Fr^7. M.y 13. 1?14 Tj LEGAL W" NOTICE OF SALE. I ?K^ca?#lina ?Cherokee I j ^ving been made in the J] o^L( of the debt due and owing ] M. Mary H. Norveh and secured 1 e/Hjgd of trust executed by Will 1 f wife. Cora Hart, to me as 1 K which deed of trust is dated i 15, 1921, and registered in( register of deeds for Chero- f ^Kgoty. in Deed Book No. 76, on ' KV1?. etc.. I will sell, by virtue;' Htfr and authority vested in me ' ^Egce by the terms of said deed j' on the 2nd day of June, i *^Bjt bein^f thc" first Monday of 1 jenth. at public outcry at the 1 I~"w?Lnsp door in Murphy, at the (ff 11 o'clock a. in., lots Nos. [pd twelve in the "Norvell Ad, to Texanna", it being the real icenvtyed to me as trustee by fill Hart and Cora Hart, i April 30, 1924. L. E. BAYLESS, Trustee. CE STOCK LAW ELECTION. J the regular meeting of the; i of County Commissioners of iiee County. North Carolina, K 7th nay of April, 1924, a peris presented to the said Board ore than one-fifth of the quallTOter? f said boundary in Murgvnship, Cherokee County, i Carolina, hereinafter describid ret out asking that an election ?ed by the said board to vote id stock law election or against law in said boundary. It is td by the Board of County Comners of Cherokee County, i Carolina, in regular session on jrrt Monday in April, 1924, that fcction be held under the rules Relations of the General Elechws of tin? State of North Cari at Olen Davis' store in said toy hereinafter set out on the day of May, 1924, to vote for i law or against stock law in the rag territory, viz: inning on the Will High Top he present stock law line; then tie top of the mountain between y River arid Owl Creek to the JUFE HIS By spccia: The Cherokee late Presidents subscriptions tc "THE L Daniels, is of large ty and is cons Daniels wa became Pri as well as the Navy, derstandinj should be cause he is These books are other ne wor renewal, **nt them for yoursel L L Ha. i - ADVERTISED lead of Owl Creek; then with the top >f the mountain between Owl Creek i?*iu Hcuiglug Dog lu uic Sam tup; then with a ridge to Hanging Dog Creek; crossing the creek with the ine between Z. B. Odell and C. C.! Mills; then with a ridge running to ihe top of the mountain between Hanging Dog and Davis Creek; then with the top of the mountain to the Davis Trail Gap; then straight line to the G. W. Davis ford; then with the public road to the Allen Gap; then with the Murphy and Beaver-1 lam Township line to the Beavcrlam Gap; then with the present stock law line to the beginning. And for the purpose of said election, it is further ordered that a new registration of all of the qualified voters be made in said boundary set\ out above. It is further ordered by the Board of County Commissioners that Theodore Lovingood be appointed as registrar of said election and that C. C. Hass and John Mulkey be appointed as judges. It is furthered ordered that the register books be opened at Olen Davis' store in said boundary for those desiring to vote on the 19th day of April, 1924, and each Saturday thereafter for four successive weeks and said election to he on the 24th day of May, 1924, those in favor of stock law shall vote on c written or printed ticket of usual size "For Stock Law"; those opposed to stocklaw shall vote on a written or printed ticket of usual size, "Against Stock Law." it is further ordered that .-aid election be conducted and hi Id in the same manner and way as the General Flection and that due return be made' of the stock law election to this' Board. S. W. LOVINGOOD, Chm. Board of County Commissioners' A. M. SIMONDS, Ex-officio Clerk to' Board. (1fi-4t-co) j NORTH CAROLINA?Cherokee | County. To A. M. Simonds, Entry Taker for Cherokee County: The undersigned C. H. Dockery, of Cherokee County, North Carolina, enters and lays claim to the following piece or parcel of land, ii? Murphy Township, Cherokee County, State of North Carolina, the same being vaTORIES I AND I arrangement w Scout is offering Woodrow Wilsc >The Scout. IFE OF WOODROW W1 just off the press, it is a 1 pe, contains many pictu: lidered absolutely reliable s a close friend of Mr. Wi 5sident of the United Stat his close association with from 191 3 to 1921, gives I as perhaps few other i especially attractive to N a North Carolinian. selling at book stores for or for $1.10 with each si tves and children. DO N BSSv 55 The Le I THE CHEROKEE SCOUT, Ml /IENTS ]: 1 X! cant and unappropriated land3 and subject to entry, viz.: : -r _ LI..1. i. . .rr- *<C5iiiUiu^ uti a uwt& uun cui UCI of A. J. Dockery's lands; then east to a top of a ridge with Henry Dock- ^ ery's land; then south with the top of a ridge to a rock; then north with ^ J. H. Dockery's land to the beginning, containing Ten acres, more or less. and various so to as to include all the ^ vacant land in this section, contain- n ing by estimation ten acres. Signed C. H. OOCKERY. " Entered the 7th day of April, 192-1 NORTH CAROLINA?Cherokee County. All persons are hereby notified ^ that a warrant of survey will be issued to C. H. Doekery for the above N described land if there is no protest filed in this office. f This the 22nd day of April, 192-!. !! A. M. SIMONDS. * Register of Deeds of Cherokee * County, North Carolina, ExOfficio Entry Taker for Chcro- 3 kec County, N. C. (37-4t-chd) n 11 l i' NORTH CAROLINA?Cherokee f v-uuruy?in inv superior Liourt. j i Mary H. Norvell and husband, Ed-' ( mund B. Norvell, and L. E. Bay- r lcs=, Trustee, Plaintiffs, J i vs. j 'I Roscoe Bowman, Hannah Stewart, t Troy Bowman, Walter Bowman, j 1 and Beatrice Bowman, the last t two named being minors under 1 twenty-one years of ape, Dc- 5 fendants. ] The defendants, Roscoe Bowman i and Walter Bowman, above named, | will take notice that an action en- s titled as above has been commenced t in the superior court of Cherokee J County to foreclose a deed of trust executed by Georgia Bowman, deceased, and Walter Bowman on lot No. 14 in Norvell addition to Texanna in which the said defendants are in- , terested, the -aid Georgia Bowman being their mother; and the said Roscoe Bowman and Walter Bowman | defendants above named are required j to appear before* the clerk of the superior court for Cherokee County at ! his office in the court house in Mur- j ! i hy on the 23rd day of .June. 1924..' ! and answer or demur to the com' plaint in said action, or the plain- < JF PRESil ? HARDINi nth the publishen , at about one-thi >n and Warren G LSON," by Josephus volume of 38 i pages, res arid illustrations, : and authentic. Mr. lson before the latter es, and this intimacy him as Secretary of !\rt_ 5 iVXI. L/cUllCIO an Utr nen had. His book lorth Carolinians be$2.50 each. They may be x months subscription to 1 OT DELAY! Samples of IE C.HF.Rr Biding Newspaper In This MURPHY, NOR JRgHV, NORTH CAROLINA ffs will apply to the court for the lief demanded in said complaint hich is on file in said clerk's office, fitness my hand this 22nd day of [ay, 1924. E. E. DAVIS, Clerk Superior Court for Cherokee County, N. C. (41-4tebn) OT1CE TO DIVIDE BEAVERDAM TOWNSHIP. 0 Whom It May Concern: This is to notify you that a petion and an application will be pre;nted to the Board of County Comii*<>ioners at their next regular tec ting of said board in their office t Murphy, Cherokee County, N. C. n the 2nd day of June, 1*j24, b\ lore than fifty free holders of Beavrdam Township, by cutting off the I. C., for the division of said Beav rdam Township, by cutting of tin i. W. end of said township for the urpose of creating a new town hij 1 tc known sr.d de-Sg-ated "l?nni iidge Township"; beginning on tin J. E. Bank of Hiawassee River a he N. C. and Tennessee state lin< nd running up said river to th< nouth of Beaverdam Creek, then uj he N. E. side of said creek to th< nouth of the creek that runs dowi rom J. N. Garrett and J. W. Shakle ord's, then up said creek to th 'aney Branch road, then with sail oud and E. course to the top of th idge between S. W. Thompson's an< f. T. Thompson'?, then with the to; .? said ridge a N. course to the Johi lurner Bryson top, and from sai< op with the dividing ridge to th rennessee state line, and with th aid state line to the b< ginning o: liawasce River, and that two votini irecincts be retained as they are a present. All parties opposing tin itme will make their protect? hefor :he said Board on the 2nd day o lune, 1924. This 1st day of May, 1924. L. B. TAYLOR, MANCE MURPHY, LESTER TAYLOR. Citizens and free holdirs of Beat crdam Township, Cherokee County N. C. SALE UNDER TRUST Under and by virture of the powc of sale contained in a certain dee of trust dated February 19th, 192: executed by F. H. Clonts and wifl JENTS W n ADI7 \ nivij xv 3 and in an effc rd the publihers . Harding in co "THE LIFE OF Fletcher Johnson, history from the si power of the Whit History of Ameri< versity, and autho and the Great War This is a large vc large, clear type, contains an authen r . 1 i r> 1 or the ZVth f resid s had for $1.00 each wit! [*he Scout, either new o the books may be seen >KEE SC( Section of Western No; :TH CAROLIf Georgia Clontr, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for . Cherokee Country, North Carolina, in Book No. 74, at page 200, conveying the lands hereinafter described to the undersigned trustee, to secure the payment of a certain note of even date with this deed of trust in the sum of $460.76, with interest from I January 1, 1924, and defeault having been made in the payment of said note, and the powery of sale having become operative, and the holder of said note having demanded foreclosure of said deed of trust, the un dirsigned trustee, for the purpose of setisfying said note and the cost of sale, will c?n Saturday the 21st day of June,, 1924, between the legal - hours of sale, sell to the highest bid? der for cash at the court house door - in Murphy, at public sale the follow ing described real estate: ? A certain tract of land, lying and II being in Cherokee County, adjoinrling the lands of E. D. Mason, J. W. r i.. . - - 1 ? .Montgomery, and others, with the [ road to Persimmon Greek; thence e up said creek to the point where E. e A. Montgom ry land line comes t 7 the creek; thence East with the said e E. A. Montgomery line to the line a of J. TV. Montgomery's land; thence near North with the said .1. W. Mori e tgomery line to th? top of the Forgo j Hill to a rock corno: near the public e road; thence a straight line neai d West to the point of Beginning, con p taining 18 acres, more or less, and a ; being a part of the Mark Hall land dj This th 19th day of May, 1924 t- W. N. Anderson, e j Trustee nl (41-4t-$3; 1.) *j OGRF.ETA e | (Last Wi L*k's Letter) e i Rev Dike Doogan of Unaka preach ed a ve-y interesting sermon a Ogretta Sunday. Miss Fannie Odom has just return ed from Asheville, where sh- has heci visiting her sister, Mrs. R. I.. Pierce Miss Effie Johnson was in Mur - i phy la;t week on busintss. Mr. J. P. John-on was in Andrew I Monday on business. Mr Dewey Lloyd of Andrews ha \ joined the navy, and his family 1 " visiting Mrs. Sarah Johnson for short time. j MMMtr m TLSON m & rvr1 i * r 1AUL AV >rt to be of servic prices, the authe nnection with rer " WARREN G. HARD1N( was published in 1 923, am mple life of the farm to th< te House. Mr. Johnson is :an Foreign Relations, Ne r of 1 he Life of Sherrnar for Humanity and Freedo lume of nearly 300 page . '.I I 1 !11 witn many Deauurui liius itic record of the early life ; ent of the United States. Ii yearly subscriptions to >r renewal These are sta: i at this office. )UT rth Carolina 4A PAGE THREE United States Not Maintaining Its Full Quota Of Ships | Washington, D. C. May 10?Acs J cording to a statement made public j here to day by Assistant Secretary of the Navy Roosevelt, the United States is not maintain# her navy 44 the strength provided for at the ars? conference held in Washington sc*? , time ago. "If the strength of Great j Brittain's navy is five and that of Japan three, then ours would be classed as four," he said. What will result from the making public of the real situatirfti with regard to the strength of the United States navy remains to be seen. There was a great deal of excitement at Ogreeta last Wednesday, caused by th. burning of the Whitcomb dwelling house, in which MrJ. W. Ode? The damage of the WhitcomY house is estimated around while that of Mr. Odom waj abo^tf $300. The fire caught from the stove pipe while dinner was being prepared and the weather being hot and windy, in a few minute- the fire got such headway it could not be checked and the dwelling house and other buildings soon went down in flames. 1 We very much regret the . | tune of both parties concerned. Among lh ? e on the sick list this week n-e: .Mrs. Gcorgie Chambers Mrs. J. M. Chambers, Mr. R. VT. Martin, and Miss (Jwend 1 in Mariirv We hope they will all recover soot R v. W. I). Hoirscd will p each at Ogr.tta, Saturday and Sunday. I If the i is any one who wishes t? register in Ogre ta Precinct sec W. R. Martin. i * For First-Class SHOE REPAIRING Come to TILSON'S ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP James M. Capps, Manager Murphy N. C. . We Pay Parcel Post one way in 5tV Mile Zone (a29} Subscribe To The Scout ~?~~1 AILABLE :e to its readers ;ntic lives of the lewals and new j," by vVillis J is a graphic I e glamor and I Professor of I w York Uni- 1 t," "America ? m," etc., etc. 1 s, printed in 1 trations, and 5 and struggles | The Cherokee Scout, I ndard works. You will I H H 1 \ . s

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