EAGE TWO _ octo x lelcph The nit th grade er-tertained the seniors with a moonlight picnic last Friday :t ^ht. Mr. Mattex - i -: several . . - in Georgia la-t v. visit'ng i , . . . Mrs. M. A. A Is- : i- in Cincinnati this week visiting h.r <er. who i. ill. Me - - Wrll < ^T. V ; n and Warren E. Kail. : Ashe\ !t. v% r<. Pin Murph; w . ,k in the int-re*: of \Y. tern North CaroMna. Inc. Mrs. H. A S cvrv.hite. Atlanta* Ga.. J a f. v da. ag to spend the ur :.th> in Murphy. ?! - ; _ \ -h M? . A M. Brit! .11. a ri? :> \e?i n Murphy. Mr. W P. P ; ha- -und t necMM y t dy . - . cient f :. . in retail and wh sale st r .1 known and ex; - ? > V PORUB /or I ' nl Ymariy Subscribe To t he Scout r| "aa q FERT1L ?3aial4 nn 4A A ? SIS".* Mp tv <4 . down tc Sold under the 1 BRADLEY'S DETRIGK'S Pfc BOWKER'S \|jjj res R; ror 3 HARRY M. representative wesi Add F5etche Manulai THE AMERICAN AGRIGli i Farmers Fe Spartanburg, Genuine Shiprnan-Ward t Rebuilt * UNDERWOODS ONLY $ Let Us Tell You More About Thit Splendid Typewriter A machine that looks cannot tell it from a br best and squarest type v. Rebuilt Like New Every machine is s:ri fully rebu:Jt. All worn new enamel, new nicke key rings ?a complete, will be proud cc own. Try It for Ten Full Dt Send for a machine, part. Use it for TEN FU it is exactly the genuine type writer we claim it to Easy Monthly Payme Our easy monthly pi YOU to have this splendi are just the same as rent Don't Delay Another You can obtain the m That's good boiinwi, 1 O" That's good judgment. T * certain. For Full Details J THE CHERC ' Personal | ?:o $ rienced W. Ben Gartrell, who. it is understood, will move his family back to Murphy. Their many friends v.i." exten i to th<. m a hearty welcome. Mrs. W. A. Savage ard Burt and George Savage sp. nt the past weekend in Cornelie. Ga~ visiting Mrs Savagi 'r daughter. Mrs. >. M. B ton. Rev. T. L. Sastr *.vii 1 pr . n the comRn netment senr.on next Sunday > morning at Hiawas- e. G ... Ihi> v r1 r.eeessitatt ht> hein-r away from his | church here in the morn rig. but he will return in tin : >r uh evening! service, h? vnnuunct Mr. E. E. Ellas, of Bryson City was in .Murphy th fii-t : .ir: f the w.. k ! >kinc after tato V highway maintenance \\< rk. ! Colonel Pat Haralson, Mi" I. ui*and Conley Haialson md Mr*. F. E Conley. of Blairsville, Ga., were in Murphy last Saturday. >. P-. S. C. H? ijrhway r irn d ? . few day- r?sr > from Jacksonville,! F. :da. when h had 1 -n attending* a vtinc th A an Medical 4 Sod ty. lj Mi-- \>i i i! 1. . in ! -It,' ^ this week us a licit iu ? m.eiirp < ' tl Junior Mi sin: :>ry Societies of th- State. i? waB/iuwiijK?i lima imrm duality" n POT* J I ?l - A a%c.nuai U I1UI a price 'allowing brands ?\ FiSH BRAND KM PATAPSCO ZELL S FOSTER a!e by ROBERTS ERN NORTH CAROLNA ! rest: r, N. C. :iured by iiTiinii niiruimi nn ILIUnfiL linLiTllliAL liU. I rtilUer Works j South Carolina 5 end writes so well that even experts ^r.d-new machine. It's the biggest, riter proposition ever made. ipped right down to the frame, then parts replaced by new. New type. 1, new lettering, new platen, new perfect typewriter. A machine you iys Give it every test. Examine every I.L DAYS. Decide for yourself that . standard Underwood fully rebuilt > be. :nts lymentsplan makes it possible for id machine immediately. Payments ala. Minute?Act Nowi achine on a down payment of $3XXX. You try tbe machine TEN DAYS, hen you'll decide to ksep it. That's i?Call?Pfcons?Writs. j >KEE SCOUT Murphy, N. C.j THE CHMWtg ECOUT. MOT CASH PRIZES AND COMMISSIONS The Southern Magazine, cf X h ville, Tcnn., is luauguratire a ' ' subscript-on campaign in which it l offering subscription w r!:?v o 5 lendid chance to obtain \ irec- cash prize s |n addition to libera ivmis sions. The Southern is the y general tnagaiinr in the entire -i * r.as .? pr am of cor - . vc vice to the 5 ction. T! - : v ever;..:', interested irs th .e.faie of th. South an opp u: ii . lild up u useful Sou v. -tii : u&, while at the same time ensuring :n a pleasant and profita: . cupation. Write t.L.v : sample copy ai.d ?titfit ; jo to work at once! -It li OGREETA The people this section are very busy getting - y to pland corn. Th* ^ xctirk g- ?? somewhat .-! v. c.a.v ..rt of the hotage t fho s. Mr ard M:-. II !> l':orce f A: :ws, u . vsiting friends, and relative1* ... ' .a. Saturday and Sun lov. I p: . :\V. r. Oil <irt. 1 i rcr O ,.'e ta. S a0 Clark. The 'i\ 1 "i ?-f Hr?. I>rtra Titian . <11 : .r-day t pneumonia Fever. 4 Gordon, went io schoolat Whiten r :i-t year and a snlet.dvu ! itit l? y in chool, i.lway- vx.tiug i- t : ; : iv.i: that w 11 not he > on !' : gotten ?y hi icher and >vhoed-cu.*The little child of Mr. f ! nan has h-on vry ill v. itr i im>nia ftaver but M reported bettor at resent. Who will give t. i e moaning and iriorin of the word. "Ocreeta." a. an net answer will he welcome frini iny one. The writer has asked the above ju^tio;; for ;. :o; not; a and nothing he. IN MEMORY OF F.:.L.\ P i A .CUP Mis ri.n S..ii. v?; of Martin's. Creek c.-njui..: tv. ! at r.er home' Sunday December S3rd, li'-tl. She! i - bora April 1 iih. IS71. rv:.s a led her i y > -t tw \ :t'*. The is..:-!; shadow. . f his -'eknesa and hath h i sea*vely fa 1 >! from the house via:. i.e was called away. S!oprofessed t;>th sn Chri-t at the am of loarwen, a: I bwame a member of the M. H Church. South, and remained a faithfal Chi;-.am a ...c OLDij^'o^ TOUWCAT6Q? The choice is larsrclv ud to you. If your blood lacks red corp?uscles, you're going to be fagged and dragged out, you're going to lack "pep," to look sallow and unhealthy, to grow old before your time. DR. MILES' TONIC actually increases the number or red corpusi'.es in the blood. It makes the cheeks plump and rosy, stimulates the digestive organs, creates a healthy appetite, and leads to increased vigor and. vitality. First bottle guaranteed to help you or money refunded. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST atrr. wootw cahocina A LOT OF Folks nei d & lot of lovii The day s all before The car- - . >w, and tho Fo: ! . > God's own Folk ! I Bp of 1 )vi u In the ? .'tic lull, the nv Half-way \ ten th w-kin Wh kerinp and xvt 1* '!.? ht: *. 'o for loving ; V.'' v .r.ly lK*y take At r." a::d tvrn:n Of : he tim > for lov F a lot cf loving . Th. . m pa thy of other Till !i r. from the mor T re Exhcrtatio I. en to the exhcrtatio L k well to th day, : it is 1 fo, the very 1: Ir. it lie the veritie* anc Tiif His- of prowl The fclory ?.f acth r T.'-.c r{-lender of b. "or yt c. .y is but a i ft % i on; Hut ?.] r . w .1 lived m Of 1 ! . : ii \ ; y t -! Th refcre, look v.. 11 to 'f 1. > -vis a mother three btoti r .i ' three sisters, other near r . i\-( - and a host of friends to 1 mourn hi going. She secured a J Lr>> ! <! o of literary training in | early lif.. adding to her u>i o; 1 knowb' from time :o tina. her ideals wrerr of a lofty type. pinw d harae-ter resulted from th. right ice in early lit , of king fii.-t 12:. kingdom of (i d urfd his l.ghtt. ne-s. She \\,.s un.-mning aini .ii->d.st but tuct 1 ??j life sq .rely. Th*. funeral was con*. . at the home by lb \V. S i Hi pi j- in the presence of u throng of I :::: 1 BliightOl . i . . . Wat laid t rist in the Mar in's < r ik ( viiuct r>. A otter day is coniii g. V. morning pro mis .. long. When sleeping saint will be raised To everlasting s<ng. -w. j. m \r-n.w FOR OVER 40 YEARS 1T\LL.*S CATARRH MHPICIKR hi* n used successfully in the treatment . Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MRPICUCE con t.i of an Ointment nhi. h Quickly olteves by local application. ?r?. th* internal Medicine. :i Tnnlr nets .rauRh the Wood ?n tu?- ."lac^v-- sur- | fares. thus reducing the InflMnrtrVcn. Sold by all druggists. F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo. C.:^ Subscribe To The Scout * AT CAN For One Week Calico for Quilt I ft Best Grade $ 1.50 Ladies' C Pink and Orel Japanese Art Li inches wide, yi $2.50 Tub Silk sorted, Stripes wide, Men's Blue Ch< work Shirts ,, Pajama Checks i Best quality, y Special Reducti Garments, Inclu Candler The S0| ""'V igr in the morninp. >, with cares beset? se that give no warning; antidote for fret. r ..t the noontirx? >ment -notched fro:", strife? ip and the croon-time, rrimor.t art rife. at the ni; ht-time, them home to rest? ip-oi:t-th -I pht-tiir. ? , inp. that's the be>t! \ery minute? s and their sm?U ! c.ent they bt-rin it. .p aii the while. n of the Dav/n. n of the D.i at. ! ife of life. 1 realities of your exi ?*. .. I 1 and tomorn v, only makes every yesterday a iiorrow, a vie on of hope, this day! 8 ? !. Harph; Pr I'E I. TTLE W1 J. H. Di lnrd M. W. Tic 11 ?OE>HI. 11 a, E. A. Davidson MORN C. A. Brown "Building tl i ^SS E. C. Mallonee , ^ ^ ( h? ir Lea ,, , Mr.. J. N. Hill ' <H 'tVWicmV Leader: ' ? ??? **> Mrs. J. B. Storey ^ Men's I ;<kr: A1 MOSI'HER" < B. StMiy 1 LCOME FOR 5 IT / F. ARE offtrir?T at pri VV C'-n-rs! Mrrefcssdi.i i Br r on City, N. C. Well rrtal SFE STOCK \1 AND SUBRilT 5E WACHOVIA BANK S EXECUTOR D. K. CO | Ashevills a t .r^ > r * ' t' NJVi 5AVJ WEEK DLER'S DEPARTMENT Only May 3rd i ' EXTRA SPECIALS: s, Best Grade, Yard Coffee with spoon repe Gowns Lingette, all lid 98c quality, ya nen, 36- Shirting Ma ard 59c wide, attra s in As- Y ard . yard Zephyr Gin; $1.98 Proof, 36-i ambray Linen Suitin 69c colors, yar i, 36-in. Silk Crepe F 'ard __ 19c for flowers. ons On All Our Spring ding Suits, Coats, Capes a 's Departmei Big Store With Little Pr MURPHY, N. C. fra?T. M^t.m Tavhcci farmers feeding Uer demonstration methods nIBl soiling at the peak price r^B epttnjber. Several carloads hn^B .cently cone to Itichrnonn, vv/B stor, N. C . nn.^ ^arljtU, X. each case the ^ Tpl yri^H been recc.ved. *7 g Mrs. Josephine Artj^fl f\I I *! I Dc Ycu Need a Tonic? Durham, - * Car.?"Abent ft^B yoarp atro tv.o of try chiHren^M \v hortpinir C< a h badly that ward thvir la: cs ard tubes v. re affected irsm tv* i-us C0Ti-r:r- .. j * Medical * Gjfl W Prortrati n, t? 'gMM V""*? i'fn Josephine \- r . Obtain Dr. i '. ... !& * now trom your d- ,% S^M tablets. U tfc!. ViSMfWH little folk '. P*wiH Ingredient. u '?>r r?:r'okwi^B esoytenan isyi IlTE CHURCH cut " and 7:1", , m E. s. MIIW n**^" T ^ INC, E. W "C p, ntance." Vtcndenn: 6 C. Vi Sang, fl k J. H.U1I. . 5 ,'upt. '?? ?? Kite Fttn?H :n<? PeoplrtH UK WOKSHll' L,<fcr 1? ILL. 8 w **8 " ' "Ic larc ato.-l 0| ?v. Vrcilini, ntriin^ ~ ^ dished J, jiJaeis of AO years. bryson city 1 T LtO TO US B trust COMPANY ii I IMC r\recAccn Mi I STORE M 0 9th, Inclusive fl 1 colors, 75c 9 rd 45c 9 idras, 36 -in. , ctive colors, 9 ghanis. Sun- H n. wide, yd 29c B g, white and H d 65c m 'oplin, all colors 9 Ready-to-Wear .S nd Silk Dreaaea , 9 it Store 1 icei 1 ^ > as=a===

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