the presidential nomination. ^ M:. liamlin accepted the n on: in a- t lien, :.:.d uddusscd the c.uivention j which was attended by about . 200 . ycr The Swain County court 0 room was well idled. l> i.g.uc v.er. present each t the ! "> v untie:-. i!i ii.-.iict i:;nt: \ .... Ueo v.a elected, one rvpies.iitaiive front each county being chosen. These will meet at a later date tc elect the district chairman. The convention was enthusiastic o many stirring speeches being made. t: Everything was unnrlmous fo- the ta Cooliige nomination. The resolution? tl .-ado J .Mr. Coolidge XCT the Kct? publican nomination, lauded the ad ministration of t'lvsiaent Harding , and President Coolidge, and criticised the Democratic state adminis- :i It at ion on the grounds of "extra va- ; gance and inefiiciency." jir .Hamlin, the congressional a nomine.-. opened th. convention at hi dLtrkt chairman, and then turned the meeting ever to 1>. Fiske. ?>i ., I Franklin, who had been elected chair i man ? . the convention. The nomin- ;j ution if Mr. Hamlin was made by r Ralph Fisher, of Brevard, and was by j candidate presented. Dick Clark, of tt I Hendcrsonville, who ha i been taikut of as a candidate was not presented to the convention. i The addresse of welcome was de- h( live red by Gola. 1*. Ferguson, of i ]] Swain County. There were speech, j th by Mr. Hamlin, Thomas Green, ??t fe Haywood, McKinley Edwards, of h Bryson City; Fred Haimrick, ol j tfr Rutherfordton; Col. V. S. Lusk, of n? Asheville; John McElroy, of Ashe- fi ville and others. The session lasted >1 nbout^two hours. Is* Republicans of the 33rd senatorial :ii district also held a convention in is Dry .-on City aSturday. Henry Rob- i at ertson, of Macon (bounty wa- nom- j sr inated candidate for state senator. 1 \ McKinley Edwards, of Biyson. was : h< V 1 district chairman and A. J.' is : i .. Jr., 2 cr. tnry. _ >cout I Kis Section of Westerr THOMPSON SELLS 1 MILL INTEREST j Controlling Interest in CHrmc.jr. I Firbe Company Goes to Cham- 1 pion Pap-r Co. .\>h ville, April 20.? of thf v??4.n.-:unjc interest ne : t>y r ' .r U.I. 'nompson and associate- in the! .'kampion Firbe Corporation. i<.. a I- . Rg the large pulp mill at Canton J! as confirmed today by Reubf n 1 iu-rtson. gen ral nianagt >>f the irhre plant. The preferred stock in :he company is listed at $2,00(5.una md the common stock at $1,000. 000. he general office will be removed v -m (bneinnuta to Hamilton. <>.. the erne office of the Champion Pa; < r .Vmrany. the buying c rtcern, being } ?;-iitd at the latter city. The Champion Paper Company has i tor some years had the contract for, urnishing the United governr.ent with its immense stocK of postal cards and has, b( sided, been . furnishing a large number ot the I real magazines with fine paper forj hose publications. Walter 1). Randall, vice president >i the Champion Coated paper com)anv, at Hamilton, headed tin syndicate which purchased lire Thompson's interest. Mr. Randall anlounced today that improve men is sill be made at the Canton plant a-. t i 1 as the general office, amour.;-J iiig lo ?>0tU00. Reorganization of the board will be ii. :.l a me.ting this week. Mr. Robertson was i.nabic t>> say whither tr.v changes wouiti oc made at the auton plant. Expect to Start Notia Road Work At Early Date According to announce..:.ncntly made by commissioners of ( "< sot la Township Highway Commission is expected that grading on the irk of the Murphy-Coperhill load ..i:c in Notiu Township w.!l bt-_'!n a i iii' nea rfutuve. The b >nds \? < re . .J sometime at:-? and .n.- commlsiontrs arc expecting the nu>r.vy :> inie now. Messrs. T. S. Evans ami ?. L. l.ance. it will 1> remembered, cere awarded the extract some : ra go. 5. A. Voylss Buys Rich & Sloan Store A k.winr. : ? --- - A. Voyks became the owiu I he Hich ?Jc Sloan stock of nierchan ise in the factory;own section, woecently eonsum it. ?! . V h torehci.se. 1 sT -'i YTr r~o~ "T ? A xi - - ? .... V w' WV _ L ? > RECORD NOT \ ' Sir.cc January 1, li?24, there have . i ecurred in Cheroke County 24 .for-1 s st tire.-, according to reports re- i Lived from the forest wnni;-r; in ; le county," wrote District Forester j rri i. Fuicisjii a few days ago. Continuing. the Commissioner t JVS: ; > "The total burned ov. r area ; < mounts to more than 1700 sens. > he fires i anged in size from '> to I 25 acres each. Bight of those fire; -i extinguished by forest wa'd-nsi ofore they had burned ove- It? r ru- i?i woomann; t. 01 mem v. . t jmfini d to an area of less ih::n fifty t L-r.'as each, and only four of the ? re burned over more than 100. I hai is not a complete reeord, how- i ,ei\ as additional reports are exptc- t d. I b The most inter<'ting facte r in mnection with every fir. that or- d iried is that each one might have a on prevented. Some of tht m were t iiberately set out whil others wvrc o ie result of carelessn ss or indif- f rence. It is evident that a ho.-t ot c ie persons who live in or frequent A ie woods of Cherokee County are * v :t aware of the damage that fo< sLs h res do. N-ither are th?*y ? p the fact that when the forest " urns, th. most valuable resources i'. mber?of which the county boast" J it being destroyed. Forest fires are j s . ail times destructive but in the a >rinjr of the year the damage done n * thi m is the greatest. Mature tim- A r as well as growing second-growth v killed or badly injured. The ef- ti ' of the forest wardens will be b ADVERTISE IN THE SCOUT "IT WILL MAKE YOU RICH'* i North Carolina 5l COPY?Sl.r.O PER YEAR Forest Protection Week April 21-27 Chapel Hill, April 18?Bv oroe lam&tion of February 15, setting ipait Apr:! 21 -27 a< Forest Protection We k. Presid-nt Coolidge urged "all citizen?, eiti. : in association or is individual-, all schools and the press of th lurid to give common th ught to th protection of our forests from fire, to the end that, in the future as in the past, these forests may supply us with wood, protect the purity <?f our streams and otherwise -erve ihe people of the United States". In th. as a whole wc are now d:a\ Inn ?.:i remaining supplies of timber four tim s as rapidly as they are plenished by new growth. Ir. N th Carolina our supply of standing timber for the past fifteen or tw niv years have been declining at a rat-- in . xcess of a billion board feet a year, and as the supply diminishes the rate of exhaustion correspondingly increases. If this practice continue . in a very ftw years we wc shall be able to cut only from hand tti mouth such timber as we gri v.. The chief agency of this progressive d-. struct i tr. of our gratest natural resource, is f're. Successive fires not only destroy t xisting timber supplies. but prevent necessary new growth. At present there is an area of 4,200,000 act', of land that should be in fofi-s - which are idle and practically w vthi and to this e. ". mic w. t we are slowly adding l.-y i : -t fires that every year burn ove) :t hoi' xnitiion acn s of timbered h:: 1 at a direct and indirect cost of man.s millions. The Fore try Department of the V Gcoi ui.al and Economic Survey is doing what it can to n :< n'- i at'oil to the need of for. est ii . prevention and in cooperat:n? *it ? - t extinguish and control fires when started. But since four 'i thi.se fires results from hi ;te. iu i- of human agencies the final responsibility is one of citizenship. \ ill n r. ?t a;d the State Forester in the i ffort t > bring home to every iil\ uiv. ! the crisi- of the State'* " rests his personal duty to pracih-r r.r.'i t.ach caution with fire in th? v. .mis as an obligation of civic In this you can aid greatly by bringing ihe facts to the attention of your membercnip either hiring or immediately alter Forest Protection \Vcek, when the subject tviil bo most generally presented to the p.opie thu.-ugh the press of the land. ; C REST FIRE ERY ENCOURAGING futile unless thev have the co-opetv ition of the citizens of the county n the work of preventing forest fires "ppre-rir.g them. That every citizen f the county hculd be iiUcrcstcu in the prottMBM inn of thi i rests from fire is be;ond dispute Very few large stand? >f virgin timber remain. Nature is truggling to r: claim the cutover ands with a stand of second growth. The dim,at . soil and rainfall are deal for the growing of trees, but lature in her efforts is- meeting with hat man-male enemy?fire. The iarve=t*ng of wood products in the ounty furnishes a means for a liveihcod to a large number of its citzens and unles sa glowing crop of rees is at hand that industry Is teund to come to an end. But the demand for forest proncts will never cease. They are n absolute necessity. And that this orrst fire problem i? an important ne is evidenced by the fact that the 'resident of the United States delared the period from April 21 to ip.iril 27. by proclamation, Fire Precntion week. Twenty-six states avc effective organizations whose rimary object it is to protect the oiests from fire. Lumber compan s throughout the country are taking steps to protect not only their tanding timber but the cutover reas as well. The Federal Government is taking the lead in this work, ill recognize the fact that timber rill not grow where fires continue c> burn and we must have the timer.

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