PAGE TWO ' 1 '*1 >C ?W??>W8W?i jCoca/ cino lelcph Mrs. J. E. Snow. of Copt-rhill. Tenn arrived Wednesday afternoon from Atlanta. Ga., to visit her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Brown. Mrs Snow has been in Atlanta for -several days taking treatment at a ho-pital. Miss Kate Fauver is spend ire: her vacation with relat:\ - at Vesuvius. Va. She will return by way f M rristewn. Ter.n.. on her way home to visit Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Cr< -ks. Mr. Henry Harris. -:* d'anta. Ga., is visit r.g hi- brother. Mr. R. A. Harris. Misses Bertha Mae C -re. M.-iand Am-: M< rs r-.-rurit i Sur. * from Blue R re. Ga.. v. herhave been attend:r.g h tr Mary P. Willingnam Sch< The Woman's < l ab met W-da- -day afternoon at the Library budd.rj;. LOSP?Or.e white female setter. medium -ize brown spot or two aboot eyes and ears. $10.00 reward. Hadlev Dickey, city. <lt-pd> . tf/vyfox. MOTHER? Fletcher'* Castoi Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething orepareti to relieve Infants in Constipation Flatulency Diarrhea Aids in the assimilation of Food, p <? Natural Sleep withi To i?Ow always iook for th P-oven c?ir-vtinru . 1 .--ir'n package. ] I I It's here no Q IIK wHiiumi * I) ^ Personal \ ;j (MM 20 Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Clark and little daughter. Marion, of Copcrhill, Tenn ; are spending several weeks at the ! Dick, y House. Mrs. Oscar Hendrix returned Saturday to her home in Blue Ridge. Ga after having spent several days here with Mrs. J. \V. Thompson and fa mi ly. Mr--. Hendrix formerly lived in rev. > Wi-:bey last. imr v. - 90-day Porto Rican potato 1 . * th.isand prepaid. May -1 . June 15th delivery. They are .t'.ve. First orders will be filled first. Address J. J. Seay. Tate. Ga. Mr.-. \V. A. Bryson returned a few days ago from an extended visit with relative?. and friends in Chattano-ga. Tenn., and Hantsvillo, Ala. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Brocie. of Cop perniil. T?nn., arrived Tuesday to. be at the led side of Mrs. BrodieV father. Captain Roberson. who is very ill at the t-Rgal Hotel. nr r A 1 V J || vH L J rm 1 f " H ria i* a harmless Substitute for I Drop? and Soothing Syrups, To Sweeten Stomach Regulate Bowels iromoting Cheerfulness, Best, yd out Opiates e signature of I Physicians everywhere recommend i', I I ^T~~> wiv^n* 4. t * UE BIRD ;st Priced Car Tires Standard w. Come in! XTRA F^.t TOLEDO I MOORE I THE CHttOKtfc SCOUt. MUWj Mis3 Mary Bell will give a music. recital at the school auditorium Fri-' day evening: of this week at 7:30} o'clock. She will be assist:d by Misses Elizabeth Ford. Kathryn. Thompson and Evelyn Hill. p Rev. and Mrs. T. L. Sasser. M:ss' Carrie Payne, Mr. J. M. Stoner. Mr. G. H. Cope Mr. C. M. Woffonl. Mrs P. C. Hyatt, are att.nding the Sol- . em Baptist Convention in Atlanta th:> week. FOR SALE?Seventeen a .r lan" with good hou e; also one lot with; four-room house. For further par-j ticulars se? L. W. Brittain. City. 140-4t-pd) Mrs. A. J. Martin returned fr :.. Albany. Gn., Sunday afternoon, where she ha sspent the win:., months. She is visiting relatives :r! Andrews this week. I Mr. A. C. Richmond returned from Ashevilie luc-day, where he has been visiting his family. FOR SALE?One Florence Oil Stove : Apply a: Bungalow. (lt> v a Mr. T. J. Lloyd, of near Young ^ Harr s. Ga.. was a business visitor :n Murphy Wednesday. Mrs. Henry Axley and little da ugh * ter. Elanor Marian, left Wednesday ^ for an extericd visit with Mrs. Axley's grandmother in Talh tton, Ga. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Tom Axley return.d Tuesday from Atlanta where they have been visiting Mr. Axley's sister. a FOR SALE- A tract of land containing 33 acres, 12 acres in cul- 11 tivation. balance in t.mber; near Martin's Creek school hou^e, in a ^ mile of Dixie Highway. For terms, 1 see R. G. Trull, Route 1. Murphy, 1 X. C. (39-2tjhh) a FOR SALE?One pair good mares eight years old, weight about 1100 pounds. Will work anywhere. W. A. Boyd, Peachtree. i (2t-pd) \"(i ' !i FOR SALE?Two houses with four, ro cache; one with bath; one en I 'i acre lot, and one on half-acre' lot; close in. Prices right. For fur-1 ther information see Mrs. J. X. j Moody, City. <40-3t)P A farm.r of Xew Hanover County! is growing an acre of Dili Weed for: a pickle company. This is still an-. other new crop for the Old Tarhee' ~ State. ! Amm sunburn? IMENTHOLATUMJ j ~ ir conservation , if A younjr woman who was v r d in an Eastern irr. ; ;J i : . a poultry journal that poaLrv-ra.s-; inp was remunerative, so she decided 1 ^0 try it. She purchased a licit and ! set her on thirteen ejrgs. She wrote j to a poultry journal that poultry- : raisins was much to her likinjr. and | wonderc d how lonp the hen should j remain on the egrgs. The paper ' wrote back: "Three weeks for chicken and four weeks for ducks." Later I she wrote to the poultry journal as | follows: "Many thanks for your advice about the setting hen. Sh remained on the nest throe wcA ks, i and at the end of that time there1 were no chickens hatched. As I did ; not care for ducks. i took her off the ; nest and sold the eprgs." CATARRH of head or throat is usually benefited by the vapors of? Q?r 17 MfilMom Jar* t/^ Ymarjy J Don't forget the convention of j farm men and women at State ColI lege on July 23, 24 and 25. Come' ' prepared to spend the three days. GHIGHESTERS PILLS DIAMOND BRAND LADIE5) f Aak Jmmr o ?*lrt for Ciri-CmSS-TKR ? A DIAMOND BRAND PIDLS in Rno and /a\ Gold metallic bo*es. sealed with Ribbon. Taib ko OTHrs. Bit m( t.w# V/ ?> **>? m4 Mk for CUI-CUEB-TtBC V BUXOKB brand PH.i.g, for twenty*** year* refi^rded at Beat.Safest. Always Reliable. | SULI) BY ALL DRUGGISTS j 3?? EVERYWHERE v : ?3kL & J PHT. WOKTM CAMOt-IWA BUY THE MAK^N'S ^ 1 from . Cherokee Manufacturing Campa:;y rIRE LOSS IN STATE NARLY HALF MILLION, "The March fire loss for Xorth 'arcLna v.:. $406,366, a compared "ith $544,135 for March of last year nd $864,251 for February of this ear.*' says the May Bull tiun of the tate Insuienee Department. I The value of , roperty at ?i ?: as $2,717,693, with : surance inolved of $1,786,291. Value of uildinjrs, $1,711,385; contents 1.006.308. Insurance on buildings. 1.200.505; contents, $585,788. o,-s on buildnigs, $237,032; cor.t nt? ',y 134. A further direction of statistical table tmbiasizes the ctual money value of waterworks tul fire departments. There wer f 07 fires during: March. In 21 of the ities with organized protection there ere 148 fires, with loss of $125.23, and values at risk of $1,972,4S. while theer were but 45 fires i all the other towns of the State - loss aggregated $252,443 out of value of $710,035. Carrying the urast further, th. table shows that ut of 13 rural and suburban fires, it hpropertv at risk of $35,410, the s= was $28,498. This absolute test f the value of water and organized re departments is more plainly L-monstrated :n th* figures for town ndcountry dwellings: in 113 town fires with property risk of, 491,000, the los- was $03,460; !r hereas in the 8 remaining rural welling fires property value of $14,75, the l??vs was $-10,1 18. In this connection, however. Coml ssionei* Wade states that in ail arts of the State there is a wonder ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? I L Warm AT CAN] F< W< Ladies' Patent < Belts, silver an covered Buckle Fancy Pearl am Buttons, dozen New Bungalow 2 for 36-in. White, P and Brown Dr? Yard _ canton Crepe, $ All colors, yar Alltyme & Krep Dress Silks, Big Reduction o Capes. Get ou 300 Pair of Me Less Than OneCandler The I ^ ' * . ... ill awakening by officials in large nd small towns to the benefits from i sanitation and fire protection land point of adequate water and ire organization facilities. So great s th's i_iOgr?ss in the way of adaiti>ns in old towns that have outgrown heir epuipnients for fire department ,nd water and for entirely ntw intallations, he has in course of prearation a special department bulletn carrying detailed information as o this progress accomplished or in ontemplaticn for the pa.*t year. These figures, he says, will surprise .vtn the born boosters into loudei : raise of the old State's up-to-dei less, and will inevitable accelerate the patent present fire lots icd-<In the ! st of cause? of fires skingl roofs and defectives flues k c, Kui with 80, followed by unknown Go. o.l stoves 14. and 0 each of adjo imng building, inc:nuiary and soiok ing. Three of the latter were thi small town, where smoking see met it-\ . .. during March. The classes of property afire in elude 123 dwelling-, 1C stores. 7 eash ot burines buildings and fac lories, and 1G outhons. , where r. lubatorcs or brooders with oil heat ;.c ap"iiance.s used. There were 18 fires where the oss equaled cr exceeded $5,00, wit! tola: loss of $283,928, Laving 3 t?Tutfs Pills ?7 | Enable Dyspeptics to eat whatever I they wish. Cause food to assimilate. I Nourish the bedy, give appetite. DEVELOP FLESH E-G- cur?tor Presbyterii . SUNDAY, W J. H. Dulard M. W. Bell WORSHIP?11 E. A. Davidson MOR C. A. Brown ..X,!e Organist: Mrs. r\"F E. C. Mallonee , _. Trust ^ e Choir Leader: Mrs. J. N. Hill *^ea Women's Leader: Sunday S.'hool 11 Mrs. J. B. Storey Men's Leader: ATMOSPHERE J. B. Storey I |ffl WELCOM FOR WE ARE offering at p General Merchandise Rrv.nn r:... M f IU -w?. ~. i*. v. wwtu esc SEE STOCK AT AND SUBMIT B WACHOVIA BANK , EXECUTOR D. K. C Ashevili W eather 3 DLER'5 DEPARTMEN OR ONE WEEK OP i Want Your Mail Orde ind Kid value, yai d self Jap Art L; ;s 25c wide, yar< d Crystal Lingette ai 25c Crepe, ya Aprons, Apron Gin $1.00 Ladies' Ne ink, Blue Hats _ ;ss Linens 50 Big Sun 65c 500 yards 13.50 vaL, Calico, yj d .. $2.75 Men's $1.2 ? J_I O..!. c ucLiCCil JUKS $2.50 Men's Pah n All Ladies' Spring Sui ir Prices First! n's, Women's and Childi Half Cost! s Departme Big Store With Little F MURPHY, N. C. . , a. w y ?* 1 Friday. May 10, 114 1 loss of only $127,438 for the other j 190 fires. Chief heavy losses came from two dwellings at Gibson and Clarktoa, with combined loss $80,500. A tobncco prizory at Oxford $44,000. garage and autos at Kinston $26,. 000, business block at Marion 275, business building at Belize $14,000, 3 dwellings at* Balnjtau $14,000, ice and coal plant at (!bJy lotte $18,000, and factAy at wff.| mington $12,500. 4 I? Mrs. /i. ?. rrsao?r A Mother's Story! Young Mothers Should Heed This Advice Charlotte, N. Car.?fI am elad to recommend Dr. Pierre's Favorite ' Prescription to the young mother 1 who has need of a tonic and nervine, a for I am very sure it was of. benefit to me in my own young motherhood. It quiets the nerves and strengthens every part of the body." Mrs. A. R. Weaver, 807 N. Davidson St. You better go now to your nearest druggist and obtain this wonderful woman's tonic, the Prescription of Dr. Pierce to be had in tablets or liquid; or write Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.. for free medical advice. Send 10c for trial nkg. tablets. in Church IAY 18, 1924 Deacon.: am and 7:30 pm E" S" Mil1" R. S. Parker XING T. W. Hampton Ferryman" J. B. Storey XING B W Si?* th eLord" Attendance: v..r??:8(i p. m/ c- w- s?*t? t ti in ? Membership: , tt a. m., J. II. D.l- , v . rr Mis* Kate Fauver Supt. Young People's | OF WORSHIP Leader: E TO ALL j B. W. Sip* SALE rivfrte sale a large stock of of D. K. Collins, deceased, ablisfied business of 4G years* BRYSON CITY EST BID TO US & TRUST COMPANY OLL1NS, DECEASED le, N. C. peciaks T STORE iLY! :ra! rd _ $2.00 nen, yard d 59c , id Lingerie .rd 45c ghams, yd __ 9c w Spring $1.48 V I i P" 1 i nar? IOC 10c Quilt ird 5c !5 Union 98c n Beach Suits. its, Coats and en's Shoes at nt Store v+ Vices m J d

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