if it isn't in 9 the scout rs because we didnt E know it g TW /'ficial Orgai KhEXXSVA* 38. UNG HARRIS GIRLS ENGAGE IN DEBA': i V HARRIS SOCIETY CETS ' wacussion of standard o ( BEFORE LARGE Harris, Ga.. April 21.?An | h H which has been locked forward: :> interest during the entire t Hwa: staK^d here .Saturday night o 9L. ar. auchnce of enthusiastic:^ ^Krters that filled the Susan B. e fljs Chapel to capacity, when the literary societies held their Susan B. Harris Society, de- .. ^ ng the negative of the question: ti jHolved, that the Tendencies of the! ^Knt Age Threaten to Lower the j ^ ard cf our Womanly Virtue--.' ^9* two to one decision ov. the j a Society upholding the af:irni-i:i Rej renting the affirmativ e ' jl . Mi> s Ciip Booth. Gertrude and I; ian Dawson, and dt> | . Bay th; negative were Misses ^Klu Adam-. Julia Thompson, and, v d? bate was a nip and tuck af| from the very b ginning, the > ?Uiy Ol I ?C UU.l-pa. UD?U? r.T.,.lsfir t to one s;d and the other r the heart* t f the supporters of :i cspective societies first beat fast y anxiety and th n slow with 1' a- >ucn-s ive speeches on either wer presented. Not until the 1 son of the judges was announc- n *erve Eggs Now J For Next Winter iirii-h. N. C..?NosK Vrh 11 o?rg? cheap and plentiful i* the time] Hp at hi ire ami to preserve them < ,ati i for use next winter : they a!v ? 'tree and h>:rh in n i..!\ eiiot;: f ir prt serving the qtRi! given by \. tl. Oliver, poultry cx-l , ion specialist for the State College |; j.nultmv. i "se ynly f esh titan, unwashed that .ire sound of shifi,*w says] Oliver, "Look through them bv] of n good strong light. This wili L t up the cracks nloods or the be- , ing of gcrmim ""ion. Eggs put j v n in March, April and .May art in-. | and cheapest, and it is well to1 0 Hnbe. that one spoiled egg in the I tr glass solution will likely ruin ; wholv lot, so it pays to be careful. Water glass may be obtained at drug store and should be used ] to mi,. niinrt ?f vvntor ir|??? ' line quarts of water. The water! lid 1?. boiled thoroughly and coot-! before mixing the solution. Pour j solution into a clean store jar. j > six-gallon or three four-gallon i will hold thirty dczen The; i at top should be civtred by ] ' least one and one half inches of!1 liquid. Nov., the juts- covered to pre-| t aapurutiun and store in a cool x :e where they will not be dis'.ur- 1 When preserved in this way the s will keep fresh and wholesome il the spring eggs ccme again, jt is it necessary to fill the jar at ; e. Only a few need be placed in jar each day until it is properly ed ami it furnishes a good supply exct Ucnt food and saves money the average household."' 'or those who might wish to pre-e eggc during the next few Wa-w, . Olivt r has a supply of bulletins ling with the matter and will be d to send them to any resident of State who requesui one. Jas: ite u card to A. G. Oliver. Extenn Poultry Specialist, State College Agriculture, Raleigh, and receive ttr copy. rs. Roy Campbell Is Hostess (From Newport Plain Talk! Ob Wednesday Afternoon Mrs. Biphell was a charming hostcs tc out thirty 01 ber friends when she 'citaint d with a card party, in,hon of her sister. Miss Elisabeth 3r.: f 'of Murpji^t who is th.? attrictivc ?se guest* of Mrs. Campbell. The ?*e was^most effectively decorated "* cut flowers, a color scheme of. >k and laacftdar being carried out detail. At *he conclusion of sever-J delightful games, a delicious salad d ice cream were served- Dainty T'l lavendar faandme ,r K*r.d9 i of Murphy and Cher SOCIETIES E SATURDAY NIGHT rwo TO ONE DECISION IN DISF WOMANLY VIRTUES ' AUDIENCE d was there* any abatement of the nxiety of the respective supporters,! ui the anrir.:.u i m*nt of the . to r.c vol. tor ...? negative : the usan B. lias l is jm- mbers and their nthusiast in wild c n.motion us they ushed forward with cortgratulationaP u." their champions. :.i? s:-r.-. Ralph bloody, D. W. kaoy and B. W. Sipe, of . lurphy, were i.e judges. There were several othIh debate, which, he pan at seven rcioc's, v.-s pree.eded hy prayer, and violin duel hy Mi.-ses Missy Burl r.d Sara Thompson. While the utlucs were r.u.king Ih.ir decision. or d cvcral vocal selections. This debate had b< en loohed fo;-- . .ard i.o v..ill iru-:-.st during the enire year, r- ?..;ortance a an event n th Young Hat l is Campus 13 clipsed ct:!.. by the champion dc\.e betw en the hoys' societies at t omaiencemer.t. tvhi?'h has be.:, an , nnual event for a long time. Thi? ( oar was the first time the girls have 1-j an inter-society debate, al- J ! ugh they pertomed like veterans 'hi will probably be made an anual affair. knother House Gets Under Way Through B. & L. Association '1 hous of Mr. L. E. Ca? ucU- ; i .1 I!ill Street, i:i East Murphy, will t ro" ably !.?<. under way this week ilrttrial i being placed on the 1 rrour.d and the brick masons and t nrpcr.ters ate about ready to begin f . . k on it. 'i iu> house is bo ng lUdt through the Murphy Building 1 hvWI Association. r Mr. J. if* Thaup's h>u?c on the lot't tear the Presbyterian church is fuon 5 n get ur.dtr way also. Much of the tutorial has already he en placed. It eil he partly built through the Build rig and Loan Association, it ir Lrstood. ,; Thi Association is demonstrating Ls usefulness and is growing in pop- j 1 rity every day. It is expected ! hat when 1. new series opens the : .?<" .lulv that manv new shares nrill be sold. Tho more shares the i re building can be done. Mr. C. W. Marlette, athletic di- 1 ?ctor of the Ashev.U. University. . i-ited Dr. II. X. Wells the latter ::r . of last week. M -. Marlette is grnndduughter of Dr. Wells. Mr. W. A. Champion spent the v.ek-end in Knoxviile visiting his lis daughter, Irene, who is in train- ' ng at the Fort Sanders Hospital. j Mrs. E. C. Zimmerman is visiting icr sister, Mrs. J. E. Wisenhunt, at Whittier, X. C. ..v>^ . |?^Kp^MPSSfelHK HARLAN FISKE STONE, former Dean of the Columbia University Law School and one of the most wide ly known legal authorities in the country, has been named by President Coolid^e to :ucc:eii Harry M. / ) Cfjerc okee County, and the L MURPHY. NORTH CAROLI H. J. GREISER. ciach, and hi.- .wo proteges of the Red, White and. Blue squad, Josephine McKim, greatvt pill swimmer of her air . and NEW SCHEDULE ON THE L. & N. EFFECTIVE SUN. Trains Will Leave Later and Arrive Earlier?Long Wait at Blue Ridge Eliminat d The announcement by Superir.ten- j Sent Mj-r Sargent thr?<b?.?i s? ion Afffnt J. II. I'haup. that the L N. passenger train schedule- are to ie made more Convenient will be r^eeted W'th nnproval by users of his road in this part nf the country The row schedule wil re into effect | >undav. May 4th, according to the tew tinio tabl.s b'ing sent out by lite roa*Wnnd l/> which >Mr. Sargeant ralh; attention in p communication According to the new schedule the ariy morning train will leave Murhv for Knoxville and Atlanta and 1*11 tntovmediatc points at 4:3a a. m. is has been usual in the past. Th's will enable passengers to make i train to train transfer at Blue Ridge, Ga., which will enable them :o reach Atlanta and Knoxvill: at i.asonablt hours. The trains for Murphy in the afternoon will leave Atlanta at 4:05 and Knoxvill at p. in., so as to reach Blue Ridge it 8:40 p. m., where a train to train transfer will be made so as to reach Murphy at 10:05 p. m. This will elini "n*?te all writ; rX Blue Ridg' and; - re .he t -'.r, r"d .it ol . V'-r>hy -t more converient hours. [ Th:-; rhec-e vvt made at the re most ( f th: Chamber of Commerce and other interested parties who have occasion to use the L. N. trains and who are interested in having thr ( schedules so arranged as to make it inviting for visitors to come to Murphy. Western Union Moves The Western Union Telegraph office was moved into the Dick y and Dickey Motor Company building on Tuesday. April 2J>th, from the second floor of the Davidson building. The move was made so that the office could be made more accessible. It has a first floor space at the Dickey building. SENIOR CLASS PLAY * FRIDAY EVENIN "PROFESSOR PEFP" IS TITLE < LOCAL TALENT AT SCH< NOVEL SITUATI The Senior Class piny will be presrnt'd at the school auditorium Fri day evening of this week. May 2nd. This dramatic production is characterized by many humorous and novel situations and is calculated to be one oi me most popular wings 01 ine sort presented here in a long while Sim Batty, the town constable, and his dealings with the college students will supply an abundance of laughter. The disguises and mistaken di ntity of Howard and C. B. ButlonbusUr, father and disinherited son, will supply an clement of mys,p*y. Professor Pcpp r.nj hlz fear r [ :rst orXxSRy n c'iy n .? >. 1j " . j * f * ikee easing Newspaper in tl N'A FRIDAY. MAY 2. l'.l'J I ^^ f i J " l I Lar.don Gunn, 16-year-old ^champ who hold records at various Atance.- j are making a try for a berth in the American Olympic sjvimming team. Sheep Growers Plan New Methods For 1924 c i ' Raleigh, N*. ?Sheep grower? of s Edgecombe County in u meeting n*? ! b Torboro, recently arranged to put I their own man in the field for shear- a ing sheep this year. Th's is a ,ub ?> staintial improvement ovtr previous p years when a man has been brought i s in from the mountains to ciiu iiiejC sheep. .Some good spring lambs are r coming en and will be shipped out g about June 1. reports G. P. Williams, a Sheep Extension Specialist for the u State College of Agriculture. h .Mr. Williams says, "These planters s, nre making special efforts to get ear lier lambs and are prepati <1 to uc J ome constructive work ar.d some or-. t| iginai sLudy to accomplish this desired | tl end. More cover crops will be plant- f ed for fall and winter use; sum-; of.fi these planters will make experiment!' *. in <> ?n?nll way to determine the valued J of kale, rape, and other such crops .. to be grazed in the field. One plan- a tcr said that by the use of winter t. forage he had wintered his sheep and b raised lamb? to 60 pounds more cheap j tj ly than evey before?having a lot of hay left over that he expected to feed a to the sheep this spring. "Open air methods with green feed|v bring the ewes to lambing in muchI j, better order and the lambs drop a stroin and vigorous. In general, f ^nrapsmr1 ran:> a:. ncir.g use! in i\ igecombc County l>ut i? lew L ot act c ranis will be tried out this rummeb j; to sea it a m.ir<* urif.- habit < ? b early lambing can be bred into the t ^ flocks." :L ' 1! 1 C. A. Brown House i Being Painted j The house of C. A. Brown, on Val j ley River Avenue, and which is 01 | cuj.ii d by by J. B. Storey, is having I much add.d to its appearance and durability by the addition of a coat of paint. Aiso the shutter- are being removed from the* windows which has greatly improved the ap-j pearance. TO BE RENDERED G; MAY THE SECOND OF HUMOROUS PRODUCTION BY ; "UM V I niTrtSII T&? U t MV ivrtiuni irinn i ONS PRESENTED Iter. Add to this an element of o mance and the disgust of a man hater and yoa have about all the situai tions a dramatic production could could present from the gamut of human experi.nee. These are all found i nthis -enior class play and can only be appreciated by Deing seen and heard. It is i xpected that the perheard. j formance will be well attended. if^'The play is being given now in cr! der not to overcrowd the regular I commencement xerciscs at the close of the school from May 23rd to the ' !?Gth The fnll commcnrcmc nt ex T.'.zi . 1 tout lis Section of Westen iAYESViLLE SCHOOI CLOSE ON R. SHARP, OF YOUNG HARRIS, SERV.ON, AND PRESIDENT WILL MAKE LITl Ilayt-sville, April 30. h H:iy - :ii? Hitch School will huld i: com; < it cx? i cist fr i ! " day, ;ay .' n. through A. .vexing, [ay 12th, dii . moanet. lent made public here , id&y by Sur?r:n* . L-nt B. C. .1 An iaing s of cx rclscs have .on planned for ihe closing of Chit :ho? 1 year. L>r. J. A. Sharpe, of Young Har- [ s college, will preach , the com- j ien?.ment sc.mon on Sunday mornig. May 11th, ar.d Dr. II. T. Hunter ' f the Cul.ov.-hce Normal and Incius:ial Svr.nol, will dcliv. r the literary! ticirvss Monday evening. May 12th | The exercises will open Friday aftjrnoon, May 12th, with exercise- by . he first thrc grades, while on Frl-1 ay evening the fourth, fifth, and j iwh, and seventh grades will give! n intedi -ting series of exercises. | S:.a::ti:iy morning a recitation lat More Eggs, Says Dr. Kaupp Raleigh, X. C.,?From field workrs of the extension division come r,iorting that there i an, alarming urplus . i'llu now being produced j y the farm flocks of North Carolina! Jnless egge nr. disposed of to dvantage by the farmers, the extenion workers feel that the growing of oultry as an important part of the afe farming prog! am advocated ty oiiege and dv ir.ient workers Sag cceive a set bach; therefore, it is sug. sted that now while eggs are cheap nd pletiful, they In preserved in rater glass or in lime water for use! iter in the winUr when eggs are| carce and high in price. It is pointed out also by Dr. R. F. iaupp, head of the poultry work of i he State College Experiment Station, j hat eggs furnish a p.rfcct food 'hey a*e rich in minerals, proteins,, ftts and vi'amines. This is proven, he ay?, because they produce si perfect nltnal the chick. This being the case; very ooc could use more eggs to dvantage in the diet. Nor do the ggs lose any of their food valut ecause they sire plentiful and have ccreased in price. They may be used n a great variety of ways and arc hvays nourishing and health giving. It is urgcr, therefore, that houscives ull over the state use mo'.e eggs n the diet during the next few w.eks nd also buy them fresh from the arm for preserving. The extension ivsion has published Exters'on ular Number S7 which gives definit reformation as to how the eggs may c pr. served. Many people are n< ollowing the methods outlined in thl? ircuiBr an*j saving eggs lor the winte months. A card to the Editor, Exension Service, Raleigh. will bring our copy free of charge. ' - ' " The smallest church in the world situated near Fort Atkinson, Iowa It is the St. Anthony Chapel ani seats just eight persons. The chuurc was built in 1848 by F. J. Kuber an John Gortner, who migrated to low from Ohio. ???????? ADVERTISE IN THE SCOUT "IT WILL MAKE n North Carolina 5c COPY?51.50 PF.K YEAR - TO COME TO MAY THE TWELFTH WILL PREACH COMMENCEMENT HUNTER. OF CULLOWHEE. .RASY ADDRESS / oi ntesr will be held while Saturday evening the Senior Class will present their play, entitled. "Professon Pepp it highly humorou- production that is destined to draw a capacity house at the popular admission uricp nf ?-? ? 1 and 25c, which proceeds will be used for the general commencement expenses. In addition to the sermon on Sunj day morning by Dr. Sharp, there will H I he a -pecial sermon in one of the lo' >. al churches in the evening largely j lor the beenfit of the school and patrons. j Dr. Hunt.r's addriss and the ! awarding of diplomas and medals Monday night. May 12th, will close | ??ne of the most succe ssful school j years Hayesviile has enjoyed. The -chool moved into the new building {during the year and was thus enabled to do much more effective work. Poultry Spec-alist In County Last Week Poultry Specialist E. G. Warden, of the State and Federal DepartI mi nts oli Agriculture, in company i with County Agent H. II. Ellis, visited a number of points over the county during the past week in the interest of the poultry industry. Among the point- visited were Andri u s Kins e y . Pea e h t r ? p Marble, Belle view. Little Brasstown, and Murphy. The attendance at those meetings was disapointinly small, according to the report brought back by the officials. In addition to thisc arranged meetings, the agents stopped at a number of individual farm houses and conferred with the occupants about the pouli try industry. A number who attended thej-e Confl'f. nt'fW wall nla?? Ied with what they learned and expressed regret that more of their njjrhtoorsffailed to attend and-^ei v \ the bennit of the experience of a I seasoned poultryman. Excusing iiic lack of better attendance upon these meetings by the fact that it was fair weather, still ihe county agent expressed regret that more people of the county, especially the women, did not avail themselves of the opportunity offerid by the coming of this specialist. 11 was the opinion of Mr. Ellis that if 1 greater interest is not shown in the coming of specialists to the county 1 that the State and Federal authorities will probably be less willing In the future to have them come than thev have in the past. More Boys Are Enilsted In Service of Uncle Sam With the enlistment of William Richardson Hass, of Grandview or. Monday. April 28th, the 11th recruit to Uncle Sam's Navy was secured by Enlistment Officer S. Stewart who has been here during the past ten days working under orders from the Ash.villi Naval recruiting office of the United tSates Navy. Enlisti: . at the same time with Ha?9 Abraham Amos, of Murphy. Other Murphy boys includ cd in the list of recruits are Will and Harley Robinson, Haden Sosebee Oscar Hunt. Jack Lloyd and Wilbur Hickey, and William Meadows. These boys were sent to Asheville. from which point they were transferred to RaL^h for final examination before being s nt to the Hampton Roads, Va., training station. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Hyatt, of Marble, who have l>ecn spending the winter in Florida, returned last Sunday to 3pcnt the summer months. Mrs. E. G. Clary returned Tuesday from an extended visit with her mother, Mrs. Marks, in Columbia, S. C. Mrs. B. Y. Dickson left Monday I, morning for Macon, Ga , to visit u her husband. c* Messrs. C. M. Wofford and E. S. ^ Miller returned Sunday night from d New York and other northern point* a where they have been in the interest of the Wofford-Terrell Co. , i . . ill

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